UPDATE: Cody Wilson Is Now In Custody LOL

Neptune News™

Cody Wilson, a leading proponent of 3-D printed guns, has been arrested in Taiwan after being charged in Texas with sexually assaulting a 16-year old girl there, Taiwanese officials said on Friday. LOL!!

The police arrested Mr. Wilson in the Wanhua district of Taipei and delivered him to the National Immigration Agency, officials in the city said. LOL!!

The police in Austin, Tex., said on Wednesday that Mr. Wilson had failed to board a flight back to the United States from Taipei, and that they had asked the United States Marshals Lone Star Fugitive Task Force for help finding him. The marshals will return Mr. Wilson to Austin authorities after he returns to the United States, the Austin Police Department said Friday. LOL!!

He had not been charged when he went to Taiwan, so he is not considered to have fled the country. LOL!!

Mr. Wilson, 30, is accused of taking a girl he met via the website SugarDaddyMeet.com to a hotel in Austin on Aug. 15, having sex with her and paying her $500 in cash. LOL!!


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Im my country if you manage to bang a 16 year old you get a hi-five not jail time.


No one cares LOL


He overpaid for pussy. She was working for LE. If they wanted to arrest him they just had to get a woman(even one he has never seen his whole life) to make an accusation about him—white knights and everyone else would think he's automatically guilty.

of course, I majority of you sexual failures in here are going to instantly assert that it's a conspiracy, that Cody Wilson didn't actually commit the crime, and he's Being Framed by the government….

bullshit….. he did it…..

of course he did it.

did the government 'set him up'?… yes AND no… allow me to explain…..

he put himself on the radar with his behavior DUHHHH… and once on the radar, the NSA can 'reach back' and pull up EVERYTHING you've done online, texted, or said on the phone…

once they find the illegal activities, they'll hand it over to other authorities.

This is likely the case, but its not funny and not something you should be laughing and bragging about. This is the very definition of tyranny and its here.

Roasties should try to get sugardaddy websites banned to save idiots from overpaying for pussy….I mean to save the women.

hey…. it's not MY fault that Cody Wilson was stupid enough to put himself on the radar while engaging in ridiculously stupid illegal activity….

I think it's hilarious

you should read my comments on
Philip's new article about this story
on The Turdwater……………………….

I specifically mention guys like YOU,
who think everything's a conspiracy,
especially if it has anything to do
with females or getting pussy……..

that's because you have an agenda

because you're afraid of women
you're afraid of rejection by females
so everything you say and do is driven
by your need to validate your fear and
your attempt to compensate, and to
try to mask your fear as a 'hatred of women'

the girl was NOT working
for law enforcement…….

not at all

she was on sugardaddymeet.com
which is a site that's used as a
makeshift replacement for
backpage.com…. it's used for
PROSTITUTION, which is illegal

so….. Cody Wilson put himself
on the radar in a big way………
in fact, it's hard to put yourself
on the radar in a way as big as
Cody Wilson did to himself…….

of course he knew he had made
himself open to inspection……..

the NSA collects everything…….
every phone call, every text, every email,
every internet search, every fax, every

they're not actively listening to it
they're just collecting it, and storing it

when you put yourself on their radar

that's when they have analysts like Snowden carefully listening to every call
you've ever made, reading everything…..

they also start watching you real time
this status is called CAST IRON

when you're CAST IRON, they're listening
to everything you say real time

to be continued

the NSA was using the term
'social networking' way before
computers existed…..

they group people….
anyone you know is connected
to your status. they gauge your contacts
in categories of how often you talk to
them by frequency and certain dates….

law enforcement had Cody Wilson on
their radar… HE PUT HIMSELF THERE.
he did it with a certain cockiness, and
an air of confidence that he was

the way law enforcement does it:
they put in a request to the NSA
the NSA pulls all of his files and scans
for questionable activities.

they found his sugardaddymeet.com
account, and read all the communications between him and the girl.

she's part of his 'social network' now

then they read all of HER data…..

BINGO!! she's underage


even if she wasn't underage, prostitution
is illegal, so they could've got him on that charge alone…….

but he knew she was underage……

(1) Don't use social media [Avoid Facebook/Myspace/Twitter/Snapchat/etc.] (no brainer) Tell your friends to just hang out with you face-to-face instead of using social media.
(2) Forward secrecy (keep your mouth shut about any personal info if you don't want to expose yourself)
(3) Use a cheap private VPN (w/ no IP logging policy) and Tor browser! You can also use an OS like Whonix or Tails to spoof your MAC address in extreme cases.
(4) Always disconnect your internet (physically) when you are not going to use it! Make sure bluetooth and WiFi is physically disabled/disconnected. Don't keep your modem online all the time! If you do, you are asking to be hacked!
(5) Use an old "flipper" phone. AKA a jitterbug. Cover up any camera if has one. Jitterbugs are basic cellphones for people with disability problems / senior citizens! Just a bare basic cell phone where you can take out the battery. Has no internet platform. Any kind of device that has a camera you might want to consider covering up because they can easily be hacked to spy on and identify you remotely.
(6) Flock to flea markets, garage sales, thrift shops to buy older electronics! Do not by 'smart' or 'green' appliances! Learn how to maintain and fix older products/utilities too! All IoT (Internet of Things) tech can be used to spy on you, avoid IoT and 'home automation' technologies! Trojan horses, all of them.
(7) Never put your real name or personal info into your computer, always use FAKE names / aliases.
(8) Use cash whenever possible. Credit Card and other digital transactions can be tracked and directly linked to you. Cash could be tracked back to you too, but it is much harder and takes a lot of effort and human resources for governments to do.
(9) No OS is safe. Just exclude as much personal information you can from your Operating System. Make sure its disconnected offline when not being used! Make sure bluetooth and WiFi is also physically disabled/disconnected when not in use. If you use a "hot spot" which I do NOT recommend, at least turn it off and put it inside a little faraday cage bag when not being used (to prevent more sophisticated remote tampering).

(10) Always bleach you browser cache / cookies / web logs! 35x gutmann style! (Bleachbit, Ccleaner, etc.)
(11) Browser Security: Use Noscript Security Suite add-on. Noscript is a must: make sure to block all global scripts, wipe the whitelist in Noscript and re-configure the whitelist that best fits your browser habits. IPFlood is also a useful add-on to obfuscate IP GET requests. You should use Random Agent Spoofer (or Blender) to spoof your browser & OS metadata while you surf the web, making it a lot more difficult to track your activity. Tin Foil is another great security addon. Also, make sure WebGL and WebRTC are disabled in about:config (research how to disable those, there are tutorials out there).
(12) Its best to have two computers, rather than just one. For example, have one just for banking / legit LEGAL purposes. Have another one (completely separated) just for private or illegal activity. Make sure you don't put any personal info in the private computer.
(13) Use encryption and strong passwords! Write them down on a piece of paper or memorize them. DO NOT store passwords on a computer file. That is a big no-no! Try easy to remember long sentences for passwords, and combine all the words together. The more characters used, the harder it is for hackers to break the passwords.
(14) Have separate email accounts for each kind of activity (legal or not, don't matter).
(15) Make sure you physically disconnect your web cam or cover it up with black electrical tape. Most laptops these days come with web cams attached above or below the monitor. Make sure the camera cannot be used to identify you or spy on you in any way. (Yes, webcams can be hacked / remotely hijacked to spy on you!)
(16) Avoid new "Smart TVs" (they spy on you too)! If you have a newer TV, make sure you cover up or unplug the camera and microphone. Or keep it offline and disconnected from the cable box when not in use. You could cancel cable and just rip DVDs of your favorite movies and shows instead, using them on an offline TV set.
(17) Avoid all new digitized vehicles. They can easily be hacked, used to spy on you and even be remotely hijacked by criminal entities/governments!
(18) Never allow another person to use your computer. Make sure you routinely backup important files to a flashdrive or DVD and store that data offline. Also make sure you have a backup copy of the OS you use as well as backups of the software you use. If you ever have problems with your OS someday, just wipe your partitioned OS, and then re-partition the OS again yourself from scratch. Do not allow others to 'fix' your computer, they could easily steal information from your OS you might not want them knowing about. Geek Squad works with the FBI and other agencies to steal data from their customers, do not trust them to fix or repair your computer.
(19) Any photos you take with modern cameras contain EXIF metadata that contain GPS coordinates among other data used to identify the owner of the photo. If you store your modern photos online, people will be able to identify you. Don't do it! I repeat: do not post modern photos online unless you want to be identified! (I have been told PNG formats do not store any metadata, so photos converted to PNG might be safe).


for example, I have randomly chosen a photograph of three women with the same name….

look closely…..

Q: are any of these women underage?

Attached: 14705764_360792630937778_6488698749984831763_n.jpg (750x749, 51.08K)


here's another female with the exact same name

Q: is this female underage ?



Attached: 19059960_103705213578687_2998189957937815745_n.jpg (722x722, 54.29K)

If he was rich enough to be a "sugar daddy", why not go to vegas or something.

lol !!…….

absolutely NOTHING you just
typed could possibly prevent
the NSA from monitoring you

A: he wasn't looking for that

(he wanted an underaged girl)

No, but the point is it makes it a hell of a lot harder and even Edward Snowden himself admitted some of these tips provided can improve security/privacy. The harder you make it for them, the more resources, time and money they have to throw into tracking you. FACT.

a man doesn't go shopping
at Beds Bath & Beyond to
buy a lawnmower.

he was looking for an
underaged girl

he chose her based on her photo
and as I just proved, anyone can
look at a photo and determine
the basic age range of the girl

If you purchase a private VPN, and routinely change IPs it can become a hassle tracking user activity. Use available tools to poof your metadata and it makes it even more difficult. Use forward secrecy and information that they could steal won't really be there to steal. Etc.

I'm not disagreeing with you
nor am I arguing with you

make it 'harder' for them ?…..

but that's like saying blocking
your front gate with an old sofa
makes it harder for a demolition
crew to come demolish your house

you and I are BOTH using
paid VPN services…………

that's not how the NSA watches us

the devices and PCs are the source
not the IP……

Hardware backdoors, right?

yes, that and a shimmering, multifaceted symphony of other redundancies

Any PC or laptop manufactured post 2011 is backdoored through the hardware. To avoid this, use a laptop or PC made from the early 2000s or late 90s preferably with an OLDER linux operating system. Encrypt everything. Use very strong passwords and for God sake do not keep it online all the time. Avoid storing personal info too.

Yes, your talking TEMPEST. I keep my PC inside the basement for a reason and have thick lead paint all over the walls for a reason. Hopefully that does me some good, not sure. Can they suck data from the powerlines? Likely, but its very very time consuming and takes up money and resources to do. HUMINT.

I believe they have several famous sayings that would relate to Cody Wilson's decisions….

like, for example…..

something about 'those who live in glass houses throwing stones'?

this is what I was talking about, and other things

this wasn't what I was talking about

then, there's the TONS of other techniques they use… like the processor 'speculative execution' exploits, the keylogging, the chip that the NSA installs into EVERY fucking device, yada yada yada

the list goes on and on and on and on

Cody Wilson did this to himself

too bad

we are all our own worst enemies
our best thinking gets us into
our worst situations

fuck him

…and, as is usually the case…

Cody dug his own grave…..

…and the shovel was HIS PENIS


I don't understand. All you've done is show three ugly women and then shown one beautiful woman.

no, he's not a pedophile

pedophilia is not determined by morals, or age of consent in any given state….

pedophilia is just one of several categories of CHRONOPHILIA, the sexual attraction to particular ages….

pervert detected

Fuck off Zig Forums this guy was a fucking Zig Forums retard who was a broken clock so he got something right, and it ended up being a big thing.
Although the girl is 16, who gives a fucking shit?

Infantophilia (sometimes called nepiophilia) is a subtype of pedophilia describing a sexual preference for children less than 5 years old (including toddlers and infants).

Pedophilia is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children. According to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), pedophilia is a paraphilia in which a person has intense sexual urges towards children, and experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children.

Pedophilic disorder is further defined as psychological disorder in which a person meets the criteria for pedophilia above, and also either acts upon those urges, or else experiences distress or interpersonal difficulty as a consequence.

Attraction to adolescents

Hebephilia and Ephebophilia are sexual preferences for pubescent and post-pubescent youths, respectively. The term hebephilia was introduced by Bernard Glueck in 1955.

Attraction to adults

Teleiophilia (from Greek téleios, "full grown") is a sexual preference for adults. The term was coined by Ray Blanchard in 2000.

Mesophilia (derived from the Greek "mesos", "intermediate") is a sexual preference for middle-aged adults. The term was coined by Michael Seto in 2016.

Gerontophilia is a sexual preference for the elderly.

@ you never getting any pussy


Zig Forums is nothing but fully grown adult males, who NEVER get any pussy, (never as in: never) play videogames, watch anime, have no real life friends, wake up alone every morning, fall asleep alone every night, live in fear of rejection by females, and they're so desperate, they've been demographically targeted by advertisers like Toy Demon, who profits by selling these Zig Forums losers silicone tubes for them to masturbate into… so who really gives a flying fuck what these social and sexual rejects 'theorize'?…. they're all paranoid, sheltered, inexperienced, delusional, lonely, unrealistic momma's boys and conspiracy theorists. fuck them. they're ALL latent homosexuals.

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but you're leaving out
the other 50% of the
asshole equation, sir

anyone who agrees with me
is also an asshole…………….

There has to be a line that can be drawn somewhere in between some middle-aged /b/tard lurking around the schoolyard wearing nothing but boots and a trenchcoat and trying to get his hands on some itty-bitty-titty or peen, more likely and some literal prostitute who happens to not have been on the earth for a pre-determined, arbitrary number of revolutions around the sun.

can you stop reddit posting for 5 seconds

Dude she looks 18-30 wtf are you saying weirdo.

I am getting some pussy right now, Bitch.

I wish reddit would leave and take its feminism back with it.

What an absolutely uninteresting thread


sex is a curse and womyn were a mistake

Youre absolutely right. YOU are no one and your opinion means shit to me.

silicone jizz tubes are better than vagina tbh

Rule of thumb, One Crime At A Time. Or in this case, only do one thing that pisses off the establishment at a time. If you're smuggling contraband, obey every single law of the road. If you're a mob boss, don't dodge your taxes too. If you're spreading materials or information the straights are already on your ass for, don't pick up hookers of any age, especially not on the fucking internet.

When will Johnny Neptune get shot by a nigger for supporting gun control?

Reported Johnny shittune for spam

Imagine my shock. There's a reason they hate God and His laws.

it's Johnny methtune, thank you

……and I reported myself three times so far today

When they start calling people names and saying 'lol you don't fuck' then they are at the end of their rope.

down vote

No you haven't.

actually I did….

I even just reported myself a 4th time

Attached: Screenshot_20180922-231332.png (1080x1920, 204.64K)

I report myself all the time

Attached: Screenshot_20180922-231402.png (1080x1920, 199.3K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180922-231407.png (1080x1920, 163.43K)

So what if he put himself out there? Where's the probable cause warrant to monitor all his communications?

They don't need it anymore. They haven't for awhile now. At least the government doesn't. Regular law enforcement agencies do, which is why they usually just request information from the government and then if they see some pattern they'll wait for you to fuck up and move in then.

Still homeless andrew?

Attached: poor lil manlet andrew.jpg (500x500, 164.45K)

Then it's time to replace them with a government that respects rights.

We know already little guy. No need to keep reminding us.


too bad people only care about false feeling of safety, mostly this is because of female voters, women shouldn't have right to vote

Can't use your guns to defend yourself if they are not with you.

when, you …. place ,,,commas and …. ellipses everywhere you look like a retard