Putin Wants America To Know That Asia and Europe Are Now Dumping The US Dollar From Trade

More and more countries in Asia and Europe are ditching the US dollar, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday.

In a statement issued via Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the Russian President pointed out that the world is losing confidence in Washington.

“Suddenly, the US dollar-issuing country is starting to take steps that are shaking confidence in its currency. More and more countries, not only in the East but also in Europe, are beginning to relieve their dependency they have on the US dollar, they suddenly realize: A. it is possible, B. should be done, and C. save yourself if you can, this should be done as soon as possible,” Peskov told the Russian television channel Rossiya 1.

Fort-russ.com reports: archive.fo/Peeud

The spokesman, however, noted that “it is not so easy to replace the [current] system”with a new one, emphasizing that the tendency to seek an alternative to the dollar is evident.

The idea of ​​gradual replacement of national currencies in bilateral transactions has recently gained relevance due to US restrictions on countries such as Russia and Iran, as well as other subsequent secondary sanctions.

This comes as the US continues its aggression all throughout the globe through economic means. This includes sanctions on Russia, China, Venezuela, Turkey and Iran to name but a very few.

The EU has been hit with a ‘trade war’ as well. War hawks in the US believe that this behaviour will make states compliant to their imperialist demands, rather it has had the opposite desired outcomeas states are now moving forward in liberating themselves from the US dollar monopoly. This includes through means such as trading in rubles or yuan, trading in local currencies, or establishing their own crypto currencies.

In other cases, such as Turkey, it has turned a pro-US state that is a critical part of NATO, to become increasingly closer with NATO target Russia. This has culminated with Turkey wanting to buy weapons from Russia rather than NATO states such as the US and France.


Attached: Putin Wants America To Know That Asia and Europe Are Now Dumping The US Dollar From Trade.jpg (548x505, 61.53K)

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which trading currency will they use instead? the euro? the pound sterling? it sure as hell isn't the ruble, yen, or yuan.

Thats why China, Russia and India are stockpiling their reserves user. They'll create another gold-backed currency of some kind eventually.

This Story is Old News, Putin has been saying this since the Ukraine Coup. He just wants the Sanctions lifted on Russia which is Justifiable, at the end of the day, money don't really matter. only Goods, Labor, Technology & Trade is important. and the U.S. has the Best System of Creating Goods and Businesses.

China is hoarding their currency to try and hedge off their real estate collapse that was previously funded by US debt securities, Russia is too busy expending it's income on military intervention and aggression, and trying to jumpstart their stagnant economy to really stockpile resources of any global note.

That's pretty much exactly what the US has been doing since WW2. We've got bases everyfuckingwhere and including all the countries surrouding Russia.

Putin is irrelevant
Russia is irrelevant
The Russian ruble is irrelevant
Gold is irrelevant
The U.S. dollar is and always will be the world's strongest and most stable currency.
The U.S. dollar is never going to collapse.
Did I mention that gold is a shit investment? Check the charts.
The U.S. economy is booming, unemployment at historic lows, not being screwed over by other countries on trade anymore, spics being deported and wall being built, enemies shitting their pants, Trump is unstoppable, national confidence and patriotism at all time highs, White babies being conceived and born every day, conservative and traditional values going mainstream again, feminist hated by everyone and are in retreat, ANTIFA getting beaten in the streets, SCOTUS leaning right, abortion soon to be outlaws, mainstream media getting BTFO daily on Trump's twitter, and it goes on and on.
America is doing fantastic and the U.S. dollar is stronger than ever
Fuck these Kremlin funded shills trying to demoralize Americans and create paranoia about the future.
Meanwhile in Russia, Millennials are taking to the streets to oust Putin, Russia is losing in Syria and Ukraine, their economy keeps going down the shitter and Russia has no technological, scientific, economic, military, or culture anything to brag about on the world stage. Even in sports, their athletes have to use doping techniques to compete and they still lose anyway.
Suck my dick, Russia! :^)


US dollar is losing the value so probably that is the reason why they are abandoning US currency.


Its losing value because we go into endless amounts of debt and never ever pay any of that debt back off. The deeper you go into debt, the more your currency loses value over time. Eventually it will be worthless because the world simply won't want it anymore.

So many comments, yet nobody states the obvious…deliberate destabilization of currency to destroy physical money and replace it with an online currency.

What will the Americans do if the US dollar is useless? I imagine they will be facing the civil war.


Civil unrest. Civil war possible. Likely mass starvation and death, cities will be death traps. Suburban communities will be rampaged and mostly looted, with families having to defend their homes by means of deadly force. Preppers will mostly rural and saying "seeeeeeee, we told you so!"

The Americans will attempt to bail themselves out by making our system a Socialist system.

Collapse has been designed into our system from the very beginning.

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 | archive.fo/elYwR

How do that work when the us currency is useless? Vouchers?

The niggers will eat the humans.

It works like war bonds.

Even if our currency is useless we have owned resources and property that all has equity.

No, they'll try socialism when it gets bad enough and everyone is feeling the fiscal pain. And of-course the socialism won't work.

Watch. The Chinese will have a new proverb in the future in reference to us: "you give up your industry, you give up your country"

Americans will look so stupid when the victors write the new history.

The Americans will steal so the resources have to be somewhere, not in USA to sell in exchange for money.

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The civil war allow the niggers to be shoot on the spot because the police is no longer around to enforce the laws. That is their fate.

The Federal Government might also sell Federal land to China and Russia.

Attached: 450px-Map_of_all_U.S._Federal_Land.jpg (450x346, 67.31K)

Knowing the treasonous bastards I would not be surprised. We need to prepare to defend our lands.

I'm glad I'm far away from the major cities.

If you want to defend your land then USA need to be balkanised.

Me too.

just news

Oh boy, is it another one of those "a second-world, near broke nation that can't feed its own people dickwaves about a fantasy future" threads? Gopnik scum shilling? Another one of killcen's imaginative alternate histories where countries are gonna invent a priceless element to base their imaginary "reserves" on?

Go home Ivan. This bullshit only gets more laughable the more you post it. Unverified trash whose only source is Poutine's jew mouth- meanwhile half of Russia is dying from a diet of rotten potatoes and poison vodka while Xi panics at the idea of not being able to outsource his shit steel to the ignorant world.

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Nice fucking joke.


The headline should read "Kremlin panics, sending its underpaid gopniks into overdrive on 8ch as Poland and Ukraine take steps to increase American military presence."

All sages revoked.

Kill yourself. Unlike you I'm posting news that actually matters whether or not you agree with the content of it. If this happens to be true - and it is because Germany recently flipped East - then this DOES have consequences. I, unlike you, will not ignore such significant events!

I'm not the dumb nigger who believes whatever stupid, obviously biased shit gets thrown my way. You can't even justify your own paranoid bullshit without appealing to your own "intelligence" and "prophetic knowledge-" take your meds.

Stop poisoning in foreign nations, especially with nerve WOMD

They were getting away with this shit in GB, but would never try it in the US.

GB still has memories og gas attacks from ww1

Yes you are a very dumb nigger. As long as I'm here the NEWS is going to be covered. Not a bunch of garbage celebrity fluff.

Well let me show you user…


I covered the new "Trump Base" for Poland… but someone keeps sliding my news threads! Wonder who that could be!?

Reporting news is not "bashing" anyone, I simply refuse to post a lot of propaganda by the mainstream fake news media thats all. I have reasons for that, such as their constant LIES.

Yeah yeah yeah buddy, cute buzzwords.

You are not going to stop me posting real news. You can debate it all you want, go right ahead, but it will continue.

Do you ever actually say anything, or have you shoved your own head so far up your ass that you're helplessly indignant and incapable of forming logical support? Debate? It's pretty tough to talk at all with a man who only speaks in absurd, absolutist statements like he believes he's a prophet.

I'm not a prophet and neither are you, far from it. I'm going to report important events, its what Zig Forumsews was meant to so.

Enough said. Take your meds.

Attached: Benis.png (540x405, 376.15K)

How about you go fuck yourself because NO!


US dollar is stronger than ever so I don't understand where he's coming from.

Neither does he; it's Kremlin noise because of the increase in American military presence in NATO countries along the Russian border. An increased presence that many of these countries are openly asking, even PAYING for.


I think Russia does fear for their sovereignty and sees the US as a threat, but a more economic threat than a military threat though. Not bashing either side, this is my take on the geo-political issues.

As far as the USD, it has been devalued over time due to mass insolvent debts. Sure, it may be the reserve currency which keeps it strong… but there are threats of other nations one day bypassing the USD in global trade (which could lead to further inflation and deficits). My recommendation is to keep an eye on all this and have an open mind.

Putin loves (((Hollywood))) and he loves the West, especially American culture, but most of all, hiding all the money he and his oligarch criminal crony friends stole from Russian people, converting to U.S. dollars and parked in offshore accounts.

Putin for President 2020

Attached: IMG_20180722_104307.jpg (1920x1080, 437.48K)

Which? Modern American culture…. or tradition American culture? Big difference between the two.

That should be obvious…

Thats hilarious, was Zig Forums shown this clip?

Probably, but Zig Forums would shill some kind of spin using their Olympian mental gymnastics to make "Russian" rap music and graffiti "art" into something based and pro-White.

Us dollar worth is somewhat based on american loans and treasure bonds: if they worth nothing usd would worth nothing. You don't need a third country money for international trade in fact.
Dollar is becoming bullshit

Correct, UDS depends on its treasury bond trust for global trade. Once nations begin to deny our treasury bonds for trade, thats when hyperinflation and shortages will begin to take effect. Likely major wars too.

*USD (fixed that)

Russians legit shill this place

A surefire way to spot a liberal / cuckservative American.

Attached: americandebt.jpg (850x400, 77.93K)

What currency though and don't say BTC. EU and USA will never use BTC because of how much china owns. It would effectively be giving China control of the world.

Evidence to back up your claims, DNC?

i believed you until this point. i live in tucson. there is no wall, and there are more wetbacks now then ever before

When we we be free of the brown menace


nobody will invest in a chinese gold backed currency. why? nobody trusts the chinks to actually have a gold backed currency. you'd open their fort knox and all you'd find would be lead painted gold.


You better hope what you say is true. I wouldn't count on complete faith though.

Kek. Fuck that. That just lets Russia and China
and whoever else wants a military base in North America to take land grabs on a divided American continent. United we stand. Divided we fall.

Attached: laugh_door.gif (320x240, 2.86M)

exactly. they would have stacks of tungsten in their vaults.
no one trusts the chinks or the russians, especially' other chinks and russians

russia is the one that's going to be balkanized

They are ruled by DEMONS the funny "lizard people" they are real
We are all Children of Noah and One People. The Jew wants us to Race War that's why he constructed this moment.
The Book of Enoch was removed form the Bible 500 years ago, the Original Scrolls Were Burnt. Look at their history they've planned all this. The World's armies Must SURROUND ISREAL.
They are not Aliens. THey are all pretending you must act before you are condemned for you will have wronged mankind.


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