Donald Trump

To Christians who do not support Donald Trump:

When was the last time you read Esther?

Therefore, God approves of moral accommodations, respecting sexuality, when it comes to the salvation of his people, now known as Christians.

Donald Trump is the man For Such A Time As This.

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The problem with Trump isn't that he's a degenerate. The problem with Trump is that he's a shitty president.

< vote for Hillary, goyim

Let me guess, you come from a long line of Yellow Dog Democrats.

8^) The poo smell comes with you.

Esther was a legitimate wife of the king, you degenerate

Then why are indians worshiping him? What if you're wrong about him? What then? You're gonna regret it

Even if he's not a great president he's gonna stack the supreme court with pro-life justices which by itself is more than enough reason to earn my vote

Nonsense. The king had already had sex with his wife, rather obviously. He got rid of her, and was looking for a "replacement."

Exactly! Ahasuerus was clearly a shit ruler, but that didn't preclude him from being useful to God.

This might seem counter-intuitive but I think Americans are primed for a bit of preaching by the President.
If Trump started quoting some scripture and speaking about God in his speeches I think he would draw more supporters and solidify his base even more.
I don't mean fire and brimstone stuff, I mean like what Chris Pratt did. He did that in front of a depraved hollywood audience and got plenty of cheers.

People forget about David. He was a former adulterer too.

Racism is a sin of wrath, pride and envy.
Sexism is a sin of pride and lust.
Greed is pretty obvious.
Cheating and harassment of women is not holy.

No thanks. I'll wait for the messiah kid.

You need to read Esther. I bet you'll cut out that part of your Bible, just to spite Christ.

Tell me more about how you're totally better than Jesus, boomer.

Yeah I'm a boomer. I'm also devout and not an alt-right reactionary. I don't spite christ, I hold him on high.

Watch this and grow.

I'm not amerigan.

You're no Christian. You're just a boomer. If not a boomer, then the "chosen one of boomers", equally disgusting.

Again, we have clearly shown you the word of God, and his instruction, yet you heed it not. Damn your name.

He who has ears, let him hear!

Not voting for Trump is fine but if you voted for Hillary than you have problems.

Who are you to cast damnation, be you he who is lord of the universe? I say the nay! You besmirch the children of israel that God so loved and now you stand here using his name as a spell like a warlock! You are filled with wrath my brother, I will PRAY you RECOVER from your SIN of RACISM and HATRED


Any TRUE christian would not vote for the ANTICHRIST of TRUMP

lol naw

Somehow I want to believe he'll do it one day.
After all the arrogant antics, after all the macho political rattling and fencing, he comes out and quotes Jesus and makes a Young Pope-like speech.

I know of no example of the Bible forbidding admonishment. Damned you choose to be, damned be ye.

"forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us"

Using the word 'former' there might imply repentance, but a 'former adulterer' is still an adulterer. Not only is Trump an adulterer, but given his association with the likes of Jeffrey Epstein for instance, he's probably also a pedophile.