Is exorcism real?
Is exorcism real?
Also, what a coincidence; this was posted right after I finished watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Of course it is. Like half of Jesus miracles involve casting out demons, and he sent his disciples to go cast out demons and said people who follow him will
If you don't believe in exorcisms then you're basically admitting you don't believe in Jesus because the #1 thing he did during his ministry was cast out demons, if you don't believe he did that then why believe he walked on water or was resurrected?
Yes, but not the video you posted.
yes but plenty of videos of it are scams to make money
genuine exorcism isn't a holywood mimicry
absolutely, its just that the (((media))) enjoys producing exaggerated over the top nonsense to paint Christianity in a bad light
Yes, but its nothing like in the movies.
Its essentially an administration of the gospel towards the possessed.
That is the corniest picture of sam hyde i've ever seen, and that's saying something.
Do you think Jesus was pranking us when he exorcised?
its in the bible, even people who where not 'with' Christ could still exorcise with his name.
Yes. I'm aware of one case of demonic oppression after exposure to the occult cited by baptism. Guy was an atheist beforehand, raised without religion.
Care to explain your position?
Once again, 99 times out of 100 people are fooling themselves
I just have a hard time believing a human being is capable of removing demons from someone else's home or body. Possession is a very personal issue and can only be truly solved by destroying your demons yourself (unless you're God of course)
It's not human beings doing the removing, it's the Holy Spirit. If people could remove a conscious, malevolent being on their own, Christ would not have had to command them to leave.
Exactly. It's worth noting, like the other miracles Jesus performs, exorcisms are dependent on faith. There were a few demons that the disciples couldn't cast out because their faith was too weak.
Don't forget this incident detailed in Acts 19:
W-what did the spirit do to them…
Beat them and made sure they had to endure humiliation in their retreat. Apparently they love to degrade their hosts: soiling themselves, eating disgusting things, vomiting, etc.
Oh. I thought it raped them.
It would have been stated if it were so.
Exposure was a common practice of humiliating one's enemy.
2 Samuel 10:4
Ah, I see. That makes the story of Noah and Ham make a little more sense too, since I thought that was also an instance where there had to be more to it than meets the eye. Seeing him in the nude didn't seem to be enough to be worth a curse put on all his descendants but I guess it's a cultural thing where it's a great shame.
He saw his father blackout drunk and did nothing to restore his dignity, whereas his brothers had the decency to cover him. That's why he was cursed.
Also, Noah didn't curse *all* of Ham's descendants, he specifically said Canaan. He didn't mention Cush, Mizraim, or Phut.