Despite previous attempts to limit access to treatment, Denmark now has the biggest proportion of babies born through assisted reproductive technology (ART) in the world.
Visit any park in Denmark and the chances are many of the children playing there were born using IVF or donor sperm. Denmark leads the world in the use of ART to build families - an estimated 10% of all births involve such techniques.
Everyone in Denmark knows someone who has gone through IVF and talking about it is no taboo - chats at the schools gates or even church frequently revolve around the origins of people's children.
Pia Crone Cristensen - mother to two-year-old Sara, thanks to IVF and donor sperm - is one of a growing number of single women making use of Denmark's liberal IVF rules. After failing to find a suitable partner to father her children, she decided to go it alone, when she was 39.
"I think it's great that women finally have the upper hand - we can choose to become pregnant if we want want to. I think that the problem is not necessarily that women don't want the men but that the men don't want to commit to having children. It's either doing it solo or not having children at all.
"I was lucky to become pregnant in the first round of the IVF. I remember giving birth and was just so grateful. I sat in the chapel of the hospital crying. I just needed to be grateful somewhere.
"People are very open about it. I went to a baptism not too long ago and I guess because people know that I got Sara the way I did, they were telling me, 'Oh, we're trying for another baby. You know, we got this one with IVF and we're trying again.' You don't necessarily have to be very close to have that conversation."
The birth of Troels Renard Østbjerg in 1983 marked the start of Denmark's journey from just another developed country trying to make the fledgling technology work better to becoming the world record holder for ART births.
Today, only Israel challenges Denmark's IVF crown. It has far more cycles of IVF per million inhabitants - about 5,000 compared with Denmark's 2,700. But a much lower natural birth rate and higher IVF success rate means that Denmark wins on the proportion of babies in the population born thanks to reproductive technology.
Prof Claus Yding Anderson, at Copenhagen's University Hospital, was part of the team that bought IVF to Denmark. He attributes its popularity to generous state funding.
"It reflects that we have a public health care system that is paying. Anything which is treatment in Denmark is free, full stop.
Artificial Wombs? No, Artificial Fathers and Artificial Husbands (the State)
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Terminate the socialist State and the matriarchy ends today.
As long as womyn have the right to vote, that's highly unlikely.
But you always had this? Females are literal children.
Just get rid of the sexes and natural reproduction altogether. Equality for all!
That's not how it works, you stupid, spoiled cunt. Men are paying for your child and care through taxes.
Men have surrogacy. We still need artificial wombs, because they would be an easier, cheapest alternative, but we have a way to freedom right now. An alliance with gay men could be helpful if we want to improve things.
But the problems won't be totally solved until we put an end to "generous state funding" and to laws that give special treatment to women. We’re second rate citizens, slaves of a matriarchal society. And there's no easy solution for that… Complaining online about it solves nothing… Voting solves nothing… We must find more effective ways to pressure governments.
Found the motive—the government just wants more slaves—tax payers, consumers, soldiers, etc.. Fighting this is a losing battle; the government can't hear you.
That's where things are unironically headed. Cyborgs are the future.
Danes have been conditioned to accept this. They are Sweden-lite.
Not comparable.
Danes are increasingly banning anything muslim/juden related, thankfully.
They are some of the most sane people there are.
Nothing wrong with real Danes increasing their numbers.
Would be better if they doubled in population every year and spread to every corner of the globe, wiping out all the nogs by sheer numbers.
Well they are doubling in number as the story suggests, but the mothers of the next generation are all feminist single mothers who had their first child in their late 30s, early 40s. This does not bode well for the Danes, either genetically or sociopolitically. We can only hope their men will buy some eggs from a younger donor and use surrogates to father their own children. I'd be very interested in know if there infinitely generous welfare system would pay for that. If not, is that really a society based on "equality?"
If a man cannot do that… then no, no it is not.
Also nigger kike click bait title. IVF and sperm donors are not artificial fathers, nor do they necessitate some shit called artificial husbands.
thank you for protecting the honor of m'lady
Wow, next you'll tell me the politicians doing this were elected by women!
annoying echo. unwatchable
feminists will block the artificial womb because it gives men a choice.
they will lose