Trump picks anti-gunner to lead ATF

After William "Ruby Ridge" Barr, I'm not surprised.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is renominating failed obama judges, and is so incapable that he cant even google the people he is suggested to hire before putting them forward.
So an open anti gunner is so surprise, he probably thinks "we love our police becuz they protect the second amendment"

*no surprise

>candidate happens to also be supported by (((them)))
>no change happens because (((they))) continue to erode at our rights

We got duped boys.

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Also fuck etsy

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Entrenched capital does not want an armed population. It only went along with it because it was making a lot of money selling guns and believed it had a sufficiently brainwashed population. What capital actually wants is a nation of consumers who can't ever be anything but consumers. An armed population doesn't safely fit that bill, no matter how good the propaganda may be at present.

There were people who called Trump like they saw him, but they were drowned out by a million retards and Kampfy screaming about “Muh Shareblue” “Muh correct the record”. Funny how no one mentioned that Jared Kushner had pro-Trump shills working forums at the exact same time.

Trump was a Republican all of his life until he made a big show of switching parties because he was outraged and butthurt over Pat Buchanan's "anti-semitism". You sound like someone who bought into republican marketing instead of republican reality. The republican party has always been a party for atomizing capital and radical anti-White zealotry.

So who should they have voted for?

Boys the only way to get off this ship is to sink it.

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They should have voted with their guns.


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Nuke it all and start over.

i wanted to say "Vote for a military coup". but then I realized political standing and ethnic make-up of US armed forces and got 2nd thoughts, is correct.

Maybe we are the most fucked country in the world.

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It's okay britbong, 94~% of Poland believes in civcuckoldry (baste ormians, turks, germans, jews, gypsies, even niggers and indians can be Polish as long as they eat pierogi and vote)
First time around poland stopped existing for 123 years, the 2nd time around every minority (33% of population during II Polish Republic were non-polish, and around 25% didn't speak the language at all) was trying to start shit for themselves with jews wanting every city to be a kike autonomy. third reich granted them that wish and created ghettos with judenrats

Here's hoping the both of you would have your countries come to the same realisation too.

Basiceuropeancountry.exe. Real shit starts when your baste leader floods your country with gipsies and Viets from abroad.


The most horrifying thing is that a military juinta would be led by someone like John Kelly which is NOT an improvement from the orange bastard.

What's Polish about pierogi? These are modified pan-Turkic dumplings called dyush-vara that were popular among Armenians fleeing to the Christian territories of modern Ukraine from turks. Earlier we called them "varanyky" due to its origin and now it transformed into "varenyky", which can be roughly translated as "boilies". Varenyky are bigger than the parental dish, have different shape and fillings. In other words, identical to pierogi.

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I don't know whether I'm happy or sad about this development.

Jeb Bush. He'd be too much of a bitch to do anything unpopular. It'd just be 4 years of autistic analogies about turtles without anything actually happening.

Depends on what you count as "Eastern Europe".

Tell me about Moldova, Hungaranon. Why does it exist?

Asking the real questions. I think the Russians are not too fond of the idea of the reunification of Romania and Moldova since the former is a NATO-member and the latter still has an ongoing border dispute with Transnistria (which is coincidentally a pro-Russia country).

Russia conquered a land full of Vlachs, taught them cyrillic, and now they are a country. Kikepedia has the longer version:

Yeah but Modavs are but Vlachs speaking Vlach a bit differently. Not that I want to defend them or support their unification. It is worth mentioning how they hold our country to be the second greatest threat to their security (with the first being Russia) despite both of us supposedly being "allies". Speaks volumes about NATO…

NATO is literally just suzerain (US) and its vassals. The whole "allies" part is just there forpropaganda purposes.

True enough. The moment the US either balkanizes or falls into a civil war, the NATO is over as basically no country in Europe is capable to hold such an organization together.

What about the attempts at an EU army?

A force of actual zogbots who exist only to shoot evil hwite nazi bigots.

Just tell me one benefit of an EU army for my (or any other European) nation.

You'll be the bestest, most obedient, most loyal goyim you can be, of course! Only an antisemite would object to such a thing!

If transnistria was formally retroceded to Russia or Ukraine once it is returned to its masters, Moldova was unified with Romania (in exchange for the latter leaving NATO/EU), and northern transylvania and transcarpathian ruthenia were returned to Hungary would Hungarians be satisfied with that?

That era is ending

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I didn't have much hope for blormf during the election, but hoped we'd get some immigration stuff and maybe the Wall. The amount of flak he was getting from Jews, his steadfastness on speaking about immigration, and him being a political outsider gave everyone hope and there's no way you could have known what has happened.

Also, I just want to grieve Zig Forums here for a second. What a shithole that place is now. A telling thing about the idiocy of the new user base is how they all take every single piece of bait every time.

Would you believe that Roger Stone and his people actually gave him "the wall" as a memory device to help him stay on message during rambling events?
Because it's true: (wouldnt archive for some reason)

Not surprised. I'm just waiting for definitive evidence to surface that he knowingly acted as a release valve for White anger, that he was disingenuous the whole time. Wouldn't be surprised if a recording came out of him talking about resenting his supporters.

I just had a thought - if lefty media wanted to destroy Trump, they could easily hammer him on not fulfilling his campaign promises. They could so easily destroy what's left of his base.

I like how he mentions every group other than whites to have RECORD WINNING

The media is there to act as cover for Trump. Every news report about "two scoops" or how he is a Russian puppet for only sending $400B worth of heavy weapons to Ukraine instead of $401B, is a news report that isn't talking about Yemen, troop build ups in the Persian Gulf, threats against Germany/Denmark/France/Sweden over Nordstream II, etc.

Makes sense. I'm out of the loop on current events.

I mean, there's also people who realize voting is a total sham and just wanted him in for the sheer retardation that would obviously follow suit.
Not to mention kukfy was probably on trump's payroll considering how quickly and thoroughly he smothered any dissent.
I remember simply asking "what if he loses?" on the election night and immediately getting banned.
As in, no exaggeration, two seconds after my post went through that IP I was using was banned.
There's way more to what happened with Zig Forums during the election year than what you're describing, it really did used to be a decent board that you could actually go to for some thoughtful insight on current events and geopolitics even up until mid-2016 before kukfy rangebanned so hard that only
Trump's hired faggots and redditors could get a word in.

the old napoleon quote about "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" very much applies to the liberals and media when Trump does mindblowingly retarded shit (jailbreak bill, "too many jobs in china lost", that the omnibus banned use of the wall prototypes and so on) the media is conspicuously silent or buries the relevant detail.
Say what you will about the leftard pawns, but the media planners are actually very strategic about reporting on trump.

What a bitch-baby faced looking fellow.

ECB gets to extort Southern Europe, Baltics get their Russia paranoia relieved.

Well, then they would definitely have to give back atleast the Hungarian-majority lands of Transylvania (that is now occupied by Romania) and Kárpátalja (that is now occupied by Ukraine). I mean, if they are allowed to reunite with their own, why would we be denied of the same?

I personally on the opinion that we should reconquer on those areas on our own, and just deport the non-Hungarian population, with the notable exception of the Rusyns. Of course doing it while the world is busy with Russia would be quite a lot easier, but we should still do it on our own. Treaties can be declared null and void, but fait accompli are fait accompli.

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Well that would require serious military reforms and a general rearmament of the country.
Even in this scenario, we should give territorial autonomy to the Rusyns (the military, foreign and financial affairs would remain in the hands of the government of Hungary, in everything else they could do whatever they want on the Autonomous State of Rusynland) in order to prevent them from revolting. Vlachs, gipsies and hohols need to go though, theres no question about that.

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All this salt in the thread but the other two options were Hillary and Bernie. What the hell were people supposed to vote for?


Der leaf

Zodiac Killer.

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Hope he runs in 2020.

Who was lied to? He's a New York democrat and has always been that.

Take a list of all the issues Americans care about - gun rights, israel dick sucking, border integrity, economic policy, etc - add these issues up and average them out, this is called an "topic matrix" in political stats. When it comes to Trump his topic matrix matched most closely the topic matrix of the states. That's purely why he won. You can point to a single issue today like gun rights and whine about it, but that doesn't change the same facts that led him to be elected, and will probably lead to his re-election.

The only candidate that might have out-edged trump in the averaged topic matrix was fucking Rand Paul, and he had no way of winning because he had no name recognition and he didn't seem to care about America as much.

Turks had no agriculture, they were pillaging nomads. All "turkic" cuisine is stolen from someone they raped and stole their clay from.

Again, the only thing that would be better is for DC to get nuked.

Frankly, we have been electing people who lie cheat and steal while getting away with it, we might as well hire an expert.

JEB 2020

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Jeb might have autism.

all boomers have autism

Is there a replacement for Zig Forums? I tried meguca and its empty, the others are not as populated. Its seems many Zig Forumslacks spread out to other boards or to riot/honeypot/tox.

We're a solid alternative

This makes so much sense.

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If this is my fate in 50 years then I rather turn into shrapnel inside of a government building (in Minecraft)

If you think about it, we're what comes after. The spergs at Zig Forums obsess over the "what" and the "why. We already know (((what))) is happening to our countries and (((why))) it's happening. Now, we're talking about the "how" we stop it. In minecraft, of course.

reported to fbi (in minecraft) :^)

Candidate Trump, not President Trump, who has governed to the left in many categories of Candidate Clinton.
he did well with strategically placed boomers because he is the boomer spirit animal. Many of them have died since 2016 and there are more DACA recipients in Michigan than his margin of victory.
And with all that he still lost the popular vote by 3 million because this country has 100 million plus non americans that are citizens.

Don't ban me please

Don't worry this minecraft server doesn't have a lot of rules


Isn't original cuckchan Zig Forums worse than Zig Forums and full of nogunners though?

Depended on the time of day.

Start constructing and sending.

Practice targeting electrical transformers and perhaps fuel lines.

That is all.

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It is like everyone forgot about the lolberturdianism cancer that infested this place.

This. Go the best things in life.
Crush the enemies and hear the lamentation of their women, fren.

Reminder that Zig Forums hates Zig Forums not because they refuse to accept truth, but because they accept truth and choose to do nothing. Once you know who your enemies are and what their motivations are, you don't talk about them any further. You start talking about how to neutralize them. That's why Zig Forums is garbage. They pretend like their cowardice is really just autistic truth-seeking.

So you're telling me to be Freiherr von Ungern-Sternberg and lead a bunch of pissed off injuns and whatever whites are around like a bunch of mongols to fuck some shit up?

2016 election didn’t make Zig Forums stronger. It killed what made Zig Forums unique. It’s now a board of welfare queen larpers taking themselves seriously. The most useful idiots to the left.

Ban well deserved tbh.

Sounds like you were asking for it since you think anyone who identifies as pagan is a "LARPer" and you actually believe the misinformation about the Norsemen of the Viking age and profession.

Oh and if the Norsemen were anything like their distant uncles of northern mainland Europe, they opposed homosexuality despite claims made by Jewish professors such as Greensburg. Also, the biggest useful idiots are Bible-thumpers who think embracing Middle Eastern religion that spread doctrines mandating public ignorance and the centralization of knowledge is somehow "pro-Western."

Let's not also forget that the Catholic Church and their royal associates gave the Jews exemption from the anti-literacy mandate imposed upon commoners.

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Go for it. Just be sure to use smuggled weapons, use brass catcher bags (leaves less evidence and allows for reload rounds), use revolvers (see previous detail), and try not to blow yourself up.

Oh and stop watching porn.

Eh, when shit kicks off its a war proper. People are armed well enough to knock the local stasi and whatever other federal goons that may lurk around out. Besides that, blowing things up is simple as is letting a dam go the way of a rockslide.

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wait for real?
redpill me on this. is there more than just the people pointing out that rosenberg had an obviously jewish last name?

Gee, thanks lad.

Hitler's literal best friend and closest ally since 1919, Emil Maurice, who was member #2 of the SS (Hitler was #1), was Jewish. Even after his secret got out and he had major conflicts with other leading members like Himmler, Maurice stayed close to Hitler, even if he had to publicly stop associating with him to keep up appearances. Hitler also personally censored several prominent SS and NSDAP photographs featuring Maurice, with some of them being as rushed as just scratching them out with a ballpoint pen. Hitler knew that he couldn't let his supporters find out or it would shake confidence in him, and he knew that other party leaders had issue with it, which is a major reason he also replaced Maurice as his chauffeur with Julius Schreck. Just one example, but probably one of the biggest examples and one of the least known or least allowed to be known among wehraboos.

Oh that fuck, tried demoting me on the steam group. Anyways, oldfag 8/pol/ types who didn't duped by Donny post at /fascist/ now

Yes that would be rad. At least the Baron was legit insane. Makes a case against trannies owning guns and letting REAL mental fuckups own the weapons, swords included.


At this point a total collapse would also be a good alternative as well.

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This information isn’t really unknown.

I've gotten all my posts deleted on Zig Forumseddit for mentioning it, and a thread discussing one of the photographs that turned out to have him in it was locked, so…

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It all mostly went to hell with anglo-puritans sucking kikel dick in hopes of them converting.
Before that is just european leaders cucking out their own people as it happens every time for some reason.
Also it's not like the kings were deaf to the peasantry, remember the 109 exiles and kikes being forbidden property and usury, and then everything went back to 0 again, it was a game of back and forth for 2 milleniums, until our current year.

Mixed race ethnic melting pot IQ at its finest.
I presume common core doesn't teach you about a thing called "oxymoron"?

Every thing good that happened is kosher.

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Everything is a false flag, but armed with that knowledge I do nothing to prevent the goals of false-flag from being accomplished; what I do however, is post online about how it was in fact, a false flag.

jesus. im guessing you're also the kind of dumbass who served zog without understanding what they are, and still believes that SOMEHOW the federal government has your best interests at heart.


they, unlike you, are not stupid, they are simply malevolent and consider americans enemy slaves. THEY ARE AGAINST YOU AND WERE BEFORE LINCOLN.

not me. i was wide awake before 9/11. people need to understand the federal government are slavers and only use us for tax revenue and cannon fodder. they wage more of a war against us than anything else in the world.

yet america, and the majority of Zig Forums line up every 4 years to vote. suckers.

vote from the rooftops of course. gotta grow up son. kill until you can seize the state

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On that topic, heroyim slava from your fellow Khohol :D

Baste; I'm glad the previously unrestricted sale of silencers will soon be regulated so aspiring assassins won't be able to make them any more.

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