As much as I love the church traditions, hymns, prayer, and the whole nine yards, I find myself constantly flip flopping internally about the Christian faith. Mainly because so many stories in the Bible seem incredulous to me (two people populating the earth, mana falling from the sky, a world wide flood, etc). I have tried my hardest to believe in those passages, but it seems too ridiculous to me. There’s also the issue of how salvation is dispensed. It seems like people are screwed if a missionary doesn’t get to them in time. It wouldn’t make sense for god to automatically save people who hadn’t heard the gospel because that defeats the purpose of evangelism. But it isn’t consistent for god to say that he wants all men to be saved, and yet doesn’t give all men the resources to get saved.
However, atheism doesn’t benefit me in the sightest. When I embraced atheism, I indulge in the sensual appetite because that’s all there is in life, apparently. And that only turned me into a gross pervert and a glutton. I started liking transsexuals, grannies, and little boys. I also developed a muscle and sub fetish.
I like many aspects of Gnosticism (I.e. reincarnation, pacifism, vegetarianism), but it doesn’t seem like Gnosticism is particularly historic. It came about much later than classical Christianity. Basically, I don’t know what to do now. Maybe I’m being attacked by Satan, but I’m at the end of my rope, spiritually.
This is what happens when you treat Christianity like some man-made ideology.
Justin Brown
You sound like a retarded hippie, OP. Maybe you should spend more time studying theology and the teaching of the Chur h instead of thinking about "vibrations and energy and stuff dude weed lmao"
Kevin Thompson
Who in the hell would want to live in this world again? GAAAAYYYYY!
Matthew Brooks
Right, because that is the most important part of my post. Why do I even bother coming here? The people here are not at all helpful or charitable. I’m deleting this thread if no one is willing to give me helpful advice. winnie the pooh you all.
Robert Jackson
user, now everything in scripture is supposed to be historic fact. Much of it is parable, metaphor, poetry and etc. Of course you don't understand it yourself, because nobody really understands it all by themselves. If you have questions, then look to reputed Christian scholars and priests who can answer them in whatever fields they specialize. Like just recently I still had doubts about Abraham's line and Exodus. Then an user old me about the doc Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. Set me back on the path again.
Christian Bennett
Thanks for the advice. You were very helpful and respectful. And you two twats (i.e. >>668827) should take lessons from him! Is this how you guys deal with everyone who has doubts and questions? Get some social skills, please.
Hunter Butler
These verses are the ones that make me, a lukewarm Christian (basically Jeffersonian, I love the philosophy of Christ but can't bring myself to have faith) fear meeting Jesus more than anything. Something tells me you might learn from them, OP.
Oliver Gray
For this, you have to research and come to your own conclusions. Believe me, I know appearances of other faiths are very tempting, and this coming from a man who routinely cycles between belief and non-belief. Things like aesthetics, at times, can do most of the work of conversion for the faith. My best word of advice on your problems with certain, let's just say, less believable Christian teachings is that God speaks in parables, where even though they aren't true where they happened, they are true that in the messages they convey are completely true. Nevertheless, I hope you find your faith, whatever it is (even though I hope you return to the church).
Andrew Campbell
you skiped the middle verse man. That proves if you believe you need works you go to hell.
Jeremiah Cruz
I don't get what about that verse is so bad, He hates hypocrisy.
When I hear that verse I think of Joel Osteen burning in hell. I don't see what's wrong with that.
Hunter Jenkins
To answer your question OP, a good theology starts off with the crucifixion and resurrection as the central Christian story and sees echoes of it throughout the Old Testament.
CS Lewis when discussing the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe essentially said that the whole book is based upon the lantern in the middle of the Witch's forest which the children see at the beginning of the story. The light on the post in the middle of a world gripped by the witch's evil reflects Christ crucified in the fallen world gripped by Satan. This idea is recapitulated when the Lion sacrifices himself before the battle between good and evil at the end of the book.
Like with the story, so with the gospel, all the little stories of the OT are vignettes in which themes are developed which are later revealed as important when the Logos is made Flesh, which has cosmic significance, since the Logos (Christ) existed since the beginning viz. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning there was the Logos and the Logos was with God."
Do you have a solid foundation for belief in God, first off? If no then you need to work on that before approaching the bible and committing yourself to Jesus, imo. Once you're solid in faith in God as he's classically been conceived and how the other conceptions of God/the ultimate reality are deficient then the incredulous bible stories you mention become incredible and credible due to the possibility of miracles.
Noah Clark
Basically, you don't need to believe manna fell from heaven or a world flood happened to be a Christian. See
Basically you have think like a storyteller and not like a scientist, the people who wrote the Bible didn't have science. This isn't to say that for a Christian, that the sciences can't be a new sort-of retelling of the story of the Logos. This is why physicists tend to have interesting spiritual ideas even when they are not Christian.
Caleb Hall
Simply throwing out part of scripture or pretending it didn't happen because modern "scholars" want to interpret it that way isn't Christian. Christ taught that those events truly happened, and contradicting Him is not of God.
Grayson Scott
To be honest, I’m not sure. I “converted” back in 2013, but that was solely due to weird things happening to me during the summer. I was under a lot of stress, so I might have had a slight episode. Started hearing voices and became really paranoid. I listened to testimonies of “witches and warlocks” who converted to Christ. Scared the hell out of me. But my faith wavered continually.
In short, I think I only converted out of fear.
Owen Jenkins
My post wasn't intended to preclude the possibility of those stories being just that, some sort of stories that didn't literally happen (as ultimately, i don't know, although personally I am inclined to a literalism of sorts in most cases) but the point was is that once faith in God is given, OPs problem with these stories really should be a non-issue and isn't a valid excuse to jump off the boat. One needs a more fundamental objection than he can't see these OT stories in the bible being true (objection to the story of the ressurection in the NT would count as a fundamental objection).
Also re: physicists, anecdotal but nonetheless it's been my experience that they're some of the most close minded lot you can find, where anything metaphysical doesn't count as an explanation for thembut then I live in Godless Blighty. Also do not put faith in science, the best science can tell us about anything is that 'we haven't proven this false…yet ' Theories change to fit new data accrued, to put faith in that is to build your house on sand (note I'm not dissing science, only the faith that some people put in it)
Levi Hill
Ah well mate, everyone has their own reasons for converting and different paths they took to get where they are, but whatever the case once we've arrived (or if you don't think you have properly yet, before you arrive) it's important you exercise your spiritual and, to an extent, intellectual muscles (just don't make the latter the foundation) to understand what you're getting into and try to put any mustard seed of faith you have into practice to allow the opportunity for God to water it and make it grow. You have a lot more research and enquiring to do which will be a great journey of discovery. Keep praying for faith and hope and it will be given to you.
Let me dreg up a few posts made in the past few weeks that might help you along the way
(Sorry the first lot a so bleddy waffly)
Ryder King
Physicists are an interesting lot, I imagine that a lot of them are closed minded, but the best ones usually are not. Einstein is usually cited because he was fond of Spinoza, and really tried to push his theories to reflect the divine simplicity one would expect of a naturalistic God. Usually they get stuck on theological naturalism though, whereas we have a supernatural God.
Jacob Clark
Look hippie, all that information is available in a million sites for people who actually want answers, and not tlak abput how the truth is uncharitable.
You seem unable to deal with anything that contradicts you. Get some social skills, and some actual proteins.
Thomas Russell
St. Augustine had the exact same problem vis a vis the concubines of the Hebrew Fathers and anthropomorphize of God in the OT, and it's the reason he was a manichean for so many years. The Bible is ludicrously difficult text to unpack; so my advice to you is to read up more on the Church Fathers and strive for a deeper understanding of the Faith. The Church has always held that if one is not introduced to the divine law, they will still be saved if they live according to the natural law. In other words, if they follow the good as informed by their conscience and avoid evil, they can still be saved. The problem is that even among those who have the divine law, very few choose to actually follow it, renounce the world, and live for God, despite how light his yoke is. People tend to have a very distorted view of, say, the middle ages, wherein they think that everyone was perfectly pious and basically born and bred for heaven, when in reality they were, on the whole, just as dismissive of the truth then as they are now. Many are called, but few are chosen. Everyone gets the graces necessary for salvation, but few, even those with the sacraments, choose it.
crap did I not clarify I was laughing at you and not OP, mb
Julian Smith
The people are both helpful and charitable if you're a Christian. What they aren't is your feel-good counselor to make you feel better about your failings. Rather, they want to purge them out of you and save you. That takes you acknowledging harsh realities. You're luke-warm man. You have no conviction. You're on a path to eternal hell. It doesn't matter what's instinctive to you- if you devoted your time and energy to reasoning the truth you'd realize Christianity -is- the truth Anyway, get saved, or enjoy your nihilism.
Gabriel Ramirez
What it means to me moreso is he seeks a personal relationship which in my mind is impossible since I'm such a piece of shit I'd never want to ever see him face-to-face. If he's real I dread the day I meet him, thats my point.
Daniel Torres
Christians could believe in reincarnation, veggie, and pacifism. I somehow agree with reincarnation but this isnt really about that. Its about finding the truth and that is Jesus Christ.
Nolan Cruz
Not yet apparently. You are still looking clarity in your quest for Christ.
Not really, the law is written upon all our hearts. For those who seek righteousness, at the hour of their death they will be given a chance to witness, repent, and believe. Our Lord accounts for all.
Hearing the word of God means more chance of not going to the eternal BBQ-pit. There were people whom did not received the gospel yet given the chance because they seek righteousness by the laws written in their hearts. But those who did not follow in law in their hearts nor have heard of it, they NEEDED the gospels, hence evangelism. Again, our Lord accounts for all.
Yeah, I know that I did not back those up with theology, philosophy, etc. It is not that those are worthless or anything; they are means to understand the nature of our Lord but not absolute nor complete. The only proper method is through faith. I have faith our Lord is righteousness and goodness, whose mercy is infinite and He accounts for all of His children.
Gnosticism treats spiritual things as science and craft, one would as well measure sound with a ruler. That is why it is treated as non-sense, a dangerous non-sense which promotes hubris and pride in which one would thought to outwit the Lord.
Samuel Diaz
You don’t have to be an asshole in order to be stern and truthful. Plenty of people in this thread have given me their advice without being disrespectful. I’m so sick of this “tough love” meme.
Logan Wilson
Why don’t you kiss my @ss and get the fu¢k out of my thread, okay? Why waste your time if you aren’t going to be helpful?
Matthew Ortiz
Huh, that’s an interesting take on the matter. I’ll have to check our more Patristic writings.
Liam Martinez
Look at this retard
Sebastian Lopez
13 For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another; Romans 2:13-15
Nolan Russell
I wonder if this correlation implies a causation
Owen Clark
trash and abominable. I cant believe that someone actually likes this ok, thats not at all bad they were vegetarian, not because they loved animals, but because they hated them and considered them and any living creature and anything connected to recreation to be impure and evil. This also meant that they looked down on vaginal sex (because, you know, recreation, the main purpose of this process) and instead preferred sodomy.
Blake Walker
Procreation user, recreation is something else.
Nicholas Edwards
I don't know for certain if the Book of Genesis is literal or not. But I do know that what it contains is still true in one sense or another. Sometimes it's okay to not know.
I don't know if you're trolling or not, but it's a possibility.
I mean, the idea itself isn't that bad. It is one solution to the savage pagan issue. That is, the savage out in the jungle that has never heard the name of Christ. And I know that one user mentioned that people could be saved if they follow the natural law, but that seems dangerously close to Pelagianism to me
I glad someone else thinks so. Violence is horrible.
I've never heard of that before. I heard that many gnostics (particularly Cathars) didn't eat animals because they contain reincarnated people or something along those lines.
As in homosexuality, or non-procreative sex? To be honest, I like the latter. But I guess I'm a fag for liking trannies and muscles. So much to the point where I will convulse and pass out after masturbating to trannies, little boys, and muscular men and women.
I guess that is where faith comes into play, huh? I'm a very scientific/logically minded individual, so it's hard for me to accept things that I can't know. I guess I have to pray more.
Yeah the gnostic boogeyman. I can argue against and for gnosticism btw.
Ethan Bennett
You need to look into why Christians believe evolution is a lie. Start with Kent Hovind on YouTube.
Jordan Powell
This post made me laugh, and now I feel like I shouldn't be laughing at this.
OP since this seems like an emergency situation I think I would recommend The Lily of the Field or Bird of the Air discourses by Kierkegaard. Very short and easy read. Don't trust internet anons to give you solid sprirtual advice. Some of these people could even be trolls.
Parker Green
The greatest evil is not violent at all, and violence does not have to be violent. You are revealing a disgusting, hedonistic, leftist mindset filled with degeneracy.
Also, stop talking about how logical you are when you know nothing abojt logic and the resr of the words "" enlightened"" leftists love to parrot
Ian Ramirez
B-But I know the law of non-contradiction :’( Seriously, I don’t know why you would say something like that.
You realize IDs are on and everyone can see your samefagging, right?
Colton Robinson
In regards to salvation for the ignorant, there is a passage in 2 Peter that addresses this. 2 Peter 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
Also, I can't remember it off the top of my head, but there was a part where Jesus says that those who have heard His word and seen His works ought to know better than to turn away from His teachings.
Jackson Miller
Where did you get the impression that I was trying to pretend to be two diffferent people??? Did it ever occur to you that I overlooked that part of his post, and decided to critique that as well? I hate how so many people on this board just assume the worst about you without just reasons. You can go fu¢k yourself too, motherfu¢ker!!!