Google Engineers Quit After Secretive China Project Links Phone Number To Searches

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A prototype of Google's censored search engine for China links users' searches to their personal phone numbers, "thus making it easier for the Chinese government to monitor people's queries," reports The Intercept.

The search engine, codenamed Dragonfly, revolves around the Android platform and is designed to remove content deemed by government officials to be sensitive or offensive - such as information about protests, free speech, political dissidents, democracy and human rights violations.

Sources familiar with the project said that prototypes of the search engine linked the search app on a user’s Android smartphone with their phone number. This means individual people’s searches could be easily tracked – and any user seeking out information banned by the government could potentially be at risk of interrogation or detention if security agencies were to obtain the search records from Google.

The search platform also appeared to have been tailored to replace weather and air pollution data with information provided directly by an unnamed source in Beijing. The Chinese government has a record of manipulating details about pollution in the country’s cities. One Google source said the company had built a system, integrated as part of Dragonfly, that was “essentially hardcoded to force their [Chinese-provided] data.” -The Intercept

"This is very problematic from a privacy point of view, because it would allow far more detailed tracking and profiling of people’s behavior," says Human Rights Watch senior internet research Cynthia Wong. "Linking searches to a phone number would make it much harder for people to avoid the kind of overreaching government surveillance that is pervasive in China."

Human rights groups have slammed Dragonfly, insisting that it could result in Google "directly contributing to, or [becoming] complicit in, human rights violations."

Google engineers agree - and they've been resigning over the ethical concerns with the project.

Approximately 1,400 Google employees have signed a letter circulating within the company, asking executives to explain exactly what the hell is going on.

"As a company and as individuals we have a responsibility to use this power to better the world, not to support social control, violence, and oppression," the letter reads. "What is clear is that Ethical Principles on paper are not enough to ensure ethical decision making. We need transparency, oversight, and accountability mechanisms sufficient to allow informed ethical choice and deliberation across the company."

Attached: Google Engineers Quit After Secretive China Project Links Phone Number To Searches.jpg (720x270, 22.98K)

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If only Google wasn't being subsidized by governments to openly spy on users and censor content….

zerohedge is garbage alarmist propaganda
blow me, russia


Attached: amused_titans.png (800x949, 356.28K)

Wrong. ZH is real news, by Americans for Americans. They don't care about being "politically correct" for you faggots. ZH is the king of real quality news.


are you the 'killcen' guy
I heard about?…………..

I have no way of knowing…………

I'm Neptune, and I'm
a permanent fixture

by the way, this story is NOT NEWS
it's a moot point, because Google will
not allow a phone account without
an associated phone number.


and whoever pays the phone bill is automatically associated with the searches, so it appears that your mother is now linked to your transvestite porn searches


if you're stupid enough to believe
that ANY news organization is
somehow 'unbiased', then I'd like
to sell you a pair of $54,500 used socks

Why quit? They recognize the NSAs authority to do the same thing, are they just trying to asuage their guilty consciences?

"Oh, I conspired with tyranny today, but at least I only did it with a few dozen governments! China didnt pay enough is where I draw the line!"

and keep in mind

Google has its 2-step
phone number verification

Google was voluntarily handing
NSA long, long before it was a requirement……………………..

long before the NSA
requested this info
Google was already
giving it all to them

IP address

because Google IS
a branch of the
United States

Here's that attention you're begging for. We've got a few more (you)'s in the back if you're really jonesing for human contact.

Look how it tries to seem interesting by formatting its posts in what can only be described as retarded format.

So many people ignored Cult Of The Dead Cow warning everyone about this years ago.

ultra news

This is probably the ONE thing I can actually agree with you on user. Yes, Google was created by the NSA. If fact they use the same kinds of datamining algorithms with one difference: the NSA won't censor theirs because they want the full scoop whereas Google will censor it to keep the dumb goyim from seeing anything that might be unpleasant truths.

it's only fair that you'd finally
return the favor, after all the
attention my nuts have given
to your diminutive chin………

hey, Sassypants…….

I asked you a fucking question

A N S W E R I T , B I T C H

If you ask me a question you can't expect me to see it when you drown it out with other obnoxious rants. What was the question?

Why don't you just fucking type normally and stop trying to be a flashy bitch?

I axed you if you be
the 'killcen' guy

Ah….. good question. Yah, thats just one of the thousands of other aliases I went by over the years. I've changed my real name dozens of times in real life too. I never stick with one alias or name or phone number. Always changing as the winds shift. Thats all I can say.

never have
never will
not gonna happen

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well, I'm not sure who or what
is, nor do I want to find out, but

I am honored to be here - - - - - - - - -

the other day, I got an
email from Jim, saying
something about how
'killcen' (and yes I know
what the term 'killcen'
means) used to drive
him crazy before I
started making him
contemplate suicide


Wow. I'm honored too. Damn I kinda hope this is true. Even my family always thought I was a little strange but they got used to it, I made them get used to a lot they didn't like. lol

A song for you Johnny!

Attached: Just A Little Talk With Jesus.mp4 (480x360, 3.64M)

I suggest headphones
or surround sound


t. ruble army

Really. Then why won't "Tyler Durden" say who he is?

I believe Alex is a Psychological Operation.
Please look at Gematria. It's the language of the False "Jews" and Saturn worshipers, Masons. Check out Gematria Effect News
and There's some half right stuff in conspiracy sites like TheScariestMovieEver
Just Watch out don't be racist they are trying to start the race War. They want to build the Temple in temple rock after the demolish the Muslim Temple. You have to realize we are one and we can fight them. They'll come when there's chaos they're not the US Government they're every government and they control the Media
@7 this one gets interesting


He's succumbed to the Techie Night of Long Knives.

Its because there is no Tyler Durden. Its an alias. As if whoever owns ZH will be stupid enough to put a target on his head. Regardless, if you haven't noticed, all the articles are sourced to the original writters. ZH is the best news aggregation site, they mirror articles from hundreds of sources!


Then answer is the jews.

Who the fuck knows who owns it? It could be a Jew for all I know, but it is a damn good news source.

It was this very soundtrack that made me want to sexually assault the beaver.

Attached: Git.Thee.Behind.Me.Jim.jpg (1000x764, 182.9K)

You don't say.
Hegelian enough?

Attached: InfoWarriors UNITE!.jpg (1600x1068, 563.55K)

Donald Trump is a puppet of Israel, as is Jewtin

Aren't they all?



I literally can't even think
of anything to say

I'm so tired right now. Wendy came home a lil while ago, and we're laying in bed with the cats. I thought id take a nap, but I simply can't sleep.


I'm not hungry….
I just don't know what I want to do

oh, I almost forgot. soon, there's going to be a really really REALLY smart guy coming in here named Jon Fox.

he's fucking brilliant
youll see

he's jewish, of course………

and he gets a TON of pussy

I've known Jon since he was 14

he might not come here for days, or weeks, but he might do it tonight for all I know. he's oddly fascinated by you guys.

I just hope he doesn't post shit news. Thats all we need, more senseless garbage.

I can absolutely guarantee that you guys will be impressed with Jon. he's nothing like me (he's actually intelligent)

I'm confident you'll like him

Does he rant like you Johnny?

fuck no….
but he's AMAZINGLY talented at debating
he's a walking encyclopedia of facts and figures, etc.

I freely admit that I'm no genius
I'm a fucking 8th grade dropout

Jon, however is phenomenally smart


Jon told me that he can't wait to debate the anti-semitic guys in here……….

(he's a kikeroach)

(he even calls himself a kikeroach)

he's FUNNY as shit
and self deprecating
he's hard not to like
he's opinionated as shit
and although he infuriates me
I've never heard him be wrong

I really hope his "talent" doesn't consist of endless pilpul then.

If only you could hear Jon and I arguing or having a conversation on the phone. It's always completely abstract and tangential and frustrating and hilarious

He's my children's Godfather. That's how much I trust him….

This video begins with him on a phone call, where he's telling me about fucking girls in the ass…..

he's weird as shit………

If and when he finally comes here, I'll Point him out, and I guarantee you he will earn your respect really fast

the video you posted is already reminding me of the whole jewish fecal humor cultural thing a lot, so I dunno

I can live with that


Jon might actually be in here right now


Jon, it's Neptune…..

welcome to Zig Forums

Jon Fox- oddly fascinated would be understating I think Johnny

gentlemen, meet Jon Fox

Jon, this is the place

I mean, im fascinated by all the aryan pussy ive wrecked in my life, but this is like the taint, sort of intriguing, but……

Thanks Neptune

these guys are pretty fucking smart

Attached: DaZog.png (890x661, 114.51K)

and no, I don't rant like Neptune, I rant like a real KYKE

because i'm actually a jew, he just wishes


I mispelled KYKE, your right Johnny, these guys are brillinant- like i want to discuss the proper spelling of KYKE

……I'm an honorary Jew

from when I was fucking Amy Edelkind


Hilarious that he thinks there is a proper grammatical spelling of it

okay, well now you've actually been to Zig Forums

it's slow right now.

bookmark it, and I promise you'll find some heated debates in here.

i dont ever mispel anything because in cubic centimeters my brain size looms over yours, but i type fast and dont waste time correcting

and its spelled KYKE- but i guess you would just say "FAKE NEWS"

yeah this boring- are they scared or whats up Neptune

where are all the proud aryan warriors

damn Neptune you got me excited for THISSSSS

it's slow

come back and find
other threads

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wow, i hope my PERSONAL usage of KYKE- as spelled in the urban dictionary, didn't trigger you. was it a micro aggression???

There is, in fact, as kike was derived from the Hebraic word "kikel", meaning "circle", from the days where Jews arrived at Ellis Island and refused to put Xs on forms over them looking too much like crosses and instead opting to use Os.

Jon, I want you to meet someone who I have a lot of respect for

he goes by the name Fangë

(pronounced Fang)

He's really smart and level-headed and I have a great deal of respect for him

Fangë, if you're still in here I would like to introduce you to Jon, one of the smartest people I've ever met… Much like you and I, John enjoys tearing into some hot girls buttholes, loves cats, etc etc

I also have a lot of respect for Jon

Attached: tmp_10425-IMG_20180916_185921903232085.jpg (3456x4608, 2.43M)

And that's the last time you'll ever see me being nice in here…. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted

Oh killcen? It's you? Take your meds before you have to enjoy Mike Hard BBC again faggot.


I'm here, now & then.. rarely all 'there' though.
Welcome, Jon.
Do you like to sexually assault dying beavers? Enquiring minds want to know.
Besides, if you're Jewish we assume you want to rape us all.

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You missed the writing on the wall in neon glowing lights that james left you.

if you are still there, sorry i was eating dinner consisting of aryan vaginal dishcarge mixed with aborted Christian fetuses, but yes i AM jewish and no I don't want to rape you, only your women. But I don't need to because they will voluntarily accept my genetically superior DNA

that is if you are still there Fange

But Neptune tells me you are a nice guy and smart, where are all the brave Aryan warriors????

I dunno dude, jews have a lot of genetic conditions compared to other races to the point that they get medically classified into their own category, plus all the inbreeding issues that formed from all the tight-knit "state within a state" shit over the centuries probably wouldn't make a lot of jews genetically superior to anyone

Yeah, sorta here; in & out, as it were – still tending to the beaver bread, and the pussy (new gf), and the kitten, and the kids, etc..

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All i know is that I am indeed genetically superior by any objective measure. It's not bragging when everyone else you meet agrees

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Which is interesting, the idea of a mastermind Jewish conspiracy that controls the world. How did we accomplish that if we aren't smarter than the sheeple we control???

Lmao @ "Shiil on Shlomo" Briiliant and funny

weirdly, I look very aryan I guess according to….hmmmm??? Not sure. Blue eyes, brown hair, no big nose, perfect eyesight. But my biggest accomplish is my lifelong process of continually massaging my enormous Jew brain. Iq in top .5 percent.