Romanian coastguard opens fire on Turkish fishermen

Even the fucking romanians are shooting at them. Why the fuck haven't we done anything yet? This is pissing me off, Zig Forums.

Attached: fishing turkroaches.mp4 (640x360, 7.69M)

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Byzantine reconquest when?

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dog bless gommunism

Let's just turn this thread into a shitpost deposit site, shall we?

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that music sounds like it came from a Japanese composer not a white one. They love using trumpets and drums that way

To think merely 30 years ago it was easy to get shot messing around the borders in eastern bloc.

t. chink or Anglo

Is it time?

Attached: balkans.png (1088x863, 192.44K)

That way?

when japs "emulate" western classical music for action purposes.

i imagine trumpet players gasping for air if not for emulated instruments.

Weak show Greeks, please step your game up.

Provide me with housing, beans, and bullets and I'll come fight against the turkroaches. Also a way to ship me and my stuff over there too.

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Why is it every month I keep hearing about weird boarder problems with turkey. Since last year there was an incident with a bunch of greeks getting captured because they were trespassing on turkish soil allegedly. There was another similar incident with bulgaria about some turk guard randomly walking past the border. Now this? What is this autism.

I'm confused. What "coast" is they "guarding" in Romania???

Its a land-locked shithole overrun with Gypsy scum.

erdogan getting nervous

More likely than not, the European countries that share a border with Turkey likely have unarmed military patrols and the Turks sent their soldiers across the border to confront and confirm.

Same as what happened in the US when Mexican military crossed the border and detained US military personnel. Expect in the next ten or twenty years the Turks and Mexicans to make a break across their borders unless something major happens.

Turkey will probably collapse before then.

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If you want to know about the thrilling centuries that gave them access to the Black Sea, then get ready for some reading:

burger education, everyone

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put me in the screencap

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Nice vpn

based romanians fuck turks

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you bitches want to hear the funny part?

My dad traveled internationally, all over the world, for a living, and even though we had a lot of Navy brats at school, I'd always totally ace the geography part of our Friday trivia game our teacher made for us in Physics (Physics was considered the most big-brain class in the whole school, only seniors with B or better in 3yrs worth of math allowed). When Geography came up in rotation, it was a given my group would bet the limit and we'd shoot ahead due to my unparalleled command of the field. :)

PS-This was a HS in middle of Silicon Valley, that included an amazingly diverse student body, with claims of over 30 foreign languages among the students. Funny thing is a guy from Turkey or Iran couldn't tell you what was Mexico VS Brazil on a map. Show a map of whole USA and Mexico and ask "Texas?" and they'd point to Mexico.

Did you know that American schools are actually BEST in the world, when you compare Apples to Apples, and Chinks to Chinks and Mexicans to Mexicans, and Whites to Whites.

IIRC only Finland scores higher than "White" Americans, no doubt due to many in USA not being 100% White but still counted as such.

Oddly, the much maligned Teacher's Union in USA never points out that singular statistical fact.

Weingarten was born in 1957 in New York City, to Gabriel and Edith (Appelbaum) Weingarten. Her father was an electrical engineer and her mother a teacher.[1][2] Weingarten grew up in Rockland County, New York, and attended Clarkstown High School North in New City, New York.[2] A congregant of Beth Simchat Torah synagogue, she considers herself a deeply religious Jew.[3][4]

I think you faggots just fell for an obvious bait.

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Can't you Greeks just like toss those niggerboats into the sea? If the US chimps out, just tell them they were criminals entering into your territorial waters illegaly.

We can, but the commie government won't.

His entire post history was actually equally abysmal

New we to the Balkans?

t. muhammad

Vlad kinda looks like Descartes

Probably not. Our public education system is that bad.

t. 56%

What the hell is going on

Wew, check out this shit-skin from the glorious utopian marxist hell-hole known as Canada.

t. 36%

Utter united STATE

We live in a society

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join the armed forces, work hard and be good to others and youll get what you want soon enough

Your society is having a nuclear autistic meltdown

90 violations of our airspace just today. Not a single turkroach shot down.

Fucking SYRIZA communist cucks!