let's have a discussion about modern land army doctorines
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What's Zig Forums's favourite army doctorine
The most intelligent doctrine going forward is to have mass-produced, standardized equipment while wearing no uniforms. Essentially, using surplus weapons/ammo/off-the-shelf civilian products in wartime.
So terrorism.
What are you talking about? Fire has everything to do with my doctrine.
Of course, you need to make sure you have a sufficient amount of ordnance to carry this out
Something like but I'd add that everything should be standardized and multi-functional, with most of the focus being on firepower. The point is that you always have more firepower than the enemy, and you always have something to throw at them. Just look at the Eastern Front of ww2 for a good example, because both sides tried to make up for all of their shortcomings with more raw firepower.
Defensive trench warfare, let them come and bleed them dry.
Granted, that doesn't work anymore but whatever.
If that counts, then line battles. It's the most gentlemanly form of warfare that lets you match wits with the enemy and have some good sport all-around with little fear of death unless you're a trooper
The clean formations salve my 'tism-riddled brain.
Sadly, the colonials had to ruin this.
Yep. It won't work if the enemy can out-dick you. If that happens, you need to switch to a different doctrine. Personally, I would try combining guerrilla warfare with mass firepower:
The key is attrition. High attrition reflects really badly on the enemy leaders and political pressures at home will make them much more willing to negotiate.
Alternatively, get nukes. The ultimate deterrent.
The bombing of Dresden was pretty fucked up, but I'm not gonna lie the thought of air raiding the absolute shit out of my enemies to the point that their cities turn into huge self-sustaining infernos has some appeal.
In total war all citizens contribute to the war effort in some way. They are legitimate targets.
doubly so if said civilians are legally allowed to own weapons, they become vile baby-eating insurgents that deserve nothing but excruciatingly painful deaths.
Streoks, I got an idea.
Why not just mini nuke the strongpoint?
not to mention nukes aren't nearly as easy to acquire as nuclear waste. Nobody is going to pay you billions to take their nukes. They will pay you billions to take their nuclear waste, though. The enemy is PAYING YOU to take their payload and repurpose it into a weapon to be used against them. You'll probably run at a profit too, and get to get some tanks and stuff on top.
Don't want killed by your conquerors don't get conquered.
This idea greatly pleases the Zig Forumsube.
Vae victis was the most chad thing anybody has ever said and it perfectly sums up warfare.
My favorite doctrine has to be STEEL REHN
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Yea that's true.
Mobile/Maneuver warfare doctrine.
It's the most realistic doctrine for any modern war as there is more land than there are men to garrison it, so you simply keep moving and outmaneuver the enemy. They can hunt you all day long but they have to sleep sometime, as long as you can keep out of reach when it benefits you, you can bleed them. Iraqi's used this to great effect during some war using trucks and rpgs to assfuck tanks.
Go read infanterie greift an, it's main points are:
Things like that, and you can overcome most enemies, just don't get shot and your good.
The only time this shit does not work is in an RTS type situation, where there are so many faggots everywhere that they will just swarm you, which thankfully is uncommon thanks to ATGM's, cluster munitions, HMGs, etc.
Just don't get cut off, cornered, or immobilized, once you do, ammo runs out quick and then your fucked.
This does no good if the place your dropping it is the same place you want to occupy, literally shitting where you eat.
Against a civilized country, Armored Warfare with heavy guided rocket artillery. Heavily armored IFVs, Bradleys and the like. Against third world savages, cooperate with the good ones and completely destroy the enemy militarily and by winning the favour of the populace. Think what the bongs did during the Malayan Emergency. A fuckton of air support in both, of course.
This is why A.H. shot himself 74 years ago today. You Germans are so easy to be subverted, and weak-minded is what you are for engaging in anime.
My favorite army doctrine is surprise attacks, especially at night (yeah, yeah, guerilla warfare, that sort of thing. it's not a fair fight, but there is no such thing as a fair fight)
First you do armored car rush. If it works, the enemy doesn't have time to mine the roads or set up ambushes, and an armored car going 100kph on interstate can cover a lot of ground. You basically set up disruptive units within your enemys area of operation within a couple of hours. You keep pouring in armored cars until the enemy wises up and sets up roadblocks, mines, ambushes, fortifications etc.
Then you go in with tracks, over farmland, very rarely using roads. Tracks bust up fortifications and ambush locations set up to stop the armored cars. All the meanwhile more armored cars pour in through every hole the tracks make in the enemy lines.
That's basically how you do proper warfare.
The problem today is everyone thinks there's no chance the enemy will be surprised, so they just ignore cars and build tracks. End up using tracks on roads like Americans in Iraq, using tracks to do what cars should do, and losing tracks by the hundreds even though one track is worth like 64 cars.
That's my picture! I posted it on imgur some 10 years ago!
Why do people think trench warfare doesn't work anymore?
Nobody tell him…
Well, if you plan to occupy the place, you don't do it, naturally. But if you just need a place taken out, or you want to make certain enemy cannot occupy some place permanently without needing to garrison it, this would be the way to go. It's essentially a terrain changer. Do you need to hold a narrow valley against superior enemy? Litter it with nuclear waste and it's as good as plugged, without needing to actually have your own army there to hold it (save perhaps a squad or two keeping it covered in case enemy had some hazmat suits on him). Alternatively, you could litter it with nuclear waste covertly and laugh as the enemy army marches through it, knowing they will be shitting their guts out in under an hour and will all painfully die within the week. Sure, the environmental damage to the valley is great, but greater sacrifices are made in war. There would be no defense against this – the enemy would simply be forced to take another path. Sure, hazmats exist, but there's no way he'd be able to equip an entire army with them, and even if he somehow did, can you imagine fighting in a hazmat suit?
It's an excellent way to utilise your nuclear capabilities without actually triggering MAD (unless you start dropping that shit on enemy capital or something; that might trigger MAD, but you wouldn't be so stupid as to do that, right?)
Anime is chan culture.
Armoured cars are for riot control and occupational forces behind the lines - not 100km deep into hostile territory, beyond the reach of resupply or support, and flashing their arses at every RPG/grenadier team the enemy has.
Include IADS and anti-tank in your design from the ground up. Ideally do this before the war starts.
Armoured cars would be useful as a harrying force in step 4 but you'd still take heavy losses against a trained enemy with AT weapons.
Because planes were invented. Trenches are good for situational/short-term situations for protection from enemy ground fire, but long-term you're just a stationary target asking for a UAV to come blow your ass to hell.
Hazmat won't do anything to stop gamma radiation like it does beta and alpha. Just use primarily gamma emitting waste sources.
Checked. Probably a post-'16 goon.
How do enemy grenadier teams distribute the ammunition for their launchers? How do they distribute the grenadiers themselves? There's no teleporting, everything happens by truck, which means a single enemy armored car with a 20mm can strafe and ruin an entire column full of hundreds of grenadiers stuck in trucks. Besides accepting necessary casualties is step 1 to winning a war, how far would Germany have gotten into Russia if they feared molotovs at every street corner?
You only do this if both sides are aware a war is about to begin. Most of the art of war is preventing the other side from expecting this, usually by forming an alliance with them.
Actually trenches got obsolete multiple times, but each time a countermeasure was developed. They still work fine if you have the time to dig in.
1. Top fired or fused artillery made trenches obsolete. Helmets and counterbat was developed to counteract it effectively.
2. Tanks were invented to drive over trenches. But then that was fixed by inventing tank mines and RPGs which prevented tanks from just driving over a trench.
3. Airplanes finally could just drop bombs and strafe trenches… but now we have interceptors and AAA and MANPAD and SAM.
What is it now? UAV? OK we just put in jammers, forget about UAV.
What did he mean by this?
Televise degeneracy, make it seem mainstream. Propagandize everyone against degeneracy as racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, x-y-z-aphobic etc. etc. until the mass surrender of freedom loving peoples. TV is the most effective modern weapon off all time. Actually the people who control TV programming.
The Maginot line used to properly extend into Belgium's borders along the Albert canal and Meuse river (pic related), but Belgium threw a political shitfit at the French government for some reason in 1936 and ripped up the Franco-Belgian treaty, kicked out all the French troops stationed on the Belgian portion of the Maginot line and just completely abandoned the defenses.
The memey infantry posts on the French-Belgian border was not intended to be part of the Maginot line, it was just the border, hence the lack of defenses. The Belgian portion of the Maginot line was supposed to be inside Belgium, not on the border, but the papist swampniggers fucked everything up like usual.
Still supports my point, the Maginot defences north of Schengen were abandoned and the French government allowed a gap around their front line practically inviting the Krauts to repeat the exact same move they had pulled in the previous war.
The shitfit the Belgians pulled was motivated by a desire to reinforce their image as a 'neutral state' in the growing tension caused by Hitlers growing rearmament and general contempt for the Versailles treaty. Fine, fair enough, neutrality hadn't defended them in the last war, but the Belgian government has every right to be as retarded as it wants to be - the French government was retarded not to immediately beef up their defences along the Belgian border though.
Please tell me, what's the point of Belgium? Would anyone even notice if France annexed it?
To be Dutch but Catholic
being the HQ of EU
Probably not even the Belgians.
As far as I can remember the country of Belgium was created by Britain after the Napoleonic wars in order to annoy the French.
Some nations believe that they have a kind of destiny, that they were placed on earth by the gods themselves to preform a certain task in perpetuity. Belgium - however - knows that it was put there by dickhead politicians as an international dick move, and they do their best to live up to that heritage every day.
Belgium is rightful french clay that was separated by the Anglo after Napoleon 2.0 in1815 and meant to be a buffer state between France, Netherlands and Germany.
It sort of worked in WWI but clearly didn't in WWII it should have been re-integrated after it (in fact France should have invaded the minute they proclaimed neutrality).
What's the point of italy?
Nobody wants to be under the garlic-smelling bootjack of french faggots. And Belgium was never a rightful part of your shitty arab country.
Based Belgians,
I'm glad they stuck it to the degenerate frogs.
By that logic the region that is now Belgium should be part of the Spanish Netherlands and recognised worldwide as rightful Hapsburg clay. Also Germany and Middle-Europe in general should be a few hundred separate counties rather than a handful of countries.
So apathy, weakness, disarmament, and wilfully taking your place as useful idiots is based now? Does that word even mean anything anymore?
The same as Germany: you have all these closely related peoples in a single country, so you don't have to deal with a dozen garden varieties of them as a dozen separate entities. And it kind of works, unlike in e.g. Yugoslavia.
Stop, user, I can only get so erect
Look at this map, this cartographic and political clusterfuck, and remember that this is a simplified vision of a relatively uncomplicated period of Imperial history. Tell me how much you love it you little Czech minx. : ^ )
100% unf, look at that fucking Bohemia jamming its cock among the german minors. This is some graphic geographic loli hentai.
Belgium is NATO's strategic reserve of waffles and machine guns.
Maneuver warfare with combined arms.
The best still remains the best tbh.
They really did earn their reputation as the dirty, dirty, sick fucks of the continent; didn't they.
The armored doctrine is completely reversed though, the cars are being used behind the tanks instead of in front of them. The tanks themselves are the first over borders, over bridges, the first to enter cities, the first to see enemy bases… it's retardation at its finest.
If armored doctrine was done correctly - armored cars going first and scouting, removing enemy rocket teams, demining - we wouldn't have lost so much as a single track link in the middle east. The insurgents had ZERO way to bust through an armored car shield to get to our tanks.
No I don't like being surprised.
Also humvees are to armored cars what inflatable pools are to watersports. Let's be serious here, there are zero armored cars used by America at the time. LAV and Stryker are the closest and they're eight wheeler trucks, you lose one of them you either lose a dozen guys or as much equipment as a track carries around, thus defeating the entire point of expendable force recon.
The american has money to burn on airplanes, but cannot even offer armored transport for its troops.
It's truly a shit show.
This is because Sky Knights and Semen have more fanboys in congress. Literally every retired pilot, muhreen, naypee and air farts, goes into politics and somehow makes it into congress or a state legislature at least. So these branches have ridiculous power. Meanwhile coast guard, national guard, and army might as well not exist in terms of budgets, even if they're useful in a day to day sense as well as if Americans ever plan on defending the country.
Also for some reason Americans hate efficiency. Humvee was designed as a sort of battle taxi, with light canvas doors you could remove so you could get in and out of it quickly as it drives you around base. It was meant to carry 2,500lb and weigh no more than 7,500lb fully loaded with crew, weapons and a full 2,500lb load. That was the maximum cap, in reality they were shooting for about 6,100lb. First time a land war crops up they're shooting for 9,000lb and having 10,000lb for the upper limit of the UAH variant family.
Although JLTV is closer to a well designed armored car. Still a lot of compromises and outright graft, but Oshkosh is a lot more fair and experienced than Gaytheon or LockFart would have been.
If your general staff are ever not assuming that they are going to have to every single neighbouring nation and several other major powers then they don't deserve their posts.
Das rite every single board and every single imageboard shoehorned revolved around anime.
this is why i say there are no such thing as civilians, only supply-side soldiers.
My favorite doctrine is what I like to call, "Call inna A10."
I usually have reservations against bombing civilian centres, especially after hearing my grandfather's accounts of the fire bombings in Tokyo, but I tend VN to agree. Bombing civilians as well as their means of production works surprisingly well.
Ignoring the fact that as Belgium gets pozzed, the Walloons (French larpers) support getting nigged by refugees and EU more, while the Flemish have just elected to half the seats in their parliament an openly white nationalist party (Vlaams Belang) and another pro sovereignty Flemish party.
Seems like the Flems just want it more.
fuck off retard
still, all that was needed for blitzkrieg was to pierce the line in only one point. and since they could easily concentrate power in one place due to everything moving by machine, they STILL would punch throught eventually and then ride to paris or buttfuck the rest of the line. it would just take more lifes and time
that would be ideal, this is natural state of that region
I can see your point there, and that the French reserves at the time weren't mobile enough to counter Germany's faster units. However, even if you look at the best equipped WW2 Panzergrenadier outfits at that point in the war the overwhelming majority were still riding trucks that couldn't handle off road driving. A column of a few thousand men in those trucks, stuck to known roads, are an artillery and CAS units dream. Maybe 'stopped dead in its tracks' is an overstatement, but at least in theory France could have slowed the Germans down enough to kill their momentum and drag the fight out long enough to give the Frogs more of a chance.
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that's the plan after the EU has castrated national governments and begun to implement their new Eurokommissariats.
so the best doctrine is to just throw jews at your enemy
No, it's time for artillery to shine again. If the enemy seriously sets up an old school trench system, then use bigger cannons that can fire bigger shells further away. And those shells should be either thermobaric or seismic. Mind you, when I say big I do mean big, like 16" or bigger.
God I fucking love CAS.
As a friend put it to me, having thermobaric dropped on you in a trench isn't that bad, its ballistic missiles that scare the shit out of him given you don't really hear them until they vaporize the factory 400 yards behind you. Imagine turning an entire trench line into crater city, almost like filling a rabbit warren with oxy-acetylene and letting it go bang.
So 4th Gen War?
Longer version