Welp…the Philippines seem doomed:
Phillipine Christians Apologize to LGBTQ
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Unfortunately, you forgot to read this part of the OP article:
Apostolics yes!
No one is scared. Calling it a phobia (homophobia) is cultural marxist terminology meant to shame dissenters as "afraid"
It is a sex act? They say it themselves, they want sex with the same sex
There's some truth in this one, better to help them get over their illness instead of condemning and alienating your own family
They've hurt their own families
To what?
Only reasonable one, but they probably don't mean it in the same way.
Anyway I don't know why I wasted 5 minutes writing out a response to a photo of a sign made by a jew given to atheists pretending to be Christians for the sake of protest
I don't want to start interdenominational mud-flinging. The cold hard truth is that the absurd level of LGBTQ acceptance happening in the Philippines is horrible. Period.
Can't help people who don't want to be helped. Also our Lord himself recommended to shun and excommunicate people if after repeated efforts they don't want to listen "let them be as a tax collector and a gentile to you"
The Philippines is beyond saving. Even their psychotic president who brags about killing people and raping Christian missionaries admitted to being a sodomite.
Funny espically since sodomites are allowed to be preists and get protection from their crimes because of the apostolics.
Apostolics YES
We're supposed to shun gentiles and tax collectors? Welp.
Aye, Duterte is a soul in need of prayer; but what exactly made an 86+% Christian country so pro LGBTQ?
Don't they have a ton of ladyboys there? I think some raise their boys to be girls so they can pimp them out to white sex tourists. They need the money and whoring is the only business that's booming. Or maybe I'm getting mixed up with Thailand.
I think you got it mixed with Thailand, homeland of “traps” and “ladyboys”. Still on the topic, I do not know what the winnie the pooh is wrong with those Philippinos, false flag or signs of worse things to come. You simply cannot live as a Christian and be apolegetic towards your belief and compromise, that is a sin towards God himself. Carry your cross steadfastly.
For some good news, Orthodox Christians are rising in numbers in Thailand and probably SE Asia in general.
yes whenever you go to the bank spit in their face and say BEGONE BANKER. it is the true path to holiness
They have a fedora president too
Considering the rampant pedophilia and adultery in the Philippines, LGBTQIAP+ pandering is the least of their issues.
Yep, slow but steady, my church here has a decent turn out. What we need is more priests and funding and some sort of missionary work
This happens a lot, not so much ladyboys but underage teen girls get pimped out and work in shady shops (massage) to support their families
Christian Filipinos are really respectful and polite from my experience, I think their compassion can be easily exploited because of this, so i'm not surprised seeing them grovel before LGBT nonsense
The article says that it the demonstration was by Church Freedom in Christ Ministries, so I don't know what your little "Apostolic yes" comment is supposed to mean. Anyway, they are just reporting that some group did something, but note how they frame it to propagate their agenda.
Yeah, because Eastern Orthodoxy is a bastion of morality.