"Avenatti on Tuesday tweeted a "sworn declaration" from a woman named Julie Swetnick who claims the Supreme Court nominee was involved in "gang" rapes in the early 1980s. She claims Kavanaugh was "present" when she became a "victim" of one of those alleged assaults. Swetnick’s accusations follow claims of sexual misconduct during high school and college against Kavanaugh from two other women."
4chan story bullshit. Inbred trash still dont get it
true news!
There's absolutely Russian bots on 4chan
Why are you here if you hate so much Whites?
Die kike.
In fairness, she does look like white trash.
I say OP is a commie full of hatred and envy.
Sodomize yourself again, if you didn't already do it.
Die homo.
but did Kavanaugh participate?
How many fucked her?
cumskins will soon be extinct. I only came here to laugh at you
why are they sliding this news? why?
stop sliding the news
The implication that any part of these proceedings, much less the whole "listen and believe" narrative, has had a single thing to do with the concept of justice fills me with a violent, revolutionary wrath.
Well, she'd never settle for you, so what status does that leave you Schlomo/Tyrone/Jose?
4Chan stories are usually trash, but why don't muslims get it?
Fucking Earth tards and their delusions
OP is always a faggot, but this OP is a super mega giga nigger commie faggot, who is probably jerking it right now to the vid of Zig Forums board owner chugging cock.
Anyone who settles for you either has really low standards or has none at all, so now what?
They're too self-righteous
Who isn't.
wrong board
>>>Zig Forums
Have a windmill of peace .
your mom is white trash
If that's the type of woman you want to further your progeny, you'd be diluting it more than if you racemixed
I wouldn't go that far, I'd rather have the flu than cancer, but yeah. Would not.
They are called Pakistanis user
Political cartooning has really gone downhill.
8ch run by kike niggers
I wouldn't get anywhere near that skank, black or white
that's rich coming from a kike with a 1/4 chance of inheriting tay sachs
Zig Forums would win.
hold on, I think there were 4 or 5 people that still had any respect left for women.