Find a flaw. Are there any?

Find a flaw. Are there any?

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Where do I even start?

yeah your thread is obnoxiously vague

Yes, I know. But is there anything he actually did wrong, in the film?

I'm just trying to see what, if anything is wrong with this. I like the movie, but I'm no theologian.

so i have to sit through this whole movie? i mean i love you and i'll do it but wouldn't it be easier for both of us if you just told me what it's got you thinking about? (protip: if it's a pastor anderson joint it's probably wrong in a million places)

If you want to :) It reaffirms what little I know about us being Israel, versus the jewish larpers in the middle east. I want to recommend people to watch it, but I wanted some second opinions on account of Anderson being a OSAS type.

"being israel" is kind of a complicated matter but to put it briefly yes we are israel
well he's not wrong about the israel thing but OSAS is nonsense

Has anyone here actually watched this whole thing?

He is wrong because Israel is the Catholic Church, not whatever Anderson thinks it is.

Its a good film but everyone on this board is so close-minded

Didn't Steven lie to those jews he interviewed and was generally a dick towards them?

Yeah it's surprisingly not bad. He even quotes Chrysostom so he manages to obliquely appeal to apostolics without sperging out.

Source? Bearing false witness is a sin, user.

To be fair that IS the only way you'd be able to get a Rabbi to tell something resembling the truth of their actual beliefs

Anderson is a great speaker and right about a lot of things, he's just wrong about some important topics. I still respect him. Haven't seen this movie though, only a couple clips

He's lying. Anderson contacted those rabbis in writing and explain that he was going to ask them. If those rabbis were telling the truth, they could simply produce the emails Anderson sent them. But they don't. Also, they're Christ deniers, so it's not surprising they lie as the bible tells us.

Yes. It's a lot more professional than you would expect from someone like Anderson. The video where he challenges official Holocaust numbers is well done too.

Yes, it's such a critical doc from Christianity, for the "bible sez jew" opposition. It goes into really good detail about the differences between What we call Jews and Christianity.

Anyone who is on this board and hasn't watched this yet is a faggot.

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There's no need to watch any of this, you could read E. Michael Jones's "Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" and come off with a better understanding of what's going on here.

It use to unofficially be a required watch to post.

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I haven't watched a single frame of it nor do I intend to do so. I cannot see that idiot's face without wanting to punch my screen, so to avoid rage, I avoid Anderson. It's worked out pretty well for me.

Steven Anderson

its very good. should be required watching