
Is he right Catholics…?

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We are the real Jews, we have the true jihad.

The cross is the fear of the Jews, and the banishment of muslims.

Why does he keep doing this?

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Inside every Christian there is an Israelite. What Francis said here I consider a gross insult to my character.

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no, our brothers can only be christian
judaism doesn't need any flowering, it's a weed that needs some pesticide. and we already know our roots, they aren't talmudic.

nice non-sequitur. I like how he randomly injects liberal talking points into his speeches

Because Catholicism literally preaches that we are the true Jews?

Tradition says that in Malachi it ends with a prophecy that the Jews will be re-converted to Christianity.

No, but why does he say it in a way that demeans Catholics and other times says outright heretical things even if he doesn't mean them?

Who knows? Not the first time we've had a bad Pope.

I guess…
He doesn't even seem to be a bad person, and that's something to be said about a Jesuit.
Pray for this man all the best and less of cringe.

Media likes to take Pope's words out of context and then twist them to fit their narrative. For example, they made it look like Pope is pro LGBT when he said that we should accept people who have LGBT tendencies but do not act on them. I have not read this interview, so I cannot comment if media did it in this case.
If you are interested in what Pope said just skip the media and read transcript of the interview.

I wish that Catholics had a better pope. Hopefully the next one and hopefully soon unless talking about stepping down was yet another patented Francis prank.

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stopped reading there

From a Catholic perspective yes.
From a Christian perspective no.

No, what he should have said is that inside every true christian is living water, the spirit and the blood of Christ. The Tribe of Judah is a distinct ethic group, that no one should claim to unless they are of that seed. It doesn't carry any special merits in God's eyes anymore unless you want to be designated as such (Rev 2:9), so good for you I guess.

Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees (Judaism), teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Because it doesn't. The only reason you think it does is because you're hearing that in the context of the year 2018, 2,000 years after 'Jews' rejected Christ.

When this meme first started circulating on this board, I fell for it. Now I realize it's just a poor attempt at taking interpretations way too liberally in order to attempt to justify jewish supremacy in the Torah. Non-ethnic jews who claim to be the real jews are LARPing more than pagans ever could.

It's literally the explicit teaching of the bible. Not what Francis was saying though

Ask your local parish priest about it and let me know what he says then.


He'll say that God's people are Jews and after Christ the true Jews are followers of Christ.

-t. Heretic Pope Bergoglio

the pope is almost never correct in my experience and is one of the biggest source of contention (there are numerous others) i have with the roman catholic church.

Inside every Christian is the Lord Jesus Christ, who happens to be an Israelite.

Denying that we are the True Jews is denying that we are the New Israel through Christ, and would lead to a pseudo-gnostic heresy like saying the OT is utterly void.

That's pretty heretical, dude

Israelite*. the ephod made after he pattern of he priesthood had 12 stones corresponding to each of the twelve tribes. the term jew refers to the return of the 3 southern kingdom tribes judah, levi, and benjamin. and in ezra nehemiah even the priests werent pedigree israelite stock — so calling a christian a jew is insufficient. hat term was only used post-babylonian captivity.

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Bruh do you even Galatians?

Stop calling kikes israelites, they aren't even genetically from that region.
Call them kikes, because they reject Christ.

Yes, because Christianity is the fulfilled form of the Mosaic, Jewish religion. "For salvation is from the Jews" etc.

Honestly, I don't think how you can misinterpret this. Francis says a lot of things that can be read the wrong way, but here it seems to me that to read it in a questionable way, you need first to actively try to read it in a questionable way. He said a pretty mundane thing, that Christians have been already saying for hundreds or thousands of years. What he said is not a novelty, it's not especially important either. I don't get why anyone is paying this any attention, especially I don't understand the outrage here.

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Was Jesus a judaizer when He said that He came to fulfill the Old Testament, or that salvation comes from the Jews? No matter how far they strayed away from God and how deep into evil they went, the matter of fact is that it was through them, 2000 years ago, that Jesus came and fulfilled their religion.

While I agree that your summary is correct it seems pretty clear Pup Francis is saying "don't hate the Jews goyim! Take out a reverse mortgage."

This a thousand times. Who in earth listens to a (((journalist))) in this day and age? We live in an era where raw footage is readily available on the Internet. You don't need a messenger anymore. I thought everyone learned this after Trump ran for presidency. I can only assume OP is a troll or a shill.

I think you're mistaking supersessionism (standard Christian doctrine; that Christians are the true Israel of God in a spiritual sense) for Christian Identity/Black Hebrew/etc. (claiming that your ethnic group is the Israel of the Bible in a racial sense).

I want Ratzinger back.

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Yes, but in the wrong way.
Inside every Christian there is a potential God-denying vicious Judas. We have to be careful.

I know it's not what he intended, but still.