Title says it all, post your wild, wacky, and wonderful boomsticks that some crazed machinist dreamed up in his garage and somehow made without killing himself.
Creative Guns thread
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As for me? I always wanted somebody to make another dual-magazine weapon. it's autismo as fuck but GOD I want one so bad.
somewhat related honeypotposting
And I always wanted a pepperbox.
This thread is lonely
The YEET pistol.
The filename is the weapon name
Honestly I'm so mad that we can't have shit like this.
It's only a render, but DO WANT
I still have a boner for this gun
Some weapons engineers deserve to be shot with their own creations
What the fuck is that and why can't we have it?
I'm guessing it's a prop gun, possibly meant for a booth at a show, and the forward grip is supposed to house a second magazine. The concept has been tried before, but it never caught on, and I believe that adding a permanent vertical foregrip to a handgun makes it an "any other weapon" under the NFA in the US.
Do you fire the gun by squeezing the knuckle duster thing?
Only thing I recognise is the mg42/34 feed cover and the ak foregrip
Also the ak barrel and gasblock, making the gas go through the foregrip, is that smart?
I also see a G3/PTR91 grip and trigger group
Bipod seems to be RPK
Cover is a 42, can be see with the bent piece on the back.
Receiver looks custom.
What do the guts look like though?
It already exists, PP2000
Supposedly the north Koreans have giant helical mags for ak's, could well just be propaganda though as the idea seems very impractical
You see it in a lot of the Nork propaganda photos they send out, they seem to be rather proud of it. Thinking about it though, particularly with that cut down folding stock the weight balance on that has to be fucking terrible. I mean if you just want to go full retard from the hip with an 80-100 round mag (hitting nothing) then I guess it would work, I can't see any non-autistic uses for it though.
Creativity died centuries ago.
Fuck off muttposter
Show me the last creative thing that came out of this century or even the previous one.
We've been stagnating for hundreds of years.
Why? So you can just screech NUH UH at everything I post?
This game you're playing has been done so many times I could probably samefag the entire catalog epin replies you've got in mind and make this thread look like the thousands of others that have been shat up by this unoriginal faggotry.
So you admit that we've been stanating and nothing creative or new has been made?
Yeah if that'll get you to fuck off
They why do we have this thread then if nothing creative or new was made?
I guess you're sticking around no matter what then, filtered.
Why are you an oversensitive gay nigger, mein freund?
PP-2000 can have it's magazine as the stock.
How the hell would that work? Is it a mechanism that takes the bullets? Are the bullets in packs of 4 in the magazine? Is the magazine just a prop and its a breech loader? What the fuck?
The gun that was posted before can't do that, Strelok. That has nothing to do with anything. Why did you even reply to those posts?
What the fuck is that?
It's a simple break-action pistol with 4 barrels. Yes, it's retarded.
Vid related. Yes, it's retarded.
Ayy, I guess the solution to creating more creative weapons are making ones that are functionally worst than existing ones!
Not like there are any ridiculous weapon bans in one of the most gun carrying countries in the world, thus making any pet project of making any functionally better weapon than those presently used by the military both illegal and impossible to make profit from. All hail the canadian Flag!!!
How do I craft a subtle microwave or sonic weapon to attack antifas in minecraft
Sonic weapons are tricky, unless you're just trying to pump enough decibels into an area to make anyone in there very uncomfortable then it's not so much tricky as huge, unwieldy, inflexible, and a pain in the ass. You can recover a magnetron from any commercially available microwave, but if you need to ask for directions on what to do with it you're probably best leaving them where they are.
no u
It's been done before.
any other shotguns load from the top?
Specifically the North Korean unit that use it is Nork Secret Service.
It's literally meant to spray and pray the crowd, let the Eternal General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea sort them out.
What is this user? I find it both sexy and disgusting at the same time..
Never mind, found the video
I suppose that's a probable combat scenario for the Norks. How soon before we see similar weapons issued to British, Euro, and American police?
Pretty much.
kek I need to use this sometime
Holy shit, how new are you?
It's 10 gauge iirc
it kills me that this camo exists
COP. 357 already did this
It draws fire towards the individual soldier making the enemy easier to see while increasing the prospects of heroism in service to the dear leader across the entire KPA.
Plus Kim Jong Il wanted to play dress up with his soldiers and thought that they 'looked kinda cool' in those colours.
when the video started with "pee pee" I laughed
It looks like the bib they gave paratroopers back in the day to hide their white shirts.
I'd still like this gun, but with modern guns glued to the dagger, with small magazines. And a different trigger too, it's not practical to have to shove the trigger forward before firing when you're in combat, maybe a trigger that's affixed further towards the blade so you can't accidentally fire since you're holding it further back.
I've got no idea what sort of bore this thing is, but I would love to see what it would do if you loaded all 9 barrels with +p buckshot equivalent and fired them all at once.
L shaped bolts. The mass of the bolt is above the barrel, reducing the horizontal size of the bolt. superseded by the hook-nosed and hand-rubbing telescoping bolt. Not wacky, but damn if it doesn't look mean.
Looks like a muzzle loader. Just imagine the reload time for all those barrels.
I think that was what stopped widespread adoption of volley guns. However, as bad as the reload time would be just imagine the joy you'd get from the recoil, report, flash, smoke, and effect on the target as 9 barrels worth of black powder driven buckshot is lit off all at once.
I'd image the target would vaporize and you'd dislocate your shoulder while also coughing violently from smoke inhalation
Don't threaten me with a good time.
Worth it. Besides, nothing a dram of whiskey can't fix.
Don't worry fellow EU citizen, only in an evil dictatorship would the VIP protection corps employ a weapon designed around full-auto fire and holding a maximum of munitions.
And if they did that is totally not meant to put down an angry mob, trust us.
I've always liked this one I saw in the war museum in Istanbul.
It's a shame I went about a year before I got particularly interested in firearms. Looking back through my pictures I'm highly confident there were things there that I would have been much more interested in now, that at the time I ignored in favour of ones that looked goofy. Like a picture of a fairly mundane pepperbox because "lol so many barrels" while there's an 1896 Bergmann sitting just barely in frame and out of focus.
Though there are also some I noticed then that I realized were interesting later, such as a water-cooled Winchester that I appreciated more after I'd heard of the Siege of Plevna.
what is it chambered in? since, you know, its watercooled and the only way this makes sense is as a large caliber wall gun. how much did it weight?
pretty awesome
The placards in the museum had minimal information. It just said "water-cooled lever rifle, Winchester, 19th century".
The Turks used the Model 1866 in .44 Henry, I think. I assume that this was a modification of one of those.
Garage MG-3, built out of a G3 kit?
Don't forget the deep seated feeling of pride that would come with knowing that you have pleased the cube.
Is the EU worried about hordes of people wearing homebrew body armor now?
its from one of those shitty GI Joe movies, The Rock uses it to kill the guy from The Fast And The Furious
More like more bang for the buck, I wonder how well 5.7 would be at going through multiple targets.
Terrible. Why would you even think it has enough energy for that?
isn't 5.7 essentially a scaled-down straight-walled .223 that comes in armor piercing by default (as defined by the manufacturer)?
it's a pretty light round though, about half the weight of the .223 you're comparing it to. Even if it flew perfectly through the softest tissue in a human body it's going to lose a hell of a lot of energy after the first guy. You might get 2 through and throughs, but after that it would probably fail to penetrate a (perfectly ordinary) jacket. If you want a round that you can fire into a crowd and bank on killing 5+ guys per shot then you'd probably want a .50 or something larger, which probably wouldn't work for something your state security can carry all day long. Having said that though …
No. It's dimensionally similar to .22 Winchester Magnum, has less than twice as much energy (which is hardly much at all), and the standard loading is a ballistic tip bullet which has minimal penetration of soft body armour (2A and 3A) only because it's a small caliber, spitzer round going fast.
5.7 has ridiculously poor terminal performance. Every single US LEO agency that bought them dropped them after the very first officer involved shooting because they quickly found out 1-3 expanding .223 or 9x19 is a lot more fucking effective than taking upwards of 40 rounds to stop one assailant. If I remember right the Jacksonville PD incident involved two officers with P90 or PS90's and there were 70 confirmed shots on the subject between them, and even then it was a reserve officer that showed up with a 9x19 or .40s&w that finally stopped the threat.
No pistol round in usage can go through multiple humans bodies even at short range.
30.06 had over-penetration problem, .308 might kill two people, enhanced penetration rounds (M855 and subsequent) definitely does over-penetrate (M193 doesn't), 7.62 and 5.45 (except enhanced penetration rounds) also won't go through one people and have enough velocity to still be lethal.
5.7 is designed to be "the same" as 5.56 but for pistols and SMGs (so with an effective distance of 200 to 300m), a lighter recoil allowing for accurate full-auto (especially in the heavy FN-90 which is intentionally weighted) and a bigger capacity. Due to it's profile it is capable to defeat the lightest type of body armor (like 7.62TT) but it's entirely a consequence of all the other things rather than an armor piercing round (else it would be made of steel or tungsten or something).
A hot 9mm FMJ will also go through soft body armor too when shot out of say, a MP5.
5.7 is designed for volume of fire and P-90 is the platform 100% designed with this in mind originally for commandos to replace aging European MP5/PM-12, etc… with compact maneuverable CQC weapons to go against terrorists/soldiers armed with various AR and possibly MGs, but always at short range, with the large capacity and low recoil giving you greater suppression capabilities in a full "military" firefight than the enemy AR would.
I can't help but raise an eyebrow when that weapon is basically only used for leadership protection that use such a weapon when their realistic scenario is lone gunmen and angry mob.
Volume of fire + angry mob sounds very north korean indeed.
Well yeah it was never meant for regular LEO, it's meant for people that:
1. Know how to hit vitals
2. Are at risk to find themselves in an actual standoff were covering and suppressing fire is on the menu.
And PS-90 is the most retarded thing ever made, thank you US boomers.
SS190 has a hardened steel penetrator and is designed to penetrate vests up to IIIA.
1. Know how to hit vitals
2. Are at risk to find themselves in an actual standoff were covering and suppressing fire is on the menu.
NYPD still think carhartt jackets are bulletproof or somehow their Speer gold dot don't have powder in it.
Not that it's them that can't hit the broadside of a barn.
Never claimed the NYPD could shoot, I just find it hilarious you've bought into the hype these types of guns were designed for super secret squirrel delta cag ranger types when the RFP was for a weapon that untrained POGs could use to have a slightly better chance against soviet patrols.
He never said any of that, if you can meet basic military marksmanship standards (which is a requirement for any position that's issued a gun) then you can use a P90 effectively. Or at least that was the case in the 90s, who knows how fucked things are today.
What is the context of this video, any info about it? Never heard of this situation before.
I guess it's because the guy is white
Dumb commiefornian tries to steal cops gun, manages to get a magazine before getting mag dumped.
cope lol
That's none of your business.
It seems stupid until you notice that one fucker in the back who's just about invisible
Begon Turkroach.
From the live action film, GI JOE: Retaliation
Character roadblock (Dwayne Johnson) has a modular weapon handle that accepts Knife, Gun, and baton attachments.
To what advantage? None, except to Tacti-cool with a pistol grip knife.
Well, yeah, he'd need to be wearing a spot light as a hat to stand out in that pic, from that angle, at that particular moment.