Is this overblown hype?

So, from this article it appears as another step closer toward a possible female diaconate within the Catholic Church. Any anons more familiar with this that can point out the flaws in this Vatican release?

Attached: Woman_priest.jpg (1000x630, 112.33K)

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There are female deacons in the Bible. It's an canonical, not theological, impediment.

Amoris laetitia blatantly contradicts Casti connubii so there’s no reason a future move allowing women deacons couldn’t contradict Ordinatio sacerdotalis

Ordinatio sacerdotalis is priestly, not deaconal

Modern deacons are ordained though, it’s holy order

While there were women deacons in history, they were not ordained and mainly served the purpose of baptising women (which was done in the nude by full immersion)

Did you read the article?

>Could the Catholic Church institute a “female diaconate”?

The problem in Nicea was laying on of hands - that was why they weren't considered ordained. Chalcedon canon 15 orders the laying on of hands. You now have new information. Has your view changed in light of it?

True but we both know that the aspirations don't stop there. If this happens they'll want to rush forward and start pushing female priests.


This is exactly what happened in the Anglican church, the supporters of female deacons immediately started pushing for the ordination of women to 'regularise' Holy Orders

Things that will never happen.
There used to be female deaconess, but they were never ordained like men.
I don't know if it's a good thing to bring the practice back or if it is needed, but we shouldn't do it otherwise people would try to push a line a bit further (which is impossible since JPII said infallibily that women can't be ordained and must remain in the kitchen)

The patristics show they were ordained. Saying otherwise is eisegetic.

does ordain mean Ordain? Not necessarily.

dang whats wrong with her head?

Attached: 60D8FDAD-4A17-4B29-BDBD-287EA1B35245.png (205x246, 6.9K)

literal demons - i just checked out that channel. they actually believe they are ordaining people. what is wrong with them, why are they calling themselves catholic. this is LARPing to a new level. kill them all.

Guys, come on. You wouldn't twist the arm of scripture like this, why do you twist history?

"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee"

Take that roasties lel

She's woke bro

She was just a message bearer

They belong in the kitchen not at the pulpit/altar.

What a boring number; one note plink plink drove me bonkers after 10 seconds.

No, psycho.