Canadian Gun Grab by Executive Order Incoming
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Neat, they're finally giving an open season on the Stasi. Most cities in the west that don't have private police forces at best have 30-80 of them, enjoy the absolute shitshow.
I'm scared of the possibility that in a case a gun grab does happen, it won't lead into civil war. The population will cuck out and hand over their weapons. I hope I'm wrong
Nobody handed anything in the last time they did. PPSh's are still ~700 or so if you know the guy.
I think the present strategy is the slow cook as usual. Pass the law today, and 20 or 30 years from now the guys who actually had the balls to keep felony firearms will be long in their graves having neither bleed the government nor themselves for the cause.
Hopefully there another Saint will arise.
They did it to Kiwicuckistan and I was thinking.
"They banned my AR but those faggot leaves still have access to all the good stuff?"
Makes sense (((they))) want to grab the leaf guns too.
Don't you Canadians have a bunch of woods to go inna? The perfect place to wage guerilla warfare, you know…
Should have walked over, grabbed his face, and gouged his eyes out with your thumbs Mr. Watch dog.
Good luck Canada, if you shot as much as you shitpost, you'll be okay.
I think the only people that would actually hand anything over would be the people who don't have any guns to begin with/actually respect Trudeau.
Why, there isn't a point to that. The armed populace hilariously outnumbers them. It'd be rebar'd albos on steroids.
Can a Canadian tell me about Trudeaus, I caight some conversation that they've been a major political power in the 20th century. Also you guys had the best fucking commonwealth flag, the leaf is actually stupid when you think about it.
Only 37 Kiwis turned their guns in right?
Most of Canada is plains and tundras aka C&C maps.
history says population will cuck out. It always cucks out. Sure, many will opt to hide the guns instead, but you won't see an actual revolution over it.
Be grand they just plastered one bigleaf there, else Trudeau would have changed it to include the flags of every Middle Eastern and African shithole in the world.
glad*. Fuck
Not much to tell. Bunch of Frenchies named Trudeau exist(ed), one got elected PM a couple times and married a bipolar woman, and now another one is in office fucking everything up. There's been a lot of them with their fingers deep in Minister positions and similar, and they tend to be Liberal.
You'll find a lot of what happens up here that can be considered stupid goes
Alberta did it by voting in NDP because the previous party pissed everyone off, and the morning-after regret was palpable within a week. The same thing happened with Trudeau getting elected PM, only that was country-wide. It happened not long after the NPD thing and you'll note how hard AB voted Conservative, yelling FUCK FUCK WE TAKE IT BACK, DON'T DO IT AGAIN. I like to think something similar happened with the flag.
Yep, conservatives were in power for 47 years in a row I think and everyone though “I’ll vote NDP as a protest vote to show that bitch Redford, since they have a 0% chance to win.” But that only works when everyone isn’t doing a protest vote with the same party. In my riding the conservatives had 13,000 more votes than the NDP which had the Second most votes (only like 3000).
Checked, but I think the best place to wage war is under their feet.
It's all the injun blood en em.
Platoon 2: Canadian Civil War when?
don't forget they have to remove the Union Jack
I just told my wife about this bill being discussed in ottawa and this is how the conversation went:
1. Is she Asian?
2. Are you and/or her ugly?
3. Do you have any children?
4. Where do you live?
She's from Russia so technically yeah.
No we're average, I'm uglier.
Yes one just about to turn a year old.
Same shit pulled by the gun grabbers here, though I don't know if leafland had an Italian Service Unit (actual PoWs treated better than citizens and allowed to run free on the honor system) equivalent.
I want the Red leaves to infiltrate the Papua New Guinea and become a pro-gun fascistic nation. Red leaves deserves a better ally than USA. Am I right? Yes I am right!
If I recall correctly the last time the Canadian government attempted active confiscation of firearms some farmer BTFO of half a dozen Mounties and past that they refused to even try.
Although I never was able to dig up a citeable source describing the incident, any Canucks want to verify?
Canadians you know what you must do.
Looks like the time has come, the day of the rake.
Hey now. If anyone can make excellent decisions after replacing roughly 60% of their body fluids with pure alcohol all 7 days of the week then I'd drink to that.
Who is the guy on the right that says "shit" at 10 seconds in?
I expected pic related, but whatever…
leafs on suicide watch
Who is the guy that said shame then?
Nigger, the first Trudeau is the reason why we're required by law to have French on every product in English provinces and hear instructions/Announcements in French no matter if nobody in earshot of the announcement speaks French. The second Trudeau is a prime example of how morally bankrupt this entire country has become, and is rightfully a laughing stock of all Western nations (in league with Sweden and the UK) Fuck Trudeau and Fuck the degenerate Catholic Quebecois, everything they touch turns to shit.
Well streloks it is going to be announced in a little over two weeks. Who wants to blast some rcmp niggers?
Liberal gun bill passes, firearm owners turn to assault rifle ban
Its nice to know they're still using a map from 1980.
Will any leafs fight this? Could we see another clankening in leafland? God I just want to enjoy the American tradition of shooting red things. And abandon the new tradition of shooting enemies of the Jewish state.
No. The goodest goyim will hand them all in, the rest will hide them somewhere. Over the years, these hidden guns will break down because bad storage and no maintenance, will be forgotten as their owner dies without telling anyone else about them, or (and that is most likely) will be handed in during a gun amnesty as their owner decides that he hasn't used the gun since the initial grab and thus doesn't need it, and thus there is no reason risking getting caught with it. Some will, of course, never let go of their guns, but they will be few enough as to not matter.
This isn't the first gun grab in history. People won't rise up over gun grabbing, as they have too much to lose.
I dunno mate, given people still play with their guns with fun switches innawoods tells me different given the most normal of fuddfaggots are calling for gun grabber blood. Nothing like seeing the store I get shit from with literal empty shelves. Its not like they have a proper list of anything that isn't an AR or handgun, a lot of random doors are gonna be kicked and methinks they'll kick the wrong one and shit will cascade due to the internet being a thing to bypass the stasi tier censored media.
Besides, there isn't an incentive to turn in this red shithole given the government isn't required to compensate you for property they so choose to take. They can overnight throw you from your home and take everything from you if they wish and there isn't much one can do about it.
Wargame red dragon IRL when?
Leaf annexation/puppet when?
Over my bloodied SKS over my dead body, mutt. Besides we both need to Balkanize not get bigger.
Soon as you cross 0 Ave and cap the incompetent.
Canadian refugees welcome in the USA!
I'll accept them if they vote pro-Second Amendment.
You'd really want to get UN'd? We both just need to water the tree of liberty, is all.
1. With China and Russia STILL around?
2. Forgetting that the (((problem))) is unique to the cities?
Pics are how these things always divide here and would be much the same in your country as well.
The real solution would be to block off and bombard the cities till they're a pile of dust.
I'd advise against nuking em because that makes fallout within your borders and irradiates anything valuable like metal that could be pulled from those dust piles.
Seconding this, if could have more people that care about their rights here the environment for lickboots could be made less ideal so they fuck off to lands where they can lick all the boots they want.
Nuclear winter is a meme, just nuke China and you solve that issue and your own cities issue. Russia isn’t really a problem and a Balkanized U.S. would mean stronger European countries that could deal with Russia anyways.
You are misinformed if you actually believe China would have the power to do anything in the event of us balkanization.
China is heavily reliant on the us and without it China will be fucked. They may try to invade Taiwan and start a war in the south china sea. Its the safest play on their part.
Russia may get a new puppet state or two.
So you won't accept us? After all, it's hard to vote pro-2A when every candidate is anti-2A.
They can get citizenship retroactively if they help us annex english canada up to alberta.
I garbled that. I meant english canada up to alaska.
guess who lives there.
I should point out to the Leafs that's not a joke. There was a long series of court cases ("Insular Cases") on the subject after we annexed a bunch of stuff in the Spanish American War.
Canadians are the most passive people on earth and there aren't any guns left to grab.
There's almost 13,000,000 left to grab, Canada still has shit tons of guns.
Remeber to check and shoot who funds them, not those frontmen. So any synagogue is fine.
Hey man, nuking isn't out of the question. Take a look at modern Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and then look at Detroit. Nukes aren't so bad compared to an infestation of niggers and traitors.
Of course, by nukes, we're referring to Minecraft TNT nukes, and nothing else. Those scheming villagers will get what's coming to them for stealing our emeralds.
The high cancer rates around the Nevada test sites say otherwise.
Personally if I ever got the "keys" I'd love to do that to so many countries you'd do better to list the ones I DON'T want to have go away, however I'm not interested in poisoning the ones I like.
So unless you've figured out how to make Radaway the M.A.D. weapons are off the table because you have to be mad to actually use them, that's the ENTIRE point.
WE ARE NATO you might as well say none of the Euro-peon countries even have militaries, those fantastic "free" healthcare and social programs they (and you) have are paid for by the money that would have gone TO a military.
They might get their shit together eventually but in the meantime they'd just implode if you kick the legs out, they need to be able to stand on their own before a fall on the US's part.
1. Power vacuums are a real bitch.
2. Japan was effectively heavily reliant on us before WW2, then we cut them off and they tore across the Pacific like wild fire.
Kikes, niggers and "shabbos goyim" aka race traitors.
Hope they keep em, since there's nothing their government could actually do against that many.
Not even the US military has that many small arms.
That was one low yield bomb each in primarily industrial sections of the city, though even at that there was a tremendous amount of radiation sickness and fallout.
Modern nukes would be 1000x stronger even at the weakest both in explosive force and radioactive bombardment of things like metal.
Conventional shells, rockets, or bombs could be built cheaply, numerously, and very quickly to remove the national tumors while maintaining the M.A.D shield to keep foreign powers at bay.
Also if you're worried about glowniggers they,
1. Already are aware that this is just the reality of such a situation and at that point they would be incapable of doing anything because we would be their bosses.
Remember, Uncle Adolph was elected.
2. They already use complete lies anyway to justify jailing/killing people if they're in that mood, might as well make massive info dumps for the archives so people can see how much BS the glowniggers had to weave.
Civilians outnumber and outgun the ragged raped corps they call an army 20:1 at the bare minimum.
Rootless deracinated consumer-automatons that are completely interchangeable regardless if you pull them from Tokyo to Warsaw, from Berlin to LA, Telaviv to New York, From London to San Francisco?
Innawoods is a meme I'm tired of. You will never see the people wrecking all of our countries innawoods, and so we'll never fix our countries by going innawoods. It's good for nothing more than short term individual survival or laying low. At some point you have to consider going innacity. Innawoods is not a long term strategy, all it gets you is isolated, scattered, and with dwindling resources.
Beaners and Nigs
Look the dehumanizing effects of cities are felt everywhere but dont let that distract you from the fact that there is not a single American city above 200,000 inhabitants that is even capable of electing someone lukewarmly rightwing over a brown person of some stripe with a D next to its name.
There are cities in yurrup that vote for EPP parties, Italy even has a few that have local Lega governments, meanwhile in the U.S. there exists no "right-of-center" city that isn't either on borrowed time or the result of powersharing/unseen deals (looking at you san diego).
What would be the most practical/common cartridge to use if one were fighting maple feds? What would resupply look like up there?
fight back
Tbh I'd rather have the money go to free healthcare than to kike defense force known as NATO. The literally only benefits my country has gained from NATO membership were:
A dollar spent on "defense" is a dollar spent on soldiers and weapons that will be used on you should you ever try to break ZOG's hold on your country
But nato is the only force holding Evil Putin in check )^:
honestly surprised those cucks still have funs tbhfam
9mm, 5.56, .308 and maybe 7.62x39 if you're including civilian held stockpiles.
Keep it that way and try to get a larger divide in that gulf of power in the people's favor.
It might be better spent going to healthcare than NATO, but you still don't have a military.
>(((They))) will find a way to use your military against you so don't have one go…I mean guys and let THE ZOGbot of ZOGbots have uncontested power over you.
Whether this is one of Satan's chosen talking or if this is indeed a European talking is why you get Americans calling you Euro-peons.
As an American I'm telling you you need a military of your own when as all empires do America eventually falls.
Hey Poland remember WW2 and the cold war? Do you WANT another go round of that if one of your neighbors decide they want some of that clay?
Poland right now could carve up its neighbors and there isn't anything they could do about it.
Clearly I remember it better than you zogmutt.
Worst thing that happens to Poland with Russia is Poland will stop pretending it's an independent entity on (((international scene))) and is put to a test, if they win, they get gibs from Russia like Chechnya if they lose they get absorbed into Russian federation.
Preferrable outcome to brown-greyish globohomo.
Soviet Union should've set up nukes in Poland.
The SU was planning on using you as a nuclear wasteland in the event Seven Days to The Rhine failed.
How about Polish-German alliance where you give back Eastern Germany and both countries invade east to get your rightful eastern clay back? Also Stalingrad 2: Germano-Pole boogaloo would be entertaining.
Sage for rubbish post
Still does.
So does NATO, the scam Poland proudly gives 2% of GDP to.
The only good solution is in the realms of fantasy of either Poland starting it's own nuclear program from scratch, or having a coup where fanatical neopagans take over and appoint fanatic ambassadors who will carry nuclear briefcases with them at all time and are ready to an hero in countries that don't want to get along nicely.
Could you imagine scenario in which after the Soviets troops leave Poland they don't bring their nukes with themselfes? Or one in which the Soviets/Russians won't demand the nukes in exchange for "repaying the damages they caused to Poland" and "ensuring peaceful relations between Russia and Poland" - basically how it went with the ukrops?
*a scenario
In my version they didn't leave but transformed into Russians and Poland didn't join nato to go and die for the sake of israel in middle-eastern shitholes.
And why would you want the Russians to stay in Poland and keep occupying it? Why can't you think of a scenario in which Poland becomes a regional power, sort of a balance between NATO and Russia (like Intermarium - an alliance between Central European states)?
The problem is Russia and Germany.
They can say all they want but both of those empires need buffer states.
And poor little Poland stands in the middle.
They better be able to or it's gonna be an instant replay of the coldwar for them.
Oh so the Poles somehow escaped Stalin's meddling in the Soviet Union?
Because last I recall east Berlin was west of Poland and Russia is east of Poland.
This Zogmutt is telling you to make sure your shit is together and you can stand on your own European toilet scrubber.
Haven't the Russians been real big on making genuine holocausts of even their own countrymen?
And Onkle Adolph should've just gone to the oil fields first and get Stalingrad later, not ally with Japan or Italy, actually gassed the jews, etc. etc. etc. but that didn't happen in the real world and at least in the M.A.D. game you have absolutely no power.
I know, but now that both of these countries are full of sandniggers (which is a guarantee to national suicide, unless the krauts and russkies get their shit together and genocide them), a country like Poland (with a relatively high population, army, size and a considerable economic potential) might be able to turn the tables, make themselfes independent from the influence of their bigger neighbours and assert their dominion over their smaller neighbours. Stranger things happened in history for sure.
But what Poland needs to do is grow a force strong enough to deter both Russia and Germany, and start having their own nukes.
Would be a loooong way before that since they think they can rely on the US.
Because it didn't work out a century ago (out of concerns that Poland will become a regional power like it used to be once) and now nobody gives a shit about joining an initiative like that, on top of that everyone with intellectual capacity to accomplish it is either dead or abroad and went through a lot of effort to get rid of Polish citizenship. I'm just using a VPN set to Poland, not actually Polish.
That's impossible because after the "fall of communism" instead of answering to the Kremlin the same politicians agreed on a show called "democracy" and now answer to the highest bidder (Currently USA-Israel, used to be US-controlled >germany) ensuring any "extremist" with views like independence or serving your own country rather than Israel and USA are not allowed to participate in politics