If a strong, independent black woman isn't financially or emotionally prepared to raise a child...

if a strong, independent black woman isn't financially or emotionally prepared to raise a child, then there is literally nothing wrong with her terminating her pregnancy

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Wrong, it's murder. The real answer is to train her not to spread her legs like a whore in the first place before she is married to a man with a job capable of supporting a child.

according to God's law murder is wrong

of an african, which is perfectly fine
impossible, black women are all whores
black males don't marry, nor do they have jobs, nor do they stick around to support their children

Abortion is murder.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Being full of hate is beta and weak.
Purify yourself, Zig Forums has mindwinnie the poohed you.

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defending hostile races is beta and weak, the alpha course of action is to conquer and destroy them

I don't care about your marxist kike god

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and btw I believed in genociding non-whites before I even went on Zig Forums, for years, I was repulsed by the weeabooism


if people are hostile to you then self-defense is fine, but resentment and brooding is beta/slave morality — even faggots like Nietzsche recognized this.

if you're non-christian then you're worldview is functionally the same as marxists/atheists/pagans it's incoherent and valueless, you each have your own idols, and all idols will bleed your blood and kill your women

they are
my worldview revolves around the white race, that's absolutely coherent and valuable

christianity is idolatry of the conscience

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the white race is garbage, koreans are better than whites

gooks are dog-eating alcoholic manlet jap rape babies

nothing wrong with eating dogs theyre delicious

Then you're a relativist and materialist, just like marxists, atheists, faggots, and liberals; your worldview can't account for morals, truth or logic, you're just a hunk of matter bumping into other hunks of matter; when blacks kill whites or steal their land in south africa this is actually value neutral in your worldview…if you actually understood logic and what your position entails you'd realize this.
You're like a gay guy who gives gays special treatment and extra rights merely because they're his ingroup. You're like a marxist who gives other marxists special rights and treatment merely because they share his ideology. But underneath all your special pleading and fallacious reasoning is an incoherent worldview.

morality is defined by what benefits or harms the race
truth and logic are entirely objective
yeah and so are you
no because that harms the white race. whites killing blacks and stealing their land would be a good thing

the rest of your post is incoherent

So who's white again?
I could have sworn that Italians, Slavs, Irish, Spaniards, Portuguese, Poles, and Greeks weren't white.
But hey, the Anglos and Germans are clearly the master race. After all, look at how great their countries are doing since Christianity has been taken out of the public forum.

nothing wrong with killing gooks

Europeans except for Albanians, plus some Caucasians
the problem is the presence of non-whites which christcucks have no problem with

social problems like moral degeneracy and shit economy are temporary and can be solved, racial extinction cannot be reversed

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korea is the best and has no whites

western man is degenerate and in need of salvation, doesn't matter how many rockets or high-impact dildos he builds, his worldview is corrupt and needs purification.

morality is universal and objective, it doesn't change according to your race or gender or nationality. This is so stupid. You literally think like a marxist.
If I say "why shouldn't I kill you?" and you answer "because I'm a marxist/white/queer" you haven't even begun to understand good and evil. Why should I value your ideology or race? Those things can't ground morals.
Your worldview has no morality it's just Might Makes Right, So you have no grounds to debate actions as being good or beneficial. When whites get slaughtered by blacks in South Africa, that's Right because they have the Might.

so you're a marxist with no ethics, a relativist. yet you want to have your cake and eat it too.

hurrr good is relative to your race/in-group
then it's good for blacks to kill whites, so you're a relativist and your morals are arbitrary and incoherent

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Working double-shift to sow discord again? You worker of iniquities? Begone.

And who qualifies as European?
I can tell you, I've seen some pretty swarthy Greeks and Spaniards.
As if all the problems of the west will magically disappear when all the filthy brown people go away.
The modern white man is godless, and all that's happening to him is a consequence of his godlessness.

from the perspective of a black, it is moral for blacks to kill whites, because that advances the cause of the black race. from the perspective of a white, it is moral for whites to kill blacks, because that advances the cause of the white race. I am white and therefore favor advancing the cause of the white race, by any means necessary
that's the universal law of nature, survival of the fittest, survival and reproduction are the only true goals of every organism. every other purpose is constructed by man, including religion