Flintenweiber for the 21st century

It is well-known that Soviet female soldiers were capable of fighting a war, following rules of engagement, etc. It is not easy to confirm that they were as good as men for surviving a harsh battlefield environment, carrying heavy packs, etc.

Oddly, the USA, the PRC, and the CIS all follow a "modern" mindset and thus believe that women should be available as warfighters. Why have modern female warfighters failed to produce results as good as the Flintenweiber of World War 2?


With 12 air victories, fighter pilot Lidya Litvyak was the best female hotshot not only of WWII, but of all times. She was killed in action on August 1, 1943, when she was only 21.

Yekaterina Budanova was female ace number 2, and a friend of Lidiya Litvyak. She is credited with 11 victories. Budanova never saw the end of the war, since she was killed in 1943 at the age of 26.

Shortly after the start of WWII, Maria Oktyabrskaya sold all her possessions to donate toward acquiring a tank for the war effort. She christened the tank “Fighting Girlfriend,” and received a personal allowance from Stalin to become its driver mechanic, the first woman in the world who became such. Maria Oktyabrskaya was fatally wounded in northern Belorussia in 1944, when she was 38.

The first woman decorated as a Hero of the Soviet Union during WWII, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya acted as a saboteur in the German rear. She was caught, tortured and hanged on November 21, 1941, when she was only 18. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya became one of the most popular symbols of the Nazi resistance in the Soviet Union.

Natalya Meklin was a link commander in the famous 46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment, widely known as the “Night Witches.” She completed 980 combat missions. Successfully surviving the war, Meklin died in 2005 at the age of 82.

Credited with 309 kills, Lyudmila Pavlichenko is regarded not only as sniper number 1 among women, but also as one of the best snipers overall. In 1942 she visited the USA as a part of a Soviet delegation and met President Franklin Roosevelt. Pavlichenko died in 1974 at the age of 58.

A link commander in the “Night Witches” regiment, Tatyana Makarova was killed in action on August 25, 1944, in the skies over Poland. She was 23 years old.

Female tank operator Alexandra Samusenko was a T-34 tank commander and the only woman deputy commander of the tank battalion. The 23-year-old Samusenko died of wounds on March 3, 1945.

Soviet sniper Roza Shanina was known for her capacity of […] hitting two targets with two rounds fired in quick succession. Before she was killed at the age of 20 on January 28, 1945, Shanina eliminated 59 enemy soldiers and officers.

The most senior female sniper, Nina Petrova was 46 when the Great Patriotic War started. She voluntarily joined the army and managed to eliminate 122 enemy soldiers during the whole period. She died in a car crash on the very eve of victory – May 1, 1945.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Nice cherry picking, faggot. Anything looks good when you use logical fallacy and bad arguments, you are selling us a load of horseshit. Women can't handle heavy packs and women in the military afterward, with far better documentation, have problems with hip fractures and other bone issues when doing regular soldier things. Old men are sometimes the very, very best of soldiers, but old conscripts are to be avoided because they aren't good at fighting and they also suffer high rates of non combat casualties from medical issues and old bodies not keeping up on the march. Women are like old conscripts, they suffer very high rates of non combat casualties, the harder the physical strain the more problems you have. Let's not even mention all the pregnency and other issues in that nature.

So, you have some cherry picked examples? So small numbers of women were drafted for combat, the best of the best were picked, and then OP picks the best of the best of them to make a weak paper think argument about how great they are in battle. Well, faggot, what about all the ones that weren't the best? The ones that weren't aces and high end snipers? How good were they really? Can the results we've seen in these small numbers of best women have any relevance to general women in combat, and the State's desire to draft them for battle? Isn't women in combat roles nothing more than two things, 1. Retard ideology (there is no such thing as a non retarded ideology) 2. the State's desire to use its population as nothing more than a resource to be squandered and wasted for its own will and doesn't like the idea that half the population can't be freely exploited.

CAN women handle male training standards? Can they handle special forces ever? Outside of a few shining examples (that we can hope aren't Soviet propaganda) do they actually stand up in combat or are they dead weight? Are they the old conscripts that will constantly suffer injuries that require them to be pulled out and take resources?

Get your head out of the mythos. If you are a shill take the money they paid you to buy a silk rope. Now, I don't condone suicide, but tie a noose and think about killing yourself at least. You deserve that.

Last of all, war is made to protect people and property, land and nation. We fight to protect women and children. its what we do. When you start using women as cannon fodder, you have become the evil in this world we fight to stop. It proves the State has absolutely no value in human life or other values. Just people as things to be used like so much piles of gravel.

That's not what happened at all you fucking retard. OP asked why hasn't there been any women comparable to them. Learn how to read before sperging out, you dumb nigger.

The background about Soviet heroes was just copy-and-pasted. I should have been more circumspect. For example, it is possible the Soviets lied about Pavlichenko and Shanana's kills in order to build up pro-Soviet propaganda.

To give a better idea of the numbers involved, I should have quoted sources such as this:


Once again, I should be cautious because it's possible these women did not really kill 11,000 enemies. We only have the word of the Soviets on that score. However, some other snipers in history have had impressive kill counts.

Furthermore, it is possible that Soviet women in 1940 were healthier and stronger than the average woman of the 21st century. This might explain why Pavlichenko did not break a leg and flunk out of sniper school.

Notably, it seems that only 500 out of nearly 2500 girl snipers survived the war. This casualty rate might be unacceptable for modern armies.

A government low on males forced females to join and have them shoot civilians. So?

Most, if not all of them, were peasant women engaged in the tasks of 1930s peasants their entire life.
That includes a whole lot of heavy physical work that's just not done anymore. It's guaranteed that they had a stronger body than nearly all modern women, and probably than a good amount of modern men.

So, the average Soviet woman was extremely physically fit by modern standards. Then, the sample size of recruited women was apparently large:


Out of that 800,000, there were perhaps 2500 snipers plus a small number of pilots. So, the initial criticism of "cherry-picking" has some mathematical basis.

The easiest answer is most likely that because there hasn't been a single war in the last 70 years that warranted the front-line deployment of women in considerable numbers and because for a variety of biological, social, and psychological elements, very few women are have the right mindset and physicality to be successful in warfare.

Due to the above you see a drop in the total number of successful female fighters today who are deployed in low intensity COIN and policing missions in the upwards of a few hundreds as compared to say women in the Soviet Union who were deployed in high-intensity battlefields int he measure of hundreds of thousands.

Given the 1940s Soviet population and a willingness to enlist huge numbers, it seems that 1 out of every 320 Soviet women was ready for battle. (Modern populations would probably be much less battle-ready.)

Out of 2500 women snipers, 80% died in the war, so your argument that the Soviets used women as cannon fodder seems appropriate.

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Five minutes spent with women in the military will completely derail any attempt to make them to fight.

*love noises*

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Next time you better win.
What are some lessons learned from the last one anyway? I assume logistical issues and overextension will be major improvements on the next one.

Are they 2D? Then go ahead.
Are they 3D? You don't. Unless you have them around as a secretary, nurse, or a base slut to keep up morale for some troops.

Very informative redpills. I will pass these on. Thanks.

That some of the dumbest made-up commie propaganda I've ever read.

sounds legit

They didn't fly so good!

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was germany experimenting with breast growth shit? so many pictures of german women with wunder waffens.

Checks out, liking uselss sacks of fat that ruin the female form is a sign of low intelligence.

Sepp Allerberger is one tough fucker

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Got a PDF for his book?

You will have to use an ebook reader to open it. I personally use 'Calibre', it's free and kikery-free.

Knock yourself out. Eye-opening book.
It's actually interesting to note that his official score isn't true, because of how the kills were being confirmed by the command.

That's it right there. Women can be as effective when operating machines. If you want women on the battlefield, you need to put them in tanks, planes, and other armored vehicles so they can operate crew served weapons. Those weapons don't depend on the physical strength or speed of the individual operating them, they only need a human component to designate targets and direct the machine.

Make GuP real.

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That's pretty at shit for a supposedly above average female.

I recall reading something in Russian about the whole training program and by the end of the war they were solely training women as sniper.

It was their conclusion after a fairly documented study they made during the war, that while overall men snipers performed better in combat, women snipers were more focused in training and easier to train, reducing the school time period to reach the sets goal of marksmanship/stealthness, etc…
And since quantity>quality was always the soviet motto they ended up training only women in the last year(s?).

Also note that a soviet sniper kit is nowhere near what a modern riflemen kit carries.
It's a rifle, a scope a handful of ammo (50rnds), maybe some grenades, a coat/tent/camo, an shovel/axe/blade, a canteen/mess/kit, a potato sack with a change of clothes, personal knickknacks, maybe rations (field kitchen fed the troops, kitchen staff had hunting parties attached…) and that's it.
The heaviest piece of equipment is either the rifle or the winter uniform (that one would wear).

That's one of the jokes about WWII german infantry came with barbers and dentists, soviet infantry came with extra artillery shells (as in often the soldiers on the march were each carrying a shells from one dump to another on foot… because they could).

It's pure bullshit since the womyn sniper battlations were gradually dismissed after the war (one of the female vet was even getting pissy about it).


Invade from the east (and on horses)

I will pass along that redpill, and will continue looking for sources. If you ever remember the title, please post it so I can give a source.

Jesus fucking Christ, OP you are a faggot of the highest degree.
Next you'll be telling us about Zaitsev really killing 6 gorillion soldiers because kikepedia told you so?

Are you mentally retarded?

Attached: r u retarded.webm (480x270, 209.75K)

And don't you try the cop out of 'I just need a redpill, lulz".
Lurk 2 more years before never posting again and killing yourself.
If we have to keep redpilling every Billie and Jimmie on every single normie issue, we'd be here all day, never getting anything done, like cuckchan or reddit. Which is incidentally where you belong.

Sage for doublepost and irrelevancy of this thread in general.

Are you butthurt because Krautland got beaten by Commies and now pays tithes and tribute to Our Greatest Ally?

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This kills the kraut.

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Operating word here being AFTER the war.
Stalin had enough feminism under Lenin and basically all women personnel were given the boot almost everywhere (including in civil society) the minute the war ended. The soviet always pushed radical feminism everywhere but they never applied it back home (except in the early days which led to a near total social collapse of the soviet union, which is why they were pushing it to the west…).

Snipers battalions being mostly women by that point, the formation itself was disbanded entirely by 1947, by Korea motostrelki had become the basic unit pretty much in the same shape as today, with one sniper attached to each platoon leader (and you can recreate a sniper platoon/company/battalion per battalion/brigade-regiment/division should the need arise).

Hops. They're so intense an estrogenic that traditionally only women harvested them, and just handling them often lead to breast growth.


Beer turns you into a tranny.

That's a Soviet uniform on the woman. I wish Japan would toughen the fuck up and let us take back the occupied islands just so I can leave behind a trail of Australasiatic children in the midst.

You take that back right now.

Look how well that came out for you.

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I forget who made the analysis, but I remember hearing that German and Russian soldiers were rated the highest for fighting an actual patriotic war during ww2 compared to the US (the lowest), Italy, and England. If you look at the death ratios between sides, it's not hard to see that Germans and Soviets generally cared more about winning and fighting for their nation/people than anyone else. The average woman in the military today is only in it for egotism, money, or pregnancy leave. That being said, women just aren't as cut out for being out in the field more than 1 month. Especially Amerifat women.

T. I spend a lot of time in the bush taking forest inventory for my job. The 2 women I've worked with so far is a very rotund lefty grad student, the other is a Czech girl in her 30s yet more youthful than the Amerifat. The big girl can't seem to handle more than a few days of work a week.

The only American women who have the stamina to be in the field come from the Appalachian mountains where you can't get anywhere without it. And even among them, Walmart and mntn dew have left their mark. I really hope the globohomo deflates itself eventually.

Are you gay?

The next thing you’ll say is that liking dick is a sign of intelligence. You’re not fooling anyone, Magyar.

Did Germany/Prussia ever won a war that wasn't a germanic civil war besides 1870 (which a toddler could have won)?
Germany is France on steroids, their specialty is winning battles and losing wars.

You're right, but that is true of almost all states and nations. True strategic as opposed to tactical or operational talent is very rare. We still exist; that is enough.

Soviet rape of Germany and Poland best day of my life, at least the rapebabies have the DNA of men who know how to win a war.

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The last one who should call someone else a degenerate is you, burger.

There is a reason why England is now New Pakistan.
t.John Edmund.

After the war, the Soviet sits on the biggest land force in Europe.

If muh womyn snipers were actually effective, they would kept it like the legion of T-34.

Except they scientifically aren't, their spacial awareness and reaction time are objectively and notably worse than men's

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Daily reminder that teaniggers' only guiding principle is "what can we do to make life worse for the continentals".

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What a beautiful policy. In all seriousness though, the Brits should have either declared war on both or neither, and Australia shouldn't have had any involvement in any of the wars we have been in.

The more time passes, the harder it gets to tell who really won the war. Mainstream historiography mostly restricts itself to analysis at the nation-state level, but if one accepts the NS/racial view of history (i. e. WW2 as a racial war between world jewry and the European peoples) it's clear that F, UK and with a slight delay the US cannot be unanimously called victors of that conflict.

The old english policy of dividing the continent stopped making sense the moment two extra-european power blocks appeared. Brits missed the geopolitical train, independent of the matter of jewish infiltration.

Only jews won that conflict since both the victors (USA, brits and USSR) were jew pawns and were discarded as such.

Or hell, Israel might be considered the victor because through the aid of literal superpowers, it officially becomes a thing just a year after the war ends.


meant for

t.crooked teeth subhuman broodmares of pakis

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Top kek, at least the Krauts got to keep 2/3rds of their land, you’re isolated to a single island because of your own commies, and are entirely dependent on the U.S. to keep that.

so are you, leafnigger

t. le 75% face
Yeah, it's so much better when gangs of niggers just mass rape random German girls in the middle of streets in broad daylight instead.

t. got defeated by subhumans

You realise it's the most common name in Berlin too, right? Nigger pot calling the kettle a nigger.

Unrelated to my post.

No proof. I dont expect the truth from an inferior animal though.
I dont expect more from a subhuman.
Even, even if it were true, Berlin is not the size of the whole of england. It nothing you said is true, subhuman.

Typical nigger saxon mindset. I guess shitskins are your next aristocracy now, since they legally took over the toilet bowl that is london.

Which ended with shitskins being hated forever now. Your breeding stables are still operational.

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The common female soviet soldier lived a 1940s Russian farmers live before that and had already war experience thanks to the previous Russian Civil.
They are hardly comparable to today's women. AND THATS A HUGE POINT!
Women in the 1930/1940 were overall more badass compared to the female losers we have today and they were barley good enough for a last ditch effort.
Today's women are utter garbage, yet we expect them so outperform these desperate women, who despite their awesomeness weren't a match for the men.


The stupid, swarthy German showing the typical intellect of his breed, the type of intellect that lead them to declaring war on both the USSR and the USA and wondering why they lost.

by subhumans supported by other subhumans who bankrupted themselves to help them

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tl;dr: they fabricated a story about a unit of 28 soldiers who were wiped out to the last man, even though some of them survived. When they found it out, they threw the survivors into the prison.

Looks like the insect has to be fumigated again.

Attached: graham hancock (((anglo)

Test, thread is acting fucky

I know it may be hard to understand for a pole, but civilised nations have a notion of comradery and helping your allies out in a time of need. (((Hitler))) shouldn't have declared war on Russia if he didn't want us to swamp them with lend-lease.

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The irony is so strong here that it almost killed me.

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Are you a kike? That would explain your idiotic trolling.

But the anglo-russian alliance was true - both countries were ruled by a small Jewish elite which hated it's native white population. That's also the reason why British girls are raped en masse by brown rape gangs and the police of airstrip one protects them and throws anyone who criticizes the mass immigration of muslims into prison. The jewish endgoal is the eradication of the white race.

Jesus H Christ, is it the agent orange? The STD your mom got from a burger?
What part of "it was easier to train women" = it was useful in a time of total war, don't you fucking understand?

The Soviet Union had the biggest forces in Europe… because it was the most populated country you fucking genius, even if you piled up everyone from NATO you still didn't reach the number of people in the USSR.
It doesn't mean they were anywhere close to wartime levels of mobilization.
Soviet soldiers were guys doing their military service, called up every 6 months when they reach the service age…
And they were therefore all men, with women only working (as "contracted" personnel, not mandatory servicemen) in rear services like everywhere else.

There was not a single man in the Soviet Union who was born in 1924-1925. Adolf got them all. Tell me russians are not a subhumans.

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Prove to me it is easier to train womyn, and if it easier, why didn't the Soviet maintain a contigency force of wonyn after the war.

That shit sounds like horseshit at the highest caliber.

This claim was horseshit from day one.

If at some point in the war, the kikes did find a way to train WOMYN SNIPER faster than the men, the amount of WOMYN SNIPER should have outnumbered by the end of the war.

Surprise, it didn't happen.

And if this study was true, then post-war, kike snipers would be made of 50% women or more simply because they would be easier to train than men, thus waste less time and resources spent on time. Once again, post-war, WOMYN SNIPERS were entirely disbanded and no new ones were trained.

Fuck off kike.

If it was easier to train women, why didn't Germans train them and make them join Volkssturm?

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Let me try to get it through your that cloud of Agent Orange fogging your vision:

That's what we've been saying the entire thread.

Start at 2:16, but I encourage you to watch the whole .webm. The (((bolsheviks))) were willing to send women into combat because they were Russian women and they didn't care about them, in fact they wanted a lot of Russians dead anyways. The National Socialists weren't willing to send women into combat because they were their own women, and they simply refused to send woman into combat. You need to hurry up and realize who the good guys were in WWII.

Attached: Adolf_Hitler's_speech_on_women.webm (640x360, 8.58M)


And no,

Behold, the eternal anglo in flesh, how vile is it, how repugnant, truly the defeat of the Germanics in that war was the most suitable of karmic punishments levied upon the british empire and the british race or whatever genetic slag there is still left of it.

I could never grasp anglo's of this type in these places, they dance gleefully on the corpses of their own forefathers in the dungheap they have inherited, spitefully mocking any and all who saw to prevent it.

This kind of angloposting is similar to shitskins calling Europeans "cumskin".
Neutered, sterile insult.

But we won though?

Yeah, you really "won" the war. Doesn't victory taste ever so sweet?

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So you're not Anglo

t. 75% face

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That's definetly a solace when you hear the moaning of all the raped british girls being pimped out by Paki rape gangs, hm?

They tried in 1918 already, but got BTFO by Poland for two decades.

Think, for as long as your mental capacity allows you to about what you just wrote.

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He even acknowledges it but tries to barter with the German (internationally recognized as the loser of WWII) who has it worse.

Because Germany had trouble equipping the Volkssturm already.
If they had done it in 1941 it might have work (but there was no reason to) by the time they were desperate enough to do it there was no point.

Certainly a lesson for next time.
Full war economy until the threat is gone.

I there anything you chubby drunken buffoons won't ruin? Using both bombs on Japan was a mistake.

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