it was painful! but worth it
Jay Dyer is legit, he knows philosophy and theology really well.
His few publications make him a bit of an odd choice. I'd go with other people, but hey you do you.
He did a good job dunking on this Perennialist in a debate ←-
His refutation of John Romanides is very good,
And his writings on evolution and nominalism are very helpful.
I'm already good on politics and know about conspiracy theories, so I don't really need him to reinforce my views
Why can't people read someone other than this memelogian?
Why do people hate Seraphim Rose so much, he studied the fathers as much and even more than many people who you would consider "Official" Theologians. This is a silly attitude to have as if you need a Dr in front of your name to know truth. More than his intensive study he lived the gospel out in his life through is true aestheticism and has far more spiritual vision than any of the memers on this board. People hate Fr Seraphim because he told the truth.
Rose shits on aliens and yoga and new age crap, so lots of people take offense to that now.
Don't know much about the guy, but this is a silly point to make. A doctorate implies integrity as well as knowledge within said field, whatever it may be. It's a sign of maturity, not a simple status symbol.
You clearly know nothing about academia lad. These men with such integrity are the ones who teach your sons that they should get their penis chopped off if they play with a barbie doll
In what book?
I think people hate him because he was an American convert and there is an unfortunate strain of Orthodoxy that expects converts to stay quiet; which is sad because converts can be zealous about their Orthodox faith and that's something the Church could really use at times.
Not trying to imply that anyone who disagrees with Rose is an ethnic nativist but I do think that attitude exists within Orthodoxy.
The thing is i have heard only praise from Russians about him I always hear American converts/American cradle Orthodox who seem to have some problem with him, they hide behind the idea that Rose was some kind of "Orthoprot" and i hate to use the word and somehow they are the representatives of the authentic tradition.
No, this is what people find as a salvageable part.
People dislike his larpish tone, MUH EMPRAH, and worst of them all, resurgence of tollhouse memes.
My, oh MY…
Maybe for casual entertainment, but not for reliance upon.
tigga, I agree on evolution being wrong but the Earth is not 6000 years old.
There is no point in discrediting our faith with more and more layers of cognitive dissonance.
He's a do it yourself youtube theologian. Come on, there are better sources.
He was a good man and a good monk but he caused the spawn of the tollhouse meme in american converts and russiaboos.
Also Tsarism larping.
Don't take him too seriously, he's just an alt-right e-celeb. Stick to priests and whatnot.
Personally I, for example, support evolution in animals (sort of) but I'm against applying it on humans. We are special case in my opinion and I dont think its rational to apply one certain model to every case. Well, thats my opinion at least
Anywho please move in here and stop clogging the catalog with these threads
Secular democracy places great emphasis on two things for authority: money and education. Don't fall into the trap. Wisdom and intelligence aren't the same things. Orthodoxy has never cared much for simple book-learning.
It's the general. Use it.
Let's say there are parts that can't be accepted for Christians. No matter what the everchanging scientific consensus is.
Even if we say God guided the evolution of man from proto-monkey ancestors this imply violence, death and the existance of a body of death far before the fall. The first men must have been immortal and with a body of glory, similar but a bit inferior to the body of resurrection.