You cannot be racist and be Christian

You cannot be racist and be Christian.

Pick one or the other.

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Correct. Now what?

how do you define the word "racist". you do know that its a relatively new word that got its modern definition from the communist kike Trotsky?

The 'racists' on the board are just the post-boomer newbs from Zig Forums trying to be edgy while subtly deciding between paganism and Christianity.

Racism as a term, with its modern definition, existed as far back as 1902. Trostsky had nothing to do with coining it.

Racism is denying that any person is made in the image of God, based upon the place of their birth. If an ethiopian eunuch can accept the Gospel as truth, anyone can.

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As one of their own prophets has said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” This testimony is true.
-Titus 1:12-13

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"Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism." - first use of the word racism

Defining racism using its original definition is not unchristian in any way at all, because segregation and classism isnt unchristian

I never said he did. i said he invented the MODERN DEFINITION OF IT.

but that has nothing to do with interracial marriage like what was posted in the OP. less than a hundred years ago interracial marriage was banned yet christians still believed that everyone no matter their race should be christian.

Reminder that most modern definitions of race come from Darwinism and evolution and thus anti-Christian.

WTF I hate Paul now! What a racist Nazi!

Depends why you are segregating. For example, even in the modern Church, there's far too few examples of sexual segregation which is desperately needed including in education endeavors.
Absolutely untrue!
"My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, 'You sit here in a good place,' while you say to the poor man, 'You stand over there,' or, 'Sit down at my feet,' have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor man. Are not the rich the ones who oppress you, and the ones who drag you into court? Are they not the ones who blaspheme the honorable name by which you were called? If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing well. But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it." (James. 2:1-10 ESV)

But he didn't. It appeared under the modern definition in the OED in 1903 as a synonym of (scientific) racialism.

Going out of your way to defend them however, is. Dying of cancer isn't a sin, but preventing someone from getting treament is.

Vain human tradition that makes others "less than" human. It is absolutely unchristian.

Yes he did. Every use of the word racism today is hearkening back to the communist propaganda, as it was in the "glory days" when they could get away with it. It hearkens back to the MLK jr. rallies which were run by subversives associated with the communist political movement in the west such as MLK himself.

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segregating different races, ethnicites etc is not unchristian. it was done for thousands of years and has shown to be a much better way to govern people rather the alternative.

"Absolutely untrue!"

i think you and i have different definitions of the term classism or maybe i shouldnt have used that term.

No, he didn't. It predates him by about 30 years.

Yeah that's probably the case. I mean if you treated all men from your own nation the same regardless of wealth or social status, and treated all men from other nations the same no matter how wealthy, then you would not be a respector of persons. If you treated all men the same and all women the same, you would not be a respector of persons either. You're just recognizing the differences between the groups.


Yes he did. All the propaganda, the usage of, and the definition of racist as it is always used, comes from him. Nobody used it to mean what it means now, but it's nice of you to out yourself as one of them by arguing in defense of it.

What the "power + privilege = racism" definition? Nobody outside the Ivory Tower and all clinging arrivistes there use it, because nobody else is taken in by such a narrow self-serving definition. Pretty much anybody you ask still uses the "Viewing a certain race(s) as superior to another" one.
If you talked to people IRL you might find this out.

racism as a synonym of racialism isnt unchristian. its literally recognizing that different races exist. Do you think that modern definition of the term racist or racism is the same as 1903? ill answer for you. it isnt.

Your wrong, modernist. segregation and and a class system was a excellent and much more compassionate way that a society was governed. the way the world is governed now is the cancer not the way it was governed in the past.

where does banning interracial marriage make others ""less than"" human? Why did you use quotations marks when nobody said that? Why do you hate Tradition and old way of doing things?

Lenin, is that you?

The supreme court uses it, that's how it defined so-called "protected groups" in the 1960's. These definitions are biased against the American people and need to be struck down. Nobody has the right to tell us who is "protected" from discrimination and who isn't a "protected group". It's absolutely derived from the communistic definition, as such it is discriminatory in its own right, and it needs to be struck down.

The problem isn't race realism and never was. "Racism" only means race realism that could benefit either Christians specifically or whites specifically. But if it benefits any other group, it isn't considered racist. That's why everyone has to have the token beneficiary who isn't in the aforementioned group——— or else. This started with Trotsky, who was a Jewish communist.

Nobody in the west used it to mean what it now means.

I think before this discussion goes any further you and/or that other guy actually need to provide the definition of racism that you disagree with, and one you accept, because so far no one has actually mentioned what it is, so we are essentially shadow boxing.

I think there's a little but more nuance to why the West is collapsing than removing the colour bar. I disagree that it was compassionate, too. Can you state why you think this was so?
For the record, I don't disagree on principle of people self-assembling around shared characteristics. If you want to have a straight white male only golf club, go ahead. I don't believe that a state has the right to debar or impose upon this.

Can you provide a legitimate reason for banning interracial marriage that doesn't discount the complete humanity of another person?

This is a pagan bait thread.

It isn't.

White Americans?

I think that that is generally up to the group in question.

The supreme court uses the term racist in the anti-American, progressive sense of the word. Meaning what I just described. It's not obscure, it's mainstream and backed up by force of arms by the jews sitting in the court system.

It's biased against actual Americans. That's why they use the same exact law to "protect" (actually to benefit) illegal immigrants. And whose expense does all this come at? Actual Americans. Who benefits? Jews (their religion is deemed "secular"), sodomites, people who aren't even citizens of the country, and anyone else deemed a "protected group," of which the jews on the courts get to decide who is protected and who is not— And they will never side with the people of this country.

No it's up to the appointed members of the court system now, and it has been ever since the progressives took over the courts in the 1960's.

So every antiwhite faggot is not Christian?

Racism is gay.
Race realim is true.
Too much immigration is gay and destabilizing.
Racemixing is rare, but not a problem if done wisely and carefully within marriage.

If you get triggered when you see mixed-race couples you're goofy.

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You cannot be tolerant and apathetic and be Christian. The moolies can pray back in Africa.

True, but you don't have to be racist in order to think race mixing is a bad idea.

Out of context, but I still kek'd.

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If the "moolies" are your fellow Christians you should treat them with love and respect. Unless you believe that your country and race are more important than God's will.

Do you honestly believe that Jesus Christ, god in the flesh, would tell people of two different "races" to not have children because their children wouldn't be "pure"? Does the bible not say that God shows no partiality?

Some of you on this board seem to care more about your race and nationality than Jesus Christ, it's rather unnerving.

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You don't need to be racist to enjoy white people more than you do other groups. You don't need to be racist to know that white people are experiencing a "soft" genocide in the west.

I'm sorry, where did I say I believed this? In reality I agreed with OP that racism is anti-christian, but it seems like you're determined to read racism into my few words. Race mixing is a bad idea, that does not necessarily mean it is always immoral, but I will say under certain circumstances it is immoral. It's not about the child living up to an external standard of purity, but it is about what their quality of life would be like. If a couple engages in out of wedlock race mixing, without thinking about the biological troubles the child will go through, because she thinks they'll be like her favorite celebrity, and he just wants some easy pussy, then they are in sin.
Sorry to break it to you, this is 99% of race mixing cases, and its disgusting.

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If Jesus does not see race, why do you? Do you not follow Christ?

I never said anything about birth out of wedlock. If two married Christians of different races had children would that be wrong?

The problem is not "race mixing", the problem is the lack of Christianity and proper morals within Western Civilization. There are plenty of white people that engage in out of wedlock sex and have children out of wedlock, and it's just as much of an issue than if it was a white and a black person, or whatever "racial" group they happen to be.

So would you rather be around white pagans or black christians?

Is this a Christian board or am I mistaken? Are you white first, and christian second?

It depends on what "be around" means. I am a father to a toddler. I would want to raise my children around white people, even if they were pagans. The reasons for this being that it would be much safer, i.e. less crime, drug use, etc.

I really have nothing against black people at all. I respect black Christians who resist the toxic black culture in modern America.

You do realize that the safety, lack of crime, and lack of drug use comes from Christian European culture, right? Look at how the pagans lived before Christianity came, they were dirty, they raped, pillaged and sacrificed animals to demons. Look at how Muslims live today. That's pagan society. What you're thinking of as a pagan is a white secularist that lives in a society based in Christianity and dabbles in spooky occult nonsense for fun.

Raising your child amongst pagans would ensure that they would themselves become pagans because they would have no christians around to worship with them, and inspire them to remain steadfast in their faith.

And yet you don't want to live around them because they're black. You'd rather live around demon worshippers because they're white. Do you not see the absurdity in that?

When I think of Pagan culture, I am thinking of Idol-worship, like American celebrity culture, sports culture, the worship of sex, etc. As degenerated as this is, it is nowhere near as dysfunctional as American black culture, or in any of the places where blacks are the majority. Even in Christian parts of Africa, there is mass suffering at the hands of their militias slaughtering "witches" in the thousands and "enforcing" the 10 Commandments.

Yes, basically every culture did that in the bronze age. Primitive tribes today still do. I don't get what you mean by this.

Where did Jesus say race is not a biological reality?
Not necessarily. It would depend on their motives, and whether they considered the medical consequences for the child.
They're both bad, but the fact that the child of race mixing is going to start their life with a compromised immune system as well as being a bastard seems to make the latter just a hair worse.

Why not both?
Be Christian and acknowledge that a great number of people from one race does indeed do a specific thing.
Not all indians poo on the streets but a great number do.
Not all black and gypsies steal but a great number of them do.
Not all asians work very hard but a great number of them do.
It's not racist to guard yourself against a potential thereat.

How is that any different than the pagan cultures of pre-christian europe? Did they not worship polytheistic gods and trees, and "nature"? Did they not participate in gladiator battles, and worship war gods? Did they not participate in orgies and other sinful sexual practices? I mean, even homosexuality was much more prevalent in pre-christian europe than christian europe. And they worshipped humans as well, through ancestor worship. These were all things that white pagans did. Although I do agree than American culture has become more degenerate, that could easily be reversed through the spread of Christianity, which is what Christians should be focused on, rather than race.
Indeed, which is why we should help set them on the right path through real Christianity, rather than shunning them. Simply saying, "Oh let the moolies pray in Africa" is evil and wrong, do you love your fellow christian brothers? Would Christ have that sort of attitude?
My point is that without Christian values (we do both believe that Christianity is the true religion, right?) people, no matter where they live, will revert back to the same way of living. Look at our secular society of today, it's violent, over-sexualized, disgusting and absolutely immoral, just like those primitive cultures of the past.

No where, Jesus said that we are all gods children through faith in him, so "biological reality" means nothing. Do you care more about biology or God?
Medical consequences should not stop a child from being born, because children are a reward from God. Do you support murdering babies in the womb, if they're to be born with some sort of medical condition?
There are studies that say mixed kids are healthier and there are studies that say mixed kids are unhealthier, relying on scientific papers before God is insane because science is a fickle thing that changes with time, whereas God is eternal.

Acts 10:34-35
Galatians 3:26-29
Deuteronomy 10:17
Hebrews 12:14
John 13:34
Romans 2:11
Romans 3:23
They do that "specific thing" because they have not been properly exposed to the teachings of Christianity.
And as Christians we should spread the gospel to them so that they stop committing those sinful acts, rather than shunning them.
And it certainly isn't Christian to completely reject a group of people because of their actions, if Christ had that attitude we'd all be destined to suffer for all of eternity because we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God.

You know, I think is right, there are a lot of Zig Forums users here that haven't fully accepted Christ into their hearts, and it's a shame.

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The favorite strawman of retards.

It is completely legitimate to not to allow entrance to a group in a nation, based on race. Feel free to go to non white countries and help them there.

Legitimate based on what? Your feelings or God's will?

That's not true, trots can't do anything worthwhile

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Is that what you would say to a sodomite?

Racism is just a tool os psychological warfare against whites. The use of racism in propaganda is meant to create a feeling of guilty conscience that makes one more malleable to liberal propaganda.

It works this way: the "racism" feeling in a sense is a natural one that happens in all people of all races to some degree. It is merely the continuation of the survival instinct, to prefer what is familiar to what is strange and to seek those alike you. Constant "anti-racist" propaganda though creates a feeling that those feelings are a "sin" (one of the modern sins alongside with misoginy), and the one afflicted by this is more likely to surrender to propaganda and bad agendas.

Obama was basically elected like this.

If you effective racism like gassing people, then yes, that would be a sin, but not what I described. And in that case, anyway, the most distinct characteristic of the sin is killing, not really hating someone because of their race.

I'm not even white.

Also, OP should be banned, he always opens this thread without even specifying what the hell "racism" is.

This is shitposting.

Legitimate based on the authority of the nation to set rules to protect itself and avoid invasions or the loss of the native population.

But at least your intentions are now clear, snake, so you can drop your "Christ would definitely be a leftist like me" garbage.

Ok I wasn't gonna say anything but now that you're dragging scripture into this, I have no choice. All you're doing here is acting "holier than thou," because nobody here is advocating genocide or enslavement or any such thing like that. We deserve the right to be able to live in a nation with our own people, just like we can live with our own family and not another, and you are picking a fight against people who are doing the right thing right now.

You're basically saying that we have to live in an open borders society and pretend not to understand the ethnic boundaries that exist, and that is no different than the demands of the most radical feminists and sodomites who insist there must be no difference between man and woman. This is you as well, but cloaked in the degenerated state of modern acceptance. In reality you're no different from the feminists. After all, you use the same scriptures they do, Galatians 3:28 says men and women are equal value, and you turn around and say there must be no recognition of natural gender (even though it's built into us) and we must march for social equality, just like the progressives in the 1960's and the radical feminists today. Only difference is your form of madness is more socially acceptable. In a few decades the same might be said of progressive gender theory. Especially with people like you around. And your kind will be right behind it, pushing the talmudic values behind a cloak of social acceptability, because let's face it, it's the easiest thing in the world to be progressive and egalitarian. And that's all you are, another useful idiot, but the difference is you actually had the nerve to inject scripture into your empty rhetorics. No respector of persons? Did you not read this post?

It doesn't matter. I don't want to be forcibly diversified. You can't make me. And according to the Bible, divided into nations is the natural order of things in the world, not what you're suggesting. You're fighting against nature here.
Yes Biblical Christianity, which is why I take exception to your abuse of scripture when you don't follow it.
God made biology and made it for a reason. Are you some sort of dualist gnostic or what?
Now you're just railing accusations.

Very ill-advised, given his rather checkered track record when dealing in other matters.

There is a massive difference between being born of a certain race, or "mixed race", and being a sodomite. The difference is that you have no choice in being born, but you certainly have choice in having sexual relations with the same sex. So, no, I would tell the sodomite to repent for his sins and to stop choosing to sin. Unless you think sodomites are "born that way" which is complete nonsense, though ironically based in the scientific worldview you seem to adhere to.
So do you think we should murder children because they happened to be born of rape? That's cruel. And you were speaking of a "comprised immune system", you said nothing of rape.
In your opinion. For every "reliable" study you find, I can find a study that counters it and is also considered "reliable" by modern scientists, so why bother appealing to science when you could go by the word of God, which has always been reliable?
I never said "mindlessly" race mixing, I asked you if two Christians of two different races get married and have children, how could you possibly, as a christian, have an issue with that? You appeal to science and the world, I'm going by the word of God.

Propaganda is only an issue because people feed into it, if you were steadfast in your belief and ignored the media, you wouldn't feel guilty at all because you'd be focused purely on what God wants you to do.
"Survival instinct" is for animals, man is meant to live by Gods will, because we are made in the image of God and God loves us.
"Anti-Racism" and Racism are the same thing, which is why you should ignore race and focus on being a good Christian. "Race" is a concept of the world. That is what I meant by "not being racist", you should completely disregard the concept of race because Jesus Christ does not care about what race you are and where your ancestors came from, he cares about your faith because that is all that matters.

This is literally the first thread I've ever made on the topic.

Where do nations get their authority from? If nations get their authority from God, then "race" should be disregarded, because God does not care about race.
Nonsense, I don't care about left or right. To me, it's all the same secularist crap that will keep us running in circles while those at the top laugh at our stupidity. Communist Dictators, Capitalist Bankers, Presidents, Prime Ministers, they laugh at us and how we willingly divide ourselves over arbitrary differences. We need nations that are made for Christians and protect the interests of Christians, and they won't happen if you cling to worldly matters like "right-wing, left-wing, black, white, asian, arab, hispanic". These are worldly distinctions that will mean nothing in the afterlife.

This incessant need of defining religious topics through political terms is absurd.

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Where does that "right" come from? God? Where does God say in the bible to divide the world into different races because race mixing is bad?
Not at all, I think we should live in a closed borders society based in Christianity, if you're not Christian, you can't come in and we should expel all muslims, pagans, and anyone else that isn't willing to convert to Christianity. I never mentioned anything about borders at all, and that really has nothing to do with the topic at hand, you're trying to turn this into a political debate.
Ethnic boundaries exist, but so what? Should we shun people based on them, or should we spread the gospel and welcome them into Christianity? And the fact that you'd compare this conversation to what sodomites and feminists want shows how much Zig Forums has fried your brain, you can only think in terms of politics.
Literally never said that and do not believe that at all, but ok.
I don't care about secular "social equality" or "marching", I care about God's will, and God's will is that we must spread Christianity and that anyone that has faith in Christ is a brother.
Class and race are two entirely different things, there are rich black people and poor white people, all of them are people, and if Christian, all of them are brothers in Christ. Why would I treat another Christian different based on where his ancestors come from? That is insane.
Divided nations are not the same as divided races.
God made all men in his image, and that takes precedence over the human made philosophies like natural science that rely on empiricism, rather than the word of God. "Made it for a reason", how could possibly know why God does what he does? You're not God.
The poster said "Most races do 'x', so we should protect ourselves from them. I'm saying that if Christ had that same attitude, he'd want nothing to do with us because we all do sinful things that damage each other and the world as a whole.Thank God Jesus Christ has mercy and compassion, and we should strive to have mercy and compassion as well.

But go ahead, tell me about how God wants us to stay away from each other because we come from different parts of the earth, and how we should reject other races from our society because of "ethnic boundaries", and how biology was made for us to shun each other. Just like how Jesus shunned gentiles from joining his faith because they weren't of his race, oh wait

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It is a noble and good thing to have ALL humans on earth Christian. However that is not the case in the real world. So yeah, there will still be pooping on streets and high crime rates.

Guard yourself =/= reject people
I doubt you casually stroll in bad neighbourhoods with the latest iphone 10 in your hand.

Listen, i don't know from what soft couch you are writing this but idolatry won't disappear even if the whole world is made Christian. The race debate can be solved through well thought political actions. Christianity can by itself help people get out of mess but that number is lower than expected.
Telling people they should stop seeing colors is stupid.
Facts are facts whether you like it or not.
I've been in very bad places to spread the word of God and let me tell you that unless some actual political actions are put in place there will still be problems.
The fact remains, blacks commit more crimes than whites. Going in the hood and telling people they should stop sinning otherwise they will end up in hell will surely end bad.

The "real" world is the modern world of secularism and degeneracy. We can change the world through faith in Christ. Nothing is impossible through Jesus Christ.
You can protect yourself and at the same time welcome people into your fold. We shouldn't just let people live in sin, we should show them the proper way to live.
That's true, fair enough. Still, we shouldn't simply allow people to sin, they need help and we should at least try to help them, rather than saying, "Let the moolies pray in Africa, I don't care".
Anything is possible through Jesus Christ, and I'd rather have a world full of imperfect Christians than a world full of pagans, atheists, and heretics. We should strive for this.
I highly doubt that, considering we've been trying to do that for hundreds of years and consistently failing.
So Galatians 3:28 is stupid? If we are all one in Christ, why care about the colors of peoples skin?
Empirical facts of men will never be able to match the beauty and truth of God's words.
Secular politics got us into this mess in the first place. We had a black president, literally the most powerful office in the world, and he was totally incapable of fixing the black community. Only through God can these issues be solved. It may not happen in our generation, or our children's generation, or our children's children's generations, but we must not give up, because the second we do the world will fall into degeneracy, darkness, and sin. Things can and will always get worse unless we remain vigilant in our faith and reject what the lies that the world offers us. Focusing on race over religion will not get us there.
I mean, you'd be kind of surprised. Muslims and heretics like the Black Israelites are very successful in the hood because they can manipulate blacks through the "oppressed victim" narrative. We can convince them through showing them the truth, and it doesn't have to be us literally walking into the hood, we can use the internet as a tool in order to show them what God really said and what God truly wants. And also, you act as if black people are this monolith, there are plenty of black christians in the hood already and not all of them are sinful degenerates. I guarantee you that there are many blacks that see the world the same way we do, but are unable to express themselves because this secular Godless society we live in goes against the truth. The internet may be pivotal in giving those blacks more of a voice.

There was a time in this country when blacks were extremely devout christians (basically before the civil rights era in the 1960's) and I believe that we can bring them back to that point because through Christ all things are possible.

You mean like you when you opened this thread with the term invented by an antichrist to be used for antichrist purposes. Don't act all innocent. You yourself are feeding into it every time someone opens this thread and reads that opening post. You made this thread using that language. Don't pretend you aren't pushing progressive politics with that opening line, you wicked, repulsive serpent.

Nation is an extension of the family. You can't redefine words to your liking here.
Yes it does because it's "racist" not to have open borders and you put it in your opening line. Maybe if you wanted to have something reasonable to say you wouldn't purposely inject politically charged, antichrist words in the OP, the fact is you've chosen your side and even now you're trying to defend it.
You're the same as them, I'm putting you together with them.
I dunno, why would I honor my father and mother? Why would I provide for my own, especially they of my own house? I guess the word of God is insane to you because you act like this is being a respector of persons when ITS MY OWN FAMILY.
Nation is an extension of family. That's why when they merged a nation with a state they called the result a nation-state, because originally, the two weren't the same thing. Rather nation-states are the result of saying states should be divided by nation, and in order to do that, you have to first know what nations the people are in, thus proving their objective existence as nations are tied to blood outside of being a mere piece of territory.
I know it exists for a reason, just like man and woman exists for a reason. You are fighting against nature to demand that people go against it and enforce political exactions against those that stand in your way.
Guess what though, Christ also protected those whom he was given from the wicked ones. John 18:9. You are attempting to tell people this is wrong because it's considered "racist" to protect the weak and innocent that were entrusted to you from outside invaders which have hostile intent. And you want to overlook that, at the expense of our own, who can't stand up for themselves. And really just to make yourself look good and tolerant because it's very socially acceptable to be that way and to shirk responsibility and play dumb to it.

When i say well thought polical actions i am thinking about a Christian-ethostate :))) .

You have a big heart christanon and the blacks going in hoods to spread the good news actually works BUT never think the whole world will at one point be Christian. It is a sad truth and i agree that it would be posible if God wills it. God wants all people believe in His son Jesus but free will has it's downsides.

We live in a post -Christian era and the leaders of the most powerful countries are either softcore atheists or hardcore satanists. That is why we can't have nice things. Start believeing in conspiracy theories (not all of them, i recommend the jewish and masonic ones).

The solution to the world problems? Make as many people good Christians. Many but not all. If you go full DEUS VULT these days you will end up scaring people. As for the race thing, it takes a lot of funds and voluntary work for someone to start trusting you. Braging about a guy on a cros is not what starving people want to hear. I've been places. They only listen to the preachers in order to recieve aid not because they acutally are interested.

Also if you really want to evanghelise make sure you teach children. You'll find adults are stubborn. Educate children and make sure they get the right message and are offered a chance. Other than the things i said there is not much to be done. Convertion is a hard process and doesn't involve only knowing the Gospel, it's also politics, economy, hard work and education of future generations.

So using a term to describe something makes me a "wicked repulsive snake"? We all know what racism is, it's the notion that distinct races exist and we should treat people differently based on those perceived differences, you'd rather argue against the term rather than argue against the notion.
Right, we need a nation made up of a family of christian brothers and sisters. Unless you consider family to be only those that are literally blood related to you, which is goes against the bible. Matthew 12:50: "For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother". Any Christian that truly has faith in Christ is a brother to me no matter where they came from, especially in this atheistic time we're living in.
Never said that, don't agree with that. We need a closed borders nation based entirely in Christianity that only allows Christians to live within it. You're arguing with an imaginary liberal progressivist.
Lol, come on dude, you're just being autistic over the word "racism" at this point. We know what racism is, you can try and twist the definition around, but in reality people know what I'm talking about.
I'm not, and you have no proof of that.
Literally never said that you shouldn't do those things, I simply said that you shouldn't treat people differently because of their race. Once again, you're arguing against a point I never made.
That may have been true in the past, but is it true anymore? By your definition of nations being founded in blood, most of them came into existence before Christianity, so why should we still adhere to those older standards? We should create a truly Christian nation now, not try to continue nations based in tribalism.
"A" reason, but you don't know "THE" reason, all you can do is guess and pretend you know, because you're not God. You should follow the bible and stop assuming the reasons God does what he does.
I literally have not said that at all, I'm simply saying, once again, you should not judge people purely based on where they happened to have come from. Not everyone that is of a different race than you has "hostile intent", and you shouldn't walk around with this paranoid outlook on life. Love God, trust God and spread his word. I also stated that we should expel muslims from our nation, so I'm definitely not against the idea of protecting us from outside invaders, I just base "outside invaders" on what they believe rather than their particular race.
Dude, if I wanted to "look good" in the modern world, why would I be a Christian? I don't care about being tolerant, I care about being a good follower of Christ. I'm totally against "shirking responsibility", I see it as our duty to spread the word of Christ because I see how it improved my life, and other peoples lives. If a lost person like myself can find new life in Jesus Christ, anyone can, and we should help them get there.

Indeed, this is true.
I'm already there with you when it comes to the Jew and Freemason conspiracies. Still, I feel like we can defeat these evils, I mean look at how much has changed in the world in the last couple of years, it's now common sense to most people that the elite are fully corrupt, exposing their disgusting satanic ways can bring people closer to God. I never would have thought 10 years ago that we'd be living in a world where a politician was exposed for worshipping Moloch, things have changed immensely.
Fair enough, you have more experience in that than I do.


Why not? What is so bad about not racemixing?
Every sane person cares about both. History has proven that Christian morals are best upheld in ethnically homogenous societies, and are absolutely annihilated in melting pots. USA and Brazil are the best examples of zero Christian virtues.

I cannot be a Christian and hate others because of their race.
I'm perfectly fine acknowledging they are more stupid in average compared to whites.
Hate and discrimination are wrong, accepting truth about them is not.
We as western christians have a duty to guide our inferiors for their best, while allowing the best among them to emerge.

Literally the Herodes Law. Either get sacrificed by pagans or get killed by gangs.


God Forbids Mixing Of The Races

I like how Christians can't explain the correlation of diversity and the rise of atheism. Reminder that racial diversity + neighbourhood = distrust + asociality = atheism

Christian liberals*

Christianity is a minority among whites now. People are realizing that it only benefits blacks and other races while it just takes and takes from whites. People are waking up and returning home to their roots, the real European Faith's.

no it isn't

Unless by "real European faith's" you mean gay atheism, no they aren't.

Pew Research Center already broke the news bud. Christianity is dying among whites. There are plenty of other paths for us to follow that doesn't involved following a foreign deity and their "chosen people" who happened to be the most vile, disgusting people on Earth.

Just look how your fellow black Christians think about you, if you happen to be white.

Aaaaand you missed my point. We are talking about whether the actions of the parents are righteous or not, we are not talking about the value of the child which is not diminished by the circumstances of its birth. My point was that just as a man must consider the biological facts concerning a potential sexual partner to avoid sodomy, so must a black man consider the biological facts concerning a potential sexual partner to avoid doing harm to his future children.
And I would say the same to someone who is considering race mixing without thinking of the consequences for their children.
No I wouldn't, I'm 100% pro-life. Stop overlooking what I've already addressed when its convenient for your argument
Where does scripture specifically address the healthiness of mixed race children?
If they've considered the consequences for the child, and done everything in their power to prepare for them then its probably ok, though I'm still suspicious. However as I said before this is probably less than 1% of race mixing today.
Again, where exactly does the scripture address any of this?

I think your problem is that you're trying to turn me into some kind of child hating radical when its clear that I'm not. I just want people to put a little thought, and preparation into having children.

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What's the consensus on mixing races?

There is none, but its still wrong in most cases.

That was a dishonest way of phrasing that question. You can choose to breed with whatever race you please, but don’t proclaim it as unlawful in the gospel dispensation.

Very simple, ethnic identity and nominal homogeneity are the bedrock of stable social relations and cohesion, and thus of functional society, and thus of public faithfulness, and thus of personal Godliness on a societal scale, etc, etc. A better question honestly would be, what's a popular reason that DOES deny the complete humanity of other races? Unless you directly declare them sub-human, even the rationale of "I hate n iggers, racemixing should be banned" doesn't deny their humanity.

Are you purposefully dishonest or just dumb and obtuse? Every one of your posts ITT is just so much projection and blather about any concern which anyone in their right mind knows is legitimate being "of the world." Well newsflash, we live in the world and ensuring the welfare of our family who live here with us is our moral responsibility, and the fact that you deny what all evidence and sense says about this issue proves you an idiot or a liar (who's spent the entire thread casting aspersions on the faith of the majority of the board baselessly, no less).

tldr; You cannot be a retard or a faggot and make threads on Zig Forums, pick one or the other

i do get triggered by this
Im mixed race

Sorry, I thought this was Christian board, but now I see it's basically just a typical white nationalist chan board that larps as Christian, I'll leave you all to your hatred.

Thats nice.

alright, commie faggot, if you believe all that shit then you're free to do whatever and have your afterlife if you're so convinced. but leave the rest of us out of it, we don't need braindead dipshits like you shilling for the genocide of your own race

Daily reminder that the sin of the Tower of Babel was pride (trying to build a tower to Heaven, beyond arrogant), not that all the races were united.
God confused their languages as a punishment for their gross arrogance, not their unity.
Besides, Pentecost reversed Babel.
Not that I condone race mixing in general. There are plenty of valid reasons not to do so.

even if christianity were true and all that shit that you faggots believe, why would the god want people to destroy what he created through race mixing? saying race mixing isn't a sin is like saying burning the rainforest isn't a sin- sure, the bible might not mention it, but it's still objectively wrong

Friendly reminder all humanity stems from the same primordial parents.
What matters to God is repentance and faith, not blood at the end of the day.
Besides, if we're going to be fully consistent, people of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds shouldn't marry and have kids together.
Americans shouldn't marry Canadians, Germans shouldn't marry Swiss, Russians shouldn't marry Ukrainians, etc.
But hey, I don't ever see people condemn cultural and ethnic mixing.

literally everything does not revolve around god, ffs

and even if it did, that doesn't mean we can't take good care of the Earthly realm while also addressing spiritual concerns. I wouldn't be so bothered by christcucks if they didn't insist on this "welp we're going to heaven anyway so who gives a fucc about anything? let the white race die lmao just pray"
they shouldn't, everyone should stay within their own ethnic group, even down to localities like villages
because it's not nearly as bad to mix two different peoples that are both of good quality than to mix one of good quality with one of bad quality

I gleaned from your posts that you're not Christian, so I can understand why you'd say something so foolish.
I agree. Taking care of people and the earth is part of good works. Anyone who would eschew their responsibility because "lol rapture tomorrow guise" is disingenuous.
Glad to know you're trying to have a reasonable, well-meaning conversation, bud.
Considering how degenerate the average white person is, I'm surprised God has allowed us to continue existing. Israel was the same way back in the day, you know. Put their faith in their kingdom and not God, and they all got dispersed among the nations for their disobedience.
At least you're consistent. I appreciate that.
Like I said, have you seen the abominations that white people are committing?
Goodness and badness of quality are not tied to blood alone, but by the formation of the spirit.
A man who is faithful to God and seeks to follow His commandments is worth more than some heathen pagan from the jungles of Africa or some heathen European who goes out to sodomite parties.

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True, but God still created humans to be attracted to others of their own race. Widespread race mixing is a relatively new phenomenon brought about by anti-Christian ideas of multiculturalism and everyone being exactly the same. I'm not one of those who thinks the white race is the most important thing in the world, races superior to any race living today probably existed and went extinct millennia ago(just look at the lifespans of the antediluvian people or even even many succeeding generations of postdiluvian people), but every race and culture exists because of God and to completely destroy any of those cultures, let alone erase all of them by mixing them all together, diminishes the breadth of God's creation.

What about a racialist?

race realism is true. races are different.
racial preferences are fine.
racial hatred and racial animosity is evil, specially if it dehumanizes the other.

anyone who hates other races has a twisted worldview, no way around it.

Not an argument
Wrong, a healthy, Godly society is established by one thing alone, the same thing that establishes families and home: fear of the Lord and acquiring His wisdom (Deut. 7:12-14, Jos. 20:14-15, Prov. 1:7, 3:33, 8:15-16, 11:11). Ethnicity does not factor in at all.
The audacity of your delusions! Instead of praying for your enemies, you just call them a nig***. encourage non-white eugenics, and call it a day. Such hatred, without even a possibly just reason such as sin, is anathema to God (Mat. 5:22, James 3:9) At least hate a person because of the sins he commits and not because he's black, blue, or whatever spectrum of the rainbow his skin color is or wherever claims his great-times-7-grandfather came from. You delude yourself if you think you have Christ while expressing this hatred (1 John 3:10-18). Turn to Christ and live!

How do you sleep every night?
You are deluding yourself, you and every pagan-larper on this site. Even the few dispensationalist Christians, God help them, who expectantly wait for a rapture don't entirely ignore duties God commands them to accomplish, including taking care of neighbor. Maybe not at the extent that God himself desires, but better than your imagined boogie-man.
Prayer is powerful, but you don't care anyways, so why try convincing the mental-spiritual equivalent of a brick wall.
Read this gem from Steve Hays: This is your mindset in what you just said. Madness, God save you.


Race realism is nowadays condemned as racism. Basically implying there are any differences at all is condemned as racism.

Also go back to reddit. This is a shit thread. You don't even define the word 'racism'. Today the 'definitions' vary from 'there are differences' to 'hatred'. Racist is a nonsense term since it has no stable definition and most people think only europeans can be racist.

Go back to reddit instead of creating bait threads

Racism is not inherently bad and neither is discrimination. Criminals are discriminated against because they use their freedom dangerously. I'm racist against most non-white races because they can generally be more aggressive and apathetic towards others.

I've been reading The Culture of Critique and I am convinced that Jews have a pathological tendency to act in a tribalistic self-preserving manner against all nations that they come in contact with. By encouraging immigration, the Jews try to destroy the ethnic unity of nations around them while trying to preserve theirs as much as possible.

What about Samaritans, they were once related but act in an entirely different manner.

This is how I know that this whole thread is filled with anti-whites that find BASED BLACKS and BASED JEWS to be a more holier people. You people do nothing but spout the same shit that liberals do and sit there wondering why no one is giving a shit about Christianity anymore. All it boils down to is, ironically, worshipping colored people and kikes and giving yourself a nice pat on the back so you can say to yourself "Well, at least I don't have to worry about the sin of White Guilt!".

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I hadn't known they still existed. On wikipedia it says their current population is less than a thousand, as such I wouldn't know of their influence and their acts. If the Samaritans are however trying to act like Biblical Jews then they would treat foreigners with kindness, something that the Talmud believing 'Jews' wouldn't be able to comprehend.

I see a similar dysfunctional understanding of Christianity when looking at liberal 'Christians' who support abortion and homosexuality. I have my own theories as to why blacks commit more crime than anyone else but I hope I'm wrong in them. God will reveal everything in the end and we are to preach to all the nations.

Good point. All Christians are exempt from being accused of racism because its not possible.

You mean the LRA that's led by a self proclaimed spirit medium? The one that goes against the teaching of the Ten Commandments


What's an Alþing?
Which is a symptom of post-christian societies.
Actually observant christian countries are conservative.
The pagan euros did the same shit, what is this snowtigger talking about?
Even the vikings, who were the barbaric faggots that civilized pagan society shunned, were famous for trading like crazy.

The pagan romans were bitching about having trade deficit with the CHINESE, for crying out loud, and their entire roman military crisis was made by landlords shafting the soldiers, and the entire political scene turning into a fractious military-industrial complex where ultra-rich fags were duking it out, and placating the regular folk with gibs.

Is that why we defeated the continent?

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