510 days remain

Florida will ban assault weapons in 510 days

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Who cares?

post a link to an article I can read.


Start building the IEDs to take out those rainbow fags.

Also, northern Florida should split from southern Florida.

Anyway, isn't what Florida is trying to do literally illegal that goes against the constitution? Wouldn't it technically make it perfectly legal for the population to shoot anyone trying to force this law, including the cops?

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They could, but they won't.
Most americans are cucks.

So is 90% of what zognald does. Americans LARP about "!muh constitution", but they don't actually give a shit about it and won't fight to defend it.

come on. The problems in this country cannot be solved with secession (only repatriation). Just as the left the left sees compromise as a stepping stone, the left will use secession to consolidate control where they have it as a vehicle to take over the places that seceded.

Even in NY, no one complied with the new laws from 2014. And there a bunch of yank fucks.

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Has florida ever has a mass shooting? I don't remember the last time they had.


Buy many guns and bury the guns like strayans do.

Kikes know amerilards won't do shit, so they're free to trample over the constitution however they want. The moment the population isn't willing to enforce the constitution with force of arms, is the moment when the constitution becomes nothing but a scrap of toilet paper. Of course, kikes don't want to be too obvious about it, so they just put some puppet into supreme court who then rules some bullshit like:

literally this, not to mention most "muh constitution" faggots drop it when they are called racist. Like that boomer militia in washington that sided with communists.

like the cubans, haitians, dominicans, puerto ricans and niggers in that state are going to comply…

Rights and the constitution are meaningless ideas that exist only to fool cattle into thinking they have some sort of inherent, inalienable freedoms so they can just do nothing, sit on the couch and watch niggerball all day and think everything is fine while the government does whatever it wants.
Might is the only thing that matters, if you can't enforce your will through power, you have nothing. The Government has an endless supply of zogbots willing to say
and the most of the populace will cheer if any of them huwhite right wing extremists get burnt alive because they questioned people with badges.

Will you retards ever stop acting like they give a shit about people complying?
If someone buries a gun in the ground or a closet it's already effectively gone, it's an inanimate object that is useless unless someone is willing to use it to deliver peanut butter.

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The constitution as is and as it was set up is useless, there are no objective determinations and everything revolves around 'interpreting' its meaning, so one man can say that 'hurr they only knew about muskets so 2nd amendment wrong' and another can say 'the point was to be able to defend yourself against gov' but no matter how wrong or right either is, their arguments are equally worthless as everything lawful is determined by court precedents (the judges of which are subvertable and subverted, and are brain-damaged boomers regardless) that change every couple decades. On a whim there may or may not be a federal challenge to this law, and if there is it has a fairly equal chance of going either way. If the law passes and some guy goes shooting up cops it doesn't matter what he thinks the constitution means, because since said law passed it became legally part of the 2nd amendment, in that some form of "assault weapons" or whatever are exempted. Amendable constitutions are an absolute useless meme, though unamendable ones have different but nearly as many problems.

Even posting an ironic meme image of Stirner is enough to make me immediately hostile towards anything you say, even if I agree that the constitution is shit. That man was a sack of shit, a literal actual cuck and his teachings are so absolutely fucking retarded it's beyond belief; "we owe each other nothing so murder and infanticide is ok".

FL Gov got rid of Kike "Sheriff Israel" of Parkland fame.

What happened? I also notice the new FL Gov did NOT step in to commute or reduce the sentences of the Unite The Right guys.

Must be difficult to even breath if you are stupid enough to unironically think anyone in the government would act in the interests of whites.

>(((gail schwartz)))

literally a jewess

Congratulations, you described ALL firearms. Not just the ones in shithole states.

Broward County doesn't have the best reputation I hear.

That's a loaded question.
Florida will see a shift in illegal goods trafficking, surrounding states will see this effect as well. Underground/black market trading will give rise to all kinds of online buying-selling interactions. Those parents ho sign and support the act will feel just a little safer giving their kids access to shooting games instead of guns to begin with, but the others around them will never give up their guns and kids will always find a way to get their hands on them because they feel it's the only thing protecting them.

I mean, do you want to hear the part that you've already heard a thousand ties before, like it's the parents' fault, and taking away guns doesn't stop violent crimes, fight fire with fire, etc. etc.? Or do you want to hear about the other sociological and political effects that something like this might have on the surrounding economy, what it says about the American state of mind; or, perhaps, something else?
It should matter to you on some minuscule level, at least seeing how it all kind of happens again and again, seeing how it fails, seeing how to prepare for it, teaching others what you know, furthering the whole, 'conscious awareness' experience of being alive and sharing this world with your neighbors. Namaste, eat a dick.

It'd be simpler to just nuke all the cities, cause the US to collapse, and then have comfy Stalker or Fallout times in the american wasteland.

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Glhf, ((((Schwarz))))

lurk more before posting

she has the same traits as this jewess I work with. definitely a kike. OP's pic looks like it could be her mom.

Thanks Turkroach mod.


Florida is california 2.0 same number of spics and liberals.

Although I cant wait for shills to blame this on Trump somehow.