What do you think of Zig Forums boards other than this one?

I have nothing but disgust for the nazi, neo-pagan sh-t that Zig Forums is full of and it is the exact antithesis of Christianity. Rather close to WW2 Germany in "values" and "morality". But maybe some users of this Christian board disagree? Some good content here, prayers and everything, but a little suspicious given the context, where it is hosted.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing wrong with Nazis of the christian persuasion. Pagan/atheist Nazis are goofy tho

There is too much porn on other boards like /v/ and /tv/. I go to /asatru/ to learn about paganism, Zig Forums & Zig Forums to learn about communism and leftism, sometimes it got to /fringe/ just to read.

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Yes, neo pagans are an issue. There will always be Idolator's stirring shit, they did so in the Kingdom of Israel, they did it in Natsoc Germany. There was one case I remember of an asshat named Wagner trying to take down crosses in schools, and he got shutdown quick by Hitler. He wasn't happy, even threating to send him to Dachau. You have to keep those autists on a leash tbh

They're full of heretics

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Meh, i think that only good board asides Zig Forums is /tg/. Rest are trash and flooded by fagans and normies. There are Christian threads and Christians on nearly every board, but the majority there are trash

This is the only board I visit. Too much porn on the others.

You sound like you're larping as a pagan spy or something, it's comical.

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You sound like a newfaggot with the way you say that you are suspicious that Zig Forums is hosted on Zig Forums, and that could compromise the integrity of the people that visit Zig Forums. I get the feeling that you think Zig Forums is some secret place where what you call 'nazis and neopagans' can come hand out and slowly release their ideas under the guise of christian beliefs. The other boards have no relevance to this board. There could be 1000 pedo boards on here and the Zig Forums board would still be our board. The other boards on this site should be of no concern to you.
well then leave and find a new place to discuss christian stuff. I gaurentee you we are one of the best christian discussion places on the entire internet. We are completely free from moderation save for the winnie the pooh filters, which is relatively new to this board anyway. Go to reddit and you will find nothing but 'nu-christianity' and other nonsense. Imageboards are one of the best ways to have discussion because of its structure.
tigga, wtf are you rambling about? What gets said on Zig Forums that is making you so amped up? The way you phrase that makes you sound like a redditer or a leftytard or just someone who is blatantly new to imageboards. Does it freak you out that some Zig Forums users call out degeneracy such as gays, trannys, pedos, and the rest of the world trying to normalize these things? Is that what you are refereeing to 'ww2 germany'?
You do realize that on Zig Forums all political topics are sent straight to the /christpol/ cyclical thread? Maybe you don't because you sound new.
Then leave and never comeback. Or lurk for 3 years before posting.

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Same with ChristCom Gang. We're actually a pretty diverse group OP

>>>/ratanon/ has always been a good one for discussion.
>>>Zig Forums Who can forget the crazy exploits of Johnny Neptune?

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So my nation will just let itself be displaced to Siberia to make room for Germans and their cousins. I am against the Left but I am even more against the nazis. Have fun on the Christian board.

I never understood the fascination of christian Zig Forumsacks with nazism, do they realizar that were many Christian fascist movements?
The Falange of José Antonio Primo de Rivera
The Iron Guard of Corneliu Codreanu
The Austrofascists of Engelbeet Dollfuss
(Who wanted to make a fascist alliance with italy and hungary against nazi germany but then got assasinated)

Hitler just wanted to use christianity to his own ends that's why he created that chimera that is Positive christianity

Is It because of the race factor? then why not the Silver Legión? William Pelley was very concernerd with race but he was also an staunch defender of christianity

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Not even a national socialist or Hitler fan, but I feel you might be using a rather novel definition of modern "nazism" if you think the plans of the mostly american NEETsoc anons is to displace slavs to make room for their superior germanic genes.

Anyway, if you were to ask most of the self-described natsoc's about Hitler's views of Eastern Europeans as untermensch, they almost certainly would claim it was propaganda from the Jews/Soviets in order to further deepen the Slavs' hatred of Hitler (whether there's any merit to such claims I can't comment, as I've neither the knowledge nor the interest to look into it).

Anyway, rest easy, there's not much chance of merkel's cuck brigades storming eastern Europe anytime soon, they have their own invasion that they're neglecting to deal with, I doubt they have the will or the ability to plan an offensive against greater Slavia.

It's 95% a misplaced fetishism and nostalgia for an openly pro-white government, which forgets all of Hitlers total blunders and his heretical views on Christianity. The main barrier to Zig Forumsocks not embracing those movements is that they've never heard of them, and they can see the newsroom yids kvetching about Hitler anytime they care to look. The bare bones of the rationale is "I hate Jews wrecking my country, Jew nation wreckers hate Hitler, ergo Hitler must be good."

In any case, unless you're from the Countries where these movements originated, trying to "revitalize" or recreate them is an idiotic Chimera and a waste of time anyway. Foreign political movements have no real place in Nationalist rhetoric or political action, at best they can be an inspiration or an example (often a poor one, since so many failed miserably), but for an American or even a Frenchman or Italian, invoking the name of Codreanu to be the standard of your nationalist party is so much useless babble, since besides that he was a foreigner and not a member of your nation, your people have no historical association or attachment to him as a figure. This is doubly true of Adolph Hitler, who has an overwhelmingly negative association with your people if you live in the western world, and was the principle antagonistic party of a horrific war which is still in living memory. Don't get me wrong, the exaggeration of Hitler as some unique personification of pure evil because of his offenses against the chosenites makes me want to wretch sometimes, but embracing him as some kind of flawless superman and the model of virtue is worse than foolishness and political suicide. This is true to a lesser extent of every example of the paradoxical fetishism many "nationalists" have for foreign nationalists.

Hitler is ok, it's just that German spirituality is pretty low because they're a people torn apart between two denominations.

Perhaps the ideas of Lebensraum (living space) and Drang nach Osten (drive towards the East) are not very important to neo-Nazis from the USA, but they were much more important to Hitler and this kind of ideology existed in Germany long before the WW2.

I can see how people on the other side of the ocean may not have known what happened in German-occupied territories, because of Goebbels propaganda on one side and Soviet propaganda on the other side. Mass killings of Catholic priests, and the intelligentsia generally, are probably most relevant to mention here.

Greater Slavia, this is a Russian idea which all the other nations would oppose (except Serbia perhaps).

Germany was never really Christian to begin with, unless you could them changing Christianity and accepting their Christianity and using their Christianity to legitimize Christianity.

But then you have some really low standards.
They printed the bible, built many a great cathedral, revolutionized church organ music, etc.

But, it's not very Christian.
(Link to book shown in the picture)

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count, sorry

I usually hang out on Zig Forums /animu/ /co/ /cow/ and /x/. I had no problem with those board besides Zig Forums and Zig Forums autism.

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I've been here for years, always telling how it is.
But keep on thinking everything we do over here is "random" or "Christianity just picks up customs ;^)"

Will Outlanders ever learn?
I do not know.

A christian board on Zig Forums should be a place for the people of Zig Forums, otherwise it doesn't belong here, and it limits its own outreach. This is a diverse place where there have been dedicated Christians of all sorts all along. While homos and pagans make them selves prominent some places, you don't have to get involved in it, and outside the boards dedicated to it, as well as Zig Forums Which also has many Christians you won't see it much.

You likely should find community on the internet elsewhere, this is not a place to pull people from other places to, but rather a place for the people of Zig Forums to find community with their Christian brothers.

/bane/, /tv/, and Zig Forums are my go to boards

also this

at this point i just lurk around /lit/, /litpat/, and /philosophy/ when i'm not here. halfchan /lit/ is faster but also of lower quality yet i lurk there too.

/tg/ has some pretty fun discussions sometimes.
/cyoa/ HAD some pretty fun stuff, but now it's all waifu-generators and porn. There is still one thread that's pretty good about making perks from the previous posters image.
I still rarely lurk on /v/ because I like vidya games, but the industry is going downhill so I'm losing interest.
I will also occasionally go to Zig Forums or Zig Forums if I feel like losing all hope in humanity.

Interesting take on it. I wonder, what do you think of George Lincoln Rockwell and his American Nazi Party? I for one really like his sense of optics, in which he believes that a firm stance will force only the strong to join your movement. He also advocated a bit for the ideals that America was founded on, which appeals a lot to me.

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my favourite is /monster/

When it comes to fascist american movements I like more william dudley pelley, you should really read his manifesto "no more hunger" very interesting stuff.

Anyways, to your question. Rockwell despite I'm not a racialist as him(I'm a falangist). He was right in many things if not in winnie the pooh everything. He's ruthleness and honesty are everything that is needed now. Would the alt right be as pussified if rockwell was in command? absolutely not. Moreover Commander Rockwell knew how usefull it was to make allies, did you know he had regular correspondence with Franz Pfeiffer a chilean Natsoc?(pic 4) The man had a lot of talent and promise sad that he was murdered.

We also had thread about him in the /fascist/ board. I managed to save the thread during the hacking you just have to scroll down a little

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Also I am the same user you were responding to, is just that I was on hte phone.

/v/, /r9k/, /monarchy/, /m/, /tg/, and /kemono/ reporting in. I'm very thankful that this board exists honestly, I've learned more about Christianity here than I ever did going to church as a kid or from my family who never really shared the gospel with me all that much.

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/cuteboys/ is great, I love it.

Zig Forums is a must visit.

I completely disagree. It isn't the antithesis of Christianity it's the antithesis of modernity. They just screwed it up. Zig Forums I think fails to realize that these Nazi Pagan larpers are so close to putting the pieces together and are barely missing it. Talmudic Judaism is the antithesis of Christianity. The "kikes" they're always railing about practice the religion of the pharisees. The nazi pagan larpers are misled to believe that we do as well. They don't realize the Jews hate Christ more than they hate Hitler and the antichrist is their messiah. These blaspheming shitposters are right on the edge of salvation and being led astray at the last second back into the arms of Satan. You shouldn't be disgusted with them, just be patient. Keep giving the gospel, showing them the way.

/tg/ is best board on chan sites after this one. I also visit Zig Forums, /an/ and /int/