Brenton Tarrant and John Earnest

Why did their guns jam? What did they do wrong? What could they have done to avoid what happened? Tarrant appears to have recovered and cleared his weapon, but Earnest did not. Please compare the two. Even if Tarrant was more competent than Earnest, was he still relatively unskilled despite the supposed 2 years of prep?

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Ernest is just 19 year old.

What he did is fine but he should have trained better.

IIRC Earnest just nabbed the gun from his dad's drawer and likely didn't bother to clean it, much less train with it enough.

There is an argument to be made for the use of the bayonet.
If your gun goes down for any reason, then at least you'd have a pig sticker on the end to keep them from bum rushing you while you get it running again.

What gun was that?

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They didn't practice with their weapons enough to know how well they worked. Not every rifle likes all ammo, and you need to break them in a little to get peak reliability. AR isn't a sensitive platform in terms of stance or hold, you aren't going to limp wrist it or anything. Neither were using them in an environment that would cause any interference. Had to be issues with the rifles themselves or the rifle/ammo combos.

What firearm did Earnest use?

Don't know about the piano fag but Brenton's shit jammed because when he dropped the mag it probably jacked up the rounds.
Brenton Tarrant had his brass to the sky. Earnest probably didn't train enough.
For Tarrant, brass to the grass. For Earnest, TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN. You only get one chance so might as well train and buy training. Clean and maintain your shit, train with it. Also buy good equipment, you're going to be in jail for the rest of your life after so might as well get the best of the best.

A shotgun IIRC.

Yeah and journalists are retarded. Try again?

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Isn't that just instructions for loading an MG belt into the feed pawl? I've never heard any reason why you would extrapolate that to chest rigs.

Should have used a home made flame thrower, tbqh.
1.Excellent in rooms.
2.Works in seconds on a whole group.
3.Humerus screaming noises.
4.Untraceable and made from pretty easily available items.
5.Visually pleasing makes footage highly memable.
6.Added bonus of structural damage.
7.rescue by emergency responders hampered by fire and their urge to vomit.
8.+1000% acceleration.

There are a few reasons. Protection for the feed lips, naturally puts your hand in the best position and orientation for inserting mag into gun, and with polymer mags, the fat floorplate is a good gripping surface. Also, since most carriers are built with brass to grass in mind, you'll probably have more secure retention from putting mags in that way.

I could maybe see the feed lips getting damaged if you have your pouches too loose and you take a dive, or if something hard hits you square in the chest, but that doesn't seem like a major concern. You're not going to control how the mag falls if it somehow slides out of the pouch anyway, and in that situation I'd almost think facing upward might even be preferable - maybe? Any dropping is going to rattle it and make it feed improperly regardless of how it hits, though. As far as ergonomics, I think that's too dependent on the individual gun, the mags you use, and your choice of carrier since everything's gonna handle differently.

You do have a point about the often funky shape of polymer mags, which I wasn't thinking about since everything Tarrant used besides the drum was USGI. I'm remembering now that Magpul even makes those rubber thongs to put on the bottom of their overpriced meme mags because those get stuck in some carriers.

If only we had won…

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when you use blanks, DI guns don't cycle as reliably.

BO didnt shoot up a mosque for you to sperg out and call it a false flag.

The ARs the shitposter used looked like they were ran dry. ARs will run til the end of time if lubed.

Being a fucking Autist who with typical convert's zealotry took le jew mene literally and did a half-assed attack on a low level branch of a completely different religious denomination than the one intended. I really am convinced that *Autism* and the resultant inability to tell a guy who reached a position from research and understanding from a guy who would read a chapter of The Culture of Critique and decide to shoot up a Hebrew school is the single biggest problem with the dissident right.
We're talking about people who see someone that discovers the "Alt-Right" and quits their job to "name the jew" out on the street and react by thinking "Wow he's so dedicated to the cause and so unwavering in his convictions that he ought to be our leader." There is a huge tendency to mistake the extreme stances for seriousness and credibility.
Truthfully Tarrant can be said to have had more to do with Breivik than with this most recent sperg.
Alternately, these seemingly spur of the moment attacks are a lash out akin to going postal or a school shooting. John Earnest (nearly underage banned literal Autist) has much more in common in his world view and emotional response to the shitshows that were Paul Nehlen and Patrick Little's ill fated candidacies. Both were converts to the spectrum of views that could be called Alt-Right, and both freaked the fuck out. Nehlen had what might have actually been a successful campaign (esp when Ryan dropped out) and threw it away to shout about semites and consider literally everyone who didn't enthusiastically approve of his half baked 1488er stint a counter conspirator. Now Little's campaign started as such a larp rather than becoming one, but the point remains that it was characterized by the same obsession with making extreme statements (herein "edginess") and confusing this for usefulness.

The Pied Piper strategy works. If the most visible examples of a movement are Sperg Shooters and middle aged men foaming at the mouth in a debate over the best time to nuke Israel, that movement will probably alienate even the percent of the population receptive to positive white identity. It has really reached the point where Terry A. Davis (PBUH) and his "When I am king by divine right" proclamations engender more respect and appreciation than the Cringeworthy streams of recent adherents of the dissident right. For as long as this obsession with edginess persists (and those concerned about image and their own exposure and life compromises are seen as "Opticsfags") there is ZERO potential for institutional or elite defections or for a critical mass of support to form among the populace.


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I am not as certain on this one but it does appear that the more level headed folks of this political orientation tend to be those who were exposed to multiple ideologies and their underpinnings. Sufficiently so to understand rationally how the human biodiversity and factors such as social cohesion make ethnic identity and solidarity optimal. This is a positive orientation, asserting what makes sense and ought to be. Conversely, most of the figures now on the scene are of a negative orientation, and thus defining themselves by the opposition to certain factors, in this case The Jews. The postulate here is that they cannot focus on advancing white identity and the American nation because they are so heavily positioned on revenge and edginess as opposed to organizing in a useful capacity. This is exploratory and really not important to the argument of this analysis.

I am not making an argument for these actions and this post serves only an Academic purpose of categorizing the kinds of individuals involved, their degree of planning, and the Ideological Rationale for their actions.
Tarrant and Breivik made attacks that could have worked in an ETA/IRA reminiscent style of:
Time has proven that elements of this were at work in the case of Breivik, and that a net political gain has occurred among the nationalists in Norway. From Mandatory Hijab Day and the censorship as well as the peculiar handling of the media of the Sri-Lanka attacks ("Easter Worshippers" – call us Christians), it is beginning to look like this may also occur in the case of the Tarrant action. If Tarrant is allowed to defend himself in court and there are transcripts and coverage of that, these may further increase and have a narrative thread more obviously woven through them.
In most cases of any successful revolutionary action there was an "airlocked" connection between the paramilitary organization and its ideological kin in civic groups or party politics. In this, there was a political channel where the party organization could claim no responsibility (and may even legitimately possess no knowledge of violent actions) but was a mouthpiece capable of garnering sympathy and reframing the overreaction as a justification.
This will never be possible for as long as AUTISM demands edginess and derides anyone who is an "OPTICSFAG"

Hobbyism of defense and military analysis (NEITHER THIS POST NOR THE PREVIOUS ONE) does not constitute ideological sympathy or agreement with any of the parties involved If one were to write a similar post mortem about the Indian Naxalites or Maoists or Antifa there would be no accusation of allegiance there. Preserve this rule. I DISAVOW!

meant that they did not constitute ideological affinity as I am actually a neoliberal christian who sees the light in liberation theology and wishes to spread the prosperity of the modern world.

Their guns jammed because real guns do jam in real situations. Some guns are notoriously picky about ammo and get worse as the chamber heats and expands, tightening the tolerances. Sometimes it's operator error due to adrenaline.

'False flag' does not mean the same thing as 'hoax', newfag. It happened, real people died. It's still a false flag.

It would need to be a genuine napalm-thrower, though. The propane memethrowers are admittedly dangerous, but the difference in hazard between those and the real deal is the difference between a rubber bullet and a real one.

Shut the fuck up, boomer retard.

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False flags occur both in the form of scheduled violence designed to misdirect, and the scripted appearance of death.

The .NZ event appears more clearly to be the latter, with all appropriate sympathy to the survivors if I'm wrong.

Shut the fuck up, boomer retard.

I thought it was a pistol

I mean go ahead and have your movement and don't cry to me when its core is absolutely gutted like anything that isn't part of/is reinforcing the status quo. Far as I'm concerned he should have gone after the dyke but whatever, a bunch of dead mudshits is a wonderful thing either way.

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Yes, but it also works for magazines in your carrier. It's awkward to take a magazine out of your carrier if the brass is to the sky. Don't believe me? Try to speed reload with a magazine in your carrier with the brass up and the brass to the grass. You'll never see brass to the sky in any professional's kit. Which further solidifies my suspicion that Breton "The Hammer" Tarrant is the real deal.

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If you think anything in my post implied in any way any form of support or love for democracy, you need to get new glasses, Strelok. However, hating the use of democracy to undermine society doesn't mean that actively making things worse for yourself on purpose is a good or reasonable alternative. People who cheer that on act like the only options are a slow boil or suicide, when that's simply not the case whatsoever, and that kind of defeatism combined with complacency is most of the reason that we have arrived in our current situation. 'I can't do anything to stop it so I'll enforce it' is never a winning strategy. Revolutions don't get off the ground by kiking themselves to death or giving the public reasons to hate them for killing unjustifiable targets, they get off the ground by organising and turning the clock back. Shooting le epin browns for Facebook is useful idiocy at best, you should be rounding up the politicians, the bankers, the traitors, usurpers, the privileged and the turncoats. Making white people look bad by killing individuals who aren't threatening white people does not stop the greater anti-white plot, it bolsters it.

It's like people here don't even study war.


Saging for double post; I don't like absolute claims or arguments from authority about what "professionals" do, because professionals are also known to do pointless shitpost tactics like center axis relock and C-clamping, know what I mean? Tacticool stuff usually doesn't live up in real situations, which is not meant to imply that BTTR is 'tacticool', so don't take it that way. But, I'll be the first one to admit that I don't own any LBE right now, although I've used some in the past. I just haven't bought any guns that made it necessary yet, which is honestly something I need to do sooner rather than later, but it's a matter of time and money. I have practiced one-handed reloads with pistols, though, and I've seen some guys do it with ARs using pouches that are shallow, so we don't know whether Tarrant might have expected to be shot at and wounded. It goes without saying that he researched that town well enough to know ahead of time that the mosque had (((ISIS))) connections. He's very obviously afraid at several points in the video.

Like I said, try for yourself. If everyone does it, it's probably for a reason.
I've never seen anyone unironically do that.
It has its merits.

No having your mags staged like that isn't "tacticool" it just makes perfect fucking sense. The point is made with pistols as well, barring tacticool shit like "one-handed reloads" which I find funny that you'd talk shit about tacticool situations while also doing tacticool shit. That's beside the point, appeal to authority is a dumb argument but the take away from that shouldn't be "Well x and z do it so do it" The take away was do it yourself, see which is faster and less awkward, and think why that's the current doctrine of pretty much everyone.

Cuckchan tier posting.

How did you manage to read the worst into everything I said even despite me adding disclaimers for you? Fuck, take some Xanax or something, man.

Because they used faggy Ar-15s that shit where they eat

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Absolute state of this shithole board.

Tarrant's failure more than likely stemmed from a magazine failure.
The magazines themselves were good, they were Magpul PMAGs which are up there in terms of AR15 magazine reliability, but his jamming came when he ran out of ammo in his current magazine and he had to recover one of his dropped jungle mags from the hallway which weren't fastened well enough to his mag pouches.
I don't know nor care about the newfag tryhard who shot up whatever recently.

Shut the fuck up boomer retard.

Media doesn't need anything to happen to make shit up.

More and more I trust in this meme.

Wonder if it would have jammed if Tarrant has used an [non-american] AK with steel mags.

Their presence alone threatens what is left of western society. The sheer amount of money that is pumped into immigration versus spending that oneselfs own is fucking staggering. For the most part we agree on who needs to get the fucking rope, its getting there is the disagreement. Far as I'm concerned the powers that be are losing their grip given many are tired of the bullshit as is.

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I still can't find concrete information on what gun Earnest used.

All the news are reporting AR-style "assault rifles".

I did point that out though faggot.

That much is definitely true, since they've been lovingly indoctrinated with the idea that they have no responsibility to respect our nations or our cultures, and they get so much free shit and so much preferential treatment that they're practically lording over the natives in some countries, like Sweden and England. But the issue is that it's simply not mathematically possible for lone actors to kill enough to make a difference, because in many cases those people are being shipped over the borders by the thousands per day. I checked the numbers recently, and Australia literally has a population that is dying out while countless foreigners flood in. Check this shit:

In 10 minutes, 5 Australians are born. 8 Australians are lost. 10 foreigners enter, leading to a net increase of 7 aliens. No change in the number of aliens currently there is big enough, you have to stop the flow first and stop it hard. New Zealand unironically increased their immigration quotas in response to Christchurch. The men in suits profit from 'acceleration', and the allegorical handbrake is voting from the ammo box.

Shut the fuck up boomer retard.

I can see they pay you by the post.

Nope, you just need to shut the fuck up, boomer retard.

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Good point, Strelok.
This requires further study.
Those minecraft villagers wont know what hit'em.

Time to YEET on those fucking degenerate minecraft villagers. I don't think the problem is so much the hardware but the fuel itself.

Styrofoam+Petrol is supposed to work.
But if its thick enough to do its job it would need some high pressure to push it far enough to matter.

No that's not napalm.

James Holmes' AR 15 jammed as well IIRC.

I always have to laugh at ARs jamming while shooting up a clean and well maintained environment.

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I already talked about why Tarrant had his problems, has nothing to do with maintenance. And who knows what the fuck the piano autist used other than "AR-style"

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B-but it looks cool!

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This. The media screeches nonstop about how we're on the cusp of the next shoah anyway, at least with meme shooters, we actually have a body count to show for it.

has infinite ammo too

I have no idea.
Would it do the job, in minecraft?


How do average AR's hold up to sustained fire? I've never magdumped a rifle to the point of scorching metal, anybody ever "simulated" a mass shooting on the range? Any time I see a shooter bring several of the same rifle I assume it's because they have to switch out every time the rifle starts to jam.

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Clearly, this is how it must be.

And this is why dual-magazine pockets are absolute fucking cancer.

Well that's quite irrelevant, since they can, and they will hold on to power for the next 15 years or so at which point whites will be completely at the mercy of their new owners in what used to be their homelands in most of "western" countries.

They all literally used commerical-spec AR-15s.

A quality "take-to-war" AR-15 is only $1,700 to $2,500. Or you should get a smuggled mil-spec assault rifle. Seriously, civilian guns fucking suck.

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Isn't mil spic AR a meme and is even more jam prone than an civie AR?

You need AK tbh.

Are American ARs really that shit?
In Germany a decent civilian AR15 costs a small fortune, like 2-3000€ but the stuff works out of the box. I've shot competitions dumping three or four 30rd mags in the shortest possible time, failures are highly uncommon if you pay minimum attention to your gun and ammo and test your setup beforehand. Look at IPSC Rifle. If shit jammed every few rounds you'd get nowhere.
Over here problems mostly arise when people start overtuning their gear for minimum recoil at the cost of reliability. The only severe issue I ever had was while messing with an adjustable gas block and alternative springs. Live round got stuck under the bolt, took me a while to disassemble upper and lower to get it out. Apart from that, never had a malfunction that couldn't be cleared within seconds and I'm really not the most experienced shooter.

If maintained, just fine. Nothing like melting the gas tube when actually going nuts. Also it isn't a mass shooting when asked, its a house clearing drill. there also isn't anything like having blowback guns go FA because the barrel is hot enough to cause a cook off.

Not really, you're seeing the result of either poor/no training and lack of basic bitch maintenance. You've seen the results of paying attention and caring for your shit, i.e it fucking work.

American shit has been low quality since forever.

I wouldn't doubt a russian AR is better than an american one.

Not in the slightest. The attackers are just no-guns who choose shitty magazines, don't maintain their shit, often pick really crappy models (500 USD is about what you'd expect to pay for a decent prebuilt, 400 for assembled, but you can get mystery guns even cheaper), use really crappy ammo (steel loves to get stuck) and don't know how to clear basic malfunctions in a timely manner.

Post your guns so we can determine your credibility, fampai.

Bar of soap boiled into gasoline works, or do it like we did in vietnam and use powdered laundry detergent.

The point stands that thinning the herd does us very little good while the traitorous politicians who are responsible for the policies that continue to flood our countries with muslims still suck down air.

Can't, govt doesn't allow any.

Kill one politician and another will rise.

Kill enough invaders and no more invaders will come.

See below

No, they're just either not maintaining it, using shoddy magazines, or just low quality firearms. You don't have to buy a really super nice 1,500 AR. But if you are going to ruin your life and miss out on the later fun, in minecraft of course, you might as well splurge your hard earned diamonds on the best of the best.

Or they could get some AK.

Even neglected AKs fuck up. Learned that lesson in a trench, got my shit kicked in for that.

Takes more time to learn the controls for the AK, it's not as good as the AR lets face it. Of course training can overcome that though.

Are you retarded? The AK is simple as fuck to learn. Why do you think they're so goddamn prevalent in Africa and the Middle East?
The AR may be a tack driver and pretty nice when set up well, but in terms of simple to use and ability to take shit, an AK will win.

It's easier to stick a magazine straight in and hit a button on the side than it is to rock a magazine in and charge the weapon. I'm not saying it's much easier, but it is indeed easier and with it being easier it takes less time. Again it can be remedied easily with training but I'm still right.

ok retard

Again I'm not saying it's a big difference, but the difference is there. If you were in a minecraft death squad griefing then that second doesn't matter, but a lone man? It might make a difference.

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Every time.

Someone get this optics retard outta here.

It's okay that you can't do math, not everyone has above a second grade level education. ~1600 major political offices in the United States, and far less in almost every other country, is definitely way more than 5 billion subhumans.

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Wonder when will this math genius solve the 56% question.

inb4 muh nigger

Honestly, the notion of racking the bolt feels more natural than hitting a button.

That's just your opinion.

I want underageb& to go and stay go.

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does seem that a basic military rifle should be little more reliable and able to eat any ammo without hiccup.
We ain't talking about MOA sniping, just going bang.
Someone should use this argument to make ARs less regulated, since less deadly.
"You see, Senator Feinstein, that a Mack-10 will reliably feed at least 10 full 30round mags, but in practice MILITARY WEAPON like an ASSAULT RIFLE jams quickly and saves lives."

Nigger, Earnest killed jews, Bowers killdd jews.

inb4 not dose jews!

Earnest was a retard who did it because he wanted to look cool, and he couldn't even go through with it. Bowers killed random Jews who weren't responsible for the demographic problems and he didn't even shoot the rabbi who was in the process of sucking a baby dick. Not to mention if you actually followed everything about that event, that whole situation was suspicious as fuck. Quit your vicarious LARPing, unless being cucked by false idols is your fetish, in which case I won't kinkshame you.

So not dose jews!

You could have said so and spare the paragraph, opticucks.

Being illiterate is not an employable skill, nigger. Please explain to the class how doing your best to make sure the ones with actual money and influence never get hurt is solving the problem.

Brenton Tarrant targeted Muslims specifically as opposed to any other flavor of nonwhite invader or their judaeo-communist enablers. He did so for damn good reasons.

One, Islam's intent to destroy western civilization is not only blatant but immediately demonstrable. Even if you ignore the Qaran and the rest of their holy texts, even if you ignore the thousands of years of conflict between Islam and the West, you only need to look as far as the terrorist attacks, church burnings, and rape gang standals that have happened in the last twenty years.
Two, Muslims are rightly despised in the West. The people are resentful of being victims of Muslim violence, and even more resentful of their governments forcing "religion of peace" propaganda down their throats while actively importing more Jihadis. Any attack on Muslims will, moreso than an attack on any other group, generate sympathy for the the attacker's causes. Look at Senator Fraser Anning's response to Christchurch.
Three, Muslims are one of the few groups guaranteed to respond with violence in kind, which they did with the burning of Notre Dame and the Sri Lanka bombings. These attacks will serve to further polarize the population and generate even more sympathy for white unity and solidarity.

Attacking Jews, as much as they are at fault, does not further these aims. The average westerner is still choking on eighty plus years of postwar propaganda and largely views the Jews as faultless and persecuted. When Earnest went for the high score and fell flat on his face, he generated sympathy for the Jews, not for his own people.

Because when you kill the invaders, they cannot outbreed you. That's mathematically solved.

Now explain to me, what the fuck have you been doing to hurt the ones with "actual money and influence"?

Jews and muslims are the same, really.

I do not find any difference in killing them.

The jewish sympathy is also overstated, nowadays with the enemy in control of the media, they can make up whatever story as they go.

He's been sharing links online to stop the NWO (^:

So every person in every western nation is going to have to kill multiple aliens every single day? Every Australian citizen has to kill SEVEN ALIENS DAILY? Shut the fuck up, you mouth breather.

More than your worthless keyboard warrior ass. I actually own weapons and know how to use them, I've been educating people I know in real life, and all the politicians in my state know my name. I call them and breathe down their necks frequently. I open carry every day, everywhere, and I'm in the process of organising a militia with a few guys I know. If I didn't have a rough job I would be doing more all the time, but I have to put food on the table, and I don't have enough of a plan yet to do anything drastic. I still need to train more, if I were to do such a figurative thing, but unfortunately for the FBI I am a pacifist ;^). You on the other hand probably don't even work, and have nothing better to do than spout your autism here endlessly. How much people have done is a pointless conversation while you do nothing.

You worship Tarrant, but it's clear you didn't even read his manifesto, you LARPing waste of space. If you had, then you would know exactly which quote I'm implying in this point.

Yes, what's the problem with that?
Yo tell me when you do something with these weapons.

They are pretty much toys if you never use them.