Christianity VS Islam

Which one is right? What is your reason for being Christian and not Muslim?

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Jesus was resurrected and the early Church testifies to that through the martyrdom of the saints and the Scriptures of the New Testament.
The Divine Liturgy has a certain ethereal quality to it that nothing can explain as well.

Islam's claims about early Christianity are quite hard to fit with what scholars have determined as well. Not that scholars are unanimous on many things, but still, very few would say that Islam's claim (that Jesus received a revelation but the scriptures we have are a distorded version and so the church fell into apostasy as soon as the 30's) is in line with the history of the early Church.

Furthermore, the Muslim claim that the Paraclete is Muhammad is nonsense.
Jesus was a pretty useless prophet if his revelations were distorded and lost as soon as he left, and a pretty useless messiah if he didn't manage to bring any Jews back to the true religion.

Put simply Jesus was foretold by the Old Testament, unlike Muhammad who was not foretold by either the OT or NT.

The necessity of the Incarnation at the Atonement to raise man up to God also factor in, Jesus simply being a prophet of God contradicts his claim to divinity, which is a key theme of the Synoptic Gospels

Large sections of Islamic teachings are based in non-canonical Gnostic texts (e.g. Jesus turning clay pigeons to life) or Nestorian views of Mary

Also there are some historians claiming now (which may or may not be accurate) that Islam may have emerged outside what is historically claimed, and that the Qu'ran may be much older than Muhammad - see:

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Muhammad preached a different Gospel, originating from a djinn who subjugated Muhammad with psychic powers and almost made him kill himself.

Also the God of islam is impersonal, much like the monad of the greeks. I needed a personal God I could relate to and commune with and abide in. Allah is not immanent in creation and is always hidden and basically just an abstract first cause with some rules superimposed on him.
In Christ we have a mediator, a personal God through whom we can worship the father. As far as i'm concerned muslims just do empty gestures to the Monad with some arabic larping superimposed on it.

Islam is rooted in neo-Platonism, Islam's greatest theologians are basically just guys who read the Greeks

Mohammad is a false prophet who used his position to enrich himself and winnie the pooh his followers wives. He spread his hateful religion by the sword and spent many years raiding caravans. By their fruits you shall know them. Who could ever read the exploits of Mohammad and think he is a man worth following?

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Steven Anderson lol

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Duh … because there's no KJV Qur'an!

Consider the following:

There is literally zero historical validity to the Islamic claims about Jesus, whereas the Christian claims are historically sound and fit in with all the available evidence. What's more, Christianity's origins are well-documented and fully reasonable based on the reported circumstances, as opposed to the beginnings of Islam which are shrouded in a weird fog, resulting in many historical challenges and gaps in the textual and archæological record.

I would also posit all the miracles and strange events over the centuries as good proof of the reality of Christianity (e.g., stigmatists, Marian apparitions, visions of Christ, etc.), whereas those kinds of things are rarely if ever reported (let alone in a trustworthy fashion) in Islam.

Faith and personal experience also come into it, naturally. But I came to Christianity via the intellect. Comparing the claims of and evidence for Christianity and Islam, even when I was an atheist, was no contest at all: the former is far more believable and well-attested to.

Also, most Muslims who I've seen discuss these issues (as well as theology in general) are complete brainlets by European Christian (e.g. Ss. Aquinas, Augustine, etc.) standards.

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"Because I hate Muslims" is the only answer with any honesty. This is a Zig Forums board.

we don't hate our enemies and wish evil upon them, we aren't muslims

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To be fair almost all of the answers in the thread are genuine and aren’t just ‘hurr durr pedo warlord’ Zig Forums-tier arguments, if Islam were true I would convert and practice, I wouldn’t be willing to destroy my soul simply for hatred of a race

I honestly dont. I used to.


no, and that pic is true.

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Buddha won.

can't make an idol of the one true God, that makes no sense.


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10/10 bait

grow up

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Go back to Zig Forums Rach

New sermon from /ourguy/

Because Islam is a mix of Judaism and nestorianism, secondly Jesus was the only on to be predicted to come, thirdly Muslims say they believe the Bible is a sacred text but deny that Jesus is God.
All of this ignoring the contradictions and true purposes behind Muhammad intentions when he decided to make up his religion and allowing fornication with slaves and polygamy.

Based though