BREAKING NEWS: Diarrhea Can Be Good For You

Neptune's Life Advice™

Have you ever had an appointment you didn't want to keep, or a responsibility you've wanted to avoid? Of course you have. We all have.

Well, the next time you find yourself facing a situation or a meeting you don't want to participate in, take Johnny Neptune's advice, and you can easily get out of ANY SITUATION.

Tell the people you're avoiding that you've got really bad diarrhea

I know, I know, you're thinking "there's no way I'm going to tell somebody about diarrhea", but pay attention…

it seems like a very uncomfortable thing to say to someone, AND IT IS INDEED VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. In fact, it's one of the most uncomfortable conversations you can have, which is exactly why you should feel comfortable saying it, lying to them, and offering up a story about how you're "squirting diarrhea out of your…."

That's as far as you'll get, because NO MATTER WHAT, no matter who it is, no matter how 'important' the situation is, no matter how 'urgent' your responsibility is, THEY WILL INTERRUPT YOU as soon as you start to describe diarrhea….

trust me….. they will NOT allow you to continue describing it. in fact, they'll tell you "Get The Fuck Out Of Here Right Now!!" Little will they realize that you didn't really have diarrhea at all. As soon as they hear the word 'diarrhea', their brain goes into fight or flight, and they will do anything to avoid hearing you go into descriptive detail.

It works every time, without fail.
Once you've used this technique, you'll be so impressed with how well it works, that you'll start using it all the time, shrugging responsibilities, being excused from meetings, missing appointments, etc etc etc

you'll be walking around telling everybody about your non-existent diarrhea….

don't be shy, tiger…..
try it…. you'll thank me later….

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Other urls found in this thread:

no one cares

Sounds Expensive..

I care very much. this is an exceptional piece of advice.

Butt I wear diapers, I hate how diarrhea stings

what exactly does this have to do with Brett Kavanaugh?

instead of wearing Huggies, wear Shruggies, and shrug all responsibility with watery stools, whether real or fabricated

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Busy at the moment with embed related but will cum back into this thread with a ragingly YUGE one!

it's nice to see some good news occasionally, because it seems like all I ever see is negative, depressing crap these days.

god DAMN she's hot!

Gawd might be in here!!


Gotta go get charged up with a little sex. Shall return with some incredible music worthy of derailing such a shitty thread as this..

against my butter jedgement, I'm starting my contributive wave with THIS

lol sorry


this is simultaneously the MOST INSPIRATIONAL, uplifting thread of the week, and the LOWEST POINT IN HISTORY

fuck you, asswipe

it appears that Major BirdDick is distracted

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This has me thinking of "Lookin' For A City."

Elmer Fudd's too busy applying camouflage facepaint

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but I'm still trying to build the train tracks

how can you detail it before it's built?


i wish you had never found Zig Forums

we all hate you

Now, now, 69; I wil pull (You) thru..
Still busy..
Salivating to get back to it..

you want me to bag it up>

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Wendy has named the new kitten 'SPUTNIK'

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Still busy, but will share some art.
Not the music, but the video..

This is not news.

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(You) have also been reported for frivolous reporting.

Also, Die Antwoord is bro tier /ourguy/ material (for rap). They are "African Americans", being from South Africa, but now live in America.

the little girl / corpse chick from Die Antwood is SOOOOO hot

I heard your chin was gonna report my nuts for smacking it

I saw this same story on Fox News earlier today, dumbass

It is not news.
What part of NEWS you don't understand?
Go back to >>>/b/ defective and impure creature.

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then what do you call THIS?


right now, Fangtastico is balls deep with his most recent girlfriend……

and I'm getting ready to get busy with my wife for a while

further details as they become available

(enjoy your Saturday night!!)


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the author has never served in the military, or talked to an elderly person

ilke to smell my farts

why are they sliding this news?