Has any Zig Forumsunts ever met an ATF agent or have any friends that work for them? At this point the ATF is one of the universally despised and useless federal agencies and even normies are starting to become aware of this. The only normies that still hold on to the ATF are the CNN watching pedo libtards and bi-sexual dumb cunts that see the darling stars of the liberal media bust into an illegal mexicans drug house where he likely has firearms that would warrant the ATF to also be involved.
ATF Hate Thread
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Coincidence? I think not!
I've had to deal with them on the occasion, though my brother gets the real shit end of the stick. I mean who the fuck thinks its a good idea to send an undercover agent who sounds like hes come straight of the ghetto to a place in literal bumfuck that does precision and restoration stuff to ask for a chopper.
I never understood the statement that the ATF helps with crime. They haven't done jack shit to cut on crime and on the contrary fucking commit cold-cut crimes. Embed is The Gang - How A Government Agency Uses The Law To Destroy Your Rights & Freedoms. This is Waco, a New Revelation, invidio.us
Because THEY HELP with crime.
Jews hide behind the Soviet mask, you blame Commies, it's actually Jews, you blame Democrats, it's actually Jews. They have many masks
It all boils down one way or another, hating commies is pretty much the same as wanting to roast said yid.
agencies that engage in entrapment should be culled violently
Anti-authoritarian master race reporting in
Nice tits. Too bad your ideology will fail to any and every unified ideology including modern liberals.
What would you suggest to improve the ATF? Asking for a friend.
Can't have an ideology with no one to enforce it dumbass
Completely disband.
Step 1. Take everyone in it and feed them feet first into a woodchipper.
Step 2. Then when that is done open a store chain that sells Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
This tbh.
Get rid of the NFA and the other bullshit laws too if we're at it.
Yeah, exactly. You won't ever have freedoms because the first group of guys with guns and an idea will take them from you.
I don't know how you can improve the ATF, I don't think it the agency people are mad at or the policies it handles that people are upset about. I've heard endless complaining about what the ATF does in terms of its mission and directives, but never about how the agency carries itself per se. Is the ATF harassing people, breaking the law, doing a bad job of going about its missions? Is it the dog we should beat or should we be mad at its master for giving it bad commands, so to speak?
If we're going to be open and honest, what about the backlog of NFA tax stamp applications? Why not get some manpower or some heat on the issue and get that backlog finished, the amount of time people spend waiting for their applications is getting ridiculous. Yes, there are things like unexpected demand, and the fact you don't want to overbuild a department or part of department for potential temporary surge in demand and then have do nothings or have to fire people or cut hours and department parts later when the demand goes down, but after years of demand increases things need to be addressed.
ATF rulings on guns should be more concrete and solid, also no more fence jumping. It either is fucking stock or a wrist brace or it isn't. Its either this definition or it isn't. No more jumping sides and changing definitions when this could put law abiding folks into danger of breaking the law, often without knowing if the government does a poor job of informing the public about law and policy changes. There should also be better informing of the public whenever possible, this is universal in all law and government. Post the laws and rules so everyone sees it, don't try to trip people up when possible. This catching people off guard might be innocent (sorry we didn't get the message out there, we are a beauracracy after all) or sometimes on purpose.
To come with an understanding and policy based ideal, to treat threats to public safety and well being first, the 1984 idea of "law enforcement" something to be discarded. Better to focus on those doing harm rather than technical breaking of law here and there. Due diligence, do justice.
no its a two way street, you`re just to fat to run across it.
most important part of combat is endurance I don't care how high speed you think you are, you cant fight a group that can swamp you with volume of fire and men.
They constantly harass mom and pop stores and rural gun shows at the local VFW by trying to get honest people to commit some obscure bullshit crime by technicality instead of going into "the hood" to arrest the actual straw purchasers and track down real stolen guns and illegal dealers because they are fucking cowards that don't want to arrest people that will shoot back. They gotta make their quota and its easier to create criminals instead of going after existing ones.
Tax stamps and their wishy washy rulings on what is and what isn't illegal is all fucking bullshit. You don't need a fucking tax stamp to fucking vote or say whatever you want. Why in the fuck do you need a tax stamp to exercise your 2A rights? Why are they making rulings on things that are outright illegal to own when it says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" right there? The ATF simply existing is a crime against the constitution and needs to be disbanded along with the FBI for being worthless, redundant and a direct threat to peoples liberty. The only federal crime task force that should be allowed to operate across state lines should be the marshals. There's nothing they can't do that the FBI and ATF are tasked with doing so why do we have these redundant and corrupt agencies?
1. The government doesn't care about you or your freedom. It pretends to do until you're all good little slaves.
2. There's money involved.
3. Jews
You're retarded if you think that only one part of the government needs to be removed when the entire shitshow needs to burn down.
I want this retarded jew country to collapse, cause shit to go down everywhere with its collapse, and for a decent restart.
Absolutely dicklet
You’re not anti authoritarian though. Libertarianism is simply cucking yourself for giant mega corporations, foreign economies, and racial enemies. How is being ruled by faceless mega corporations, with the power to make or break society, with their wealth and complete control of the economy anti authoritarian? How is letting these capitalist kikes ship all our industry to China, and give all our labor jobs to spics anti authoritarian? How is letting hordes of third world savages invade our lands, divide our cities along tribal lines, and then rape and pillage anti authoritarian?
Libertarianism is literally just what we have now, only with less welfare, environmental restrictions, and drug laws. Ensuring that the poor starve, the environment goes to shit, and drug addiction becomes even more common. You’re deluded if you think the only way mega corporations can form is through state power. And you’re retarded if you think small business will ever make a significant comeback without the power of a Fascist\NS state backing them up.
No I'm saying you don't have rights if you don't have a method of defending them. You know, like a unified nation as opposed to a bunch of goofy lolbergs playing wolverines against a foreign power. Libertarians are to the right what anarchists are to the left. Nobody takes them seriously except themselves. They're dinner for everyone else. Come and take what's left of it. I'm sure Amazon will be happy to support your gun loving life style, Apple is likewise a bastion of western values.
Imagine being so retarded that your only attempts at an argument are strawmen. I'm not even a libertarian, it's just entertaining every time you underage Zig Forumsniggers derail threads with these cookie cutter tier posts.
I hope the irony is not lost on you.
if anything you`ve successfully proven yourself incapable at understanding the fact that without a group of people with similar ideals to support you, you`re going to be steamrolled by any and every group that exists
Not even once have I said anything that was in contrary to that idea. Can you read, Strelok? Did you pass first grade?
The irony is lost on the subhuman mantitted beast.
I can't tell if you're actually this retarded or just baiting. Irony is deep like stated.
All those baste minorities can be made to wear maga hats and win bigly while learning civic nationalism and forgetting they have an ethnicity, history or some form of culture.
After all, hwites managed to do it?
Dude, it's the government keeping me back from just opening my own company to break coke/pepsi, /McDonald/BurgerKang Intel/AMD duopolies.
If government didn't exist my creativity and ingeniousness would cause me to create a breakthrough invention to break up those groups, they certainly wouldn't send a hitman to kill me, destroy all my research while having PR experts painting them as good guys.
It's interesting, the closest thing to stopping crime I've ever heard the ATF doing was a complete failure. One of the few interesting gun shops in my area (they sell a lot of used guns) had a store clerk who told me about the time that the ATF and local cops tried busting a gang that planned on robbing the store. Apparently they would just pretend to be customers for a solid month waiting for a break in, only for the gang never to show up in the first place.
Ok, what is being posted hier so outrageous that (((Mises))) and (((PragerU))) have to send out their shills for?
I don't think you understand.
They HELP with crime.
It's like bizarro halfchan Zig Forums here
How do you stop conspiracies from occurring, how do you ensure groups with more capital don't murder competition that doesn't accept their buyout, conspiracy partnership or bribery?
How do you stop those things if the state is the one doing them? Does the existence of the state somehow magically prevent those things, and is the state in any way guaranteed or insured to work against those in the people's favour? Changing 'muh corporations' out for 'muh state' is idiotic and doesn't actually change anything about the problem, not to mention the fact that libertarianism is by definition anti-corporatist. You're getting it confused with ancapistanism. If people of a certain ideology say they want nobody ruling over them, that means nobody, it doesn't mean "not the goberment". Said ideology is based entirely on the fundamental value of shooting anyone who tries, because freedom requires force to protect it. I have never understood what people find hard to understand about that.
The answer to the question of 'how to prevent corruption' is always the same, and it always lands on the shoulders of the common man, nobody else. It was the same in 1650 in Ireland, in 1776 in America, and in 1964 in Rhodesia. Spooks get the bullet. Anyone who isn't willing to give them the bullet does not deserve freedom, because freedom is about the responsibility of taking your life into your own hands.
Now stop derailing this thread and talk about the ATF, you glowniggers.
In a non jewed country whithout moral relativism and law derived from morality, yes.
Evil and corruption just stop existing? It's impossible for a bad person to ascend to power? Nobody schemes? People don't lie to get an advantage because they think they might not get caught? What is your example of such a utopia?
Nobody ever made a post resembling anything like that. Who are you quoting?
Not getting shot. Why don't you attack people who make minor slights against you, or who get in your way? Firstly, because you are presumably a responsible and ethical person, and secondly, because they might kick your ass if you try. There is no bigger or more effective deterrent against kikery and niggardry than threat of force. I'm not responding to this again, discussing with such shortsightedness is pointless and this thread is long past ruined. Good job, faggots.
I break into your house at night and murder you in your sleep.
I poison your water supply, rig your gas installation (that doesn't have any safety standards to begin with) to explode.
What now, your death is investigated by no-one as corpses arenot agents on the market,
Like I said my Indonesian friend, they are the right's anarchists. Completely senseless and their ideals fall apart under any form of thought. The only people who take it serious are them.
At least try to learn the lexicon before you post here, nigger.
Fuck off, yankee. I can smell your stench through my fiber optic connection.
Go back to your containment board
>>>Zig Forums
My great-great grandaddy didn't kill enough of you cocksuckers. He may have killed his share, but that wasn't enough, seeing as how you draw breath on this mortal coil.
By the way, happy memorial day faggot.
You're a joke
Amerimutts infighting is always entertaining
That's because this dumb country is full of retards like him. I used to respect this country once upon a time. Boy was I fucking wrong. Can't wait for it to collapse or get nuked. A hard reset is needed.
All amerimutts are retarded, including you
Only an american by citizenship. I'm a slav by blood.
Still, I want the US to die. Hell, I want the whole damn world to burn down. Fuck everyone. Fuck this retarded board too.
Good, leave; we won't miss you
Eat shit, scandinigger. I hope you get cancer.
I remember when Zig Forums was good. Now I swear if I ever meet most of the posters here, i'd happily kill them.
And then subhuman slavs like you came and shat up the place. I miss the days of just slav posers
Oh I came up to shit up the place, huh?
Fuck you, nigger. You're the one shitting things up.
How many retarded lolbergs do you need to derail a thread? 1
I bet it's the same guy that thought Romania is landlocked
Calm the fuck down, Norway. How about you do something productive like guarding your border with Sweden to prevent Arab rapists from coming into your country?
Iceland, get it right. Because fascist or communist, both are authoritarian views. And Zig Forums used to have a pro freedom attitude. Its sad to see Zig Forums having too much grasp on any imageboard when some of us want to actually have personal freedom.
Anyone here arguing against any Zig Forums is on the right path. I remember when flags where a thing on 4chan Zig Forums and libertarian was the "gold standard" flag back in 2009. Then the SJWs came along and the reactionaries took action. But playing into the marxist hands, they become no different. inforgraph is correct.
I wish I could get a handgun like that. But loose some weight. I invite you to >>>/fit/ my friend.
I hope nobody actually believes this nigger is icelandic.
So wie du kein Deutscher bist. Betrüger.
Was hab ich falsch gemacht außer mich über den einen Deppen aufzuregen?
Nice google translate, "Moor".
Something tells me you have polish blood with turkish admixture, only way to explain your retarded posts.
Oh look it's fucking spergkike again.
I thought making retarded posts was the approved way of posting in nu/k/.
Who cares about dumb stuff like guns when you can shitpost instead?
Der Muttjude ist wieder da!
: ^ )
You are the pinnacle of faggotry
Russia to the north and Turkey controlling passage to the med. They might as well be landlocked ha
nah but tbh this thread is retarded
Talked to a gun lawyer the other day. He basically told me the atf doesn't like much of the nfa either. Short barreled rifles shot guns etc. So cut the batman some slack and help them out by repealing the NFA. It's better for everyone.
Thanks for that video. I love how it starts with a Turner Diaries style raid of 3 BATF niggers (actual niggers). In the other video segments showing BATF, there's a fat hippo-looking niggabitch standing there while her jew boss does all the talking. Very informative.
If they don't like it, why don't they just stop enforcing it?
The ATF used NFA as a justification for Ruby Ridge.
If the gun lawyer took what the (((ATF))) said at face value he's an idiot, if he just told you that the "ATF isn't that bad" he is complicit and also needs to be feed feet first into the same woodchipper.
This, they basically killed people for shits and giggles.
So, you took the word of a lawyer, about the opinions of a government agency? What the fuck is wrong with you?
You're a fucking idiot as is the (((lawyer))) you talked to.
Every single person in the ATF deserves to die.