Jesus confirmed on halfchan
Jesus confirmed on halfchan
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Link to thread, I want to see some of the replies.
Mods deleted the thread.
updated cap
These pics make me happy, reminds me of my favorite Bible verse, Matthew 10:34
He's just talking about rampant immoral behavior, r-right?
That's awesome. Nothing better than the LARPagans and kek autists getting triggered.
I would not be surprised if the End Times starts 10 minutes after this post.
All one can do is beg for forgiveness.
user compared digits to Urim and Thummim in a followup thread on Zig Forums. Never thought of it that way. The kek nonsense needs to end.
I love that through all the halfchan Zig Forums bullshit, this was the one.
That's the real kicker. It could've been the thousands of "race war now"s and instead it was glorifying God.
There was a huge get on 8/pol/ by the creator of Christ-chan, with pictures of Christ-chan. All the numbers were 8 or something like that. So of course salty enemies of Christianity complained bitterly and started posting gore. Then the mods deleted the thread. I should have taken a screenshot but didn't think to do so in time.
I have started thinking that Kek = God. Even on this board the digits show patterns. Have you noticed the pattern in the content of the posts where the digits end in 666? When you think about it, affecting what would seem to be random chance does not override people's free will or make the world unpredictable for humans. Several important systems in the world behave as described by the Chaos Theory. Weather is a major example. As far as you or any weather forecaster is concerned, you have no idea whether or not a butterfly flapped its wings in the Amazon rainforest several months earlier to make clouds part and sun shine through for you at a significant emotional moment.
I'm curious what other anons think of this here.
Truthfully I'm very hesitant.
Funny how the mods SHUT IT DOWN
Mods are in overdrive mode on halfchan's Zig Forums now and Christian threads just keep coming, it's pretty funny actually, they can't prune them fast enough. People are really mad that this GET got removed, talks of "spiritual warfare" all across the board. It's been a good day.
Absolute heresy and offence to God.
winnie the pooh meme went too far. Give it a little more time and they start worshiping kek. From that moment on they'll be worshipping a Demon.
Watch out. Zig Forums gonna be triggered
I love posts like ths
At least half of Zig Forums is Christian.
People unironically do that on Zig Forums here if I am not mistaken.
That would be nice.
The image of our God is Man, not frog. Our God is a God of law and order, not chaos.
No. Zig Forums worship Donald trump and varg. Stop spreading that meme. You know it a damn lie.
What is a dream…
Maybe at some point but not a chance these days. I'd guess 30% AT MOST.
Hell there no longer libertarians or conservatives on Zig Forums anymore. It all neopagans and trump worshipers circjerking.
Absolutely heretical. I beg you to repent.
Funny how they grow up and move on.
>Watch out. (((Zig Forums))) gonna be triggered
>>Watch out. (((Zig Forums))) gonna be triggered
Hitler a manlet. Nazi party leadership was mostly Jews. Hitler invaded white lands and killed more white people than Jews. Far more Slavic prisoners of war died in the holocaust than Jews. Varg a failed metal artist that killed someone his underwear at his home because of a musical beat. Varg self defense defensed was laughed away at court. Neopagans worship a culture that were blacks of Europe. ((Zig Forums)) always been a joke.
He was an actual soldier and taller than most if not all other leaders.
There was no holocaust, and yeah no shit he killed more whites than jews since only about two hundred thousand kikes kicked the bucket.
The winnie the pooh flu kills more whites than Hitler killed jews.
I am from "HalfChan" and witnessed it. And from the few days I am on this board I want to say: Why in Gods name are y'all so bloody bluepilled lukewarm "christians"? Or excuse me, maybe they were shills, I don't know, but still denying that white people are the true Israelites and not having one single anti-satanist thread or talking about hell, like everything is happy go lucky and Jesus, Jesus, was just only peace and nothing else.
I forgot to mention that you love Israel and the (((jews))) doya?
You can quit larping. The Church is the Church, not muh yurope. And you must be new, because we talk about hell all the time.
Where the winnie the pooh is the Church in the Bible? Where do Jesus directly says the Church is the Salvation and that being chosen means nothing anymore?
Deuteronomy 7:6
For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
Also implying since I am from 4Chan you associate everything I say from it, while I did my studies before I found this website.
Nowadays church are lukewarm peacemongers and tigger and islam and jew lovers.
The Church is defined as all of Christ's followers, not a physical location. Or are you just going to pretend He didn't say to go out and preach to all the world?
He said, yet we are still special. Jesus was a white man you dirty denier
I never said he wasn't white. Im not stupid. Bit since the covenant of Abraham is fulfilled im Christ, there is no purpose to saying that salvation depends on ancestry. It is Christ's Invisible Church that should be your concern, not man-made culture. Now get over yourself.
The Church is defined as the church built on top of St. Peter, hence why apostolic succession is so important
Well which one is it, geographical location or apostolic succession?
where did scripture ever say anything about geographical location?
Christ states, in no uncertain terms, His Church will be built on St. Peter.
If you're going to bring up the Bishop of Rome and the issue of papal supremacy, refer to Isiah, but it's a different argument altogether.
I'm talking about Mr. Wewuz in the above posts. I'm not debating apostolic succession.
What man made? winnie the pooh man made you serious? It does depend on the ancestry you winnie the poohface. Since the creation of Adam we were chosen to be God and Father Yahwehs special people. Go suck some tigger and musulman cock then you WEWUZIAN cunt. Muh Church. Muh even invisible Church. Even the jews on HalfChan are not as half retarded as you.
I can't imagine being this asspained.
If you have more information on this i'd love to read into it.
I'm not surprised.
Remember when /b/ was good, fellas?
Well, alright, when 16yo m00t actually believed in all the shit he said?
Yeah I'm going to tell my view on it. I believe Kek was a weapon (a tool or servant) of God to trigger the leftists. Kek was also used to teach the masses who supported Trump, but were not Christian, the enemies of God. God used frogs has weapons in the past after all, especially in dealing with Egypt.
Since information on Zig Forums during the election, when Kek gained popularity, one of the early information was teaching about the demon Moloch, an enemy of Kek.
Why would God do that? It's part of warfare. How can you connect and influence the masses if you can't communicate with them or don't speak on their level? It is simple media manipulation and propaganda, except God is giving power to a meme to spread truth.
Where I believe it all went wrong was some people misinterpreted the signs or only get half of them right. They either worshipped Kek unironically or using Kek as a weapon without giving glory to God and Jesus. A tool of God became an idol, and this happened with The Rod of Asclepius, resulting in King Hezekiah having to destroy the rod (2 Kings 18:4).
The bible and history has a habit of repeating itself. We're seeing it happen again in the form of how God gives power to a meme and how people end up idolizing the meme. When that happens, God destroys the idol or reduces it's power.
The screenshots provided are of: Two screenshots showing the power of the Kek meme that God gave it. The other screenshot shows how an user can easily misinterpret the message, or only get it half right.
I have to end this on an example of how God reduced Kek's "meme magic" so to speak. You rarely see Kek posts getting gets on Zig Forums now. Honestly, I don't think I've seen a Kek post in a while.
Although God didn't destroy it completely, he found another way of reducing Kek's "meme magic"/popularity: He let Reddit take it over. That's one effective way to destroy a good meme. Let the cancer kill it!
I think they mostly stopped, because of /r/the_donald took over the meme. They don't want to associate with Reddit.
Have the webm.
adam green is that you
Sure feels like it with all the crazy stuff that's been happening…
The ride only gets crazier from here on out.
I prefer the Trump worshipers over Varg worshipers. At least Trump worshipers (if they're not full on Kek worshipers) are usually either for or neutral on Christianity and religion, but Varg worshipers straight up want to burn down churches and kill all "traitors", and it only gets worse with the insane amount of influence Varg is getting on youtube and imageboard culture because of his "anti-porn" sentiment being liked by Christians thinking of converting to his weird cultish brand of norse paganism because they consider it "truly" beyond conservatism.
There do seem to be more protestants as of late over there, but they always seem to just help fan the flames that keep Varg worshipers lit by sharing so many talking points and memes with them.
I say let Zig Forums be humiliated and fail. They deserve everything coming to do.