Is the PAK army any good? When I was in the AF I did some training with the PAF and they seemed pretty squared away

Is the PAK army any good? When I was in the AF I did some training with the PAF and they seemed pretty squared away

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hi rajeet

depends on what you consider "good"

There are health benefits to that though. It trains the body to fight disease.

Your immune system knows how to do that by itself, it doesn't need you to swim in shit first


I don't see this hefty body of crap fighting disease called Indians.

wow u bigot, chill bro
all i see r a bunch of guys/girls who have a brite future in java programming :)

Heightened immunity usually involves not succumbing to disease first.

Everything Ive read and heard about them is that they are the usual retard tier middle eastern military. Mostly clueless and corrupt. Any time that our guys have tried to work with them they have fucked around too much to accomplish anything.

You idiot, OP is Chinese.

If that's the case…
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History suggests that whilst the paf is not useless the army and navy are shit

Decent Army, good level of equipment with an above average balance between quality vs quantity. Their shit is mostly domestic picking the best features from Ukrainian (Russian), Chinese and American designs.

Quality of training is high and their ISI isn't a joke, successfully coordinating the Mujahideen against the Soviet's and then successfully coordinating Al-Qaeda as a buffer against Nato .

Pak special forces are pretty good too, being the Gulf's top choice in

Their airforce, well just see the news.

Navy is shit tier, but has decent French boats and sub capable nuclear tipped cruise missiles.

Speaking of Nuclear weapons, afaik Pakistan has 10's of davey crocket-esque systems in active service as well as over 200 nuclear weapons.

I'd rank them in the top somewhere between top 12-15 in the world

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Read Eating Grass: The Making of the Pakistani Bomb. It's by a former Brig. Gen. in the Pakistani military in charge of the nuclear program (after they got the bomb), but seems fairly accurate. It goes into much more detail than just their nuclear program as most of the country somehow was involved/affected by the program. It's not an incredibly hard read. From what I've gathered, is right about the ISI's competence. It also discusses the ways they procured military equipment due to foreign affairs during the Cold War (kind of back and forth between the US and USSR) and post-Cold War (mostly China).

I hate it when nigger mods delete the original comment and leave all the replies. Makes me want to spit in their Arizona sweet tea jugs

Do you think Chinese have their own copy of that pasta in Engrish about IQ disparity between blacks and other races, nobel prize winners, holocaust numbers and others directed at 白左?

not really

Chances are they would somehow still get flagged for some obscure term and get shipped off to the gulag.

The Chinese are redpilled on the 黑鬼

Attached: how the chinese deal with miscegenation.mp4 (202x360, 1.27M)

The usual ME shitters, only with better gear than Yemen of Afghanistan. Of course, ME shitters are better than street shitters at warfare