Nigger knockers

Post and discuss blunt force weapons

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A trench shovel is good. Also a very large wrench.
Both have automotive uses and provide reasons other then bashing baboons to carry them

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Sufficient mass for lethality and light enough to swing really fast.

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Is your opponent wearing plate armour? If not then why would you opt for a specifically anti-plate-armour weapon?

Easily purchased, carried and disposed of as well.

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Ill pass the blunt

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also mitigates any premeditation accusations

I recommend using a fishing bat. They are light and small.

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That shit wood has 360° field of view.

You faggots got me wanting a mace for home defense to go along with my revolver.

Flanged/spiked maces are primarily for defeating armor something more practical would be a simpler rounded mace like in the first pic.
Now I say "more" practical because in reality running around wielding a mace is just fucking stupid, if you want a self defense weapon then stop larping and get a gun and if you need a plausible deniability weapon then a mace is not gonna fit the bill get a nice metal pipe or small sledge or hell even a solidly constructed bat.

Thats not really what you want out of a blunt weapon. Without enough mass you can't do any real damage and the very short range isn't doing you any favors either.

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I guess Real Life is like RPGS, apparently bare flesh has a armor bonus modifier against crush damage. Guess that’s why the Germans lost WW1, since they used maces against unarmored infantry.

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Nigger just get a shotgun

lol dumbasses, everybody knows you use shortswords and daggers against fabric armor.

Novice blacksmith - my latest creations

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Nice legion machete.

cool trench club

I really adore that dark spot on the concrete.

Fine looking grass you have there

That's some real swell lighting, man.

not nigger knockers but here are some of the knives I made too.

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those are some swell knives you made
just kidding those are retarded. 1) almost a knife, with bonus weight 2) dullboi 3) a chisel? 4) blade what goes wrong way 5) why is this block of wood also a bad knife? they all look an inch thick, too. could ballast a truck with these.

go fuck yourself nigger, post something you made and lets see how shit it is.

They ain't too bad for a beginner. Just fix the handle on the last one.

you are typing like a gay nigger and i am going to piss in your eye socket



Grow up. The only questionable one is the last one, and that would be fixed with 10 minutes and some sandpaper. They look good. The top one and the fourth one are aesthetic, I like railroad spike knives.

How well does a modern balistic helmet protect against a mace? Bladed weapon?

The only decent looking knife is #4.

The extra space and time needed to swing a blunt weapon like that puts you at a disadvantage. That's a worthwhile tradeoff if the guy you're trying to hit is wearing armour that was specifically designed to stop an edged weapon, but kind of a waste when he isn't. Against flexible armour like kevlar or chainmail it'll transfer the energy into the targets body, and against rigid armour like modern ceramic or steel plates it'll either shatter or dent the plate which hampers the targets movement or reduces the effect of the armour. Against a man not wearing armour you don't need the extra space or effort that a mace or hammer requires because skin still can't stop a knife.

But hey, if you're still wondering why a nation of delusional autists can't take on the three largest powers on the planet and win then don't worry about it too much. It might be over your head.

t. Man who owned 25% of the land mass of the planet who had to ally with their enemy of centuries, who owned 23% of the land mass, because some deformed autist with a pointy hat started building some boats to protect his nearly non-existent colonies and had more factories than you

some biker "club" required members to carry big knife and big mag-light.

I do Security and some firms wont let you carry big mag-light, and only want a "baton", for some legal reason I guess.

t.Muhammad whose father lost all of the empire for naught because autists were better than you in every respect, even when the whole world chimped out against them

Dat's a hammer dawg
Dat's a hammer mang


A smaller handheld pipe would be more practical, concealable, and excusable if a cop asks you what you're doing with it.

I used to have a large metal drainage pipe that had two openings at one end which made it look like a cheap Stormbreaker.

I used it as a makeshift two hand sledgehammer to demo a brick fireplace during construction. Smashed through it like it was made of potato chips. Since it was all metal, it was pound for pound superior to any of the fiberglass gripped sledgehammers you get at the hardware store.

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I'm convinced that anglos are a forgotten tribe of Israelites that were cut from the bible for being too kikeish.

Even if I smashed an antifa nigger over the head while wearing an emoji mask?

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Should deal with blunt damage better than steel helmets due to better padding unless the shell gets penetrated by say a flanged mace or spike.

Anyway cervical compression will still get ya if you get hit hard enough.

It took EIGHTY countries to invade Germany.

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oh, its that retard again

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Yeah, so better that they got dabbed on and their country ceased to exist for 50 years.

Didn't realise (((Eisenhower))) was German.

You guys need to get better at hiding stuff

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Niggers destroyed South Africa and Rhodesia. Niggers are better.
t.anglo Muhammad

I will no longer bother with anglo reports unless they are spam and/or thread derailing. Not even the muttspamer and spergook were getting reported this often.

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How was this

not thread derailing?

If somecunt here has an illegal firearm i dont see why they just dont go on a killing spree, they'd get 10+ years anyway
I still dont understand how people havent overthrown the goverment yet, we live in the most imcompotent police state and still cant do anything about it.

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My buddy’s much older jailbird cousin (now deceased but B&E was his thing) once told us that because he’d been busted so many times and had been in prison several times, he obviously couldn’t legally own a gun and keeping any kinda weapon in his car would land him back in joint, so he took to keeping a baseball bat, glove and a couple of softballs in his backseat, as that was legally considered “sporting equipment” and not weapons.

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You’re better off with a carpenters framing hatchet, as you still get the hammer head with a more versatile axe blade.

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Don't bones pretty brittle?

Hard enough to club people with.

The axe blade is useless to most people as it's only good for splitting wood along the grain, they aren't that sharp. I reckon the claw on the back of a claw hammer would do the same if not more damage than the hatchet.

If it's been dried properly then it'll serve well enough as a bludgeon; it's probably for the best not to use it as a load-bearing part though.

Lol @ britcucks
How the fuck people aren't killing these cops I'll never get.

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How the fuck arent americlaps killing all the niggers and jews and spics and their corrupt goverment,etc you have all those guns so why arent you using them to resist tyranny?

People are too comfortable. I really hope libshits aren't just memeing about climate change

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They are.

Government figures and judges routinely end up in rivers or with a bulldozer in their office, spics are in a war with skinheads and white trash over meth territories, and niggers are killing and aborting each other so fast that even though they have 5 kids their population isnt growing that fast.

Its not quite equilibrium but hell of a lot better than Europe which went from top 10 HDI to africa tier in 25 years.

They are meming it hard as a matter of fact. It's getting colder not hotter, pepper yourself for rising food prices this is it.

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As a matter of fact, it really seems to be true. I don't remember a May that was as rainy and cloudy as this one. I'm ok with this though, never really liked the hot late spring, summer and early autumn that we had in the last few years or so. And if it brings around the Collapse then all the better.

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I stopped beliebering in global warming when average temperatures on mars and pluto rose by the same levels as on earth.

if you wanted to buy a hammer specifically to knock niggers, which weight would you choose for your hammer?

If you're a man of average build I'd suggest not exceeding 1 pound so you can throw fast follow up swings

this one seems pretty nice to stun and/or finish.
600 g

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I'm not aware of the global statistics, but on a local level our summers have been getting hotter and our winters have been getting real weird - like it's 13 degrees today then it's -10 tomorrow. Then we have snowfall in Spring and 20+ degree heat mid November.

If you actually look at what scientists are saying, it's that man-made climate change would result in more extreme and erratic weather patterns, not strictly just make the planet hotter. From my anecdotal experience, that lines up, and from some of the more bizarre weather around the world this makes sense.
With that said, you can't really assume that 7 billion people pumping gas and debris into the atmosphere is going to have no effect on the environment, at least not on a local level. It'd be sort of like saying "cars don't cause air pollution", blind denial of reality.

Help me decide, which of these would make for a better melee weapon? The polaxe is versatile but the nugget is heavier, the polaxe is longer but the nugget would be easier to explain.

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the poleaxe should be easier to conceal, go with that.
also you can throw it if you ever need to use it as ranged weapon.
some would argue that the nugget can be thrown too but I doubt it's as deadly.

Make an Obrez and fasten the head of an axe to it.

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You just have to convince the cops that this entire thing is bullshit, which looking at their faces, shouldn't be be too hard. We have it all the time, state sheriffs have even arrested federal agents from time to time.

This thing would hurt

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nice hitachi you got there mate

are they selling sex toys now??

I'm both impressed and sad at what you've done that chuck.

I thought they always did? I'm sure coldsteelfag shoved everything he owned up his ass.

Damn, I found the tool I need.

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What did he mean by this?

600 grams.
g is the abbreviation for gram.
gr is the abbreviation for grain.

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gr is also abbreviation for "grosz" in Polish (our version of cents). 600gr = 6zł = circa 2$. Pretty cheap hammer.

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yes I didn't check the pic w/e fuck you for making me a meme

Refined taste nigger knocker. Guaranteed to blow their mind.

I found better than that third world piece of shit.
There is the Gerber Downrange as well but it's twice more expensive and I don't think it's much better than the Camillus Crash

Attached: camillus-19243-crash-outil-de-demolition (1)

That mace is for plate, but many small mace heads add so little weight that it is almost indistinguishable from swinging a stick. Very good even unarmoured. Pic related.

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Look up "Tire thumper", you want a tool that just so happens to wreck bitches, not a weapon that just so happens to be undeniably a weapon intended for use on humans.

While on the subject: can any strelok explain what the fuck is up the mace in this video @5:10? It raises my dander everytime I see the fucking thing flex like the handle is made out of fiberglass. Is this a boffer weapon or some shit for HEMA?
Honestly, I know next to nothing about this dude's livelyhood with his youtube bucks, but he seems queer, in the literal gay sense. Lots of larping shit, and all his and his buddies strikes seem like pulled, and weak, like they're only winding up the strikes, and letting gravity and momentum do the rest. They also seem to love using strikes aren't ergonomic or allow for much force. How legit is this guy?

Would a metal baseball bat suffice?

sadwave hours

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Have you ever heard of barrel harmonics? Metals are elastic materials and elastic materials flex and vibrate under force. Try smacking a solid rod against a tree and see if you can do it without the rod wobbling out of your hand. Even if you can hold on, with repeated strikes you'll start to feel joint fatigue from the stress of keeping the object still. Also, flesh is squishy and your grip isn't a static position and anything that you're holding no matter how tightly can wiggle and tilt.

Why are you asking questions about martial weapons when you clearly don't understand them, and don't even know the reason why people wear heavy gloves in melee combat?

While I appreciate your attempt at enlightning me, you're attitude, and misunderstanding of the question here leaves me to wonder just how much you really understand what you're talking about. The question here is: why is the handle of a hammer made of a softer material than that of the armor and ballistics gel it's hitting? This isn't the archer's paradox we're talking about here, that fucking hammer shouldn't be giving nearly as much as it is. It should be overpowering the armor, and therefore transfering all the kintetic energy into it, not back through the rod and into the wielder. This is the same shit that always pissed me off with fiberglass working handles on tools: you're never supposed to lose the energy transfer war, so there should never be a risk of your tool handle being damaged when striking whatever surface it's striking. I've only ever had my sledgehammers fail at the handle when the handle has been repeatedly struck upon an object instead of the head of the tool. Likewise, the welded sledgehammer we have at work I guaran-fucking-tee shows zero kinetic absorption upon striking. This mace was built poorly, or was intentionally engineered to soften upon impact. The question still stands: is this intentional, or just shitty craftsmanship?

It isn't a softer metal, you idiot, it's flexing because it's leverage being applied over a great distance from the fulcrum. Everything metal does this. Metals are not perfectly rigid solid objects, they have a molecular bond structure which is capable of compressing and deforming. Grab any tool in your position and put pressure on it and I guarantee you can bend it without causing any damage or change in its shape. You're also pretending momentum doesn't exist and that force doesn't reciprocate during any interaction between two objects. If a steel rod being smacked against something isn't supposed to flex, then in order for your logic to be internally consistent, bullets should never deform because they're not supposed to give. The handle of the mace doesn't even move that much, it's bending far less than something of greater length or with a heavier end would, and that's without even mentioning how much a sword bends and deflects during a straight strike against an unarmoured target. This is real life where physics matters, not fucking Source Film Maker.

You're not secretely the leaf using his VPN to try and trick me into thinking I can explain it this to you in a way that you'll understand, are you? If you can verify you're actually a US citizen not still in gradeschool, I'll break this down and waste my time. Otherwise, I'm not playing this game again.

Proselytising in pointless run-on paragraphs that say nothing does not make you look smart or magically make you have a point. Go back to Reddit with your retardation.

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