We discuss what he did wrong

This dude's kill score was dismal. What could he have done differently? Better training? Better guns? More than one gun a la Tarrant?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Planning probably. If he was actually inspired by Tarrant like he said, then that means he only spent like a month or two planning it all out. Contrast that to Brenton spending over a year planning christchurch.

He was a punk faggot who thought doing it would make him cool, and then as soon as he started he lost all testicular fortitude and ran away, allowed himself to be chased and shot at while not shooting back, then begged the cops to arrest him when they appeared. His first mistake was doing the attack at all. If you don't have the willpower or the belief, then you will not be able to psychologically commit yourself to violence and any attempts can only result in failure. The same mindset applies to self defense; you either absolutely believe that you have a responsibility to act in control or you'll be neglectful, forgetful, and worst of all a liability in a real confrontation. In that operation, Earnest was the liability, and that's why he failed.

That is all said regardless of whether or not I support what he did, though for the record, I don't. It was poorly planned, poorly executed, poorly thought out, and most importantly, utterly pointless because even if he killed every single person in that synagogue it would not have changed a damn thing about the cause that he was pretending to stick his neck out for. Random religious people aren't the cause of the demographic problem, it's politicians and legislators and trust fund holders. All he did was create more fuel for anti-gun, anti-male, anti-white rhetoric in public discourse, so overall it's a net loss.

Comparing the "earnest attempt" to Tarrant is like comparing an dirt patch on a mountain top with effigy planes and a straw control tower to an international airport. Its like he thought that the things that made Tarrant successful was having a meme soundtrack and a live stream and that's all it would take to pull off a successful attack. He neglected to take any real marksmanship training and didn't even get a fucking camera mount, if some sources are to be believed he tried shooting in one hand and holding his phone out in the other like his bullets would be guided by allah or some shit. It really was just a cargo cult trying to be a real airport without knowing fuck all about anything.

Tbh he fucked up in pretty much every aspect.
Shit happens.

The biggest obstacle to an analysis of Earnest's actions is that, as far as I'm aware, we still do not have a factual synopsis of what took place. We're working on mostly hearsay and whatever propagandized tidbits the media felt it was safe to release.

The biggest lesson to be learned is that, unless you're a durka-durka suicide bomber, zealotry is not a substitute for competence.

Where Bowers and Tarrant had the good sense to target places that were actually aiding/providing refuge for invaders Tarrant chose rando jewhouse #312
I saw his posts on /cow/. Kid actually thought he was going to usurp Paddock or something
Didn't even empty a single magazine before his gun jammed and he booked it.
Never once was he reported to have been seen at a gun range or shooting with family
nigger had fucking Pokemon songs, Imagine Dragons, and Breaking Benjamin playing

But as I've said before, despite all this zoomer's fuckups and mistakes he got what he wanted. I'm still seeing news reports in commiefornia about the poor jew lady and the rabbi's fingers. Also his manifesto was decent aside from the skyrim references.

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I understand why you think so.
Because religious figures seem to be harmless and peaceful.
But this is the basic trick they use to confuse us.

Think for yourself, who is the most dangerous?
A Muzzie suicide bomber or the Imam who raised him?
A Jewish banker who uses usury to steal money from Gentiles, or a Rabbi who raised him?

When Jews and communists seized power in my country (Russia) in 1917, first of all they began to kill Christian priests, blow up churches and impose Marxist ideology as a new religion.
Secondly, they began to repress the military elite.
In third, they began to repress the intellectuals.

Tarrant was aware of this, and that is why he shot the mosque, but not the bazaar.

Nigger didn't prepare enough, that much is obvious.

I'd say his main problem wasn't even that he had no range time and a shit gun, but his utter lack of mental preparation.
His high score could've already been improved if, instead of running away, he'd have jumped into melee with a machete or a knife when his gun jammed, or, hell, just used the rifle as a club.


Fear is as useful as tool as you can get. If the jews fear a real holocaust they will all flee to Israel ASAP.

shitpost for 2 full years before effortposting

Nigger I've been shitposting here for a lot longer than that.

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He used a shitty AR-15 that shits where it eats, so it jammed after the first round and he had to run away.
If he used a real gun then it would have been fine, or even a properly designed piston upper for an AR like the MCX or BRN-180.

Killing one unimportant person in an embarrassingly botched plot that shows obvious signs of weakness, delusions of grandeur, and lack of foresight doesn't make anybody fear anything. Let's not glorify it like he blew up a building or something else that amounted to an achievement, the guy was making a bluff anybody could call. I think you guys would say 'all fur coat, no knickers'.

Frankly this is the best description I've heard of what he did. It was a sad imitation of the external qualities that made Tarrant's actions so memorable. It was a backwards attempt from the beginning, he wanted to be famous. Unfortunately, he did not plan properly, train properly, or even test run his equipment. His target was inconsequential, and his execution terrible. He probably had never even walked inside the building to scope out lockout points and exit routes.

But I'll say this. He had more guts than anybody here.

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He could have a dynamic IP, to play the devil's advocate, but his posts don't indicate the prerequisite lurking and book-learnin' so it's hard to tell.

I know he hops IP but like you said, his posts aren't representative of someone who has lurked 2 years around here

I actually have multiple IP ranges.

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Always training, and better planning. More firearms doesn't really mean shit if you don't train and plan.

Apparently this kid had five ten round magazines for his rifle. He should have just driven the five hours it takes to get to Phoniex from California and bought normal mags there.



It's called learning from mistakes. In this case the mistakes of others.

Spite bump for the shitty forced /tv/ meme.
Suck a cock lolberg

Still spreading these lies, retard-kun?

I don't get it, are you trying to say it's not ok to kill jews?

You'll never fool anybody, /tv/ goober, your forced meme was so shit not even that board played along with you.

Is there anything that Trennant could have done about the "streaming" problem? It's hard to get the signal out when you're running on other people's hardware.

what he did wrong was killing one Jew.
Thou Shall not kill.

Not if you've tested the system beforehand.
Upload to anonymous VPS you rented that has a script to upload this stuff on freenet (or somewhere else with distributed storage) and write a notice to a couple imageboards and forums where to get the sauce. Test a dozen or so times obviously without the real message, just some innocuous post, make sure you've gotten through any possible captcha.

I'm thinking the right tool for the job. Maybe a shotgun for groups, and switch to the rifle to pick off those who are out of range.

>>>Zig Forums

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It's thou shall not murder, Schlomo. You should know, that's the way it's written in the original Hebrew.
And it's not murder to kill members of a group that are actively attempting to destroy your people and culture.

That just over complicates things, a rifle and maybe a sidearm is just fine.

he fucked up the sequel


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Piss poor planning and not being fit mentally for it seems to be the key to his fuck up.

Theists are taking measures to protect themselves, like a thread I saw in >>>/islam/ a while ago. They may get the idea to rush the gunman (can't shoot everyone in a period of a few seconds). If they did that to Tarrant all at once the casualties would've dropped. A shotgun would be a great counter.

Nigger what? Are you insane? Do you really think a shotgun is going to somehow hit multiple targets at indoor distances? Have you never fired a gun in your life? With my Remington 870 I can start shooting a soda can with 9 pellet 00 buckshot at 10 yards and still hit it every time as it bounces out to 13, 17, 20, 25 yards, so on, usually with multiple pellets until about 30. I do this sometimes for fun, it's great moving target practice because the can is unpredictable. At 3 yards the size of your shot pattern is going to be about an inch in diameter in a decent shotgun with no choke, and a better gun, better ammo, and the addition of extra barrel length (necessary for higher capacity) and a barrel choke is going to reduce that spread and increase your effective range to boot. Did you go to the Randy Stair shooting school? Christ, you're embarrassing.

Is your experience with shotguns coming from video games where they spray in a 150 degrees cone the moment the shot leaves the barrel?

Have you ever shot a shotgun in real life, not from a video game?

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To my understanding, sawed off shotguns have a wider spread. The longer barrels would make a tighter group for pellets. I never unloaded on a group of people with a sawed off, so I can only theorize. Chances are if I did, I would at least injure a few.

Well you understood wrong, what determined the spread is pretty much the choke. What a shorter barrel will do is make it more concealable and maneuverable while also decreasing the velocity of the shot. Stop getting your information from video games dude.

According to this, a sawed off barrel will increase the group size by 200%. Maybe a little more mental masturbation could make it a plausible weapon in such a scenario.


And stop assuming everyone gets their knowledge of firearms from video games. I was a gunnersmate in the Navy, and as an armorer I cleaned and repaired guns far more than shot them. I did shoot the Mossberg 500 but I wasn't in a position to examine the grouping.

They have different chokes, look at the chokes of the barrels. If they had the same choke the spread would've been almost the same. Also don't come at me with credentials I can't even verify, I don't really care, if you're wrong you're wrong.

In a nutshell, shortening the barrel alters/eliminates the choke, which in turn alters the spread pattern. So really, shortening a barrel can result in a wider spread. You're just getting all technical, going to detail as to how it happens.

And why can you make assertions without credentials but not accept them?

I just told you that barrel length doesn't matter and it's choke, if hacking the barrel down widens the choke then it's the choke not the barrel. Shortening the barrel inherently is not going to change the spread, changing the choke is going to change the spread. I'm not using technicalities, I'm using facts. I can make assertions without creds because it's easily google information that you can find, regardless of my background/what I've done/what I'm doing and I don't want to fall onto the "appeal to authority" fallacy, verify what I'm saying don't just blindly believe what I'm typing out. You bringing out this assertion that you were a gunnersmate is unverifiable and sort of irrelevant to what you're trying to say, hence why I can't nor won't accept your credentials. I literally typed out "don't come at me with credentials I can't even verify" because I can't verify the credentials. I can say I was a Marine Raider doesn't mean it's true (it's not true just as an aside) and I don't want you to try to verify it, I don't care that'll defeat the point of an anonymous imageboard.

Really can you make a sawed off without altering the choke? I could say that with absolute fact then, sawed off shotguns have a wider spread.

So a google search will tell you if anons play video games now? Did you file a bug report with google for giving you the wrong information about me? I would love to know how you do that.

If you really wanted to you can thread the barrel to accept threaded chokes then you can use many different chokes. I doubt that's the point you're making, but you did ask.
With the caveat it's a homemade hacksaw job, sure. As to you getting your info from videogames, usually that and movies have ingrained the notion that you can just shoot a shotgun and it has this massive spread at a short distance. Even with a shorter barrel and a wide choke, the spread still will not be big enough at that short of a range to cover multiple man sized targets. So hence why I thought when you said "A shotgun would be a great counter" as if it would be a good answer to multiple targets in a short range made myself and others think that you got your information from videogames because of how inline your understanding of shotguns and how shotguns behave in videogames were. That was an assumption on the part of 3 separate people. Are you autistic or something?

Nigger, do you even know how chokes work? On many shotguns it's a removable muzzle device, and on the vast majority there is not a choke ready on the barrel when it is manufactured. The vast majority are what is called 'cylinder bore', which means the bore diameter is perfectly consistent for the entire length. A choke is a tightening in the bore at the very end of travel that forces the shot cluster closer together and more into a column than a wad, which is what makes it fly straighter. On most shotguns if you cut the barrel down you're not going to change anything except making the barrel shorter, and even if you cut the choke off of a shotgun that was built with one in the factory all it's going to do is make the shotgun as accurate as a shotgun that never had a choke to begin with (minus a very slight difference for the stress put on the barrel from the cutting process and any discrepancies in the muzzle due to not being crowned; in a shotgun, this is really not going to be measurable at all, but it would be a problem in a rifle). It isn't going to magically fan out like a 'wider spread' perk in a video game.

When I said your group is an inch at 3 yards, I was referring to cylinder bore. A chokeless barrel. Your maximum indoor range is probably only 10 or 15 yards, at which point your entire shot pattern in most loads out of a normal 12 gauge shotgun should still be small enough to fit entirely on one person's torso. People shoot deer from further than that without missing any pellets quite often, but not always; ask literally any hunter. That's a credential I can verify, I'm the same Strelok who talks about .308 soft points once in a while.

You will never be able to hit multiple people with a shotgun indoors because they will never be close enough together and your pattern will never be big enough. Even if you did nigger up your gun somehow and make that happen, the loss of effectiveness will make your shots nonlethal and pointless.

But what I made something like this? If I were a gunsmith I would so accept this challenge.

Other than that, point taken. You learn something new everyday. Good info in your post.

No only two people asked if I got my info from games. I only play RPGs (that's role playing games), and they usually don't have shotguns. So I don't understand the correlation. Even so, assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

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It's not an invalid idea, but it isn't going to be any more effective or practical or easy to handle than a normal shotgun so I don't see how the benefit could be worth it. The recoil from firing multiple shells like that would also be a real rotator cuff dislocator, and you aren't taking into account things like how difficult reloading under stress can be. It's also still very unlikely that people will be close enough laterally and at similar enough to the same distance away from you for something like that to be a real advantage. And, not being a gunsmith and not having any prior education or interest about it, a person is better off not thinking about things that they have no idea about how to do, because trying an engineering project without knowledge or experience of some kind is risking an accident.

In a hypothetical high score scenario I really think the most practical thing would just be to get a normal shotgun and practice with it enough to get good at shooting and feeding it very quickly and consistently. Gear is never a replacement for skill.

We could make it in .410

At that point why not just buy five Judges and nail them all to a stick, then use a second stick to pull all the triggers at once?

Choose one and only one.

Niggers, if you plan to fight a large amount of people charging at you in CQC, use a fucking explosive. I get that getting a frag grenade isn't as easy as getting a shotgun, but making a decent IED isn't that difficult and you don't need a nuke to deal with a bunch of civvies. Chuck it into a room, wait for the boom, then go in and shoot. They'll be too shocked and desoriented to do anything.

his first mistake was probably messing with G-D's chosen People, Israel
sage for goypost

Did you people even watch the video? Shotguns suck. Tarrant started with a semi automatic shotgun, but only killed one target with it. The second was still alive and crawling away. He threw away the shotgun and switched to his rifle.

Later he tried to do a drive by with a pump shotgun, but couldn't pump it because the steering wheel was in the way. Two shotguns, only one muslim killed. Shotguns are weak.

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Shotguns are not for noobs. At that distance they're instantly lethal, they blow the fuck out aything with the shot leaving huge gaping holes behind, and I have to doubt even level 4 armor can save you (it'll stop all the pellets but you'll probably die anyway). You just have to be accurate and make deliberate shots. There's a good reason they were used extensively as a CQB weapon in WW1, and why people have been trying to ban these as inhumane weapon - along with poison gases and white phosphorus - just to give you an impression how deadly shotguns are in competent hands.


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The right idea is carrying several guns you pre-test, at least one automatic and one revolver (or one rifle and one shotgun). And lots and lots of loaded magazines in a messenger bag.

He carried 1 gun he didn't pre test, he basically just purchased it and the bullets. He had enough magazines for about 3 minutes which isn't nearly enough. Of course it jammed on first firing, I'm surprised he hit anything…

For fuck's sake. Your argument is a century out of date. Look what militaries use for CQB in the year 2019.

Wait. You are telling me that guns have to be aimed? I'm shocked.

To paraphrase that, shotguns don't have the capacity to be magdumped t. carlos so you need to put every shot on target, but at the same time you don't need to magdump them because - at that range specifically - a single hit is instantly lethal.

SMGs and carbines. Same stuff they used back in WW1. But that specific war theater featured trenches and modern wars don't, there used to be a niche filled splendidly by shotguns but not anymore.

I thought I was the Strelok who championed the 308 battle rifles using soft points. Oh well.

As for shotguns, not the main point of this thread, both choke AND barrel length make a difference. People in the know, like Lyman and Ballilstics Products, the authors and general authority in shotgun handloading, make note that barrels shorter than 24 inches start to suffer pattern problems and wider patterns, even if the powder is completely burned up by 16-18 inches into the barrel. This is why hunting guns should all be 22 inches or longer, or preferably 24 inch barrel or longer. 18 inch barrels are mostly for slugs, or to be easy to handle for short range combat purposes. Shorter barrels will throw larger patterns (and worse quality, more erratic patterns), and full length shotgun barrels offer superior patterns and tighter groups, good for buckshot hunting (and if somehow you need or want buckshot to have a longer effective range).

Keep in mind, kids, that a tight group of buckshot is one of the most lethal things you can hit people and animals with. Keep in mind, kids, that scattered buckshot can be lethal, but it can also be of very minor wounding when spread too much. Tight patterns act like closer to super slugs, wide patterns spray things with multiple hits, and single buckshot pellets scattered to the wind might kill with a spine, head, heart shot, or might just leave someone with a minor and easily survivable wound. So the whole "scatter shot multiple fatalities" thing is stupid anyway.

I shoot tight choke 10 bore with hand load buckshot and can keep all 15 pellets of 00 buckshot on a 8x11 inch square paper at 35 yards. With the right setup, especially buckshot hunter preferred, you can keep collateral damage down (intended or not) for quite a surprising range.

I just got off a ban for mentioning this in another thread. Guess I'm going to get a week long ban for bringing it up again.

What did this guy do wrong?

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already had a thread on this fam smh tbqh
I do still wonder about his objective, shoot up the courthouse?

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I don't even know where to start with this guy, what was he even aiming for? Did he write anything or a video or what?

makes sense if he wanted to shoot a judge, but why not wait near a parking space after stalking the man?
Wholly unprepared, not even wearing plates -and this was an army dude-

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Apparently he was a (cringy) special kind of weirdo, a nerd, potentially a "dangerous incel", and it seems he was far right.
Apparently he posted things about the Wacko Siege and Ruby Ridge and he was against the government.
I suspect he wanted to do like Timothy McVeigh and kill a bunch of people working for the government.


genuinely thought this was Sam Hyde

He decided to go after Jewish grandma's instead of the politicians.

That pile of homosexuality makes embed related sound like a testosterone chute

It would have been OK if at least he killed the rabbi or had a decent score but yeah pretty huge fail.
A life in prison for killing a grandma is his biggest achievement.

can someone give me the 411 on this dude and what happened? literally heard zip about this and an article i found was posted in may

No, rifle is fine.


Having a full kit, regardless of how fancy the rifle is a priority. There are a lot of poorfags who are barely surviving as is or have a pathetic savings account. I don't know very many people who can afford to dash out the dosh for some gucci oper8r shit out of the blue.
This of course brings me to my next point, anyone who CAN afford expensive leeto shit isn't likely to be in a position of poverty, and will be unwilling to throw their lives away. It's almost like that's the reason the poor fight wars and the not poor go into gainful careers.
So, if your a depressed poorfag, this option is simply unreasonable, especially when you can get another weapon that will do just as good for a fraction of the price.
Any off the shelf AR that is given some quality tlc will function as good as any other, that, and good mags + ammo, the holy trinity. Not to mention that being prepared for a happening regardless of your intent to btfo and get btfo is good policy regardless.

But that all is beside the point, it's not about saving money, it's about making what little dough you have stretch far enough to finish your batch of dumplings.

Going to get a bunch of credits card then go postal user?

What these idiots need to do is stop playing by the school shooter play book. There is no reason you couldn't do multiple small attacks or one large attack and just vanish. If you had a goybook talking about how you can't wait to go on vacation tomorrow, shot up your target and then immediately left for Thailand and never returned they have no time to figure out who you are, why you did it or where you are before you're lost to the middle of no where. Don't broadcast stuff online, keep everything to your chest and let no one see your plans. There's plenty of anonymous murders all year round. No reason you couldn't do the same and just vanish off the face of the Earth. You keep up a total normie front, everyone assumes you're just a normal dude living a normal life and going to some island paradise to party like all the other kids on gap years. Tell people you're going to travel for a few months, see the world, find yourself. And no ones going to suspect you of mass murder and running away until you're already long gone.

I'm not planning to do this. But it's blindly obvious how effective it would be. You could even spending some of your time online shit posting to taunt whatever authority you wished. Zodiac killer style. Just make sure you has TOR to do it.

Cmon man, you know that is cheating. Without sharing motive with the normies, how will we get a war? Picking them off wont do anything, ideology needs to spread.


moron attacked a hard target

Zodiac killer style would be key. Definitely TOR or similar anonymous method to get the press talking.

Look at the DC snipers. They got caught trying to get paid. Similar method with a different motivation and they might never have been captured.

This is all obviously hypothetical but

This is all hypothetical, of course, I just want to see some of these false flaggers use more interesting insurgent-style tactics

He used guns but not gasoline.

How do you "mentally prepare" Tarrant was a mess

Build muscle memory. Practice immediate action drills. Conscious mental well-being is irrelevant, sharpen up your unconscious mental instead.