Would people consider me a LARPer if I got a Deus Vult tattoo?

Would people consider me a LARPer if I got a Deus Vult tattoo?

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Also friendly reminder that tattoos are Satanic because they are paving the way for transhumanism. Do not fall for this trick.

only on the internet

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You are a silly person.

God says not to mark your skin sweetie

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Leviticus 19:28

What!?1? b-b-but that's the old testament, it doesn't apply anymore user! Get that away from me!

Prots are easy to spot.

If you're athletic and serious about killing muslims, then not.

the precursors of transhumanism are a tattoo agenda and a transgender acceptance agenda, which are here to normalize human alteration. The purpose is to ultimately lead us to give in accepting the the "miracles" of immortality in this flawed world.

stone age? which cultures? Please, don't give me the argument that because some tribes somewhere were using them it's totally ok to have tattoos. It completely contradicts scripture.

stone age? which cultures
One example among many.

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Nice reading comprehension.
Also, you are at the edge into going full JW on this

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The explanation is literally right there and so far, God is the Lord of the living.

*sigh* listen, school reject who cannot comprehend what is written, I dont support tattoos, but I dont support your retarded theory.
And the last two are primarily about impurity. Primarily sexual one.

Why not? Do you think our (liberal) society moves towards something other than transhumanism? Tattoos, piercings, etc. slowly negate human identity as a collective. The other collectives are already destroyed or almost (gender, nations, etc)

“Tattoos, studs and rings are vanities in the precise meaning of the word. They betoken the emptiness of the person, who, having nothing to offer by way of character or conviction that would interest someone else, has recourse to the purely external and the purely ornamental. Often nowadays these external substitutes for the internal run to ugliness and freakishness, as if to force the attention of the other. Related to body-ornamentation are T-shirts with slogans or pictures, buttons with slogans that people pin to their denim jackets, virtue-signaling bumper-stickers, and the circulation of ‘selfies.’” — T.F. Bertonneau


Pick at least one:
Inb4 tattooing verses on your body as a "witness"

I wouldn't say LARPer, so much as I would say "idiot".

It alone won't make you a LARPer, but it will certainly make you look like one.


Yes, absolutely. Your photos will be posted in cringe threads for years to come.

how is this not on qtddtot?

LARP? Are you a fit chad or a disgusting pleb? If you can back up a Deus Vult, Miles Christi, or even the crusader cross with attitude and ability then it isn't LARPing. Either way tattoos aren't satanic. Just trashy.

user LRN 2 READ

Yes. Tattoos are degenerate.

this. may aswell throw out all inventions even fire and wheels.

Tattoos are sinful. 1 God commands us directly not to get them and 2 the only reason you'd get it is vanity.

Do not tattoo Deus Vult.
Live by it.

Look at all these vain idolatrous Copts sinning by making themselves permanently and overtly known to be followers of Christ regardless of the persecution they will face

What a bunch of larpers

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There's a huge difference between a Coptic tattoo and a huge "Deus Vult" with a sword on your forearm.

I agree. But many of the posts in this thread are blanket statements that are every bit as "larpy" as the OP.

You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, but scripture literally speaks against tattoos and against vanity.

If you want to "do what you want" then don't be a Christian (well, you will always have r/christianity)

Because apparently we can make a really lame thread out of it.

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his transhumanism reason is stupid but the "body is a temple" has a point.

Those inks aren't healthy for you, you risk STDs and other crap… for what? Some picture on your skin?

And… are you spending money on it? Instead of on God's work? Sounds like that's not good stewardship to me.

So, yeah, no tats, but not because of Leviticus.

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Those tattoos look really trashy tbh. I know the guy is doing good things for his community in Syria but if a person in America got tattoos like that I'd assume they were an MS13 wannabe.

Why are piercings okay but tattoos wrong?

You've never seen a woman at church with earrings?

Altogether the scientists report strong evidence for both migration and long-term deposition of toxic elements and tattoo pigments as well as for conformational alterations of biomolecules that are sometimes linked to cutaneous inflammation and other adversities upon tattooing.

It's easy to put ink on your skin saying you stand for something, but it's more meaning to show what you stand for with your actions
plus getting a tattoo of a meme is a dumb idea

Yeah only a prot would go to the Bible for guidance

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It's difficult enough to avoid inadvertently worshiping this world.
Why dish out time, money and endure a million needle pricks for superficial clutter?

Before in times exclusively Sailors, convicts and biker chapter members got tatoos to *communicate something*, and normal people weren't vain enough to get one with personal significance.

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The practice of tattooing and branding is much older than that. In the ancient world, there was a lot of significance for a person to tattoo themselves with something like a cross, because brandings and tattoos were usually reserved for criminals, slaves, or soldiers. A Christian marking themselves with a cross in this content would be communicating themselves as a soldier or slave for the cause of Christ, and also possibly as a "criminal" in opposition to paganism (mainly Roman paganism) so they would be marking themselves as a willing martyr.
Here is a quotation attributed to Constantine about tattoos, from the year 313AD
This quote implies tattooing was a practice among Christians and that some were tattooing their face along with other body parts, note that he only bans the use of face tattoos and allows the practice of branding other parts of the body to continue.
If you look into the history of Christian tattooing you will see it come up time and time again, long before the modern era, in many different contexts. This article is good for picking out a few sources and quotes from different time periods.

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He also says not to shave.

And he also said to call everyone “sweetie”, because that doesn’t sound gay.

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