ATF raid in L.A. 1000 firearms
still no thread for this so fuck it making one myself

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Are you surprised?

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Kinda hilarious that every thing on the side bar involves Jews tangentially on some way.

Pretty much he's suspected of operating a firearms business without a license and manufacturing firearms for such sale without proper paperwork. Read elsewhere there was something to do with an M2 Browning in some way. Shame all those guns will probably see the bandsaw even if he is found not guilty of crimes because California.

The greatest rage thread in all of history is soon to come when all of them are filmed being cut in half, burned, and smelted.
I cannot bear the thought of beholding such a sight.

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You won't do shit, nigger.

Imagine having your collection seized and destroyed by a non-white police force and Jewish politicians. Thats what he gets for living in California i guess.

It looks like a bunch of Junkie mosin nagants and sks trash. Hopefully a museum gets involved and is allowed to dig through it for historical pieces.

I mean he was probably making automatic weapons to sell to gangs right?

How cucked can you get?

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I don't know, could be a Britnigger. That'd be worse.

Truly a greatest ally.
The vile antisemite was stop right in time before comitting annudah shoah.

Given the historical pieces there, they probably raided a collectorfag. I mean don't tell me some spic gang in the fucking US can't get its hands on better shit than Thompsons from WW2


Keep coping, you gross Welsh-Saxon-German-Norman-Dutch-Irish-more-anything-else-than-actually-Anglo shitbaby. Every minute you spend shitposting online is a minute you're part of the problem pushing your failed country further into Orwellian dysfunction. The shameless cuckold has no right to chastise those less far gone than him.

I'm not the one coping here, Juan.

The sun has set.

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Was this kike not a boomer, and are kikes not mutts, you stupid turkroach rapebaby vol?

Oi m8 u got a license for that opinion?

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Citizens of Airstrip One should unironically be banned from this board.

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The word you're looking for is 'Subjects'.

That's not very revolutionary of you, comrade! No gods, no masters! Do you want to end up in the gulag? Do you have a license for that gulag?

Boomers are kike lovers, so they're nearly the same.
And most of the few boomers who are jew wise are extremely foolish and fall prey to jewish controlled ops like Q.

Comrades from Airstrip One is doubleplusgood.

I've never followed Q closely. What's the proof it's a psyop?

That LARP is a literal trumpkike propaganda machine. Just read one of it's message.
Ffs just look at (((Q's))) LARPers.

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I think 56% may be a bit high of an estimate, nowadays. That looks more like 46% to me.


The 56% figure was presented when they didn't find out about the fact that even leftists deny there are only 20 million ILLEGAL wetbacks in muttmerica.
And illegal means they don't show up in official census. Also the 56% figure includes Huwhites such as North Africans and MENA people, per the huwhite race definition of the Fed Gov.

It include baby boomers and people who're in old people homes. They're genetic dead ends.

The next biggest demographic shift wont even come from migration. The percentages will change dramatically as the generation preceding boomers (90+ percent white) dies off followed by the boomers themselves.

Whites are a minority if you only factor in newborns to 35 year olds.

That's not proof, that's an opinion. I need real, hard proof.

So are we getting a racewar or what?

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What's a rabbi doing living next to the playboy mansion?
I wonder whom the boomer was supplying. If this was a spic cartel safehouse they wouldn't have raided it.

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god I hope so probably not strelok. At least not for another couple of years.

Buddy, have you looked in the mirror?

Man, really?

How do people confuse jews for whites? They have completely different bone structure.

Don't be surprised. Remember that people still think the only difference between whites and niggers is skin color.

And this is why you should use European instead of huwite. It's a lot more obvious what they want if they speak about abolishing a certain group of people whose ancestors are from the same area.

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What about the non-European Whites like the Persians or the Tajiks, or (some of) the Levantine "Arabs"?

This is why we make fun of you.

Daily reminder that Numidia, Egypt, Persia, London and so on used to be white. Don't let them claim these are now "their" territories.


You're a fucking retard.

That's the key phrase. You can call the old history and any decendents who kept the genetics of old white (if they are still around that is).

The absolute state of this dumpster of a country.

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This is some top tier b8