Is the story of Samson literal? All the other Judges used armies to free the Isrealites from bondage, but did Samson really defeat an entire Philistine army by himself with a crude bone knife? Was he like a DBZ character?
Is the story of Samson literal? All the other Judges used armies to free the Isrealites from bondage...
He had God on his side. Not really that hard to believe. If God can raise the dead, why couldn't he change the odds in Samsons favor?
goku is based on samson not the other way around
also maybe pic related
says who ?
Goku is fictional, Samson is not.
about as believable as the heeb hammer from hannukah fairytales.
Why is it stupid? I find it harder to believe the dead coming back from life, or water turning into wine. If you believe in those miracles why not on that one?
It's only an approximate model to understand natural phenomenon not the supernatural.
Conclusion: the story of Samson is literal. The book of the Judges is an historical book as much as Kings or Samuel or even the Gospels themselves.
Don't fall into the heresy of modernism.
Its the greatest foe the Church has ever faced even greater than Arianism or protestantism. Its a cancer that's striking the Church from within. But the pillars of faith didn't change and never will no matter how.
jews have never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever in the existence of the world produced a single warrior.
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Ps: pre Jesus Christ Judaism =/= satanic talmudic judaism
One became the Catholic Church and the talmudic one became Satan's greatest creation.
the six day war and yom kippur war begs to differ. Even so, an army of lambs led by a lion etc…
Yes, I'm sure that contemporaneous historians such as Josephus are just completely and totally wrong, and you, an individual born in the modern era who did not witness the entirety of history know more than all the ancient historians who state the total opposite of what you just said.
Back to reality.
I am talking about the race of the jew, no about beliefs.
I know jews, and jews do not fight.
A warrior race has no need to be a rootless nomad diaspora that requires other nations to persist.
Samson like Samuel ws a giant sired by his father the devil. They both led dishonorable lives, Samuel burned animals alive and Samson died a coward, crushing children under a stone building.
so, are you some kind of heretic or just one of the pagans that come here from time to time?
I don't know about all that, but Samson was a stone cold crazy man.
Judges 15:1-6 Samson was denied access to his wife, so he caught a bunch of foxes, tied their tails together with some torches, and set them free in the produce fields.
Who thinks of that?
I think it's a buttmad Zig Forums atheist LARPing as Zig Forums.
Please give me the source to this
That's actually pretty smart of him. I would have never think of such a clever way to start a fire.
Based Samson.
No, Sampson never takes a whole chapter to power up
Almost as funny as Pastor Jim burying the KJV meme
Oh right I'm sorry. It became the Lutheran evangelical American Church.
My bad.
there's a lot that isn't literal in the Bible. let go of the protty delusions. we've got many different genres of literature there and not all of them lend to a literal interpretation, and even those often have symbolism inserted, usually through numerology or rabbinic/semitic exaggeration.
in terms of the specifics, i find the issue of being filled with the Holy Spirit and becoming a fearsome warrior as a result to be very easy to understand.
to me, the hardest thing to understand is the story of Delilah tricking him. i mean, three different times she asks him how to bind him, and each time he lies, and each time she springs a trap on him and he has to kill a bunch of philistines, and then the fourth time, he actually tells her the TRUTH? i mean, how stupid must he have been?
of course it works out in the end because he kills more by tearing down the building than he did in the rest of his life, but still, that's the part which is most incredulous to me.
the source is the old testament, user. look at all the interbreeding with the people of the land - whom they were supposed to destroy - took place. even after the captivity and return there were times when they still did this and had to put away the wives and kids, see nehemiah and ezra, but far before that, from the time after solomon died, most of the genealogies include people of the land.
take a look at Jesus' earthly genealogy and just note how many gentiles were in it; rahab, ruth, etc.
ruth is a good example of this, taking place well after the time of the judges. she's a moabitess, and married boaz and had kids with him. it's remarkably common and easy to see that the genetic stock which came out of egypt was obviously diluted and changed from the original by the time in the land.
personally i prefer to think of them as canaanites, because that's what they are geneticially in large part, and that's what they are in worship practice today, talmudism is essentially canaanite paganism.
of course the ashkenazi are part sicicilian, and the sephardim are part spanish and moorish, etc.
now the guy you're replying to (i'm not him) is probably thinking about the khazar hypothesis, which i'm not a proponent of, but there is that to be considered as well. converts to judaism were extremely common even in the time of Christ and the Apostles, they're mentioned in Acts extensively, it was only some time after that the jews clamped down on that.
As I recall, Samson was on a mountain when he did that, so it's entirely possible if he had an overwhelming positional advantage. It's like how the Spartans were able to hold off the Persians by trapping them in a narrow passage.
You underestimate the power of nagging. Remember the proverb about living on a roof being preferable to living with a contentious woman?