Proper gun age for children

A couple of minutes ago I watched a video of a Demotard gifting his barely 5yo son a fucking .22lr bolt action. Which has upset me, a pro-gun Strelok, and also a father, on a very deep level. While I like the idea of "Getting them early" and whatever other shit may be falling out of someone's mouth, I have considered 5 to be a little fucking downright head-into-woodchipper retarded.
In the video, the kid is clearly faking interest and excitement. When asked "what do you like the most about gunshops?", poor boy responds "Puppies". While they have managed to hit quite a few shots (the demofaggot didn't even give his son the first shot - just a small detail , but hints that he probably bought this for himself when his 5 (I repeat, FIVE) year old boy eventually drifts off his goldfish attention span on to something he can safely take and fuck off playing in the corner, without supervision), and the boy expressed mildly enthusiastic desire to shoot more, it's clear as day that this was not what he expected on his fucking 5th birthday.

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If your son hasn't killed a boar or deer by age 13 you're a pretty shit parent. As for me, I'll teach my boys how to shoot once they reach 10. I'll take them hunting at the age of 12.

Remember that boys in boy scouts used to shoot guns at very young ages, before the organization got tarded up and started taking girls (ironic since there is literally a "girl scouts"}. Many non US children learn to use dangerous objects like knives by around 6 for culinary reasons. If you teach children about the dangers first, they can be taught to not be stupid around guns. And you would be amazed at how much 5-8 year olds can get into electricity/chemistry with proper supervision. if the parent tries to force the hobby onto a child, then the child will reject it. Try to get the child interested and comfortable around guns, then the shooting aspect will come naturally (let them see how excited you are about shooting). Alternatively, give it a box of matches and some fireworks.

Also, kids make better crew served weapons operators anyway :^)

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Also obligatory

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From a political standpoint, we have mandatory health and driving classes in many US states, but why no mandatory firearms classes?

Why make kids learn to drive, when it is a privilege you have to earn, yet you can own a gun at 18 with no experience, and high probability of self injury or mishap?

We should replace school drivers ed with shooters ED, and then grow children to be responsible pro2a gun owners who wont have to be unfucked when they get drafted. We teach US civics from 1st-3rd grade, but we do not teach gun responsibility EVER… why is that, when both are important parts of being an american?

God I wish my dad wasn't a nuguns faggot

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One of my nephews is 7 months old. I'd probably trust him with a pellet gun as soon as he's able to hold it properly.
One of my nephews is 5 years old. I don't trust him with a Nerf gun.
The difference? My brother has a much healthier household than my sister does.

Feels bad, man. Divorced parents don't have time for shit.

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Another obligatory one

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This is the only part I might have an issue with. If you grow up in the country you'll probably get started on a single shot .22 at 5 or 6, then they'll probably break the .410 out at 8.

I got my first bb gun when I was six. It was one of the lever action Daisy sort. I got my first .22 at 10, and my first .410 shotgun at 12. Started hunting whitetail at 13. From what I've seen out here in rural Texas, that's pretty much the norm.

>it was a red ryder

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My uncle put a ruger .22 in my hands when I was 8 ant told me to shoot at a target he stapled to a tree. Few months later he took me hunting. Shot a deer because he didnt trust me to hit it but taught me how to skin it. Had a blast and have loved guns since.

My first introduction to weapons was when my grandpa gave me some illegal imported air rifle and told me to shoot a chicken with it.

My first introduction was when I was 8 my dad took my brothers and me to a river bottom and had me shoot a shotgun he didn't tell me to hold it firmly against my shoulder he laughed at me

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I think I was six or seven when I got handed an old marlin and was told to remove the pests around the yard. Oh boy was it fun retrieving the tube after it flew wherever.

My introduction to shotguns was you gotta pull both triggers.

You sound more ass fractured about the fact he wasn't given some shit-tier toy, rather than this being an age issue. So what, he decided to induct his son into shooting at age five…this some kind of misplaced rage because your parents didn't let you have a BB gun when your were 17? Fucking whiny blogfaggots.

lmaoing at this polish nigger
my little cousins (7 yrs max) are already proficient at working the airgun and crossbow. if i had the opportunity and arms i would immediately start with rifles and everything associated. burger children and yours might be pants on head retarded but not mine. as soon as they stand they get to pull the trigger

you can teach really basic gun safety after age five. you can teach shooting with a BB at age 8, you can let them shoot a .22 at age 10, at 13 they should be able to handle a .223 to 20 ga. after age 13 the only limiting factor is strength.

desert punk sums it up in "Fine Sand and Full Auto (Kosuna - Fully Automatic)"


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Paul Harrell did a video on a similar topic.
Not really sure what I could add that he hasn't already covered.

I watched some white trash mall ninja ruin range day by bringing his wife and retarded?deaf daughter (maybe 7-ish) and another younger (maybe 5-ish) daughter to the range… They seemed like the prepper type, with zombie brand AR-15 with the hicap clipazine drum mag that he shot more rounds off in a 1 minute burst than I did the entire range trip. My mom was seriously upset at the guy forcing his daughters to shoot (one was more fond of picking up brass/rocks) and the other just cowered in a corner), I was pissed because the fucker had the largest smol dick compensation muzzle break that money can buy on all of his guns. I have stood next to large caliber rifles and not felt that much concussion.

The loser had targets at 15 yards and could not hit them with an AR with an optic.

Reminder that pregarnent women should not shoot guns, because womb aliens do not have hearing protection and they have very delicate ear membranes.

Sidenote: That trip I let my mom shoot my memegun armbrace roni that I slapped an aimpoint on just to see what would happen, and she commented that it made her feel really cool like robocop. I also showed her how to how to use an AK, and she was hitting center the target at 60 yards with iron sights on her first try

Mom got me a BB gun when I was around 10, I never hunted, but I collect guns mainly because of interesting characteristics or features. She was never pro-2a, but she never said anything negative about guns either (except that shooting is expensive lol). She sometimes open carries a 357 magnum I gave her as a joke, is actually a good shot with it. Reminder that kids can get parents into shooting too (that means teach your siblings children to shoot).

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Really just depends on how your kid is. They mature at different rates. I got into guns when I got interested in guns and started asking dad if we could go shooting. I was probably 9, and it worked out for me.

Eddie Eagle is a program the NRA runs for this purpose.

Pretty much what I say but with BBs. Force-gifting your 5yo a thing he has little to no interest in is stupid, especially if said thing requires discipline and following strict rules.

Nice adhoms and whatifs, Aquafresh van der Jamaal

But that's the whole point. Why giving your child a gun if he, living in a house chock full of guns, didn't manage to get enough interest in it, and is probably more interested in 3-4 different things, including puppies? I mean I know the answer, it's YT watchtime shekels, but this exactly is what makes this situation wrong. My child has interest in guns at the age 2 (as in "what the fuck is daddy doing, and why can't I participate"), I go buy a water pistol. We shoot toilet paper stuck to the wall with a water pistol, and everyone has fun. I've only watched the very beginning of P. Harrell's video, and I agree with his points, but my opinion is that gating gun purchases at the age is still a good idea - and automatically gives a perfect birthday present, and also lots of anticipation and excitement about getting it in the future (assuming it's not a surprise present, which I think it should only be in relation to model, accessories, color, etc, and not a fact that it's a gun).

Similar situation here. 11 year old nephew is into nerf toys, and I said he should get an airsoft rifle. My hippie sister wasn’t too keen, and frankly with how he’s been raised he probably wouldn’t be able to hold it upright for a more than a few seconds at a time.

We used to have them. Then the public schools got flooded with niggers, and the Jews in government realized that they could get rid of these classes with that as an excuse and, over time, cause a loss of interest in firearms because nobody knows what the fuck they're doing anymore.

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Never make assumptions, Streloks

Did you shoot your eye out?

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You had a good mentor.

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My mom has grown in such an environment that about 50% of her acquaintances have at least one family member fucked up by either drugs or weapons (knife is a weapon, right? So is a stool, if swung strong enough), so I never had a heart to tell her how much I'm into guns and that her back pain ointment is actually cannabis-infused. She is deathly afraid of anything even remotely dangerous and (as perceived by her) illegal. My stepfather though appreciated when I shown him my shots with .308 (he was a part of some sort of African PMC, so he's pretty alright. Sometimes I regret that he wasn't my biological father - although I'd probably look a lot uglier in that case.)

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I was 9 when I shot my first BB gun (crossman 760), 11 when I shot my first rimfire (10/22) and centerfire (Marlin .44 Mag). My dad explained and demonstrated to me that guns don't kill people and mag bans are pointless. As soon as I was 18 I picked up a Mossberg 590 on sale for home defense and never stopped buying firearms since.

When I was in scouts the first time I shot a gun was at a troop shoot, first a shitty bolt-action rifle that barely had any kick to it, then a fucking pump shotgun which I absolutely loved, hurt like a motherfucker though but it was worth it

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Thanks Dad.

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I don't know what age I first shot a BB gun. Probably 12 or so.
I do remember I was 14 or so when I shot my first real gun. Don't remember whether it was an AK or an AR, except for the fact that I fired it in full auto. Fun times. It was some range in Las Vegas.

I only fired 30 shots with a BB gun when I was 10 and my school enrolled all kids in a regional competition. 5 for sighting, 10 scored shots for qualifications, then the same thing in competition proper, we really had no time to practice and they were looking for inherent talent. I was a small and noodle-armed kid but holding the rifle just felt natural to me from the get go. Won silver cup with the school team of 5. I really wanted to do more of it and both my PE teacher and local shooting range were begging my mother to let me join the club but the whole family started flipping their shit, that nobody has the time to drive me to the range and besides it costs money. I'll never forgive them for destroying a perfectly viable career path, it's something that could have saved from NEETdom. What's even more infuriating is that later my younger sister was allowed to join the local range and they were all encouraging her, you go gurrl, even though she was really bad at it. I scored 87 in qualifications and then 94 in the finals, only getting better at it, and this dumb bitch never got over 85 or so, even though she was going to the range for years. I hate women, they should all be shot.

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I was taught to shoot a red ryder by 5 and a .22lr marlin by 6. Just pay attention to what your kid is doing and keep your eyes on him/her. Give thorough instructions and be right next to them the whole time. It's not like you're gifting them a fucking .22 to run into the woods and do anything without you being around.

Also, avoid handguns until later. It's easier to be safe with a rifle.

Quit being a faggot strelok. If you want to get good then practice. There is no such thing as too late. Also

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All children should be an expert with a handgun, a rifle, and a shotgun by the time they're 8 years old. That's how we do it in the south. Also, swimming by 5, and reading books by 7.

Reading this thread makes me hate my parents.

You should be reading books at 5.

Had me worried at the beginning, smiling at the end
good shit Polack.

No where in the site or board rules state you have you have to be 18 to post. This isn't 4chan you fags.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Whatever age the child both shows an interest in firearms and mental capacity to understand the basics of how a firearm works.

lmao, what a pleb
do you want a retarded kid?
t. read "farm animals: pig" with soft "fur" on the cover when I was 3.

It is the most basic rule of imageboards, nigger. So basic that we don't even bother mentioning it, because everyone already knows it. Fuck off now.

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Several other boards on this site have this written into their rules so of ot was such a """"""basic rule""""" that wouldn't be neccessary now would it? If it really makes the mods this ass mad they can write it into the rules instead of being pissy bitches.

Go be underage back on 4cuck, faggot.

Most state game licenses have a hunter safety course requirement. most courses are hands on and educational with a test included. No live fire, but everything like sight alignment and loading.

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It's still a board rule you turbonigger

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This pic's name should be "when you have shit parents who don't teach you trigger discipline and proper firearm handling". I don't give a fuck they're teenage holes, you either learn the rules or get the fuck out, the bitch could kill someone through neglectful discharge.

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To answer your question OP there's a fine line in parenting between fostering your child's enjoyment of somethings (firearms, sports, etc.) and trying to force your child into something simply because you want them to be interested in it, which is what the father in your video seemed to be doing. There's a natural way to get children into things. All the father had to do was slowly get his 5 year old into target shooting, starting slow first (perhaps even Nerf guns first if anything) and then move up to actual guns.


What a fucking surprise.
My eldest boy at 7 can recite the four rules of gun safety better than most adults, and treat daddy's guns as no-go zones when I am cleaning- if a barrel is pointed across where they want to cross, they ask me to lift the gun up so they can. Same goes with their four year old brother. This also means that the forbidden fruit factor is taken out of them, as it's just another one of "daddy's things I shouldn't touch". 7 year old also enjoys plinking with his air-gun, though I have to cock it for him since it's an under lever. The defining part of any hobby is interest, and you cannot force anyone to take an interest in it without it ending badly most of the time.

Here's the video btw.
Also what's with all those nigger responses lacking any arguments besides anecdotes? Not even disagreeing with me, just being niggers:

Do muslim women and children also bow down in your presence in public?

Guns are tools.
No matter if you're interested in construction or engineer work, you should be able to drill a hole, hammer in a nail or operate an electric grinder. So, even if you're not a big fan of guns you should know how to operate them on a very basic level, remember the gun safety rules and know how to behave in a range. Basic stuff like remembering about safety, pointing the barrel in safe direction, treating all guns as loaded aren't hard and don't require passion. So even if your kid doesn't show interest, explain it is an absolute basic like multiplication table.

Ideally it would be like this in every country. I still think that just as there's certain schooling age, there should be a gun practice age when all kids are tested for their gun aptitudes, from a sense of caution and responsibility to correct operation, focus and accuracy. This way you can tell which kids are retarded and will need more work from the beginning and which kids are naturally talented and should be fostered as dedicated marksmen from youngest ages. All the dumb kids need to be taught is basic maintenance and home defense stuff. Natural talent should be treasured, these kids should be venerated like sportsball jocks in the muttland and if they're interested in joining the army, they should be directed towards better units. The reality is that jews and shabbos goyim don't want to bring innate talents out of white kids because it could end up in effectively training a generation of school shooters and kebab removers who would be at least as effective as Tarrant and Breivik.

I was given a pellet gun at around 10 and the first thing i did was kill a squirrel then three years later i gained my parents trust then it progressed to shooting rifles and pistols over the summer.
Age does not matter its the maturity that counts.

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It is a good idea if it is a part of the culture. Again, if talking mandatory familiarization, and both girls and boys at the same time, I'd say age of 10 to 12 works just fine.
You knew the rules beforehand and were taught to shoot since 8? Good, you pass the class with flying colors.
You only learned of trigger control in school? At least you learned it somewhere.

In general, civic study classes should be held in general, so kids are familiarized with the society and whatever quirks it has, whether that's a second or basing entire culture on a 70 year old war and its results just kidding, fuck that shit, I am tired of all that wwii bullshit being shoved into everyone's face instead of proper culture.
Cue Beaverpost on education. If core values are propagated correctly, kids will grow up strong.

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5 is fine, it's one thing if the kid isn't into it or not, it's another about being age appropriate.
you sound like a pussy.

I like when there are clear boundaries in life. You may be able to trust a 2yo with a gun, but there is little reason to, and just as other age-gated activities, I feel there's almost always a better alternative (nerfshit / water guns / audiovisual guns - the ones that sound "RATATAT" when trigger is pulled ) as those alternatives are more appropriate. You can use them to play with your buddies (airshit is borderline, but I had an airshit spring cocked pistol when I was small, and most of my friends did, and no one was hurt more than a bb in the butt). Guns are not good for that. Kids need to go be kids as well. Paul Harrell brings up a good point - kids like fun, and supervision is rarely fun by itself, so it should be fun enough for kid to tolerate supervision as well. This implies natural interest plus all skills to understand safe operation of a firearm in a safe way. I honestly get a feel that some people reacting negatively to my suggestion of restriction just as a fucking kneejerk (i will freeze my ears to spite my grandma that nags me to put on a hat in the winter), and don't have actual kids, as having kids you would probably relate more to try to aim their life in a general direction of mlre safety and less retardation, which all but the absolute best kids are prone to until they experience the nasty effects of not following rules on their own.
Yes, you can tell me more like "your kids" have followed all the gun rules on their first range trip at 5, I will tell you "Bullshit" immediately. Following rules is boring. Kids don't like being bored, and will sometimes ignore rules for the sake of convenience, and the earlier they start, the higher the chance of that. With something more appropriate, e.g. low powered bb peashooter, they might experience the punishment of not following the rules on their own (a bb to the leg, a bb to the cheek, stray bb discharge into a dog, etc) with less pain involved.

9-years-old is a good age.

Dunno why they'd do that, I'm a straya cunt postin' thru vpn.

The problem with your proposition in OP is that you're trying to find a fits-all-answer to something that doesn't fit all kids. It wasn't uncommon in the early 20th century for kids to have already gone hunting for the pot by the time they were 8; elmer keith writes in Shotguns of busting up his lip at 7 because he got too ballsy and packed his dad's single shot 12 gauge instead of a 22 to pick off some game. His mum had to hold his lip whilst he ate. You'd have kids back then building whole goddamn tree-houses from pine boards with saws and all, because the dumb shits got filtered quickly. At least in your later posts you accept the basic premise that not everyone is going to be the same, or even responsible with a gun, ergo your attitude of "clear boundaries" is going to fall more upon your judgement of how capable your kid is.
Not when the alternative is that the fun gets taken away and daddy puts the gun away in it's safe. Kids that are lucid and cognitive, and can have a functioning conversation with you, and follow instructions to the letter this means actually having discipline in yourself and your monsters, the amount of fucking times I've seen nigger kids just left the fuck alone at the community pool to run amok near mine whilst the mum's nearly 50 meters away is astounding will understand that something could be very very dangerous if you're very silly. A nice idea I saw was to have the gun mounted in a swivel-vice with soft jaws. It holds the gun for the kiddie and they get to plink away. Another way of enforcing the four rules is to have one of those laser pistol target sets that replicates a real pistol. If the kid breaks any of the four rules and has no awareness of what's behind the target, his fun ends.

i have 3 kids, i'm just not a faggot city dweller and kids learning to shoot around the age of 5 is normal around here.
you're not letting the kid "own" the gun and i don't know but do you work fulltime? i know my boys are just happy to spend time with me regardless of what i am doing, we go shooting and they have fun, i certainly wouldn't force them to do things they don't enjoy or want to do but from birth they have been the prototypical boys, i guess i've just been lucky because i don't have to try to get them to like "manly" things like guns,trucks and the rest, they all naturally kinda drifted there without anything to do with me as i'm not trying to socially engineer my kids, they like what they like, i'm ok with that, they just so happen to like cool things.
beyond that, what the fuck do you think taking a 5 year old shooting entails? do you imagine just handing them the rifle and ammo and saying go to it assuming that memorization of the rules is enough? my kids did nothing more than flip the safety, pull the trigger and put the safety back on…rifle in a bench rest and since i'm shooting on my own property we shoot a bunch of old shit from the kitchen and the barn, probably wwaaayyyy more fun than punching holes in paper for kids….
really man, you just sound like idiot and a pussy with some kids that just aren't into what you're trying to show them, mine aren't like that. i don't know what to say, it is what it is.
and yeah, people are reacting to you call for restrictions because not everyone has the same problem as you do and don't think things like this should be handled by the government, if your kids need to be older then they need to be older, you make that decision based on the actual kid themselves….and honestly, i missed the part about you calling for restrictions, you should go fucking neck yourself you pearl clutching piece of shit…

Also, as an unrelated post beaverpost proposes that the continued existence of a nation is always correct, and favours vague self immolating collectivist ideas such as nationalism and civic responsibility.

A nation is nothing but the individuals of it hiring a goon to protect their lands. Once the goon starts demanding payment without any option of opting out with their property, it is no longer moral.

like i was saying to the other guy, maybe it's just a different way of life, my kids were playing with real hammers and saws at the age of 3….i don't know, i've never had kids before and i'm not the sort to look at what other people are doing much less care, so i just kinda judged when i thought the boys were old enough to play with hammers and saws and around 3 seemed right, by that time they had already learned how bad smashing your fingers hurt and knew that things are sharp and will cut you, it really wasn't too much of a stretch give them a hammer, start a nail for them on a old board and let them go to town while i was doing some work on my own…..
lol, i swear you pussies are going to give me a complex or some shit about my kids being too young for x,y,z, like i said, i never really thought in those terms and just based things off of what each kid seemed like they could handle, never got caught up in the thought process of the number of their age and what they should be doing at that particular number.

as long as jews exist west will never again see a functional culture.

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Are you asking what age to start teaching how to use a firearm, or what age to give one to your child? I would start going over the rules of the range, trigger discipline, firearm maintenance and all that around 7 years old, with incremental steps towards letting them hold an unloaded firearm, take one apart, eventually load and fire it.
As far as buying a gun for them to call their own, I see that as a sort of graduation gift for when they display the proper understanding of the weapon. Probably between 10 and 12, it would depend on the interest and uptake of the child in question.
I would have a trainer 22lr or something similar for them to use, but I don't know if that's the rifle I would give out in the end or not.

Wrong. A nation is:
People sharing something in common, a race, ethnicity, common ancestry.
The clay they live on, most probably the one they have had to fight for in the past.
Their language, customs, something that's specific to them and what has developed through the years. Going down to such minuscule things as food, accent, way of speaking, style of clothing.
If a nation grows big and expands, it's obvious it'll need some sort of leadership; at first family patriarchs deciding what's best for them, then tribal leaders, then a king or a different unifier of many tribes that all share the above points and together form a coherent nation. If at some point the government becomes corrupt, the nation doesn't stop existing, it either bows down and takes it, or revolts. The Boers, for example, managed well enough to protect their lands, but when the bongs started to push them too hard, they gave it up and went to their trek. The independent nation didn't stop existing just because "the goon" started demanding too much, even bongs winning the war and controlling the territory didn't put an end to their existence. Do you think they wouldn't be assimilated without, as you call it:

My dad has always been a been anti-gun boomer democrat. I was about 10, and one day returning from football practice he spontaneously began to give me a lecture about how guns were bad etc. etc. Of course a 10 year old tones him out, and he got angry that I wasn't listening & offered to take me to a gun range to 'show me how dangerous guns are'. I jumped at that, and so he found some gun range in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and rented what was probably a Glock and got an based redneck obese bearded guy, dunno if he was an instructor or what, to teach me gun basics. Despite being unable to rack it and only load half the mag I had so much fun that paps decided the lesson wasn't getting through and made us leave before the box of ammo was through. Then mom divorces him and starts dating a retired Master Chief seabee, who takes me shooting every every few weekends. Guess what the first thing I bought when I turned 18 was, and guess why paps kicked me out.
I'd say that 12-15sh would be the optimal age to get a kid his first gun, though it depends on how mature they are. If I was given a plinker at 12 I would've done something supremely stupid with it unless restricted heavily.

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To think 'finitychan is blocked for yous kids is a shame. We're up in Korea town in time for raw banter

I can't even remember the first time I shot a gun, probably pretty young. Got my first BB gun at like 12 or something.

It was a 10ga with hot handloads. I shot that thing a few more times and if I can recall correctly I said something about duck hunting being a sport for fat people or something around those means.

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This can be done without a government.
Deceptive, as you do not fight for others unless you seek to gain from them unless an altruistic dolt.
[Citation Needed]
You don't actually need anything other than a protection of consent and contract, which can be done many ways, whether that be private courts or by voluntary government. Once again, you presume by the need of an autocrat that people cannot be rational, thus the need for one man with a gun pointed at people suddenly makes them rational, which is contradictory as it requires an irrational act in order to make them so, and violates the very principle of courts. No man may start force, yet the government which is not voluntary starts it daily. No man may commit theft, but a non voluntary government taxes you.
Nationalism implies a state. Civic responsibility is a term that varies from person to person, from anything from paying taxes and voting right up to conscription.

A culture is a collective of ideas and values given by individual minds, and a person who thinks cannot be assimilated by force if he values himself. Put simply, even if you were to capture a smart man and try to force him to invent something, if he values himself he will give you nothing since he will simply see his inventions turned into an octopus that will destroy him and his reputation everywhere he goes.

Dunno about you, but my boy is reading Dr. seuss books to his siblings every other night.

Props to you and your boy. All I was saying if you're still learning to read at 7 years old something went wrong and you would be behind.

I'd say teen years. My gf shot her dad in the arm when he took her shooting when she was 10, accidentally. My cousin also shot my uncle's truck when he took her shooting when she was 7.

These are deadly weapons guys, even a
.22 can fuck your shit up. Putting that in the hands of a child is stupid. Some of you are still going to choose to be stupid, so at least try to mitigate potential damage.

I think we found the issue here, and it has nothing to do with age

dad's friend's adopted son and recent 'Nam vet gave my older bro a 1911 BB he'd stolen from the Army when my bro was about 9yrs old. My dad was pissed that happened without being asked, and explained that ain't the sort of shit you do without asking a parent, but dad took us out to shoot it, and learn gun safety, etc. About year later my bro and me were allowed to shoot in back yard, since it barely had any power.
My bro got a real BB rifle for Christmas in 8th grade, and we shot the shit out of it. As kids it was our duty to do the pumping and hand it to an adult if and when we had grown up visitors to our home in the mountains to shoot off the big back deck.

U focking wot m8? I could read by 3 and I'm not even particularly intelligent or successful.

Be me, work armed contract security, have 3yo daughter. My boss and friend also has 3yo daughter, we make plans to take families out to shoot. Take kids and wife/girlfriend out to plains and set up range. The toddlers get to shoot single shot .22 rifles for their first time under close supervision. Both girls do well and manage to hit the target several times. After shooting the little .22s I offer my little girl to try my personal AR15. It is to big for her so I kneel and hold the rifle, letting her work the trigger. First shot she looks at me with bewilderment and surprise; 15 rounds later she has a grin ear to ear ringing steel at 25yds. Her friend wants to try my boss's AK pistol, he helps her, same experience. The girls play in the truck for the rest of the day satisfied while we train for a bit.

Fast forward 6 months, the girls are now 4. My wife wants to go shooting class 3 for her birthday, a little out of my piece range at that point. Get my boss to help me set up epic steel target range training day for family and friends. Got wife a proper holster and gun belt for birthday.(yes, I know I have an awesome wifu) Our kids are there and they want to shoot, but not .22s, they want to shoot "daddy's guns". Get a break in the action while others were not on the line, stick our cooler down w/blanket on top. Stick my AR over it, sit cross legged behind, have my daughter in my lap, I charge the rifle and put on safty. This time I make her shoulder the rifle and site the target; although, I have a red dot so not an onerous task for her. She plays around trying to get the hang of it, which was encouraged so she can learn. All the sudden a shot rings out and we here back from down range a satisfying "ding". She hit a target about 100' out first shot. She had flicked off the safety on her own, I was a little upset but she was doing so well and still following the rules I did not want to chastise her for it. She scored 15/15 dumping the mag on the same target, flicking the safety on after the last round. I was shocked and proud. My buddy had his daughter try his glock "not-SBR" conversion toy this time with similar results. The girls were satisfied for a bit, but had another round of dead eye, following the rules and smiling the whole time before they were done for the day.

My wife and I are so impressed by her we are talking about building her an AR for her frame: ie light, small and low recoil. It probably helps my daughter sees me put my pistol and gear away when I come home. We talk about my work gear and other toys regularly, we play fight all the time(despite my age I am a competitive fighter). My wife is also into the whole deal, not just supportive, which goes a long way to normalize it in the family. We do live in a big city, I really wish we didn't, but my daughter and wife still know how to defend themselves. In the end, it is white Zig Forumsomando families like mine that scare (((them))) so fucking much. My toddler daughter and wifu are more capable than most zogbots I have worked with. Fucking hell, by the time my daughter hits puberty she will probably be training with the guys from work. Welcome to burgerland in flyover country.

I would introduce a child at the earliest possible age to weapons. The first ones will be replica types and extremely safe, and they will be trained in their handling and use, have the correct lessons demonstrated. Girls will be trained to a militia level and all boys must be able to kill a man by the time they are 8. This is the normal standard, and in many ancient societies, boys would have weapons by the time they could walk (at least wooden swords and the like).

Because we're ruled by foreign tyrants who hate us and want us enslaved or dead, preferably dead. Schools should have gun ranges again just like they did before integration.

what's she up to now? this vid is pretty old

my parents never knew that I kept a pistol and shotgun in the house, and I still haven't told them that i did. Had to hide them in the attic cause I was the only person who went up there to fix stuff.

The whole "There's already muh Girl Scouts" argument is fucking retarded. Do you want your daughter being taught to be an SJW faggot in the Girl Scouts or being taught useful skills in the female division of the Scouts?

Attached: Don't Care.gif (500x283, 974.65K)

"Girl scouts" concept is retarded in itself.


Want to know why Islam is the word's fastest growing religion?…

Attached: AdultLiteracyRates2010.jpg (386x307, 66.56K)

Because the west isn't killing them

And never will because they allowed literacy and consequently social influence to their women.


Αδερφέ ανώνυμε, οι ξένοι είναι άχριστοι και (κατά μεγάλο ποσοστό) ευνούχοι, πρέπει λοιπόν εμείς να πάρουμε την κατάσταση στα χέρια μας

False equivalence, school is a public place, trip is not.

Some schools organize trips like this, or organized at least.

Obviously it's the best option, but it can be costly and tricky to figure out if you don't live in a major city. Also I don't think schools in our country are as cucked as in the west. Yet.

Légyszíves írj angolul, mert így rajtatok görögökön és legfeljebb néhány tanult értelmiségin kívül senki sem fogja érteni amit írsz.

We are unfortunately not in position to snub them yet, if ever. Not only 400 years of islamic tyranny left us slightly mongrelized and completely dysgenized but worst of all, and in spite of the heroic struggles and sacrifices of our recent ancestors for us to be free, we do not seem to have learned our lesson and are similarly prone as westerncucks to replacement for the sake of gibs and cummies, and we have not the their excuse of ignorance or arrogance, they are just doing what our Byzantine ancestors did back when they were decaying top dogs, while we are REPEATING the mistake.

Post-CivilWar reconciliation was the biggest mistake Greek patriots made. The moment our grandfathers chose to spare the commie filth that surrender their guns at Varkiza instead of setting them against a wall for the traitors they were, our future was pretty much as doomed the average eurocuck's and we now need tenfolds the struggle and bloodshed of our ancestors to redeem this socialism-ravaged wasteland.

Attached: IQ Correlation to Skin Tone Across the World.PNG (800x472 424.87 KB, 41.05K)

I'd kill 9 and a half million of us if it meant we would finally get rid of communism and kikery. I'm not afraid of the bloodshed, I'm afraid that it may never happen.