jk lol
it's been 2 months since they've given an update, with still no ship dates or confirmation of completed rifles. Last time they crawled out of their hole and started posting again was because Commie Ian called them out and they had to damage control. Then they said they'd be reaching out to pre-orders to confirm FFL's, but they are still "waiting on parts".
Now it's 2 months later and not a peep.

But rest assured, it's coming Soon

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Other urls found in this thread:

It isn't even 0,1% as cool as an actual STG. I have no idea why Americans wanted this shit.

Chinkshit airshit toys on bazaars looked better than this
Just sell bootleg frankenguns as video game replicas. (^:

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Because people were excited over a possible reproduction that could take intermediate cartridges instead of just having the repro that only took .22lr.
I passed on it since it was out of my budget and i'd figure the price would come down eventually after release. Really dodged the bullet there.
I wish there was a better reproduction market that created accurate replicas. The most change i'd accept would be making it chambered for a cartridge similar to the original cartridge used by the gun.

The thing about the GSG STG is its base model is in 9mm PAK. Not to mention there are 1:1 repros of fun guns but import laws fuck any importation of them due to sporting use.

Import laws are fucking gay. I don't care if local big gun companies get shafted due to little to no innovation. It'll be better than the stagnation we have here. If a company wants to get ahead, make something truly interesting.

So a useless, overpriced cartridge is better than the world's favourite plinking round how?

Ultimately that's the problem with the local gun companies. They really don't do anything to improve actual quality, aesthetics or real innovation (outside of bizarre stuff like 4 barrel derringers). It's all just 'who has the latest AR that they can sell to some trailer park kid with a realtree sweater whose 'thinking of getting a tactical AR'.

Also, any companies that do try to offer better quality firearms only deal with 1911s and big bore revolvers.

Why has no one made a top notch remake of the Browning high-power yet? We live in a gay world.

With a locking bolt it can be converted to 9x19. Such is the beauty of things.

Because FN already did in the 80's, there isn't much to do to the design.

Yeah, but when's the last time you've seen one on a shelf.

because the gun has only been out of production for three years and there are still plenty of good condition or even NIB guns in circulation.
that said it would be cool to see Hi-power entries in the 80% market.

I have yet to see one, but I probably haven't looked hard enough. 80% versions would be sweet

I just want a decent new production FN FAL that's true to the original

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I want unusual guns like the Borchardt or Mars again.
If it wasn't wasn't for the NFA and the bullshit with automatic weapons, I'd want a G11 or AN-94 repro too.



Why has no company tried to sell guns based on video game guns?
I remember there being a deal with bungie and some gun company to produce a replica rifle that actually worked for a special edition of halo 3, but it fell flat and never happend

Rich gaymer gun aficionados are a very niche market to sell newly designed and engineered gun for user. I do concede that cosmetic parts that draw inspiration from video game guns for ARs and other platforms might actually be financially feasible, like those HK SL8→XM-8 cosmetic kits.

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People complain about the Fudds, yet forget that the positive effects the old gun culture has in keeping things serious and on point. That means serious safety, range rules, and keeping things like fundamental shooting skills and a mindset of purpose and training to the forefront, not just kidz showing up with their bling and fancy looking guns they don't know how to shoot. Guns are treated as guns, not toys. Guns, not funz.

Yes, this may decrease potential sales, yet they are serious things and if you aren't going to learn to use them they aren't much good. The fact you see more standard guns, the fact you see more serious builds, those are good things indicating people are taking it more seriously. If we see the goofballs who can't shoot with 20,000 things latched onto their rails, what would a firing range filled with people with video game guns who are there to just blast 100 rounds downrange and then stick it on the wall as a showpiece look like?

There's a lot of room for fun, for gimmick guns and aesthetics of all types, but its a good thing the industry isn't turning that direction, that ability and purpose dictate gun design more then entertainment and culture. Be thankful.


Shut the fuck up, boomer.
Stagnation is shit and if I see another batch of the same fucking guns again, i'll fucking scream.
I can't wait for you to drop dead.

America is the least serious gun place on earth, where else do they let niggers and spics and chinks own firearms? Especially next to white people, remember Rhodesia and all those other times a subhuman chimped out on whitey with their gun.
I want sexy guns that are effective and cheap to produce, not the same shit from 50 years ago with a facelift, its time for change and for more people to design guns that look good but shoot better, fuck AKs too.

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Learn to read, Strelok.

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It could be worse

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are silenced non gas sealed revolvers truly worthless or just far less effective? Because I've even heard of people shooting through pillows in crimes of opportunity and that doing so has a meaningful effect (though only in terms of reducing the range where the shot is easily identified as such my a limited degree).

I think worthless. You still have plenty of sound coming from the cykinder gap.
I wish companies would make gas seal revolvers again. A reproduction of the nagant or even new revolvers similar to it would be great.
Sadly we live in a time where innovation is dead.

What did he mean by this?

Did you not look see the post that started that whole chain? Lurk more.

Show me which post says anything about that abomination being a Chiappa Rhino, you doublenigger. And explain me why would anyone call that thing a MATEBA rifle if it's based on a weapon produced by Chiappa.

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Because someone getting a killimanjaro irl with a replica Halo firearm isn't great for PR.

Retarded goddamn illiterate nigger.

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Now that would be the sickest joke anybody could play. The Nagant's got to be in the top 5 for worst revolver ever.

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How exactly is it a bad revolver?
It fixed the issue with the cylinder gap, didn't it?

The bullets are like comically difficult to reload. It's a gate loader with an ejector without a spring on it. The trigger pull is around ~20 pounds mine is like 18 but I've heard mine is light for a handnugget. The single action pull is retardedly heavy for single action as well. The hammer is stupidly big and unergonomic. The cylinder gap thing adds ~100 extra feet per second to the bullets in exchange for a stupidly heavy trigger pull. the silencer thing is cool but it's really expensive to find one that has threading for it these days

Nagant is fine, its only problem is the strong trigger pull. But according to vid related you can solve that problem with a vice, a file, and some sandpaper.

Since you're too subhuman to recognise the Chiappa logo and "Rhino 60DS" from a mile away I'm just going to assume your mother never loved you and your presence on this board as a nogunz loser is just a projection of your internalised Freudian microdick fantasies.

Got money for all that R&D? The problem with innovation is it cost a fuckton to do anything, especially when you get into the complexity of things.

As compared to what? A Reichsrevolver?
That revolver's even more of an evolutionary dead end than a pink-haired hambeast on tumblr.

Cans and revolvers just don't mix.

You were saying?

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Just take one look at that abomination and tell me again how that's a good idea in any way shape or form.

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It was the German police that requested its invention.

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for what purpose?

I'm gonna be honest, that looks pretty damn /aesthetic/

What… is that?

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Something that autistic could only have been requested by Germans.

Give these guys a break. What they are doing is hard. Bringing a gun out of production since wwii to the American market in like 4 separate calibers. When they ship you will be jealous.

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Hey, I really hope they do actually complete these guns, they work well, and will be well worth the money.
But you cannot ignore the fact that they are almost 3 years late from when they promised to ship. If you ordered a kitchen appliance, and Home Depot was holding it from you for 3 years with no refunds, you'd be pissed as hell


Imagine being this naive and retarded.

PS: >Out of production since ww2
Wrong, you idiot! You can get your repro StG44 from several German outfits, in 8mm kurz and everything. They work and everything. And when you pay money for one of these, you can actually get it.
Capitalism has so completely jewed people over over there in burgerland that the relationship of paying money -> receiving product has been destroyed.

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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

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How the fuck do I get a gun from Germany into the US?

You are going to have to import them as parts kits, and complete them with enough US parts to not be considered 100% foreign to get ATF niggers off your back.
Which begs the question.. Why the hell bother with building everything from scratch instead of partnering with a reproduction manufacture?

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Because the German partner would want actual money, and once you're done with export/import authorizations and everything else they'd probably have to sell for close to $6000 to get a decent return, which prices the gun firmly out of most of the american market.

Like so many disreputable people have figured out, it's so much easier to sell something at a tempting price that doesn't actually exist, and possibly won't ever exist, rather than selling something feasible that won't get many orders.It's practically tradition in the US gun market, just look at the Ares Shrike.

What said. My comment was mainly to refute your statement claiming it had been out of production since ww2, since it isn't.

Quality post. It really seems to be the same reasoning that's behind kickstarter and pre-ordering stuff.

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stop being so entitled gamergoy. (^:
It's early access (^:
a kickstarter (^: