Recovering fedoralord here.
How do I bring myself to truly believe in God? No matter how hard I try I still remain doubtful.
Recovering fedoralord here.
How do I bring myself to truly believe in God? No matter how hard I try I still remain doubtful.
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Do you act in accordance with your Christian faith?
Honestly I don't even feel Christian user, even though I want to be. I've told God I accept Christ as my saviour and have asked for forgiveness for my sins multiple times, but afterwards I never feel any different, if anything I just feel like an idiot.
My advice; read the lives of the saints, particularly the modern mystics. People like Padre Pio and St. Faustina Kowalska. St. Teresa of Avila, even though she's from the 16th century, is probably the best one you can read. Not only will they convince you of the reality of the supernatural world, they'll convince you of the ideal as well.
Here's a start.
In the privacy of your home just simply ask the Lord to save you. He will.
After all, if fathers that are bent towards evil give good things to their children,
how much more will God the Father give His Salvation (Jesus Christ) and His Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?
Think that Jesus Christ (God the Word incarnate) went to the extreme of the cross for us only to deny us at the end?
Read your King James Bible
Romans 10:17
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Keep praying and try to let go of your doubts when you do so. God WILL answer you before long.
If the bible can't convince you what will, If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. Do not be amazed that I said, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.
I would recommend praying the rosary
Try to actually put heart into it while praying, thinking about the mystery’s while reciting each Hail Mary. It should revive your faith in God.
Look at pics like these
I would study apologetics if I were you, to be honest. Surely at least one argument will convince you, and you can hold onto that in times of distress.
Besides that, start thanking God for the beautiful things in your life, and really drink them in when you come across them. I find I'm weakest when I'm ignoring the Good in my life.
Godspeed, user.
Study docrine.
IF I were to completely lose faith in the existence of God, I would continue to practice Christianity simply because I agree with it's values and doctrines so strongly.
pascals wager?
Or this
You sound like the sort that needs to go the intellectual route as well as the spiritual. But remember that the heart of the Christian story is Christ, not the book of Genesis although all the books have their place. The Fedora deception is to start by debunking Genesis and then declaring Christ died for nothing.
Really I'm right there with you in that I am currently sojourning with my comfortably irreligious parents, and they don't understand me anymore in the slightest. It's less a matter of what we discuss that they don't get and more a matter of faith itself.
Study the Bible with every fiber of brain matter you have. Seek God with a pure, good heart and you will find him.
That's the perfect first step, not the feeling like an idiot, but everything else.
Next, act in accordance with your beliefs- stop doing what you know is wrong.
Belief is just choosing to act on something. You already have belief. What you lack is faith- conviction is another word for it.
Faith is something God gives us through hearing the Word and prayer. Pray more. Read scripture more. Talk about scripture with your Christian brother more. Faith will come, but it's a gift. Perhaps the first thing God has decided to teach you is patience.
This is a Christian board. Please don't post such disgusting images.
Develop a spiritual life to gain true faith, as opposed to simple belief.
Pray, read scripture, be curious about Christianity, learn.
I was a previous fedoralord and I'm still slowly coming to terms with it
After seeing all of the shit leftists and Jews are promoting I am absolutely certain Satan and demons are real
If you need a logical route, pic rel might help
Look into apologetics. Look up RZIM David Wood. William Lane Craig.
Intellectually realizing the inevitability of God might make you work a little harder to build a relationship with Him.