CHRISTIAN-WEEB THREAD V2.0-Electric Boogaloo

Old thread reached its post limits, so If I may, I'll open another one. (if its necessary, delete the old thread)
Let the thread become a treasury of Images, valuable and wholesome to the autistic sheep amongst our ranks.
Let the Holy spirit expand our faith by using all means necessary to allign our heart with the pure and divinely virtuous.

Also, daily reminder to not to break board rules

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's next?

You going back to reddit.

you've forgot Catholic Christian

Reminder that an*me is effeminate, and effeminacy is sinful.

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Reminder to all anime friends to avoid the anime "Drifters" as it depicts Jesus Christ as the antagonist (pic related). Also reminder that almost no Japtoons have an actual understanding of Christianity and either use it for exotic western factor or cool points.

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I've been considering dropping anime altogether for a long time now and OP's behavior is certainly pushing me to cross that line. These memes are not even funny they're just pure faggotry and effeminacy

Saying that with a muslim meme really screws up all your credibility

Tfw catholic is the only type of actual christian

There was this Vatican Kiseki anime or some stupid junk like that. The worst trash I've ever seen. The priests look like your average yaoi game characters and the nuns are all crazy. Not to mention with what they believed they would have never passed the seminary

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I always hated this gay ass gook shit. Sage.

I would be careful what I said if I were you OP

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Are there actually any animes with Christian themes? I'm not talking about imagery (e.g. angels or priests are there because it's cool), like actual themes such as love and forgiveness and all that. Doesn't even need to have Christianity in it.

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Effeminate things are not wholesome. They're effeminate. Don't you dare busing the name of the Holy Spirit for this. The ban hammer will fly faster than you can say "oh my I think I want to marry a pillow with a cartoon figure on it".

Tondera House no daibouken/The Flying House

Some stuff recycled from the other thread and some new:

Macross Plus - Central plot revolves around two of the main characters having a years long grudge and the pain it causes them and everyone around them. Near the end, they finally forgive each other, recognize their grudge for the petty ego contest it was, as well as one of the characters owning up to his part of the problem after being in denial about it.

Unico (Two movies: "The Fantastic Adventures of Unico" and "Unico in the Island of Magic") - Themes of love, forgiveness, friendship, self-sacrifice, living for things beyond status or ego. Plus pagan gods and magic are portrayed as evil, while main character is literally a unicorn - a symbol of Christian purity.

Cowboy Bebop - Ultimately ends in tragedy due to main character not being able to forgive and move on.

Omishi Magical Theatre: Risky Safety - Life is worth living, and you should not kill yourself, even if things go horribly wrong.

Orguss - Main character starts out as an irresponsible playboy with a Devil-may-care attitude. By the end, develops towards being a responsible adult who cares about the future and the big picture of life. Also, not to give too much away, but the consequences of his promiscuous past end up catching up with him and biting him in the butt in a major way, and play a major role in him growing into being a better person.

Kurogane Communication - Hope, friendship, and never giving up, even in the midst of the Apocalypse.

Now and Then, Here and There - Hope in the midst of horrifying suffering. Blatantly pro-life message, as woman who is raped chooses to give birth to her baby after being tempted to abort it.

Evangelion - Yes, I realize a lot of the Christian symbolism is "Ooooohh, look how cool and foreign this is!" But a lot of the symbolism is actual Kabbalistic, because ultimately the central theme is anti-Buddhism/anti-Kabbalah: saying that the ego/soul annihilation sought by these religions is a false hope, and that rather one should bear one's cross bravely throughout life in spite of the pain and suffering, because avoidance of such pain and suffering is far worse:

Trigun - Literally created by a Catholic and subsequently has themes of maintaining a worldview of forgiveness, peace and non-violence even in the midst of a horrible and violent universe.

Macross 7: I personally hate this anime for various reasons pertaining to quality rather than moral values, but a lot of people like it, so YMMV. Main character is pacifistic and pro love and forgiveness to a fault.

Macross (original TV series and movie, and uncanonicial sequel: Macross II) - Aliens and humans war out of misunderstanding but ultimately come to peace via cultural exchange. Also themes of making peace with, getting along with and being a good Samaritan to people who may not be exactly like you.

Rozen Maiden - Learning to forgive yourself for your own sins and mess ups, overcoming the sins of despondency and despair, and having the courage to get out there and live life again.

Fatal Fury OVAs - First OVA has the main character ultimately seeking justice instead of revenge (i.e. he merely defeats his father's murderer in battle, rather than killing him in vengeance.) Second OVA has main character badly beaten and slipping into alcoholism, despondency and despair. Ultimately, overcomes his sins, with the help of caring friends, faces and defeats the adversary who beat him before. Adversary kills himself due to being overcome with the sin of pride. Main character tries to save his life, and adversary's death is treated as a tragedy. Also themes of adversary's overall mentality and death being the consequence of never coming to terms with forgiving his father.

I just copied the previous OP post. Calm yourselves
Also, whats with this stupid "anime is effeminate" meme?

thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor

You better watch the log in your eye before you accuse others. That was obviously an exaggeration.
Furthermore "anime is effeminate". No. But the effeminate sh't you're posting is effeminate. See OP pics, see and so on and so forth.
It's pure cognitive dissonance. Pic related. So better watch out, I'll watch this and the hammers will fly once you cross the line, I promise.

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You are the one who is accusing others here in disgusting stuff for nothing. How about you curbing your pride and arrogant tone?
So women/girl looking like women/girl is effeminate?
Let me ask you something, and be honest with it because this was the case in previous thread with the guy who irrationally hated anime: Were you, in some part of your life, watching some erotic trash connected to anime and now you are projecting your complexes here because of your past?

Definitely not by insulting people and accusing them of things they're not doing unironically like you do.

*also big plus for you trying to scandalize me.

I'll assume you did, since instead of answering, you have posted yet another aggressive and hostile post. Nice.
Now this is the answers of one user to that guy I have mentioned earlier (his posts were deleted because, just like yours, was irrationally hostile and derailing)


I'm not even this guy>>669742 but you should know that anime is very largely today "erotic trash" and turns people into sissies. If this wasn't true the weeb community wouldn't be full of such faggotry

Uggh… Here's how this thread is going to go….again:

Anime fans:

Anti-anime crowd:

Seriously, if anime is so degenerate, why do the anime viewers in these threads seem so much more sane and level headed in comparison to the anti-anime fanatics?

You mean how they seem more hip and fit in with the world better than those old fashioned actual christians?

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same thing can be said about every medium and not just in modern world either, just look at Renaissance paintings and sculptures (Though I have to admit, that I largely dislike them, I prefer mosaics and Orthodox style artwork, though certain neoclassical works are good.)

So you will go ahead scandalizing me and many more because you simply don't care and think I just hate anime for reasons of "having or having had a severe addiction to 2D porn" ?
If you are not a girl, posting anything that is even remotely resembling a cutesy little anime girl unironically is effeminate, as I can clearly state that you and so many more are identifying with it as you get so angry so quickly. Furthermore you will go ahead and post not only the cutesy types, you will also type the borderline sexualized ones which is, again, tremendously scandalizing for a lot of people on this board. But that's not where it ends, you will scream down critique like you did with insults and baseless claims like you also did like the types of pro-sodomite Fr. Martin a la "they hate gays because they are gay".
All in the name of "muh chan culture" which is inherently degenerate in and of itself.

Is it appropriate to literally bear false witness about someone criticizing you, for criticizing you while you provide nothing but "oh but some of us don't enjoy anime in a non-pornographic way" and insults ? Is it appropriate to scandalize those said people that have or had severe addictions to this and worse things for the sake of having your fun and basically rejecting the Gospel ? Is it ? You tell me.

If you want to see and discuss anime, go to one of the billions of existing anime boards on this website, other chans, reddit, facebook, twitter, whatever. But if you want to stay here, you better start behaving according to the Gospel.

back off to russian forests you darn schismatics

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Oh but it's not "TV" that people fetishize, it's not the newspapers that you get upset about when criticized, it's not a particular music genre that people get upset about when criticized. It is cartoons that target desperate young people, particularly men, that you get upset about when criticized, because you are of this world and can't stand being called out on it.

Bravo. Amen. God bless you sir

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No, as in the anti-anime crowd keeps getting angry and unhinged and keeps regurgitating the same emotional arguments over and over again that are easily shot down. While the anime viewers just want to talk about anime that's decent to watch.

Exhibit A:

It's disturbing how the anti-anime crowd don't even seem to realize how angry and unreasonable they come off, while accusing the other side of being angry (with said other side being the actual calm ones.) They find it so impossible to let this thread be, that a mod is literally going to have to come in here and get this thread back on track from being derailed, just like the other one.

Same stuff, different day.

First of all, nobody is scandalizing you, so stop being paranoid. Second of all, no, I'm not bearing a false witness, I just thought a certain theory, and asked you a question in a polite form, which, mind you, that you did not refute, so I assumed that it was true and no, Its not because I want to "scandalize" someone that I do not know, but because its quite common today, as seen in some examples, first and foremost in previous thread. And comparing this to "lol you are arachnophobic" meme is stupid and irrational.
Rest is your headcannon and your bizarre and worthless interpretation such as
By your logic, if I post a cute cat pic, I'm identifying myself with a cat? Or someone prosting Christ-Chan memes, are identifying themselves as it? If you have certain psychological problems, dont project it onto others. I'm not identifying with them, nor do I want to sleep with a pillow, like you stated and accused me. You also seem to over exaggerate your importance, hence your fear of getting "scandalized", which nobody tries, and your self-righteous hostility that was clearly shown in your post and the desire to ban be for some reason.
Also, I've been on this board for years, so please, have some decency and dont teach me how to behave and learn how to conduct a civilized discussion instead of typing random mumbo-jumbo like a turk on /int/. Have a nice day.

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people who rant about anti-anime people ranting being childish yet end their rants with "le have a nice day" are no better than the people they are accusing. They are worse.

Generals of this board:
-Christian music


The first 5 general threads are about fellowship and very broad matters that don't scandalize people, in which people can have arguments as long as they are in a certain frame.
Yours is not even called "anime". It's called "weeb". That means this is not only about anime but general weebery. General weebery is inherently degenerate and anti-Christian (see the response posts ITT alone). And when people call you out on weebery and the effeminate filth you're trying to push, you get angry and insult people. Again, there's a big log in your eye mate and you should take care of it before insulting others for asking reasonable questions on unreasonable things. Or are you saying you don't care to scandalize people, because overall you're not a Christian ? Because in that case I'd like you to leave, because this is a Christian board and not some byob homotry.

Whats wrong with wishing someone to have a nice day? I just usually end my conversation so, when I assume that conversation is over. This is first time I've heard such thing. And no, I dont use it for irony or filler, I really want him to have a nice day.

Alright bro. You still didn't address why you don't care to scandalize people on a Christian board for the sake of having fun with stuff that is found everywhere else and should not pollute this board, which it already does. You won't address any of it, I know that. It's a sad thing.

Calling you out on your behavior is not anger nor insulting, it simply just is. And all the anger and hostility has been coming from your side, period. (And Weeb is often colloquially or ironically used, so being pedantic over this terms is just silly)

This guy addressed you in a calm and reasonable fashion.

and here:

you accuse him of insulting you.

Projecting, as usual. I'm starting to think that you are arguing in bad faith.

Cognitive dissonance.

Down with anime.

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