Zig Forums patrols the border



Armed civilians are detaining migrants at the border. The (((ACLU))) wants them (((investigated)))

>The (((American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico))) disagrees with the group calling their actions, “unlawful.”

>In a letter sent to New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas, (((ACLU))) officials request they “investigate an armed vigilante group currently engaged in the unlawful detention of hundreds of migrants near New Mexico’s southern border.”

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gas the kikes race war now. enslave the beaners these tomatoes aint gunna pick themselves.


Yeah and afterwards their leader was arrested by the fed cocksuckers and they were cut off by (((paypal))) and (((gofundme))).

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epic, simply epic.

Just so you're not misinformed; he was arrested for being a felon in possession of a firearm, not for the border patrolling.

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Yeah I'm sure its completely unrelated.

"at this point, what difference does it make?"

Even if "detained/arrested", they just get turned over to BP/ICE which currently has NOTHING about deporting anyone. Its all just first step to getting gibs and permanent legal status, and even if "not legal" NOTHING happens.

This is ALL on Trump. There shouldn't have been anything for these guys to do after Feb 2017. There should've been "changing of the guard" ceremony where Trump thanked these guys for "holding the line" and then a bunch of regular US Army and NG units would officially get their orders.

Trump is first real Clown POTUS. Not even Obama was this Clown, ever.

Is it purely because of the executive branch though? Or does congress or the senate have some say (even if just by veto)?
I haven't brushed up on my civics in a while

Oh, by the way, since we're talking about illegal immigration, I should point out that one option that neither democrats nor republicans ever speak about is the fact that local law enforcement rarely ever punish the employers of illegal migrants.
In fact, I remember working out of The Dalles Oregon, and my boss (a Mexican) pointed out the exact spot where the cops park ONCE a year at the end of cherry picking season to pick up laborers and haul them back to where ever, only for a new batch of workers to come in the next spring. All this despite most people in the area being "conservative". It's also really easy to find cocaine and heroin in that part of Oregon. I'm convinced that if orchard owners, dairy farmers, and all other employers of illegal labor were actually penalized, we wouldn't have nearly as big of an illegal immigration problem.

It's the judges (mostly district courts) blocking most of what little Trump attempts to do, as well as what was already on the books years before he came into office. Take the IIRAIRA for example, passed while Clinton was president, it has what most normal Americans would call sensible border enforcement, i.e. Aliens are fined for attempting to enter, those already here illegally cannot attempt to come again for ten years and most importantly, INS (disestablished in 2003, also a part of the problem it that it's split up between three agencies, ICE, Customs and Border Patrol and US Customs and Immigration) agents could decide an illegals case without judicial oversight, freeing up the backlog that allows the judge to give the illegal a court date, which 90% don't show up and are never seen again (until they kill someone, are arrested and given deportation orders, which they also don't abide by). Courts basically say now we have to review every case individually, they can't even be told to stay in Mexico while we process their fabricated asylum claims. They rush the border agents, allowing the drug runners and smugglers to pass while the agents are busy processing them.

True, also they fact that they are allowed to use our hospitals, schools, and collect gibs is an abomination.

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That's what you get for not being violent.

There's a time for everything, frens. A season for all things.

Whoops, embed destroyed the pics.

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Nice fucking country.

>they were cut off by (((paypal))) and (((gofundme))).
That's what crypto is for.

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Isn't pointing guns at spics what got the Oath Keepers fucked too?

Of course it's fucking related, moron. My point is, he made it easy for them to justify it.

This really. I should add that violence isn't quite enough, though. You need a will to be violent. You also need a will to be as dirty, underhanded, and cheap as possible too. You need to have that victory at all costs mentality. Anything less is how you get cucks.

Yes. That will is needed. The only way to get it is to throw off the shackles of your ideology that makes you a 'hypocrite' and get shit done.

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Update your memes, so they stay fresh.

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Give me 10,000 thick rebars and I'll have 30,000 niggers impaled 12 feet high in the air

If the world continues down its current path then I will do my best to supply you. God speed Greek.

You know you're ready for race war when you're able to watch that webm while eating.

Do your best to harden yourself strelok

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you need better sedevacantist memes

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Why the fuck did they have to brag about it on faceberg? When will normalfags learn not to share bad goy activities on instagram or twatter.

y is k so bad

I cannot wait for the day when .webms of my crimes against the turks will make stuff like this look like family-friendly youtube content.

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Only when the US will no longer be the kind of all-powerful tool in the hands of the international jew could the fury of the European world be satisfied with the blood of the arabs and turks.

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Now the feds are claiming he was plotting to kill Obama, Hillary, and Soros. Probably going to use it as an excuse to crack down on the whole militia.

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Sure, some anons are serious sometimes, but that doesn't mean you can put someone in jail for it.

There aren't any social media posts or evidence.
Its 100% the feds making up shit so they can crack down on the whole militia.

The thing is, there's no price for them to pay if the public realizes it's a lie because anyone in some alphabet soup agency doing shady business and killing people in cases like Ruby Ridge are never held accountable.
State protected murder.

All it takes is 2 ballsy people to put a stop to this. First, someone with lots of money and a will to sacrifice everything. Second, someone skilled and willing to accept the job even if it's the riskiest assassination job he's ever been issued.
Or, preferably, just 1 person willing to do the job by himself.
Kill them, kill them all. Blow their brains out wherever you see them. Bankers, politicians, everyone

It surprises me how people don't see this coming 10 miles away and always take claims at face value even though no evidence is presented.

Just wait for the appropriate moment after an ackbaring. It will be by far more effective to draw attention to the islamic cancer and more difficult to memory hole an incident if your attack seems provoked.

Btw why did we not have any major chimpout here? Are sandniggers somehow afraid that we are not cucked enough and retaliate or are they paradoxically competent enough to taqiyya themselves to the point they reached enough population for a full Erdoghan-assisted reconquista?

Nothing like federal immunity for all accents so it's not like they even through anybody of their own under the bus. That nip sniper is now working for troy now.

Are you the captain? How was your journey user? Did you sink any somali niggers?

no wait I'm fucking retarded. Same ID

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grrrr no headpats today (T∩T)

Here's a litmus test for republicans. "Would you have preferred that the group of 300 illegal migrants have snuck into the country giving that the official border patrol does not have enough resources? If they had managed to enter the country we're talking years of court hearings, and millions of dollars of court costs. By then they would have had kids which would have made it much more difficult to deport the 300 illegal migrants."

Sorry, doubleposting is sort of my retard signature.

Now he was attacked in prison, ribs broken.
Probably by some cartel members or communists.

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Oh and the whole militia has cucked out and will leave.

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My money's on the cartelfags or "adjusted" immigrants who were caught stealing.

Wouldn't surprise me of New Mexico's mexican immigrants busted them because they don't want their gambling cousin Pedro shot when he jumps over the border. But the fact that they ran out so easily means they probably got some nasty threats, probably from people in power working with the Cartel.

They should have refused to leave until our country protects the border like they have been doing. What the fuck are the pigs going to do? A stand off would still mean no one in the area would be crossing the border. Worse case they get waco'd and become martyrs.

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uh maybe, but more likely they're boomers that think "Trump's got this now".

this isnt even a fedpost tbh

the zogbots are just waving them through.

>Have to be interrogated by a literal kike to not get a tourist visa and pay 300 bucks for the privilege every time you attempt it took me only 2 attempts, 2nd wasn't with a jew somehow.
EPIC, absolutely epic
I'm likely to believe that removing visas to USA in Poland would ruin the perception of America (and now only 50~% approval rating) as land of freedom and liberty where everyone open carries big guns and wears cowboy hats inbetween lynching nigs and eating steaks.
My travels sure accomplished that.

Image source?

I'm pretty sure the Exec Branch (State Dept etc) can deport and/or deny any non-citizen on there sole say-so. That is why Trump's "Muslim" ban was approved.
Further, POTUS has pretty much unlimited powers to "protect the nation".
Hint: We didn't have Fed district judges ruling the landing craft couldn't be used on D-Day until they installed gender-neutral bathrooms.

What we have now is defacto 3300 Fed Judges all as "co-POTUS" merely because Trump is a pussy.

Its supposed to be 3 co-equal branches.

We don't need any courts to deport Wetbacks, because we aren't charging them with crimes. Its just like when State Troopers close a road due to snow and ORDER you where to drive.

Deporting Wetbacks same thing, we are just helping some little lost lambs find their way back home.

Yes, even worse he is continuing to listen to the "Immigration judges" employed by DHS who have no actual legal authority and are paper pushers he could fire instantly and deny all asylum applicants.
Instead as they rubber stamp, he wants to hire more of them so they can approve more beaners faster.
There are so many explicitly legally provided ways for POTUS to act but he wont.

Kritocracy. Read the pedia page.
1803 nigger.

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i came here to post this.
you know its not Zig Forums because theres no wanton distruction.

Also how's that ceremonial looking dagger they usef called?

And how well are you guys handling you shitskin migrants, I would like to ask?

Disappointed that last one wasn't navy seal pasta

I recommend being careful about your IP greece user unless you already are and your not greek

Smart people are waiting for the boogaloo before they do things like this.

It truly is a different thing when you understand the language completely

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