How can Russia & Iran make the invasion of Iran so painful that the overthrow of the Iranian government would basically be the sunset of the American empire?
See those Ingots?
How can Russia & Iran make the invasion of Iran so painful that the overthrow of the Iranian government would basically be the sunset of the American empire?
See those Ingots?
Russia can station tens of thousands of troops inside Iran proper and publicly and clearly announce they will engage in a formal, total war specifically with the United States of America and israel in the event of an attack on Iran.
Russia won't do this, though, because it really isn't any skin off their sack of Iranian oil comes offline for China, India, and Europe.
There is a reason Iran has not yet been invaded Strelok
Also look at how far the IRGC is embedded in the country, they are basically a national militia. Their favorite method is to overwhelm the enemy with extreme numbers, their navy can swarm enemies with shitty $2000 bass boats with missile launchers, compared to multi million dollar warships with captains that are focused more on promoting at any cost and making sure there is no raep.
You gotta hand it to radicals, they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal, and all the technology in the world cannot stop them (unless nukes).
Have a viet cong QT
DIdn't the US label them as a terror group?
And they labelled the US back similarly iirc
IIRC Iran also boycots several defense contractors like lockheed and some rifle manufacturers on principle of "muh seals is using dem to commit terror 'n stuff!" not that it really means anything though, because they still just buy exclusively russian (or use bootleg copies of western tech) anyway.
You can actually buy an Iranian copy of the oto melara 76mm gun system, and numerous reverse engineered drones or domestically built missile systems. Buying anything Iranian will get you in trouble tho, because Israel and the Saudis do not like them, and literally no other reason.
Activate their probable sleeper cells in Saudi to kick-start the succession clusterfuck, and make sure the Norks start shelling Seoul as soon as the first bombs started dropping on Iranian soil. If Russia guarantees their backing, I could see domestic troubles kicked off stateside as well.
My cat is a white nationalist according to the Government of The United States.
sure, just allow it to happen, then when US puppet regime falls (again) a second and much bigger wave of Iranians (and maybe Russian slaves too this time) can come to USA as "refugees" because "we don't forget our friends".
As always, our "friends" will be the most vicious underworld types who stabbed their fellow countrymen in the back for Zio-USA, and that is nothing compared to what they will do to USA once allowed in.
They put rubber down so the empty shells don't chip the deck paint forcing some salty sailor to repaint it after every firing. That's smart.
russia doesn't want and has never wanted the destruction of america, on some level russians romanticize america because all russians are basically cold region rednecks.
the same is true in the reverse, america doesn't want to destroy russia. the difference is that america wants to convert russia into a productive new human farm for the zog overlords.
Shoot down a single F-35. Nobody could afford to replace it.
Iran will never get invaded provided they have something resembling an Air Defense network
the more damage invading Iran will ultimately do to the USA, the more the Jews will push for it.
Jews don't hate Muslims; Jews "flourished" in the Ottoman Empire for a 1000yrs. During same time they were expelled from every nation in Europe, for being shitty people, and being ugly and socially unacceptable. Every been 86ed or denied because you were caught stealing, or just didn't measure up? That feeling about 10,000X against all Whites.
I'm thinking taking down an ADN is about the one thing the USA could really do.
Iranians are pretty crafty and smarter than Arabs, but also consider Putin and his govt are Jews and will stab Iran in the back.
Remember how France fucked Argentina VS UK with the missile software?
Get your head out of your ass. America is the current zionist puppet empire, and until they can get China upto spec or Russia back on board they're not going to do anything but try to keep the petrodollar and american military-industrial complex on top.
Possibly, but I'm pretty sure that after you did every Iranian insurgent/soldier would have a few dozen, top end, Russian MANPADS delivered to him within a few days.
And if the US starts brings naval assets overland (across occupied Iran) into the Caspian sea?
Better yet, and something OP missed, will China or even India tolerate Iran's oil getting culturally enriched?
France fucked Argentina because (((Thatcher))) was threatening to nuke them to the French president - who caved instead of calling the bluff. Putin/Russia will either call such a bluff made against Tehran, or enjoy this fantastic new precedent that lets them evaporate Kiev and the Baltic nations.
With what? Last I checked US NATO doesn't have any dedicated SEAD to speak of that is not being completely phased out of service?
I think Argie training also played a huge part of that.
>France fucked Argentina because (((Thatcher))) was threatening to nuke them to the French president
France or Argentina? Because she would have been well within her rights to do either.
Putin is Jewish, and a member of the VERY Jewish KGB. He is a hyper-Jew, and friends with Bibi. Jews still run Russia.
Red China was created by Jews and still run by Jews to this day.
In contrast, in spite of their grip, USA with its still on paper intact Constitution, is a major obstetrical to Jews, which explains the constant attacks against all things American from Jews.
America is now currently led by a bunch of jews though, this was in place ever since Woodrow Wilson.
Matters jack because nobody enforces it.
By what logic? His great grandmother was Jewish, thats the closest connection.
Did you apply for a terrorism grant at either CIA and FBI where they give your cat supplies to create a credible terrorist threat and then they attempt to stop it but ultimately fail due to being inderfunded?
That's some weapons-grade cope right there.
Nigger are you braindead?
If muh gonsdidooshin meant a god damn thing to anyone then gun laws outside of "shall not be infringed" would be nonexistent. Period.
We are jewed beyond belief, and are worse off than almost every other country in that regard save for maybe the UK.
sell more AA
America could fire off a few billion dollars worth of ARM's at Iranian air defence, which would presumably do a great deal of damage to the various radar units in the country. As has been pointed out though that would just have them handing out IR manpads to schoolboys and the like. Even if you could knock those out if you look at the Iran/Iraq war the Iranians would have colossal numbers of young men who didn't even need to be conscripted for their suicide brigades (one of the few advantages of polygamy is that in a war it ensures that at least 1/2 of your men under the age of 40 have nothing to live for and are eager to die if you've told them that heaven is full of whores). If you think that the occupations of Iraq or Afghanistan have been tricky then this would be a shitshow that would rape any military that took part in it, not just the swansong of the US, but for anyone who took part.
The IRGC is a branch of the military, it's essentially a specialized guerrilla corps, but as it's made up of fanatics they've also took over part of the internal and external intelligence operations (but internal control is largely a meme, it's the Shia clergy job). And they consider missiles as part of guerrilla tactics rather than warfare, so they got that too.
It's as embedded in the country as the USMC is in the US.
It's literally journos going "look there are a lot of people with an Iranian armed forces background in the Iranian arms industry".
Replace "Iranian" by "US" and suddenly it means that the US is a dangerous fascist state because veterans from service own businesses related to their previous employment or are appointed as supervisor/advisor/overseer by the government.
You cannot comprehend how much this saddens me. Working in the military would make me feel motivated, I would wake up in the morning feeling like I have a real higher purpose and a goal, unlike the current situation where waking up feels meaningless because all that awaits is a shitty office job.
Being a ship captain would be a dream come true. Someone out there has trusted you to command a ship that only few like it exist, costs hundreds of millions and you're also responsible for commanding the crew and, ultimately, destroying the enemy. It would be the most awesome and fulfilling job ever, waking up every morning with a feeling of importance and duty.
And yet, all these faggots only join because dude money lmao
Gonna have to find out an ARM that you can launch from OUTSIDE the enemy AA kill zone first.
And one that doesn't fly below mach 3.
And isn't lured by a microwave with a fork on it's door switch.
And fit in an F-35 bay.
Iranian invasion 2050 then.
His mother's name was Shelomova, which literally means "Daughter of Shlomo". On his father's side his ancestry also includes the name Golubev, which is also a jewish name. There are other names in his family tree (like Yakovlev) that aren't always jews, but often are. But he has confirmed jewish ancestry through both his mother and father. How many good jews do you think there are?
About as much as Ivanov.
Pic related is a golub in Russian. It's as hebrew as one can get.
If you look at 24 and 25, then at 12, then it looks like his maternal great-grandfather took up his wife's family name. Was Shelomov a better family name than Skovorodnikov?
I wouldn't say that Putin is jewish,but i agree that Russia is still run by jews.
The US was created with the help of jews.
How mad would boomers and burgers be if you took their constitution (the original document), then took a massive shit on their flag and wiped your ass with the constitution. All on live TV?
Nah, they probably won't be mad if you did it in the name of diversity or freedom of expression or some bullshit.
That's not too hard
Ah, ok then, Iranian invasion about the same time that India becomes a superpower then.
But user, you forget, he said the magic word. Inserting "DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!" into your argument makes it automatically believable and obviously true - no matter how thin your logic is, or how many unsourced image macros he posts.
It wouldn't surprise if me India and Pakistan were to start exporting indigenous fighter aircraft to poorfag western countries by the mid 21st century with said aircraft outperforming the F-35 in all aspects despite looking and smelling like shit.
Maybe if the pajeets can construct a fighter planer entirely out of Java, then maybe.
Until then, this scenario is absolutely retarded.
Pooperpower by 2020 is a meme not even the poos believe in anymore.
Never forget the INSAS
Naming jews is really like showing a vampire the cross for the kikes, hm?
Working in any western military makes you a cuck for the globalist jewish banking mafia.
India is indeed a superpower in literal shitposting threads' terms.
More that when it's the only argument you have it makes you look like a complete retard. But thanks for demonstrating the knee-jerk reaction I was talking about there.
Mostboomerish post this week.
Is salmon kosher?
I believe so. I think it was that any fish with find and scales is considered kosher.
Only know this because I had a jewish dormmate back in university.
fins, not find