What does Zig Forums think of Jehovah's Witnesses?

What does Zig Forums think of Jehovah's Witnesses?

Heretics? Also what's their family life like?

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Not Christians

If Baptists are allowed on this board, I don't see why Witnesses can't post here.

Your comment makes no sense. Baptists are less heretical than Jehovah’s Witnesses. Most Baptists believe in the Trinity, whereas JW’s don’t even believe that Christ is God.

A bunch of heretical faggots that made some special snowflake doctrines to legitimize themselves.

Once made one of them mentally BSOD.

Story time?

Should be purged.

it's extra heretical

also I've noticed that they here in Poland stopped going from doors to doors as often as they used to do and instead stand in public areas with their banners and magazines and wait for curious people to come to them

Same in Georgia
Has to do with something with old grannies chasing them with brooms

Basically, i was appealing to history, showing how all apostolics are almost the same, no matter how much time has passed.

They are actually quite sneaky, though super obvious, in the way they do stuff.

They rush you when they make you answer to their questions, every statement is prefaced by "God/Bible says", to grant their words, no matter how minor, divine authority, stuff like that.

Sneaky, but falls flat on it's face and just becomes annoying, if you aren't impressed.

Anyway, at one point i went into the formation of the Biblical canon, Shepard of Hermas, Didache, stuff like that, on how to realize which books are in the Bible.

I also mentioned how "Revelations was partially rejected in the East, and Hebrews in the West".

The woman went "but, but… it's the Epistle..to the Hebrews…" with that robot-like, nervous eye twitch, like pic related.

That went on for a couple of seconds, then she "rebooted", and went on some unrelated rant.

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you should learn about more baptists, they aren't all simpletons for of bile, like Meme Anderson.
Baptists are very much Christian, even if they hold some heresies. JW aren't Christians at all, they're Mormon or Islam tier.

Baptists are still Nicene Christians, if you take "Catholic" to mean "universal", as in encompassing all of Christianity. JWs are non-Trinitarian and deny Christ's divinity.
I am sick to death of your baiting, you scum.

Certain Apostolics have been heretics in the past. Does that make you a heretic by association? No. Now stop selecting extreme examples and presenting them as representatives of the whole.

You are not apostolic if you deny apostolic faith.

And this is why a lot of my Baptist (SBC not IFB) brothers don't take Apostolics seriously. The historic Baptist faith embraces the early creeds; we read the Nicene Creed every Sunday as part of our worship service. We don't deny Mary as God-bearer (where do you even get that we would; meme Baptists like Anderson are not in the historic Baptist tradition), but we don't offer veneration nor pray to her, as we believe that we can boldly come to the throne room itself and bring our petitions to the Godhead.

We brought a group of Bible college students to visit a OCA parish during our world religions class. The priest attempted to tell then what Baptists believe; of course, the students had just finished working through the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith and Keach's Catechism, so what he tried to describe was unrecognizable. Unless Catholodox make an effort to understand the faith and practice of the Protestant church, they can't expect us to take them seriously.

That's what i think is sorely missing, in interdenom chats.
I mean, i'm orthodox, but i was legit impressed when some evangelical guide made for missionaries in Russia, that actually did their homework to understand orthodox theology, and truly grasp that Russia has been christianized for 1000 years, what they did right, and what they did wrong, and what missionaries can tie into to, to help conversions.

Now, the last parts were still wooden neo-prottie memes, but you can see the fags actually sat down to understand what their target audience's beliefs are, instead of pretending Bibles are mythical alien artefacts for Easteners, and building a pelagian strawman that they can hammer at.

Not Christians.

I noticed that when I was visiting Ireland. But then again I've never seen them walking in neighborhoods here in the states.


They do both here in canada. They're quite friendly at least. They just stood next to a rack of pamphlets and small books by a bus stop and gave me one that said "what does the bible really teach?" As if the watchtower society would know, when they claim only 144,000 elected people will go to heaven. Why even try to convert people then?

They deny the deity of Christ and pass communion but generally don't partake. They're not Mormon bad but they're Arian bad.

You need to be familiar with their teachings. You can prooftext easily to support them. You need to be ready to pop open where they would go and answer them, preferably before the prooftext comes out.

nah, other JWs will be resurrected too according to them. the 144K (contrary to the bible which says that all believers shall inherit it) will just rule it with Jesus AKA Archangel Michael. Yes, they think that Jesus is Michael.

Jesus=Michael is a common interpretation, particularly among Protestants. They interpret it the other way though, that there is no distinct being "Michael the Archangel," and that this is just a title for Jesus Christ. JWs take it the other way and deny that Jesus is truly God.


WTF lad? I'm Catholic but I thought European protestants believed in the same fundamental theology of Catholics.
That association is completely retarded, since Jesus is God and existed before all angels and existence itself and Michael was created by Jesus.
I can understand why jeohvah witness believe in their heresy since they're brain dead, but other prots besides having brain cancer in late stages can't be this stupid.

Why? How? How can you pervert scriptures this hard to come into conclusion like this? Please tell me that its about American wacko protestants.

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How? If they accept the trinity how can you do that type of mental gold-metal gymnastics

They think the ressurection is past already and that we are entering or are entered into the time in which Jesus takes authority in revelation 11:15. Problem is that revelation 6:11 hasn't happened yet and 2 timothy 2:16-18 exists
Such a teaching is literally called "profane and vain babblings:"

Their family life is winnie the pooh awful. Literally tore my mother’s family apart

Which Protestants

Matthew 7:15-20

I just tell them that I worship the devil as I am a cartoonist ( I am not because I have no talent though I just work at a cellphone company minimum wage) and they get mad at me and I winnie the pooh off.

The Jehovan's Witnesses never did me wrong but their theology is very dogmatic and based on their own dogma.

They were always really cool to me, though and very, very professional. They seemed like people who really cared about God and ministry.

They aren't Christian.

literally Arianism reborn

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I've been to Protestant bible studies where they claimed the angel of the Lord in the old testament and the being that wrested with Jacob were the pre-incarnate Jesus, that might be what he's talking about

I have never heard anyone other than the JW claim this. Name the prots

Right, but where you see it capitalized as "Angel of the LORD", it is usually taken to be a Christophany. Michael isn't referred to by that title.

Angel of the LORD was not Angel, as in created beings that we know, but it had meaning of "the messenger"

I have heard of that as well and it always confused me, so an angel was son of God? I thought Jesus was one and only which made the impact of being human much more significant for the sacrifice.

Angel means messenger and with this meaning it is used in "Angel of the LORD", a name for preincarnate Jesus, who is onlybegotten Son and only He had any kind of legitimacy to apply traits that can be attributed only to God.

Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. The consensus is that prior to the incarnation, He would take on the form of an angel when intervening in His creation. The figure seen in the furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, a figure "like the Son of God", was one such appearance.

Don't forget the visit that the Most Holy Trinity paid to Abraham.

It's not vain philosophy if it touch the core of their exegesis.

It isn't that they quote the Bible(i've had plenty of chats with preachers, and we actually had a friendly conversation based off the Bible).
It's that they preface whatever they say with statements like this, even if you are actually saying your own bible verses, or they aren't actually quoting the Bible at all, to legitimize themselves, and it's all part of a strategy to intimidate and bully the guy they are talking to, and make him vulnerable to suggestions.
They also never deviate from well-rehearsed texts(i literally recall her gazing in the distance while going "what this verse teaches is that something, something", while obvious that she wasnt actually talking to me, but mentally reading a script)
It's a meme(like how they are instructed to dress in a way that makes them look "smart" in whatever culture they evangelize in) to woo impressionable retards into thinking they know their shit.
They don't, and don't take up their defence just because they say they are bible-only.
You are playing into their game.

I've been on the chans way before this forced meme rivalry with reddit ever was a thing, so sit down, newfag.

I'd bet a dollar that was some kind of psyops campaign to see how you can trigger groups into going on witch hunts against perceived outsiders.

No, hes just a hafizposter, avoiding his ban. He's mentally ill, so you can freely ignore him.


JW WT became a u.n. library member and disseminated propaganda for un related shit for a decade.
Also a board member received stock for a conpany making drone engines.

All denominations are wrong anyway because it about aliens stupid. Ancient aliens and so on


Not actually Christian, but pretends to be. JW don't belive in hell.

As if christendom was not already differing groups vying for who is better, jw just gives everyone a chance to prop themselves to feel superior, even though nearly all christians worship the devil anyway.

also jw is the star trek of religion

By that logic Muslims are Christian too since they like Jesus somehow.

Muslim just means god worshipper so it reinforces them thinking they are the only right ones. Then the JWs think they are the only right ones while a punching bag for all other denominations and churches fighting eachother as the only eight ones

Ironic, because their founder is in Hell.

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Looks like there's more.

Michael “will stand up” during an unprecedented “time of distress.” (Daniel 12:1) In the book of Daniel, the expression “stand up” is often used to refer to a king who rises up to take special action. (Daniel 11:2-4, 21) Jesus Christ, identified as “The Word of God,” will take special action as the “King of kings” to strike down all of God’s enemies and protect God’s people. (Revelation 19:11-16) He will do so during a time of “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning.”—Matthew 24:21, 42.


Lol wut?

Which one are you referring to? The First or Second Resurrection in Revelation?

Read Luke 1:32, 33; 2 Peter 1:11

Who are these slaves?
Why is their number in important?
Why must they wait?
How does this have anything to do with Christ being King?

Because their Bible is an intentional mistranslation that removes all evidence or mention of Jesus being God. Their gospel is false and, therefore, has no authority.

Go back to >>>/islam/, Mehmed.


Also last time they were a thing they went further into the heresy and became Islam. I would not be surprised if they went down into more heresy.

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