Happening in Dallas

Someone got tired and decided to shoot up the Earle Cabell Federal Building in Dallas.
Local media pushing muh scarry rifle narrrative already. 90% sure false flag, no deaths and shooter in custody
Can someone grab an archive link?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Glow in the darks are probably trying to distract from all the mockery they're getting from their 8ch tomfoolery

Quick reminder that spooks do shitpost on this site

Attached: GlowNigger.png (1544x1926, 392.47K)

It's funny that they try to fit in and do succeed in getting some aspects of user right, but they just sound somewhat off, for the lack of a better word.

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Right down the uncanny valley.

Who is he? I'm not good with the faces of German generals?

Reminds me of boomerposting, yet there is something very plebbit-like in the way he tries to speak to a community to grab their attention.

There is so much fucking wrong with this picture.

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Someone grab the video. I can’t because shitty net.
Personal opinion is that this was done to get the dem block to vote for change and screw over the rest of the conservative and flip TX blue

What an amateur

.He looks like he was going for that late-80s/early-90s tacticool look but fucked it up.

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Have we started the fire?

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No deaths, no injuries, just a bit of property damage and him dying and being made fun of. Mediocre.

Unlike his contemporary, his mags didn't fall out. So that's a plus.
He looks pretty clumsy in the picture though, his sling looks dumb, with his mag in the other hand, he would not have been able to engage a threat if it were to pop up and then again someone who thinks an isolated attack like this is the way to go and not a strategic push is probably dumb.

Also shilling Botkin kino, take note.

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You're right, heres some actual Botkin kino.


Attached: Gunman dead after shootout with police outside Dallas court .mp4 (1280x720, 2.44M)

Me thinks its Heinz Guderian.

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So this is the power of mutts

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Forgot the best one

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Fellas I know who the shooter is!

Attached: Dwight_.jpg (2000x2668, 685.67K)

Full video, this guy is slow

Attached: Graphic Video Shows Shootout Outside Dallas Courthouse.mp4 (1280x720, 8.67M)

Knew it.


Attached: Brian Clyde shooter Facebook page.webm (498x1080, 6.32M)

What a faggot

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Holy shit was a sperg

Goddamn, i've been losing it due to clownworld. This guy, however, makes me feel pretty damn sane.

They have all the time in the world (of minecraft) to prepare and they fuck it all up just like that.

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Another false flag constructed by glowniggers. It's all so tiresome

another pic of him

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Turns out this autist was infantry in the Army, how is he this fucking incompetent?

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The military in general is a glorified welfare program.
Looks like a supplynigger too.

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I understand that, but he was infantry. How is he that shit of a shot that he didn't even manage to injure one person. Also, nice center of mass shots by the officers. Bet he feels real stupid wearing a PASGT vest instead of plates.

I wonder if that's urine on his pants. Should've started on an empty bladder.

Well the fatass didnt have covert military ops backing him up. Timmy is 100% sheepdipped operative

Dr. Fed, I'm the Storm

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Kekked and checked

700 billion military budget and the only functional parts of it are the crayon munchers and the guys that drop bombs on weddings.

Spec ops does stuff, I guess.

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You're only required to hit like 28 out of 40 targets to qualify at the range in the army.
On top of this, combat troops have been forced to spend more and more time consuming powerpoint propaganda about muh sekshul salt and equal opportunity instead of actually training to fight.
This is by design, weaken the military, aka the most patriotic group that is more likely to support a revolution than their thin blue line zogbot counterparts (soldiers are still zogbots, but many of them believe in muh freedoms enough to be swayed), then further militarize the police and train them to suppress and/or kill civilians in order to prepare them for a full on totalitarian regime that your now fat and feminized soldiers will be unable to revolt against.

Theres nothing to even learn from this.
It's like he didn't even try.

Although it does show the importance of physical fitness when going into battle, this fat piece of shit fucking turtled across the road before succumbing to his wounds.

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Fuck even Tranny Phantom, Piano Autist, and Sofa Cuck managed to kill someone. This dude didn't even injure a person.

Attached: WASPs laughing.webm (900x506, 2.39M)

I think the medical special ops does stuff like the Chair Forces Pararescue and Navy's SARCs. Rangers are just Army Marines but are doubly cannon fodder, and Navy SEALs are shilled to death but aren't actually that special.

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Retard. A zogbot is a zogbot no matter whether they were blue or camo. They're both your enemy.

Gee, having a bunch of med school drop outs coming to save your ass. That's real reassuring.


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Most zogbots would back civvies rather than suck the dick of the gubment. Same probably can't be said about pigs, though.

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Piano autist is the autist that shot up the synagogue a while back, sofa cuck is the ED moderator that shot up his school in NM and was stopped by a sofa.

Did you even read the whole post you disingenuous faggot?
I said right fucking there that they're zogbots.
There's also a significant number tasty are a potential risk that kikes are unveiling to ignore. FFS we're in a thread about a zogbot targeting his masters, and you're calling me the idiot here?

is that sam hyde

Got burgers on my mind

If they truly would back civvies, then how come they didn't for all these years?

Some dumbass zogbot got used as a patsy and killed. So what? The rest of them would still obey orders. Nobody is on your side.

You try too hard to condescend and come off as intelligent, you're already tripping over your own claims three posts in.

Bundy ranch are relatively isolated incidents.
If an actuall organized insurrection happens they will back them.
Your local zogbots will not back 1 guy in his fight against a courthouse.
Once you get past critical mass with your movement they will join in droves.

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You speak like a cuckchanner.

Do you honestly think that spergy retards like this chump even count? If this is the so called rebellion, they might as well not even try.

Oh? And when is that insurrection? Hint: Never

I'm speaking how Zig Forums speaks, retard.

I think he's a fed, they like to do this inconsistent blackpill shit where try around mixed messages.
He's admitting a zogbot is capable and willing to rebel and in the same breath saying they won't.
This is the best the FBI has to offer apparently.

Attached: quote-the-big-problem-is-that-people-don-t-believe-a-revolution-is-possible-and-it-is-not-theodore-kaczynski-110-86-56.jpg (501x585 73 KB, 9.65K)

No, you're speaking like not a strelok, fed.

You ever consider that someone might just be cynical and pessimistic? That someone sees just how hopelessly fucked it all is?

You don't come off as a regular user, much less a strelok, fed.
Take your blackpill and shove it back up your ass and try again later so we can mock you again.
Maybe you'll make it more than 5 posts without contradicting yourself next time.

I agree. 7908ce must be a CIAnigger.

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You write like a negroid operative of intelligence agency capable of bioluminescence

Then where's my fucking paycheck from the CIA then?
Point being. Everything is fucked. Revolution never. Especially if the best we can get is a chump that can't even kill anyone.

This would have never happened had someone in his family not fucked a nigger

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uh oh

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I think you're right. It's Schneller Heinz doing a Smiling Albert.

If one picture could describe a nation.

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Did FBI DMCA their own posts?

Can someone get me up to speed on what's been going on the past few days?

I feel honored. I was just taking the piss while replying to an actual glow-in-the-dark, here's the context of that post.

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Spooky ebin habbenings. Possible v&ings soon?

Ooo, let me try.

Whats the meme about steel glardius? Sorry if I'm behind the curve.

Sam Hyde???

John Earnest, the Synagogue shooter from some months back who killed one jew in a hasty attempt to copy Brenton Tarrant.

Attached: John Earnest Fantasie Impromptu op 66 by Chopin 432p.webm (768x432, 15.48M)

Dude you have NO IDEA. Even in the Marines we have 1 or 2 autists at my unit who are watched very closely every time they handle a gun. These are the types that get into the military because of the stupid quotas the recruiters have to hit so they lie and take fucking retards or people who just generally mentally unfit they don't care. Even with military training in the Army people can still act like idiots when it comes to guns. Most of this dumb shit is just never made public but if you ever served you would know what the fuck I'm talking about.


If anything, I think the joke might be the fact that the gladius was a stabbing sword, a well designed weapon with a purpose and entire tactic behind it. A short stabbing sword "machete" is laughable in and of itself. I should look more into the item to see how stupid it really is…

I understand that the branches accept literal mouth breathing retards, but I'm talking about infantry. Most of the infantry guys in the Marine Corps I met were competent dudes, it's only where you go to motor t or supply is where all the mouth breathers are. I assumed they don't accept just anyone to be a grunt in the Army but I guess they do. This retard wasn't even fit either, that's embarrassing to the Army's standards. There's being a numb nut and flagging someone, and then there's this fuck up with his boots untied, wearing a PASGT in place of good body armor, running around with a magazine in one hand, the rifle in another, without slinging his rifle. I'm not expecting SOCOM tier shit, I'm expecting basic competency in firearms handling and proper tying of his boots.


Dying means your body stops trying to hold in its waste. If it ain't piss, it's shit

Even if this is a false flag, the frequency of happening has been sped up.

A good thing tbh.

How can it be a false flag when only the shooter died?


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False flag narratives will go to such length saying he isn't dead and it's just mannequin and he's now chilling in Qtar.

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This is the full event. You can see him fall behind the car near the end of the video.
He got double tapped in the chest, went going for like 15 seconds and gone.

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The pictures don't make sense, was he kicked out of the army? if he is 22 years old it means his contract was up and done after 4 years? how did he have such long hair?

It's more like it's no different than if he was wearing a katana. A combat knife is one thing, but a fucking gladius takes up space and weight, and due to the size takes more to unsheath quickly. This dude legit thought he'd be such a lethal badass that he'd get into close quarters and be able to slay bodies with a fucking gladius. Even worse, it's the Cold Steel machete model, which is shit quality steel and has quite a bit of flex to it, which you don't want in that type of weapon for that type of use.

Goddamn he's younger than me.

I feel like I'm getting too old, 28.

You can do 4 year contracts. I don't know if he was a reservist/guardsman, but a 4 year contract means you don't get any benefits, so there's no good reason to do a 4 year. So this dude even failed at that.

It's not a false flag, you always get people saying everything is a false flag. Like Saint Tarrant wiping those muzzies out, people still call that a false flag. Just ignore them and laugh at the fat retard that just got shot.

They didn't have those 13 years ago. Not that I remember.

your 30's will be fun,
-t 30 y/o boomer doomer

o I am laffin

Chances are he just got booted out for being a fuck up. Not too much of a stretch seeing how much of a sperg he was.

yeeteth thine life retard

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