Why is reddit so atheist? What is it about that site that turns its users into such disgusting, spiritually bereft fedora tippers and what can we do to fight the rising tide of new atheism?
Why is reddit so atheist? What is it about that site that turns its users into such disgusting...
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You're not fighting atheists, but types of nihilism and cargo cults. Their forum is devoted to self-actualization and idols. Positivism is a philosophical train-wreck, it uses circuital logic for value and requires accreditation from an authority.
Transcendence, that's is the only way to bring back the spiritually dead. Teach them how to have spiritual experiences to commune with God, this something that most Christians have forgotten how to do. Greenpill sciences and studying ancient myths is actually what got me to try spiritual practices. Meditations, fasting and cold showers.
Nothing wrong with reddit itself, its just popular and thus attracts more normies and averages. And you know what people these are.
Plus the websites' rules allow for censorship of unpopular opinions.
The entire site is admin by SJWs from top to bottom.
Sage for the third Reddit thread this month
Atheism thrives when free speech is limited
Pretty much all of history disagrees with this statement.
If anything it is the opposite. When you relax the moral and religious standards in a country, then the fedoras come out of the woodwork.
What I don't get is that they're all so incredibly smug about how superior they are, but when you go through the comments of so many posts it's obvious a huge number of them are desperately unhappy losers. How many memes get posted there every day about how "All my friends are out partying and I'm just here on the couch watching Netflix, lol! Introvert life!". They try to play it off as quirky but it's transparently obvious that so many of them drown their nihilism in dumb geek culture and nerd shit. They base their entire identities around what they consume. What movies and TV shows they watch, what they eat, what they listen to, what videogames they play, their personalities are entirely defined by what media they consume.
Redditors are the epitome of bugmen. They have zero introspection, zero self awareness, they just live to mindlessly move from one fad to the next.
They have everything to do with free speech. When you no longer enforce an orthodoxy that cannot (and should not) be questioned, you open up the doors to scepticism and then outright blasphemy.
Free speech is incompatible with Christanity and only larpers think otherwise.
If you think it would help, think of a few examples where atheism flourished as a result of there being no free speech.
I think the churches were weak philosophically and culturally, they forgot how to instill humility with rhetoric. Their greatest mistake was allowing psychology to replace spiritual practices and agency. They allowed alien faiths to manipulate their doctrine under the guise of secularism, like tabla rasa, universalism, self-actualization and egalitarianism. Many don't even realize their theology is infested with foreign noble lies of the times.
Christian religious leaders would quickly upend everything because someone said their religion might be naughty to please outsiders, like they're marketing a product. Casting their pearls before swine over and over again.
Communist countries and Asia in general, people that have religious experiences or had non-party beliefs were often thrown into gulags.
A big reason I hate orthodox church is they handed out lists of people that attended church to commissars instead of resting them with every fiber of their being, they betrayed their flock so they could keep their gilded trinkets for a little while longer.
USSR, Modern day China..
The USA.
Speaking only of the medieval Catholic Church, I think I agree somewhat. When Luther came along he actually begged to be debated and proven wrong but from what I understand no one would bother with it, they just told him to shut up and go away, then excommunicated him when he persisted.
Personally I put this down to hubris and complacency on the part of the leaders of the church as well as a kind of exhaustion on their part, too. The days of disputations seemed to be gone, due to the sheer volume of novel heretical sects that seemed to be appearing, and so it seemed that it was decided that the best ways of dealing with them was either to destroy them or to tell them to stop, hoping they would come to their senses because "Roma locuta, causa finita."
I think we might be arguing at crossed purposes here.
Those countries are both officially/state-atheist because of the enforced Party orthodoxies, AND they don't have freedom of speech for the same reason (or at least the kind that "matters" i.e. criticising government and being able to live). These were religious/traditionally minded nations which had much of their culture erased by rationalist-materialists, and were told that Gods are dumb superstitions and that only man and the state matter, and any opposition to this was also destoryed. These countries didn't incidentally become atheist because the state bore down heavily on them and took away their "free speech" (in Imperial Russia or Manchu China of all places), they were made atheist because the state demanded it.
The point is freedom of speech can be suppressed to force any particular viewpoint. Of course if there is state-mandated Christianity more people will claim to be Christians, but this also could go the other way, like with China and the USSR. Also, censoring people's questions will leave them unanswered, and result in them falling away from faith.
I get that, which is why I believe catechism is essential. It's why I believe we should be using that great treasury of apologetics more often, from the very top of the hierarchy down to the pews, and even beyond where necessary.
There is nothing more ridiculous to me than hearing from some apparently earnest soul some stndard tale like "I asked my priest/nun in school a question about [abortion/homosexuality/contraception/islam/the Flood] and they couldn't answer it so it made me start to question the faith in general". It's little things like this that help break up the flock, and these little cracks have had seismic effects on devotion in the past century, where it seems like once again the Church is slipping into complacency.
Free speech (i.e. the diversity of opinions) does not need to play a part in this, however. Sure let them ask questions, but let them always remember that there is an ultimate Orthodoxy.
just a product of modern day culture. you can be pretty openly christian on the_donald, that's about it really. the christianity subreddit's top active mod is an atheist, regularly denigrates christianity, and "homophobia" is a bannable offence there. it's all just one big joke.
we need to step up and be more hardline, make it hell for people who are trying to push this atheistic christianity. the issue is that christians stopped standing up for ourselves. we allowed people to just endlessly shittalk falsehoods about the church and the faith to the extent that people actually believed it.
What weird Marxist history book are you reading? Guess North Korea, USSR, Cuba, etc were/are a bastions of free speech
Without free speech Christians couldn't speak up about issues like infanticide. Also there are many disagreements between denominations.
Christians had a weird phobia of philosophy, believing them to be demonic pagan religions so it stunted Western thought for a long time– this really started with Constantine. Aristotle was The Philosopher, end of story.
The Enlightenment occurred and books became more plentiful, a man's reason alone could be the objective observer. The Churches didn't know what to do, they dealt in dogma and communities, not in rhetoric or debates.
Going forwards, humility will be key, the Churches need to seize the corrupted humanities and to expose the unstated faiths of those that call themselves secular. The reality of philosophy is you need at least one miracle to explain the rest, they have some sort of metaphysical, circular logics or mystical epistemological assumptions– you most expose it to the Spirit of Truth.
You are getting the cart before the horse here. Those Marxists only came along because the princes of Christendom decided that profit and convnience were more important than orthodoxy.
With or without freedom of speech, it shouldn't matter. We have a pedigree of defiance of unjust satanic laws. This would be as ridiculous as early Christians appealing to the Roman State to complain that being made to offer incense violated their freedom of conscience. They just refused to do it, and for the glory of God their sacrifice is why we are here today.
This garbage needs to end. People who don’t cuck to the jews in pic related just take phase 2 to its logical conclusion and decide since jews are evil God is evil and become gnostics, which is what the jews want because they invented that heresy and it’s literally just a means of control. The sweetness, pacifism, and cuckoldry you are seeing in Christianity today is soy injections to keep Christians asleep. All our institutions are infiltrated to keep us ignorant and passive and far from ever fighting evil, just like Pike’s letter predicted.
Christian Zionism is the worst attack on Christianity in it's history. Everything started to go downhill when the Protestants started believing that "Israel" in the Bible literally meant the state of Israel and not the body of believers in Christ.
This is a misreading of late antiquity and medieval philosophy. Most early fathers believed in the worth of some pagan philosophy, believing that you shouldn't toss the baby out with the bathwater. St Basil the Great even recommends it in his Address to Young Men, advising young men to treat pagan philosophy like bees treat flowers - take what is good, but not necessarily everything.
This is a serious claim to make, so I would like some sort of subsantiation. Even if you take the fact that the Western Church suffered a kind of intellectual "slump" (although it didn't, really), the old scholarly tradition was still alive and well in the East.
Also, Aristotle wasn't "The" Philosopher because he was the only one people knew, he was "The" philosopher because he was considered the best. This would be like arguing that St Paul was the only apostle because of how many FAthers referred to him as "The" apostle.
I don't know where you are getting your information from, but disputation with pagans and Jews was a real thing up until the Reformation, with missions going as far as China and Japan do debte the veracity of the Christian religion against local priests.
It's been around for a long time. During Hellenistic period of the early days of Christianity, it was hippies commune verses imperial cult, the sellouts threw the hippies to the loins and burned most their books to consolidate the Church doctrine. Now you know why PAY TAXES is the bible.
It’s such an obvious semantic trick too. Jews behave nothing like a people chosen by God should, whereas well-behaved white Christians do. That’s probably why most people who live near jews aren’t zionists.
Constantine kicked off a few centuries of terror. Catholic church was never ever as bad, I don't think they chased mathematicians through the streets calling them magicians after being shown the endless chocolate bar trick.
Oh, missionaries are good at debating and using theosophy. But I was speaking of domestic churches.
Your source is an anti-Christian guy who cites his own books?
Even taking it at face value, I thought you implied something else (that is, the "le ebul Constantinianity" meme). I can deal with suppressing pagans.
Again, that's a scandalous claim to make about theosophy.
About domestic churches, I already covered this by talking about disputations.
This is going to come off as elitist, fart-sniffing and normalfag bashing, maybe even similar to something fedoras themselves would say, but I think it's true. Religious people tend to either have high-level intelligence or low-level intelligence. The people in the middle, however, tend to drift towards atheism because they are smart enough to ask all the big philosophical, theological, and scientific questions, unlike the people with low-level intelligence, but they are unable to comprehend the answers to those questions, unlike the people with high-level intelligence. I'm not saying these people can't be saved, anyone can, these just people have a greater tendency to drift towards atheism for some reason.
TL;DR:atheists are usually normalfags of middling intelligence and reddit is mostly made up of normalfags of middling intelligence. You do the math.
Don't be retarded user
Holy quints!
Entertainment is satanic prayer.
They can't spend 15 minutes without going to their phone, Netflix, video games, etc.
This low attention span makes their very existence hell on Earth. They can't spend 5 minutes inside their own head. They truly are in hell already.
Of course, it's a feedback loop.
The way they answered the question that it is either God or the Void, is by never asking it in the first place by instead listening to black man mumbling over electronic music, watching anime and playing video games.
as a Mormon it's just annoying to see how obnoxiously atheist Reddit is, if someone wants to be atheist their loss but Reddit needs to chill and go to therapy
I don't get it.
Are you mocking him?
The best and realest post in this thread. The modern world is a gigantic invention to take people outside of themselves… But not in the way God wants them to (towards Him) but with trite distractions.
There is no safer road to hell.
Read about Justin Martyr.
I really should stop coming to this place.
Thank you.
St John Crysostom also had a very strong opinion about how theatrics are unChristian for this reason. I wonder what he would've said about Netflix, which is owned by the nephew of Edwards Bernays and is related to Freud.
My man.
What the winnie the pooh? How do these people even call themselves Christian?
tfw when i look this up and it's true. How much of society is pure satanistic conspiracy?