Commiefornia Tops National Poverty Rate As Great Exodus Begins

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Despite efforts by state legislators at creating a socialist utopia, California still has the highest poverty rate in the nation at 19%, despite a 1.4% decrease from last year according to the Census Bureau.

Poverty and income figures released Wednesday reveal that over 7 million Californians are struggling to get by in the second most expensive state to live in, according to the Council for Community and Economic Research's 2017 Annual Cost of Living Index.

And while California has a "vigorous economy and a number of safety net programs to aid needy residents," according to the Sacramento Bee, one out of every five residents is suffering economic hardship - which is fueled in large part by sky-high housing costs, according to Caroline Danielson, policy director at the Public Policy Institute of California.

“We do have a housing crisis in many parts of the state and our poverty rate is highest in Los Angeles County,” she said, adding that cost of living and poverty is often highest in the state’s coastal counties. “When you factor that in we struggle.”

Silicon Valley residents in particular are leaving in droves - more so than any other part of the state. Nearby San Mateo County which is home to Facebook came in Second, while Los Angeles County came in third.

“They’re looking for affordability and not finding it in Santa Clara County,” said Danielle Hale, chief economist for

It's not just housing prices driving the exodus, of course. Punitive taxes - more than twice as much as some other states, are eating away at disposable income. Nearby Arizona's income tax rate is 4.54% vs. California's 9.3%, while the new tax bill may accelerate the exodus.

As Michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse Blog pointed out in May…

Reasons for the mass exodus include rising crime, the worst traffic in the western world, a growing homelessness epidemic, wildfires, earthquakes and crazy politicians that do some of the stupidest things imaginable. But for most families, the decision to leave California comes down to one basic factor…


And according to ULI, 74% of California millennials are considering an exodus.


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I will be fucking pissed off if these commies come to my state and start wrecking it like they did their own. If they want to move they better understand to accept traditional American culture and that we don't like their socialist/communist bullshit around here.

It will happen so gradually you won't notice. Just keep an eye on anything that would require taxes to go up.

I'm reaching 70 soon, so hopefully I'll be dead by the time they have a chance fucking my state up.

Nuke the coastal cities into the sea where they belong and you'd fix a lot of problems.

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There's 3 things I've learned about strategic re-location to avoid pitfalls and crisis:

1) Avoid all major cities.
(cities are death traps when SHTF)
2) Avoid coastal regions.
(coastal regions are vulnerable nuclear targets and vulnerable to natural disasters or manmade geo-engineering disasters)
3) Avoid high taxed super-liberal states that have a record voting commie.
(this should be obvious by now, they wreck their states!)

What makes me angry is Europoors simultaneously always use Commiefornia as an example of "how the USA should be run" while also almost always (usually unwittingly) using it as an example of everything wrong with the USA. The only good thing is that because they're part of "the union" they're always bringing up, the socialists can't forcibly make people stay.

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Maybe that's why they want to leave the union.

>>>/prepare/ = close tab

spoken like a true boomer


Lets be honest with ourselves, user. What are YOU going to do about it? You actually going to kill these commies and risk going to jail for the rest of your life? Be honest, like I am you are too afraid to risk your livelihood. Its OK though, there are A LOT of Americans that feel the same way we do.

If you're not willing to sacrifice your life and liberty for your freedom, you deserve neither.
Stop calling yourself American, Ivan.

The only reason I'd kill someone is if they tried to break into my home, or if they tried confiscating my arms. Otherwise I'm not going to risk my ass killing random commies I don't even know… and neither will you (unless you really are that crazy and just don't care about being locked up for the rest of your life).

That shit is getting old nigger.

Not that user, but one person doing so isn't going to change a fucking thing. Everyone else will carry on like it never happened. Unless tons of people plan to do it all at once, you won't even make a dent.

Wow, it’s almost as if soycialism doesn’t work.

Yep. If I went out and killed a dozen leftist voters what the HELL good is that going to do? It would make very bad PR and likely end up stiring even MORE people to vote against my political affiliation…. not to mention the Mainstream Fake News would be given a real reason to complain.

Wouldn't do anything but blow back in my face. Zig Forums is too edgy, they don't think things out too much. And the most ironic thing is they'll tell you to kill their enemies, and gripe all day long, but won't take any initiative to do it themselves. Leaders by example? Nah!

good one

In this day and age? More people are waking up and applauding the brutal beating and murders of leftists, actually. Also, any time mentions any sort of action on Zig Forums, all they respond with is "hello FBI!" So while you're not wrong about inaction, they certainly don't promote violence like how you said. Only larping leftists go to that board and do that

don't kid yourself for a minute that Zig Forums isn't swarming with cops and alphabet soup cockroaches

The only reason some may applaud the beat down of some of these leftists punks are because they often act like thugs to begin with and like to start fights to begin with. Most people won't applaud innocents being beaten up or killed… however if thugs like AntiFA get their asses kicked during confrontation they created, then there will be reason to cheer it on.

By the way, this works either way, if you'd had conservatives acting like AntiFA then people who hate them too.

This is most logical. You don't want to be the one starting confrontation, you want to be the one that ends it, rightfully in self-defense. THEN other normal people will look up to you as inspiration. Just like our Founding Fathers were an inspiration.

According to Putin and Assad's logic. The American Revolutionary Army would be classified as "terrorists"
Putin and Assad are Monarchists posing as democratic leaders.

This has nothing to do with Russia or Syria. I'll give you an example of what I mean here. When I read some news about how a gun owner defends themselves against a criminal thug trying to loot or harm them I often have a big smile on my face reading what happened. As should many others. Self defense is NOT tyranny, its being pro-active stopping tyranny in its tracks.

To be fair about this under-reported issue:

I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't schizophrenically tab-post.

So are you denying this is true or are you just evading the question and posting more propaganda?


I'm not denying anything. I'm just posting facts.

Your response wasn't related to that post at all, you just used it as an excuse to make an unrelated point before dumping more pro-Russia propaganda, so I'll say it again:

According to Putin and Assad's logic. The American Revolutionary Army would be classified as "terrorists"

Putin and Assad are Monarchists posing as democratic leaders.

And those that are not dirt poor are up to their eyeballs in high taxes and debt. So add another 50% to that figure to be more realistic.

4 out of 5 of the most expensive cities to live are in Commiefornia.

You brought up the topic, I'm finishing it. No one even talked about Russia or Syria before YOU brought it up. This is about Commiefornia not your geo-political foes.

Why don't you just admit that you hate democracy and favor autocratic rulers? There's no shame in being honest.

I don't favor autocratic rulers. I don't think their wrong 100% of the time either though. I'm not naive. Same goes with democracy: democracy does work, as long as GOOD people use it to their advantage and vote the corrupt vermin leaches out and keep them out. Its not black and white like you think it is. There are some good things about the US, and some bad things. Same goes with any country!


I'll be the first to admit that democracy sucks, but autocratic rule is much worse.
No matter what you may think of them, Putin and Assad are not the only people who have the capability of governing their countries, but they won't allow a "fair fight" in a truly democratic election with real opponents. They are illegitimate rulers for that reason alone, regardless of their abilities to govern or fight against your boogeymen.

You are either a moron or a troll. I can't figure out which. You tell me.

Fine. You brought this whole thing up, no one else did. Who's shilling again? This thread was about Commiefornia's insolvency causing a mass exodus!

Your strawmen are as transparent as your laughably corrupt, oligarch government Ivan. At least we can actually manage to pretend the race is fair.

I got to get going, got some things to do today, anons please try to keep this thread on topic.

You do that, faggot. Enjoy the kvass.

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Thanks for calling me a Russian when I live in a small American town. Remember its YOU that brought up Russia, not me. Nice derailment tactic.


Already happened in my state. Fornians brought their WIGGER KIDS, fuck you attitude, and big money politics years ago.
Feels bad man.
Accodental caps but works.

Look at what they did to Oregon and Washington

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such news bumparoo

They need to redefine and redraw jurisdiction around the cities and count the cities as their own separate states. That way cities can't ruin actual states with their horrifically corrupt insolvent politics.

I hope the commies understand that when all the taxpayers start to flee their state, as they are doing at a record pace, that all those free gibs are going to run out of funding due to the loss of tax revenue. You can only milk a population so much before they flee the State in rebellion. Then all those bureaucrats will face a huge problem with their socialist funding.

And as they keep increasing taxes to fund their growing insolvency, more and more businesses and residents will flee, causing a chain reaction into the third world SHIT abyss.

Fuck we have to build a wall around california now.

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I believe Alex is a Psychological Operation.
Please look at Gematria. It's the language of the False "Jews" and Saturn worshipers, Masons. Check out Gematria Effect News
and There's some half right stuff in conspiracy sites like TheScariestMovieEver
Just Watch out don't be racist they are trying to start the race War. They want to build the Temple in temple rock after the demolish the Muslim Temple. You have to realize we are one and we can fight them. They'll come when there's chaos they're not the US Government they're every government and they control the Media
@7 this one gets interesting

If you're wondering how the actual fuck it could be so high you need to keep un mind the kiked corperations that are taking in illegals to make them esentially slaves, ie you work in illegal impovrished situations and we'll keep you here, the spics would be better off back in Mexico with a nice wall but Jewboy Trump doesn't want that

I wonder when the exhaustion point is for these fucks. Until then I’m stockpiling guns and ammo.

I live in the suburbs in central California, the bay area. I'm right across the bay from sf. In the past 5 years I've only seen one family move away and they were immediately replaced. All my neighbors except one are white and the Hispanic family that is the exception is friendly and keeps to his own business. I don't see this migration, all I see around me are white people raising white kids. I live across the street from my local elementary school so I can see the colors of the kids. Majority, vast majority are white and from middle class families.

I think op is just out of touch and falling for propaganda.

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All that shot about race wars is false. For example people like that group of black Hebrews that yell at white people in the downtown area of st are there every single day and there are only about 6 of them, that's it. They've been doing that daily for years and people just walk right by them. All these examples of how sf is falling apart but it really isn't. It has problems but not worse than other huge metropolitan areas. Yes our politics are garbage and yes it does lead to some crime and poverty but it doesn't mean the state is a sinking ship. I've lived here my whole life and the quality of my life hasn't changed at all due to politics.

I'm actually relieved to hear that, I hope your not pulling my strings here. But the insolvency is still a major problem over there. I mean tell me this: whats the average home price for around the area you live? The taxes are pretty high too, right? And the gun control issue, that would be another major concern with me.

Waaaah cry more Zig Forums mutts and not be white like Europe


Leftists are fucking vermin. The world would be better without the human trash.

Don't even acknowledge him, he does this shit on /tv/ all of the time and whenever he gets a (you) he sticks around for the rest of the thread.

The fires triggered a chain reaction.

Price of living up, commute time up, safety down, air quality down, culture foreign, Hollywood is a playground for the ultra-wealthy who suck at art, any pile of shit Hollywood movie can make money, California is going to be hit by a giant earthquake soon, the average work hours will rise, the cost of living will rise faster, the unemployment will start increasing,

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We've finally reached the point in our nation's history where the opposite of the Gold Rush is happening.

Well when your state already had shit politics when you were born you wouldn't notice a change.
Meanwhile here in VA things used to be pretty fucking great, then in the past 15 years we've had cucks from NYC, thugs from Baltimore, and MS13 savages move to the DC area and some of our other larger urban areas in droves, and now the state is a leftist stronghold specifically because of this despite the vast majority of our counties being conservative.
We're most likely going to have an anti-gun, jihad supporting ex(supposedly)-CIA agent gain a senator position here soon too, so it's only going to get worse.
Taxes have gotten worse, the cities have gone to utter shit (for example there's a very obvious money laundering scheme involving shitty patchwork road repairs in Richmond), faggots are actively trying to tear down the state's history (Charlottesville only made things worse), rent is utterly ridiculous unless you live way the fuck out in the countryside, and the college towns are attracting even more lunatics from other states.
The only decent thing we have left is our generally lax gun laws, and they're working hard on tightening that shit.
All it took was 15 fucking years, god damn.
I could ramble on and on and on, but my post is probably already incoherent enough.

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do not rent to californians
do not sell property to californians
do not hire californians

We've had that several times. One of them was called "the dust bowl" for reference.

No. I'll just do my due diligence as an American and remind everyone who isn't pozzed yet why they need to be afraid of socialism and commies. Thankfully, the absolute state of Commiefornia makes that argument all too easy for me.

Wait seriously? California is the worst this country has? I was just in South Central last week in fact, its a shithole and I shit you not a convenience store had just been robbed at gunpoint in the part of town I was in, but its actually gotten significantly better in the past 10 years. If this is honestly the worst this country has to offer, then damn am I proud to be an American, we still have a lot of work to do though.

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Why do people unironically think California is socialist? California is inhabited and owned by uber-rich globohomo capitalists and businessmen just like every other urbanized cesspit. This is what happens when you let profit-driven Jews write all of your laws. It's no wonder they're so hell-bent on importing brownies from the third world to create their perfect obedient slave class - it's a capitalist's wet dream.

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California didn't ban funs though

Really though?
Ran by Disney at this point, not subsidized
Ran by Apple Google, Intel, AMD, and Nvidia, not really subsidized either
This one may be true but that's the case for the whole country to a degree

I think you're trying too hard to be contrarian and you don't know what the fuck you're actually talking about. California has the largest concentration of legit socialists in the country, that may be true, but the private and government sectors remain largely conservative fiscally and the Mexican immigrants here I would hardly call leftist either, they just lean democrat because they were told Republicans hate them

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No we don't, stop kwetching, commiefornia is a shithole and jewyork too

Fifth largest economy in the world my ass.

It's not a question of if. It's a question of when. Prepare.

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I can't post multiple images here? ok, a few more…

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