Judiasm and Satanism link?


Weird shit was found, posted on Zig Forums. I wanted to hear /christians/ opinion.

Original source.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Probably fake as fug.

It looks a lot younger than two thousand years. Maybe the case is that old, but not the Torah itself. I don't know.

A slight update. Sputnik news is saying "700" years old.

LaVeyan Satanism is a 3edgy5u atheist club, which gets most of it's rituals from movies and novels. Naturally they're going to copy some things from real-life religions.

Whether it's 2000 or 700, it's a historical artifact and should be preserved.

Yes, (what we call) the Jews are satanic, that is why they rejected Christ.

Attached: Talmudic Doctrine of Shekinah_1.webm (1280x720 7.34 MB, 3.6M)

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In all seriousness, what's the push from Zig Forums saying "Christianity is satanism in disguise"?

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Its shills muddying the waters. There has been a lot more discussion recently about the historical nature and lineage of the modern jew. Part of it is because of the stir that the article at unz about the insanity of jewish traditions and religion that form jewish thought.


The whole "Christians worship molech" nonsense has been shilled there for a while now. I don't know if it from /fringe/ but that New Age interpretation of Christianity comes from /fringe/

It doesn't really surprise me, since recently they posted a thread about Jesus being a copy of pagan gods. This is why i perosnally don't go to that shill's paradise.

here is a good Doc about Why Jesus isn't the Sun God youtube.com/watch?v=QLG0akHe9Hc

The Doc in this post shows why YHWH isn't saturn.

A lot of our churches are compromised, and owned by secret societies, so that's more of a sign that everything is compromised than that Christianity itself is compromised.

John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)

1 John 2:22-23 King James Version (KJV)

Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)

Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)

I already know Judaism is Satanism by the Bible alone. Still, this is interesting to say the least.

Judaism is obviously satanism for many reasons, we don't need ancient artifacts or conspiracies to acknowledge it.

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That's probably mostly it. Pagans and sorcerers spreading falsehood that could be proven by those who are educated in theology. But most aren't so knowledgeable in theology, or aren't at all.

One thing that will be posted is the "Kek" phenomena. The Kek ordeal has died down mostly due to the hype from the election being gone, and the Kekistan crowd from Reddit. But there was the belief that Kek was a bringer of light to a world of corrupt order, and he would bring chaos to the elites and their Gods, thus starting a new order. Meme sorcery was not a laughing matter, but had some serious occult connections. But, Kekuet the "bringer of the light", one of the creator beings of Egyptian mythology, has VERY similar connections to Lucifer and Bael, or at least what was shown in imageboards. Even the sigils of Kek that were posted, and Baels from the lesser keys, looked really similar.

On another note, if you go to joyofsatan's website and check their library, you'll find not many books of magick, but books on esoteric Hiterlism and paganism, which leads me to believe that the push between Gnosticism, nu-odinism, and all other forms of paganism have a DIRECT connection to those who run the circles of the Joy of Satan, and other satanic philosophies like the "order of nine angles". And those people on Zig Forums and other groups will eat it up, because of the hard times that we're in, they're looking for an alternative to the compromised Christian branches that failed them. The Paganism gives them a false sense of spirituality and purpose. If you dig into a lot of these Pagan groups, you'll find a lot of them have REALLY similar philosophies to joyofsatan, order of nine angles, and chaos magick groups.

I don't trust much of the esoteric knowledge that is shared on Zig Forums and /fringe/.

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Paganism/New Age religion appeals to the feelings of powerlessness they have, by offering human godhood. to Zig Forums, Christianity too many Jews over it for them, which is funny because Human Godhood/Paganism, New Age and satanism is also what the people in power practice as a religion, but that gets a free pass because of the heavy pagan/New Ager influence, and because they only see race deep, they don't mind spiritual evil, only racial evil. That is why they have threads about why freemasonry is good for whites to use for networking, despite it being Jewish branded satanism. Christianity's strengths are not as flashy, or as vengeful, it's about living well. You can still defend what if yours. They have soo much relearned aspects of Christianity, like Loving your neighbor means to let someone destroy your country and covet your wife.
Well, it's just like all other esoteric knowledge, it comes from the point of view from esoteric, so they're going to believe Christ is Lucifer and God is Zeus or something. While it's helpful to decode what those in power are telling us, most forget that the esoteric is an ancient lie in itself. As you stated.

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OP, what's the original source of those photos? The torah that was seized looks nothing like them.

The torah was written in 500-600AD, there is no way this is real.

Think about it, how can a 2000 year old material be unrolled like that by cops? It usually needs to be reconstituted with formaldehyde and then opened slowly with tweezers.

Complete nonsense.



We were talking about this, they're everywhere, trying to subvert us all and lure us with demonic paths.

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this is kike box for cursed stuff
but materials looks fake

Funny thing, after I got my religious zeal back and progressed further towards becoming Catholic, I had to deal with various of these occult new agers. They are utterly irrational, what these posts say is true.
I even know who one of the heads of Pagang are, as well as several others, I've seen these aut-righters progressively spiral into these spiritual evils and eat it all up like it was candy. It really appeals to them for some reason.
It was because of these people I was convinced to study the occult, only to come to exact opposite conclusions of them and I legitimately think the occult and the esoteric traditions that have been embraced have been just as damaging if not more so to us than the Reformation.
It's bad enough I've started working on a book against the occult from a Catholic perspective.
If you want the exact roots of all of this, look into St. Irenaeus' Against Heresies for starters on Gnosticism, George Gemistus and his relations with the Medici family in reviving Neoplatonic and Hermetic magic back into the West in the Middle Ages, as well as the various occult strains that really kicked in around the 1800's from what I can tell. There seemed to be a massive outpouring of heresies in the 19th century, just examine the "Great Awakening", the Jerk phenomena (a proto-Pentecostal behavior movement, also known under titles such as the Kentucky Revival), Joseph Smith, the ridiculous amount of reforms and schisms around the time all coincide with this massive revival of occultism in the 19th century.

Stay vigilant brothers, the devil has been hard at work for centuries and we're seeing the endgame results of the esoteric becoming the exoteric. And it's not pretty at all.

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I have been trying to spam this in every Christian, LARPagan shill, and vaguely Jewish thread on 4/pol/ for the last few weeks.

I wish more people would read about just how true it is that kikes are the Synagogue of Satan, and that the Scriptures are no allegory, but literal. They ARE LITERALLY of their father the devil.

I think much of this "it's just allegory" is a kike subversion of Catholic dogma and an act to delegitimize Creation and the truths about jews throughout biblical history. Kikes love the Theory of Evolution because it gives power to their belief that us goyim are less than them.

Evolution is probably pushed exactly for that reason: so they can assume superiority over us and make us think that we are mere animals like every other living thing, and not significant life-breathed men in the eyes of God. Every time I see a Catholic or any other Christian shill for evolution, I want to punch them in the face.

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Rempham = Saturn
Black Sun = Saturn

Everyone on Zig Forums that posts MUH SUN WHEEL meme is a fool or shill.

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If you read the old testament you would know that it wasn't uncommon for Jews to turn away from God and towards idols.

It's not unique to Jews though.

The vortex on the planet Saturn isn't satanic. God made it that way.

It's unique to kikes that they would reject the Savior of mankind and murder Him.

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How shocking…

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Obviously, but the actual occult history behind those symbols and names are Satan.

Some of them, but I don't think there's a link between Saturn's poles and the Star of Remphan. If you look at a point of light and squint, you will see six rays. It's just how our eyes work. I'm not saying that a six-pointed star is NOT a symbol for Saturn, however.

It's not the star that is displeasing to God more the fact that people are worshiping the star and menorah instead of God who gave us these things.

Sacred geometry for example isn't a bad thing because it shows the beauty and wonder of the universe God created the problem is when people start worshiping winnie the pooh shapes.

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Of course. I realize that's the whole point of that passage. With other cultures it was the sun, some the moon (the Jews also do this).

Could someone give me a quick rundown on Free Masonry? There is a "lodge" across the street from my church and it is always holding events and dinners in my town, and the couple members I've met seem to be cringy LARPers.

Attached: Christian introduction to Freemasonry.webm (352x288, 6.59M)

this image pretty much sums up Masonry

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