Mexican soldiers dissarm US solders on American soil

Why did these fucking cucks lay down their weapons? Would you be allowed to shoot them in this situation?

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They gave up because the US is weak. It loses everywhere it deploys. It has thousands of troops and some of its latest, greatest weaponry occupying Germany and the Germans literally laughed in their face when they told them to stop building a gas pipeline to Russia. Everyone knows the US is a joke.

The US has been retarded enough to build the fence… NOT ON THEIR BORDER???
Especially not using the fucking natural obstacle?

It's no fucking wonder the mexicans thinks it's their side of the border.
De facto this is tantamount to recognizing that the border is NOT the fucking Rio Grande and the mexican army has control all the way to the fence.

Can anyone find the time when a spic helicopter started firing on border troops back in August(?) 2015? It got memoryholed so hard that I'm wondering if it was a fake article.

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Fuck my weak country. Just reconquista my shit up fambourghini.
The beaners can have California, I hope it falls into the ocean.

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Google it, nigger.

Shit like this happens pretty frequently on both sides with everyone. The soldiers would've probably been the target of a court martial if they shot because of the state of the US military now.

American troop quality is basically shit, they're all illiterate druggie inner city criminals and kids recruited for a free ride and to get vet benefits, or women looking to get pregged and receive $50k a year in child support from a poor soldier.

This isn't a fighting force.

Because in the ensuing international incident, they'd be the sacrificial lambs and likely get court martialed.

If they walk on my fictional autocratic nation then they will be shot on the sight by unmanned drones.

based huwite hispanics will make america great again (^:
I'd have supplemented my post with a pic of mexican politician throwing a salute resembling evil nazi roman salute, but alas, I lost it.

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Pic related for Dora thot too.

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Because it was fucking 2-6, they would have been torn apart.

It's almost like doing stupid things is what's pissing people off, not whether or not you went too far in the stupidity or held back.

Look there are certain things you have to understand about sovereignty, and the LOGIC of international law, and act in accordance with that. The problem is that…. well you're either breaching sovereignty of other nations and ruining hundreds of years of precedent established to protect countries like America from getting shat on when something catastrophic like the great depression or dust bowl happens to make them vulnerable; OR you're doing something silly like pulling your border back and being surprised when that defacto means a cesure of land.

You seem incapable of toeing the line of being actually correct in your international behavior, which frankly for a superpower is far more terrifying for your allies and neighbors than for your enemies.


It would probably cost a lot more to build directly at the edge of the river.

It'd be easier to just nuke the border and make it a radioactive no man's land.

This. I actually saw an article the other day claiming gang members were joining the military to learn how to fight. After a few years, they go back and teach other gang members how to shoot, clear rooms, etc. I honestly think it isn't as prevalent or bad as the article stated. When I was in Charlotte a few years ago, there was a gang related shooting where over a thousand rounds were fired, but nobody was injured.

This. We built a high fence out near San Antonio and part was up against a pond. It was difficult to build and got destroyed in the past 3 hurricanes and once more in a heavy thunderstorm. They got concrete for the base and it's slanted now after Harvey.

You expect illiterate 3rd worlders to understand the dangers of radiation? They'll walk right through and demand free healthcare, no different than now.

If you don't put manmade things it has no reality. If you put the mandmade things on the wrong place you can only blame yourself.
Pic related is a typical french border mark, it's marked with clearly visible "France" on one side and whatever country is the other side with the date of installation and the distance, direction and navigation information to the next one on the other two sides.
And you put one on each fucking point the closest ridge-line, which is where anyone goes for navigating, making a clear physical BORDER.
Pic related are the ones in the fucking amazon jungle, between France and Brazil.
And yes the army goes there to clean the vegetation on the regular (On foot. In the fucking jungle at 3km a day), there is an entire regiment whose only job is to do that…
That way if you catch people on the wrong side, they have no fucking excuse you can shoot on sight if you want.
Why do you think France, broke as it is, still does that? Do you know that in international law one of the handful of key criteria for the definition of "statehood" involves a government’s control over clearly delineated borders. That's why.

And if France can do it in the fucking middle of the most hostile environment on the planet, what's your excuse? You can't have your fatass soldiers go buy two fucking bag of concrete for $10 load them on their vehicle and cast a fucking post every-time they go on patrol? You start by putting one every 10 miles. ONE patrol does it in 6 month. For a total cost of $2000 and a bit of sweat of their fat asses. And then you can order them to shoot anyone suspicious and bill Mexico for the bullets and the emotional damage the engagement made suffer your trannies soldiers.

Except the fact that all burgers are either completely retarded or have already surrendered to greater Mexico?

The US is becoming the textbook definition of a failed state.

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Our Magyar friends deliberately built their fence so inside their actual dejure border so they can have "asylum seekers" processed legally in Hungary but not actually in physical access to the rest of the country.
This way they can take a million years to process or deny the claim (thus deterring any such makers of claims) but also still be in technical legal compliance with EU rapefugee laws.

That's pretty smart.
But I'm pretty sure the hungarian army/police watching the place would shoot at the Syrian army if they tried to arrest them.

Oh for sure, the U.S. and in particular the "hard line" trump administration is a sad joke.

Buy S400. Don't buy patriot.

Honestly how would the cartels fare if Mexico's southern border was locked down by the US military who's in control by somebody who wants to send Cartels to a meat plant?

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Why would you build an expensive wall when you can just plant landmines automated sentry turrets. What a bunch of morons.

Is this the military that's supposed to disarm us?

Precisely but the doctrines and order of operations have most-likely been training the military to keep the American people in line for the past thirty years rather than be a proud force of power.

Why would you plant landmines or automated sentry turrets when the whole plan is to eradicate the unloyal voter-base through a demographic change?

Well it's not a border fence if it's not on the fucking border now is it?

How do Mexican soldiers miss the giant river that's the border and think they're still on their side?
The answer is they don't. This was a powerplay by Mexico.

The Teuton knows what's up.

So how hard would it be for a 56% US state to secede from the Union on the grounds of racism against minorities?

I have lost all my respect for the US armed forces.

So much for those trillion budget.

"56%" was a figure from 4 years earlier, and it includes shitskins from north africa and arabs as huwhite.
After (((trump))) huwhites are definitively minority now.

Unfortunately, Hungary being under Enemy State Clause, they can't do it without rolling the dice to see if current Israel-lover in chief will decide to declare a war for (((human rights violations))) and just shell them with depleted uranium.

Actual whites will be a minority of births in USA in 2020

Most border controls are inside your territory and not at the edge of it. Educate yourself before you speak next time.

You know whats the real joke in our case regarding migration? Our border fence stops shitskins from entering into our country illegaly. Get it? ILLEGALY! It doesn't stop the local ZOG from letting in mudshits under names like (((student programs))), (((tourism))) etc. I'm starting to think that we might very well be in an even slower boil than the US or Western Europe is…

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I still say that one day we should use that to attack Romania.

It's like you've just started paying attention. The country is already full of third worlders, just not arabs. Even my rather small town has a few dozen Indians here as cheap labour for some business. But most the media is owned by based Fidesz, and the rest belongs to the globalist scum, so we don't get to hear about it. If they started boiling us the same way they do it in Western Europe, then Budapest would be in flames already.

Just go into our larger cities. You will find the arabs there that you don't find in our rular areas. Our government would ban any nonwhites from entering to our country if they wouldn't be controlled opposition.

Nah, they just thought the wall was the boarder.

That would put several alphabet agencies (DEA, FBI, CIA) out of business. The military will never actually stop drug smuggling. I think Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Vietnam are proof that military protects and maybe even facilitate drug smuggling.

Help! My sides!

Of course you are.
Evil doesn't let go without a fight.

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Out of interest how is this not an act of war?

This was a test and we failed.

Clown world.

My friend, French Gaybananahammock isn't in the Amazon jungle.

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I can see how you might get confused, though, with a 10% white population. ;^)

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Lefties on twatter are saying the riverbed is dry and full of brush so they didn't know as if they can't tell there's still a trench that's been carved by centuries of water.


All the injuns already got claimed by the Spaniards, so niggers was all that was left for frogs

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The French have a fascination with making things French culturally, for example Paris is just French people to the average frog. Its why leafland frogs gladly import french speaking nogs because culturally they're french.

It was predicted

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So the germans killed all the niggers and make troops out of animals?


We never had a country, we only ever had a brainwashed or indifferent voting public who clung to an illusion of a constitution.

You cannot be possibly this retarded.
It's impossible.
How can you type on a keyboard even? Do you use speech to text device?

I'm surprised it's this high. It's probably wrong.
In 1954 there was NO ONE in the whole fucking thing on census, counting the indians, there was 27 863 people in the whole place that is the size of an US state and was the french version of Australia (it was exclusively used as a penal colony… up 1953).
Today it's 10 time that…
Guess where they came from?
Protip: Not France.
From France you have the handful of civil servants, the soldiers and the guys running support for the space centers that are temporarily there (it's a rotation on promotion/time served, etc…) and that's about it.
Everyone else is either an indian, a descendant of prisoner/indian (they didn't shipped women) or an immigrant from the neighborhood that breed like locusts (with some Hmong that were shipped there during the Vietnam war as someone in Paris though it might be a good idea to move a loyal population in a place there isn't any).
Again with the retarded idea that french colonies have french population in them… when they never did.
Post monarchy France had ONE "colony", with intent to colonize it using colonial settlers, Algeria. Pre-monarchy had also only ONE: today's Quebec. Everywhere else it's the local rules by a french administration with a couple of "french" (((merchants))) and the occasional plantation (using cheap, disposable, servile manpower… ie not french).
It's like being surprised there are no whites in the Dutch Indies or British India.

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Also applies to the Italians.

I side more with Euros everyday that this is a country of retards and that maybe Europe isn't as cucked as it's made out to be, just joking all of your are fucked. Brazil is your prototype.

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Apparently these may not have been actual Mexican soldiers, perhaps cartel members.

If it was cartel members they probably would've had enough intel from the CIA to avoid any contact with burger soldiers.

applies to the portuguese and in particular the spanish who because of muh dick doomed us to the mestizo menace.

it's been a meme since 1904

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That's the thing it's not, it's the amazon drainage basin… (which is why it stop neatly at the border, the border is, like most of them, determined by the drainage basin and not the "middle of the river"… only retards, or very old treaties phrase it that way, river moves and change size depending the weather. Drainage basin don't. Well not on the human scale of time at least. The fact that despite everyone having revised treaties on that basis except the US and Mexico tells you all you need to know. US politicians are perfectly happy with that border being shifting) not the forest.
The northern limit of the amazon forest is the Orinoco river in Venezuela and the Rio Vichada in Colombia. In the Guyanas (that are all south of the Orinoco) it goes all the way to the ocean.
For some reason they tend to class the Guyana forest apart from the rest, but as far as I can tell it's a 100% arbitrary thing from WWF based on politics (it's not climate, it's not geology…).
Guyanas parts of the forest is largely untouched when the Brasilian parts is being cut down at a fast pace.
That way they can say "amazonian forest" when they mean the "Brazilian part of the forest" without offending anyone.

As if there is a difference.

Well we're in much the same boat as you here in Japan. Abe is a shitcunt neocon who thinks "muh freetrade" will make Japan better. I'm seeing more and more pakis and south asian kinds moving in, and it stinks.

At least Abe genuinely cares about race and tradition.

Trump isn't half the man Abe is.

More than Trump? Sure, wouldn't be hard. As much as a Japanese leader ought to? No not at all. They're on course to have major immigration opened up and then it's the whole globohomo cocktail they'll be subject to. It has been a blessing to have a small number of English speakers and a difficult language has has made the infection less contagious. See also: Hungary, Finland, Bhutan

fug forgot Estonia.

They are natural conservatives frendsky
Once they vote all los gringos money away they will resume the traditional sacrafices

Do they like to use the "not enough Japanese babies" excuse?

Esoteric sacrificial hwite hispanic 4d chess, ese. (^:

Which is insane since most of the reason for japanese war last century is… overpopulation.
Population reduction is a boon for Japan as a whole but since the debt economy is a giant ponzi scheme it threaten the banks, so let's bring in immigrants.
It's fucking insane but hey, they entire world is insane at this point.

Are you sure about that?
Japan should not be one country

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hurr flood detected durr

Exactly, Mexico's game will be to claim total control of the river, as well as all soil up to the Great Trump Garden

^^^this sounds good, but IMO the correct thing to do would be tell the Mex Govt they will be setting aside a few 10x10 mile zones DEEP inside Mexico for USA to process any hopefuls, since Mexico is considered a "safe nation".

Country flags were a mistake. This isn't /int/.
IDs were a mistake. This isn't reddit.


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Projection isn't healthy, fampai.

Who fucking cares? Zig Forums became a gun-flavored shitposting board. It's fucked and we will never have the Zig Forums of old back.

You've been doing this for a year and still nobody buys it. Go be a fatalistic cuckold somewhere else.



Rivers are the ideal border line. You put a sign every few miles saying "This side is my land, that side is other man's land" and you're done. If it crosses a river then you build a bridge and put "My land from bright on wards".

It's really damn easy to define a border with basic sign postage made in a decent material.

By the books it was but you're dealing with a bunch of retards on both sides. It's like having a bunch of children, some times a window gets broke and you just fix it and go "kids will be kids".

Would like to know more so we can upset weebs when they talk about the japanese ethnostate (run by Americans for the last 70 years)

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Greater-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere confirmed?

My opinion deviates from yours, what is even more magnificent is a beautiful mountain range.

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Concrete wall, equipped with RC-controlled M240 placement and littered with landmines are my ideal land border.

From zogbot trump himself.
Weekend warriors not actual army and they weren't even fucking armed. I don't know what's sadder.

Japan has pretty significant differences between its regions, both cultural and linguistic.

Arr rook same to me.

The only credible ethnic division is between the mainstream Japonic ethnicity and the Ainu. The Ryukuan people can technically count as non-Japanese but they are sister nations.

I saw on the newspapers something about this incident, but I wasn't expecting that outcome. Wow.
Fuck Obrador btw

Do you think your country will survive until the end of the next decade? Do the Cartels really control 1/3 of your landmass?

What the fuck happened to Acapulco and Cancun?