Target got no-scoped in a garden when he's in vacation, discovered after one day.
Suspect unidentified so far.
Props to whoever did this, I thought this kind of assassination has become myths now.
Target got no-scoped in a garden when he's in vacation, discovered after one day.
Suspect unidentified so far.
Props to whoever did this, I thought this kind of assassination has become myths now.
Impressive, very nice.
Can one of the krauts explain who he was?
Ain't that something.
A fuck who basically stated if you oppose letting shitskins in, you should leave Germany.
Wer diese Werte nicht vertritt, kann dieses Land jederzeit verlassen, wenn er nicht einverstanden ist. Das ist die Freiheit eines jeden Deutschen
I do not condone any sort of violent acts, and never would.
guy that said if Germans don't want migrants, they have the right to leave the country
Fat commie nigger jew.
>complain to girlfriend that you never really see assassinations taking place these days beyond some fag blundering his way through it and either getting caught or killed weeks ago
Wonder if they'll actually find him soon and if we'll see more people try and do this sort of thing, not that I would condone such actions
That alone is quite the head start for the guy, he could be in an entirely different country by now
I assume someone shot him with a rifle, therefore they have fuck all to go after except whatever remains of the bullet.
Naw, just laugh at the traitor who had his brains made into a Pollock.
Guess they missed one. Godspeed, Werwolf.
Only satire, Verfassungsschutz. Violence is bad and violence against government officials and police is doubleplus bad.
The guy who mysteriously shot up the ball game a day before the hearing protection act was going to be heard used an SKS, not an AR.
First those GSG operators got caught last year and a politician gets domed?
Shit happens lads.
Could any Germans confirm my speculation that a significant portion of you secretly hate the current government and want it out but go along with it in public because you dislike disrupting public order and would rather your intentions not be known until its too late for the opposition to resist?
At this point, I think the germans are way more fucking serious in killing their politicians than the americans to be quite honest fampai.
I suppose the germans finally feel like it.
My thoughts are with the prayers for his family. Such senseless violence has no place in proper society. I mean what message does it send when we start hurting the people put in place to keep us safe and informed, like politicians, lobbyists, journalists, and media executives? Absolutely abhorrent and detestable.
They'll never find him, it was perfectly done. There's almost no way to catch someone like that. The commie got shot from a long distance and nobody even heard a thing. The best the cops can do is find where the shot was taken from, but even then unless the shooter was retarded enough to leave his fingerprints around then they can't do anything.
Also reminder that this is a minecraft role-playing discussion forum and nobody in here supports violence, bigotry and racism
All he has to do is to take a train to Poland, then go to Ukraine, or Greece.
He just disappears.
was this guy by any chance on the commie hit-list?
They don't seem to talk about it, they just do it.
Also, nice ID, babe.
Commies/muslims aren't good enough to do silent assassination, their assassination are loud, messy and with an patsy/mentally ill nigger arrested right away.
i mean brentons
Brenton isn't all that loud and messy tbh.
fuck man I'm talking about brentons hit-list that he made
Well, didn't see this fat commie mentioned in his manifesto.
Makes me want to play the original Hitman trilogy again. Especially blood money. I can’t stand the new episodic bullshit from the newest Square enix games. Absolution has its moments. But are the new Hitman worry playing?
When in doubt, piracy.
I only played new Hitman 1. Aside from the Italian level, most of the levels are utterly forgettable with very clearly heavily marked assassination paths.
Gone are the days of noticing a giant chandelier hanging above your target and crawling up into the highest parts of the building to see if you can drop it, now the 47 tells you "there's a giant chandelier, it would sure be a tragedy if someone severed the cable holding it up right as my target walks past".
The easier difficulties even tell you a step-by-step plan with map markers if you so much as exist in the same room as something that could be used for an assassination. Also, much more bland targets. They haven't really got too much personality that is shown through gameplay and level design. I longed for Absolution's Texan, and that should tell you how bad it is.
Protip: If this was in way connected to some sort of "right wing terrorism" they'll be screaming it from the rooftops soon enough and get busy cracking down on gun laws, "hate speech" and dissidents.
More likely to be some mudshit mafia clan or a radical leftie tbh.
One minecraft politician down, fuck knows how many more to go.
I don't think so considering how professional the hit is.
And they will be blaring their horns soon enough, but they need to find a suspect, any of them.
They'll do it anyway, just like they're doing it now. Same as how they love to classify islamic terror attacks as "right wing attacks" because they're done in the name of a conservative religion.
provided he picked up the casing, didn't get filmed by a CCTV, and nobody saw him, they can't find him. There will be literally nothing tying him to the crime. Given that a day has passed, it is unlikely he was seen (else the witness probably would have reported a guy firing his gun in a residential area), so all they're going to do now is try to figure out where he fired from and scrutinise the area, hoping he did not pick up the casing. While they do that, they'll also pull footage from any CCTVs in the area in the hopes of at least getting a list of suspects.
If they hated their government, they wouldn't keep reelecting merkel or throw their votes to radical leftists.
Finally someone who knows how to minecraft competently.
If dubs perp is KSK from Day X
They've got pretty much nothing to go on at the moment, and he's got enough of a head start to be literally anywhere else on the planet by now. The only way they'll get him is if he turns himself in or if he had an accomplice who decided to talk (and he decided to flee to somewhere that has an extradition treaty with Germany).
They're decent but you have to turn off every notification thing if you want to get the Hitman feel again.
And I like the elusive target thing, it's bonkers (basically it's monthly missions you're meant to take on the hardest difficulty and if you fuck up and they escape… they're gone forever).
It definitely peaked with blood money but the new 1 & 2 aren't so bad you shouldn't play them.
About time!
Show us your tits, babe
Dubs, what do?
Yeah, we only got a scene of self-radicalizing commies with a penchant for domestic terrorism (who deliberately sent people to Syria and Ukraine for combat experience), increasingly violent Kurdish, Arab and Albanian clans controlling much of organised crime and several foreign intelligence agencies operating in the country with impunity but let's get with the IT WAS A ONE MAN RIGHT WING SQUAD OPERATOR because memes.
Except the only time this happend was the Munich shooting, where tried to pretend Ali David Sonboly was really called "David S." who was some kind of Nazi.
Most of the time the explanation is now "mentally distrubed" or "domestic violence" when shit goes down.
Mechanically wise it's slightly below blood money, Season 1 has the best maps, season 2 are mediocre except Miami and Mumbai.
Season 2 isn't episodic, it's GaaS (^:
Also now published by warner kikes who are so asshurt about Poland, they decided to not commission Platige Image to do cutscenes for S2, resulting in a AAA game having fucking stills slide show as "cutscenes" inbetween missions.
The writing took a fucking nose dive off a cliff so there's more reason to skip them.
But it's on the medium difficulty with added complication that you can't restart once you die or complete any objective.
Clearly it was a GROM operative who noticed kurds arabs and albanians don't make for good neighbors (^:
Gods I hate cucks like you when any cool happens it's the fucking albanian kurd turk behind it.
Either ways, if what you say it's true, you ought to learn from them and kill more jews, muds and shabbo goyim.
I do not condone any illegal acts, and I hope this bad goy gets what he deserves.
Looks like a setup for another false-flag series of murders framing some shadow nazi terrorists group which actually consisted of informers who infiltrated neo-nazi groups:
Unfortunetly, most German normalcattle is far too brainwashed and authority-obedient to ever question anything "official". Especially the pensioners are bad, since they receive all their "news" from state media or giant jewish media companies in via talmudivision.
Aha I see someone has read the works of Rex Feral.
What's a pensioner?
Oh yeah it's the guy that worked all his life that is gonna be left without 1€ when Deutsche Bank finally bites it.
No amount of petty false flagging is gonna change that.
Was someone after the war given a choice between "Germany will be run by CIA but pretending to be independent on a license until 2099" or "Germany will be governed by an Occupational Government openly"?
I hope the fake nazi can somehow false flags themselves into power.
Hitman 2018 is either the best or second best in the series depending on who you’re talking to, but rest assured it’s a pretty good game and difficulty is customizable to your liking.
2016 has better maps though, some mechanics are better too.
Going by our history we're more likely to kill feds than politicians.
Minecraft griefing is hilarious
No, they decided on "why not both?" and split Germany in two.
Is DB really 30 cents away from insolvency?
Communism wins again, not only you're objectively miserable but also nobody's pretending it's a legitimate government oppressing you. :^(
Dunno, but it lose over 70 cents since you posted
nevermind that, I'm retarded
Glück ab, Putsh-Chan.
I don't know if it's 30 cents, but yeah it's clear it's dying.
They're under investigations for multiple frauds, it's known they're full of junk, etc…
When the biggest bank in continental Europe and shares aren't worth a movie ticket it's pretty obvious there is something very very wrong with it.
sounds like he was killed by his government. cant have those right wing protestants rising up.
professional job
He's not a "right wing protestant".
He WAS a boomer cunt neocon trash.
Mutt much?
Stupid dumb mutt scum.
Wouldn't surprise me if they just grabbed some fag off the street and called him the assassin just to pretend this wasn't the perfect kill, and the killer got away.
The dead cunt was a literal neoZOG puppet. The goodest goy.
All naysayers should pull their heads out of their asses.
Listen to the extraordinarily rare intelligent polacke
Are you incapable of reading? He meant he wouldn't be surprised if the authorities grab some fag off the streets to save face, since their chances of getting a lead is going to be hilariously low.
I'll give you that the translation you got seemed a bit wonky but come on nigger, read the fucking thread
German media is already barking about ‘right wing extremist terrorism’.
Are you joking?
I don't think that's how it works, here pensions are drawn from active workers' wages
Germoney is an hybrid system. You have a mandatory part that is directly redistributed (like France and Italy, commie idea from right after the war and they had to be placated) and a "volunteer" part (which as all things voluntary in Germany isn't) that is invested in pension funds, largely by the Deutsche Bank.
Not everyone has the "volunteer" pension but most "good" jobs do.
I think that might be obvious Uganda.
Hypothetically asking for purely educational purposes, Why are these kinds of assassination attempts so rare these days? How are they being countered?
Lack of motivation, cowardice, fear of being jailed.
Operation like requires months and years to do, especially when it's a high value target and you don't have any 3rd party backing you up.
Media hammer into people's heads that every perpetrator will be caught sooner or later. Even ITT you can see anons go "he already fled the country" and similar shit. No, if he's good, he's chilling at home, in germany, like nothing had happened because he knows he won't be caught. It is actually very difficult to catch a criminal if he wasn't caught or recorded in the act. You've got to realise that the bulk of violent crimes are done either by low-IQ subhumans or in very personal disputes where the perpetrator is extremely obvious (and often turns himself in).
Another matter is CCTVs - you need to account for them and make sure to avoid them.
If you seek to eliminate someone, remember:
#1: there is no crime if there is no body. Both mafia and (successful) serial killers often employ a tactic of getting rid of the body, be it through concrete boots at the bottom of the lake, dissolving it in acid, or even just burying it in a good place. As long as there is no body, the person will be listed as missing, usually days after you did him in (people will just assume he maybe went somewhere etc. and the police won't work with a homicide theory until much later, if at all).
#2 if you use a gun, always pick up the casing. Always.
#3 get rid of the murder weapon. If you somehow make it on a suspect list, they'll search for one, and even if you cleaned your raifu and all, they can simply take a shot with and and see if the rifling scratchs on the bullets match. If they do, you're fucked
#4 If you need to have an alibi, you're already one leg in jail. It means you are among the suspects, meaning you fucked up and someone saw you or you got recorded or your fucking car was spotted or something. Better prepare one (or several) prior to doing the thing, and a good one at that. If there's someone in on the thing with you, it's good to have him cover for you, saying your were with him the whole time or similar. If they don't have solid proof, it can get you outside the suspect list entirely; several murderers managed to escape this way
#5 opsec. Don't write shit on social media or talk to your pals about how you wish leftists all got killed, etc. It can land you in deep shit while being perfectly preventable.
Does anyone have good sources on this actually working/being used as evidence?
It's basically fantasy Hollywood Batman shit.
It is complete bullshit and that Strelok is an idiot for even suggesting it, because rifling patterns for cartridges are pretty much standard and many different rifles and pistols will have the exact same pitch, number of grooves, etc, not to mention that even if it's a weird unique pattern then all that can do is maybe tell you which model of gun was used. There is no link whatsoever between that and being able to tell which gun fired a bullet. It does not provide any meaningful forensic proof at all, and any law enforcement claiming that it does work is entrapping the accused. If that tactic is used, then the accused is almost certainly innocent, because they have to rely on imaginary nonsense instead of any real evidence.
Maybe in the 1920s and 1930s it worked, because standardization wasn't as strong, and tools weren't as precise. I can also imagine that some gunsmiths still rifled their own barrels with handtools. But I doubt that you can e.g. tell apart one hammer-forged barrel from an other, especially if they were made in the same tooling. And smaller manufacturers just buy barrel blanks made by a select few companies. I'd say you'll be fine if you aren't using some weird home-made barrel.
Also, if kikepedia isn't lying, then you just have to empty a magazine and you are safe:
You are already caught.
There are suspicion that GRU assassinated hundreds of people in Europe its just these death were not treated as murders.
This makes me happy!
Open hunting season on politicians when?