Race Discussion Containment Thread

Post any and all discussion about race and how it relates to Christianity in this thread instead of clogging up the catalog with thread after thread of "kill all nonwhites" or "who cares about race? we're all the same on the inside, maaaaaaaan."
And let me give you a little bit of advice: Literally all racial problems going on in the world today are side effects of Enlightenment and Post-Enlightenment philosophies and their ideas of freedom, individualism and equality. Stop trying to treat the symptoms and treat the disease itself.

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Take this shit to >>>Zig Forums

There is absolutely no need for this. Matter on this issue is settled already. take this trash to >>>Zig Forums

Can you elaborate on what you say in the spoiler? Genuinely interested

This belongs under the politics general thread.

non-whites are the disease and the cure is to exterminate them

Racism is a sin. End of discussion

winnie the pooh off back to Pol.

These replies give me hope in this board. OP, take your “containment” thread and shove it up your ass.

Well the argument in the spoiler is spot on tho. I'm no expert but i've stumble across this opinion again and by religious perspective.
I believe that the first racial supermacy attitude came from judaism after they killed Christ because they didn't want to become the same with gentiles.

God's children are all of one race. The race of man.

Well, I do believe that race is real, considering this as a fact you realize that "racism" isn't learned but rather a natural response to foreing groups, Now this becomes worse when two races are forced to live together (multiculturalism/racialism), and there's lots of evidence to prove this.That and the fact that all the attempts to supress racism have failed HECK there were cases of racism even in the soviet union.

Overall I don't think God didn't create us to hate each other on the basis of our skin color, but i'm very sure he didn't also meant to mix and become in just one race, there's a reason why he separate us in different groups when he destroyed the tower of Babel.

Well, to be fair, Angels are also called children of God, besides us.
Anywho, why does this thread still exist?

I agree but this is pointless. Might as well have all kinds of containment thread and such that really isnt related to Christianity. Pol alt lite whitebois are such brainlets.

First define the word you use you brainlet. Also saying 'end of discussion' does not really end the discussion.


God created various peoples. He created us different. Saying there are no differences is ludicrous and dumb.
Denying the nature is denying the Logos. Denying the Logos is denying God.

Belongs to the political thread, or to Zig Forums
Sod off.

No one wants this shit.
Stop trying to make it happen.

I believe that this discussion belongs here since most of the posters are either right wing or have Zig Forums roots. We can answer with arguments, sperging out over other opinions is for liberals.

Races are different the same way as members of 2 separate families are different. That means not so different in reality. If race segregation was so important don't you think that Christ would've let us know back then?


Anti-racism is a sin, end of discussion. Posts like this make me lose hope in this board, take your liberal "values" and shove them up your ass

Well if racial integration is so import, don't you think Christ would have let us know back then? But if segregation were preferable it wouldn't have needed any further enforcement, since segregation is common sense, and was even more ingrained in their cultures then than they are now. So if segregation is wrong like the clown-world "Christians" say, why didn't Christ condemn it in societies back then when it was far more prevalent? Besides that, the form of your argument is asinine; "If opening the arteries with a stent is so important to prevent clots, why didn't Jesus say so?" "If lateral reinforcement is so important to stop collapse due to wind loading, why didn't Jesus say so?"
Rational minds are a gift from God, and every day brings new examples of how racial integration is damaging for all involved.

Also lol at

Yeah how could I forget that the family on the other side of the street has different skin colour, social identity, religion, speaks a different language, different propensity for disease, wildly different disposition, plus or minus 1.5 SD in IQ, plus or minus 1 SD in average height and average male grip strength, and that breeding with a member of said family is likely to produce an off spring which is less healthy than members of either group, and will be a social misfit.

If you want to "answer" racialists with your "arguments" then maybe you should start with not being hopelessly ignorant.

Whoops, meant to include this dumb faggot

still not happening.

So user when you are with a girl* you make sure to have the same height, same social status, same skin tone, same IQ etc with her? Because if she have lets say 1 IQ point above you then it's unfair to her and if it's the opposite then you're commiting race treason HUUUR. Are you even a Christian by the way?

If the partner is christian you can marry her and have as many mutt babies as you want. We aren't bound by jewish blood laws. Sage.