If we ever make contact with intelligent, extraterrestrial life, what impact would that have on Christianity?

If we ever make contact with intelligent, extraterrestrial life, what impact would that have on Christianity?

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Catholicism/Eastern Orthodoxy/gnostics won't certainly be affected by them.

Only protestants, specifically creationists, would have a difficult time reconcile aliens within biblical parameters

We will have to see if they are also fallen, if they are not they're probably more in touch with God than we are.
Or if they are not aliensa but a mask for demons, like old pagan idols.

Well, if they're advanced enough and have been monitoring us, we could see if they had record of Jesus being crucified.
If Jesus paid the price for all of humanity, maybe the aliens have their own equivalent, along with debate between themselves.

maybe the Paraclete became incarnate for them?

Everything in creation was created for us (t. Esdras) and Jesus is fully God and fully human, so nothing special, yet another slave race.

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Aliens existing means Christianity is wrong. The Fermi Paradox is one of the pieces of evidence that we can use to show Christianity is right. If we're only one of a number of species it means that we're nothing special

Poor Jesus, getting crucified across galaxies

little, but having aliens sit next to you in church might be cool too
but I doubt there is life out there that can travel such distances
it would be more likely that aliens are humans from a really distant future visiting from a observation format that views the past

Jesus didn't even assume nature of Angels, only Humans. What you are saying is borderline heeresy

Jesus assumed our nature. You dont need anything else to be special.

Everyone point and laugh.

That's exactly the argument people would make to justify banning Christianity in that situation. People will first mock Christians and belittle them for being wrong, and the pretenders and false Christians will feel admonished and foolish, and switch sides to save face. Those who remain faithful will be accused of being slandourous towards the aliens, and no thought will be put towards wondering if they are even telling the truth about their origins.
Never lose faith, user, not even in the face of what appear to be unquestionable facts. Personally, I'd be inclined to think that any aliens that reveal themselves are actually fallen angels or demons. Trust in Christ, and amen.

If Aliens exist then it means human life simply evolved by chance and there is no God, or if there is a God it isn't the Christian God. Dunno why people are so afraid to admit this. Aliens mean it's game over for Christianity. But we haven't found any and probably won't ever find any.

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I wonder how atheists would react if aliens did visit us and their first stop was the Vatican to give their respects to the Vicar of Christ. It would be their most treasured sci-fi fantasy turned into a nightmare, wouldn't it be grand?

This is true. You know it and I know it. Christianity asserts that humanity alone was made in the image of God and that the universe was made for us. If aliens come and they're not Christian then I can't see how you can possibly reconcile that with what the Bible says. Why would God create a species that doesn't know Him?

Now I need a movie of this.

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First of all, we dont even know what Image and Likeness of God means exactly. We only know that it applies to humans. Angels are also intelligent and rational, yet it isnt written about them, although several church fathers assumed it.
Second of all, it doesnt contradict the fact that universe is made for us. Angels know God and yet they are also made for us and we shall judge the as Paul says.
And how do you reconcile the fact that only Jews knew one true God for several millenia?
Preach Gospel to every creature?
Anywho, I dont really care, I would exterminatus them anyway.

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If its not decedent of Adam, its not human.


Adam and Eve were made in the likeness of God, which were made in the likeness of the Angel Gabriel which sat at God's right side and Lucifer his left.

*sniff* *sniff* I smell incoming ban.

Aliens don't real, chuckleducks

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Not borderline but oughtright

If anyone shall say that Christ, of whom it is said that he appeared in the form of God, and that he was united before all time with God the Word, and humbled himself in these last days even to humanity, had (according to their expression) pity upon the various falls which had appeared in the spirits united in the same unity (of which he himself is part), and that to restore them he passed through various classes, had different bodies and different names, became all to all, an Angel among Angels, a Power among Powers, has clothed himself in the different classes of reasonable beings with a form corresponding to that class, and finally has taken flesh and blood like ours and has become man for men; [if anyone says all this] and does not profess that God the Word humbled himself and became man: let him be anathema.


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Either they have no rational souls like animals, that is they would just be very intelligent beings or if they came here saying they created us or that christianism if false etc [insert random lie] they would be Satan's henchmen.
I believe it would be the first one if they existed.

even further schism separating the tares that fall for the deception and the wheat who have eyes to see.

Dogs and cats don't know Him as we do.
What's your point? Only if you assume they have a soul like we do. Which is outright impossible, since God incarnated as a Human being and the Mother of God is a Human being if you need further proof that we are the only ones who can be called his sons.

Unless in a fantasy world you can imagine those aliens to have souls like we do but when they arrived here they would immediately recognise us as Christ's flock and would worship him with us, looking at us with high reward as the ones made in the image of God. Nevertheless this last part probably was scripture against it though.

Until the jews get involved and then it's "We're all aliens, and equal too!"

If they are intelligent they certainly would affect Catholics. Although the Church is pretty open on the issue of the Earth's age, Humani Generis insists on the beginnings of humanity with the two individuals Adam and Eve.

Nonhuman intelligent life would mean one of the following

Impossible as angels aren't material.

Can this be reconciled with Church teaching? I think not. Our ability to use reason is derived from the soul. Is there any Church source from which we can infer otherwise?

Would have been mentioned in Scripture or Tradition at some point.

Well, I knew this already but it's nice to see regulars here admit to it.

Nothing good, that's for sure. Christianity would be even more divided and arguments would arise on whether they're actually aliens or demons in disguise. Humanity itself would be divided even more so causing serious conflict due to those that sympathize with the ayys or want to exterminate/control them and everything in-between. Far too many questions would be brought up and with human nature the way it is, anger and fear of the unknown would follow. That's not even taking into account how the aliens actually are. They could be just as weirded out about us as we are to them for all we know.

If they exist then it's for the best that we don't meet at all.

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Catholics would try to convert them

christian server discord gg/Xw4V7Jb

Quantam Presbyterians

tbh, in theory you can twist nephilim meme in inconceivable ways with massive amount of mental gymnastics and say that aliens are result of human-angel race mixing. Dont underestimate power of Autism.

We would communicate with them probably through mathematics , through logos.

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They'd be like the Chinese were during the times of Jesus, just more souls that haven't heard of Christ.

Ahem, just a reminder
>who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man;

Endless argument over whether they are sinners who need the Gospel preached to them or whether they are animals who don't.