A senior scientist has given what has been described as a "highly offensive" presentation about the role of women in physics, the BBC has learned.
At a workshop organised by Cern, Prof Alessandro Strumia of Pisa University said that "physics was invented and built by men, it's not by invitation".
He said male scientists were being discriminated against because of ideology rather than merit.
He was speaking at a workshop in Geneva on gender and high energy physics.
Prof Strumia has since defended his comments, saying he was only presenting the facts.
Cern scientist: 'Physics built by MEN - not by invitation'
Logic, reason, proof, truth and fact mean little currently.
The enemy of humanity is using emotional manipulation, advertisment, illusion and other manipulations.
Well done to him anyway. Merit and ability should be what decides science. Not the loudest toddler in the room being rewarded for his tantrum.
Dr Jessica Wade, a physicist at Imperial College London who was at the meeting, told BBC News that Prof Strumia's analysis was simplistic, drawing on ideas that had "long been discredited".
If they've been discredited then it should be simple for her to provide some citations for these refutations. Perhaps even hold a counter presentation showing the real good science backing feminist prattle.
These cunts just want the prestige that comes from being a scientist. The official statements from Cern are disgusting too. Their funding should be cut immediately.
Anyone else remember the shills from a few years ago constantly saying that the hard sciences were safe from SJWs? Yeah, so much for that. Nothing is safe and that menace should've been fought everywhere right from the start.
respect for speaking the truth reminder to all men that it is our prerogative.
RIP that guys career.
It's cute that he has the balls to speak the salient facts, but he's not going to change anything. Women are broken at a genetic level, it's not like they arrived at their resolution to discriminate against the meritorious and worship the unworthy through a rational examination of the facts.
theyre not broken on a genetic level you retard they are not men with defects and ovaries; they are misbehaving because of jews
No, he's right, they're biologically fucked. Every civilization in history has had to keep women very restrained, or they destroy societies. It has nothing to do with the jews.
Anyway, thank fuck someone finally has the balls to speak the truth. Only a matter of time before he gets metoo'd.
Agreed. I'll admit I've never met a fringe SJW in my life but I'd have no problem telling those assholes to fuck off. I can't understand why other's don't. Is there a reason for that? Are SJWs weightlifters that can beat you to a bloody pulp? Why can't people tell them to fuck off?
This. They have been decieved (not all of them, just some) and MGTOW BS is just more jew deception.
back to Zig Forums, cuck
Sorry Sir Knight but women are narcissistic by nature. As they the carriers of the next generation this self concerned behavior is selected for and when it lacks an outlet this feminist bullshit is what happens.
They are misbehaving because of the government. Remove all the government safety net and protection for cunts and they'll quickly change. Make baby raising strictly the responsibility of cunts, limit abortions, and birth controls and cunts will stop sluting around and start picking quality responsible men—not the garbage men they choose now. Also fix the family court system–in cases of divorce the man gets everything when a cunt files for divorce. The whore gets NOTHING—no alimony, no child support, and no share of the marital assets. It's not hard to fix the situation we are in—it's just politicians don't want to do it. And oh yes, no welfare for cunts.
Jews can tell them to jump off a roof they don't have to do it.
speaking of pussy
you dweebs are
some of the biggest
fucking pussies I've
ever seen in my life
Remember what happens when capitalism reigns over science?
Science is refuted when beta males and feminsts allow poorly designed research to get published for societal reasons. The slow, destructive march towards castrating men is reaching very real peaks, and we have yet to see just how bad it will get.
Uhmm sorry sweetie but it's a well-known fact that without women, science would never had been a thing.
"Behind every great man is a great woman" who does all his work and lets him get the credit to assuage his fragile male ego, e.g. Marie Curie.
because you'd get fired
you clearly have never met an SJW (as you say yourself), nor have you been employed at any big company
Womyn scientists should only be allowed to get coffee for the male scientists who do all the real work. That way, they can still keep up the facade that they have a "career" and their college debt was worth it.
The fact that this is even a thing is fucked beyond belief.
Is this what passes as sarcasm nowadays?
They have to use these once-trusted institutions to buttress their ridiculous beliefs.
You should expect them to infiltrate any organization that could serve as a check on their power and influence
She should have attacked him on the data points supporting his statement. Instead, they are going to get into an emotional shit-slinging contest
Distilling this event: it sounds like a scientist got pissed because he thought his project was going to be treated like the moon race; instead, governments wanted it to be used as a PR stunt for SJW bragging rights
This is the only "career" university womyn should pursue…and extra points for triggering feminists.
One or two outliers should checkmate this sexist motherfucker.
All the jews did is give them freedom, the moment they are left to their own devices this is the result, your idea of woman is what men forced women to be, this is their true nature.
womyn create art, men, science
whats next? are they going to ban gender?
Yea, up to 50 yrs ago, opportunities for women were very limited
Your advise means doom for any man unaware of the matriarchy.
MGTOW is the only effective counter measure against ZOG's laws and women attacking and plundering men.
Or you are a spineless simp or an evil whore.
They are misbehaving because Western men are pathetic, that's why. If Western man stood up for himself, kicked out the Jews traitors and restored order, women will follow suit.
This is a women hate thread now.
Except not even that. Men create, period. Women perpetuate.
This is what happens when you go against the leftist idpol agenda in the sciences. If you are conservative or rightwing, keep your mouth shut until its time to retire. You don't have to chop off your dick to fit in. Just don't play their game. What do you think about politics? I'm too busying working, friend.
Scientists are not smarter than random people. They're good, some extremely good, at a certain, sometimes minuscule, part of science. They're not necessarily good at doing other stuff, but they often end up thinking their knowledge in that minuscule part of science is enough to allow them to apply it to everything else. See how this dude fabricates a "M-theory" and a "C-theory" out of nowhere and compares them as if talking about supersymmetry.
Also, to be pedantic, he doesn't work at CERN, he works for the University of Pisa, in Italy, he just has (had?) a collaboration with CERN.
He shall still posess his Dignity.
But you would know nothing of that.
Men create. Women consume.
pedo alarm alert
Who the fuck cares. Science is gay. Millions of "expert brains", yet everyone flocks to Larry the Cable gay over these autistic retards. Seriously, these kike scientists are just another unnecessary middleman leech. They act like there's some fucking magical journey they need to go on to make an Advil pill, and only they have the staff to get it! No, you are kike faggots who are willing to say yes to anything to make money, and you put on a gay white coat and do whatever your sweatshop labor can't. All science did was give us new ways for monopolies to sell us the cure for the pain they Gave us. With all these fags with degrees, probably like 50 million college degrees , you'd think anything would come out of this. Nope. I went to multiple doctors for my hand and they had no idea what the fuck they were talking about and I had twenty more cures than them. They only understand things in a vacuum. If you get some 11 dollar an hour car mechanic assistant dude in your car he can tell you everything that's wrong with it. All academia and kikience Gave us is new ways to market and then sell us useless shit. I have more fun listening to a fan in a dark room than using any of this shit money buys. Kill yourself you nerds.
how anti-semitic of you.
You sure seem to enjoy that computer science gave you
There is a difference between Science and the Jewish controlled research going on, Medical companies are only scientific in the formulas of the medicine they recreate
Based men.
Down with the matriarchy.
yep, women are faulty goods
programming at the genetic level was corrupted
useless twats, the lot of them
based rant/top kek
What's your point? You can't just dismiss somebody's position simply for being that position. You have to have evidence and arguments. You obviously don't. The infograph in that post is all about scientific censorship and you haven't said one damn thing to refute any of it because you know it's correct.
I would point out the irony but I'm not sure you have the intelligence to understand. I'm assuming this wan't pasta
This is just the reason why we need eugenics.
People like you are gross and leech what others with high IQ created.
We need more scientists to take us to the stars.
The long game is making emotion as a whole look bad. In the future emotion will be illegal because it's illogical. People are extremists. It's all or nothing. Feelings caused a problem so we have to delete feelings.
By whom? A Woman?
Discredited just means some people don't like it. If it was false they would have said disproved. Verbal tricks is the weapon of the inferior sex.
Women are defective. Give women a resource vital for the functioning of society to distribute and see what happens. They distribute it very unevenly with a few getting most of it and the majority getting nothing—as a result society becomes worse off. Now give that same resource to men to distribute and see what happens. There are examples of this all around you. You just have to look. Our ancestors redpilled us on women through their literature and religions—just don't listen to kikes; they want us to forget. Women should never be given power over anything important. All past civilizations that were foolish enough to empower women crumbled.
Cern scientist Alessandro Strumia suspended after comments
A senior scientist who said physics "was invented and built by men" has been suspended with immediate effect from working with the European nuclear research centre Cern.
Prof Strumia, who regularly works at Cern, was speaking at a workshop in Geneva on gender and high energy physics.
He told his audience of young, predominantly female physicists that his results "proved" that "physics is not sexist against women. However the truth does not matter, because it is part of a political battle coming from outside".
He produced a series of graphs which, he claimed, showed that women were hired over men whose research was cited more by other scientists in their publications, which is an indication of higher quality.
He also presented data that he claimed showed that male and female researchers were equally cited at the start of their careers but men scored progressively better as their careers progressed.
When the BBC contacted Prof Strumia he said: "People say that physics is sexist, physics is racist. I made some simple checks and discovered that it wasn't, that it was becoming sexist against men and said so."
Galileo of our times. How did we let physics get this cucked.
It is by design user.
And it is not random.
All the madness around us is because there are people at the top allowing and encouraging it.
Truth and common sense is a radical posture today.
The exact second the scientific community allowed to happen, it opened the way for politics to take over science and burn down the whole thing to appease liberals. If you wanted to avoid that, you should have put a stop to it back when Bruce Rind was getting censored for doing correct science that led to results feminist whiners didn't like because making policy based on them would have led to their useless roastie asses being passed up for cute teenage girls.
Men have the capacity to use their higher rational faculties. Women think with their vaginas.
This sums it up nicely
If you are trying to troll you need to up your game, this is shit.
Marie Curie was a fake bitch who took credit for her husbands work. Both of those Nobel awards should have gone to her husband.
>implying (((feminism))) (((education))) (((MSM))) (((banks))) and GOVERNMENT aka The ZOG™ aren't all the same exact thing
It's all Jewish, lad. Stop trying to make excuses for them. I'll be on Zig Forums if anybody needs me. ;)
Well memed, lad. Well memed.
have some clean tap water and listen to some music on your laptop and think long and hard about the dumb bullshit you just said
but at first they whine and bitch
Because sjws are often quite petty and vindictive people who stop at nothing to ruin your life once they feel moraly entitled to attack you. They're pussies, who were mocked and bullied and eventually became bullies themselves. They never lived through any actual hardships (except teen angst, made up genders and blaming others for their problems) and they've been told their entire lives that they are victims. Once you become their target, they will stop at nothing to destroy you. All of their repressed raged and uncontrolled emotion will be thrown at you. They do not know the meaning of pulling punches and everything is fair game to them.
And worse, if you try to reason with them, you only add fuel to the fire, because they perceive it as a weakness and fuck with you even harder.
Physicist here
It's true that men are discriminated against in physics and it's also true that women are discriminated against. Men systematically, after school and wonen socially and, depending on the professor, systematically during school. The biggest factor for women in stem by far is self selection for various reasons. The biggest factors for men is systemic. SJW's believe social discrimination can be fixed by systemic discrimination. They could be right, but in the mean time they are actively damaging our ability to conduct the best research. All of the tenured female professors are excellent researchers, but then there are also some obvious diversity hires in assistant professors that tend to be lacking in one area or another. There are so few women in physics that if you want to change your faculty ratio you have to lower your standards by a noticable amount. For undergraduate it can often be a good thing as it gives female students mentor figures, but for faculty it can be frustrating because it's a missed opportunity to hire an important collaborator. The end result is established faculty and male postdocs get the shaft while reducing the quality of research. Obviously this is the part that research scientists are going to care about. Most undergrads do physics for the science memes so fuck them.
Bitch and moan some more
Womyn don't deserve to be called scientists at all
Another enters martyrdom for the sake of truth, but the time for words is long over, true honor only comes for the ones willing to spill their blood and others for the cause.
Sadly yes, a lot of them, not including the beta anime sjw's do workout and get the beefcake muscles which give you tge appearance of being strong. Likely to compensate for being pussy boys in their decision making and inability to realize faggots and girls are not special.
Not enough MEN these days like this man, we need more truth sayers without a PC filter.
Simple logic
I assume that most psysicists are aware of this discrimination. Why are so few speaking out about it? Fear of social/job repercussions? Or they just not care enough to do something about it?
As long as they're ok with losing their jobs, and their wives leaving them.
The one way to lose a job is to have a social media background they can look up and dig dirt up. Don't use it. Any job that mandates you have something like that is not worth working anyway. Trade school and exit right. There. Half of your problems solved right there.
Does anyone here actually believe that someone with his purported views would have
In something as ridiculous and pointless as a"gender and high energy physics" conference?
Use your heads, this is contrived controversy. An old man who actually felt the way he claims to feel, would simply stay at home and put his feet up / do something more interesting.
The intention, as always, show an "old, outdated, white, male dinosaur" expressing "problematic" views which "prove that much work is still to be done", thereby justifying "special attention" (strong-arm/draconian diversity measures) being levied against the group/institution/industry/discipline.
Look at his face. He's a jew. Just doing his part in the long game.
This, this and this.
socialism subversion handbook, page 1
As they were for men.
They were limited to areas they were best at because life wasn't so easy that they could deny basic reality (e.g. polygenderism, sex congruity, socialism) and still live comfortably like we do now.
Canadian womyn only 3rd to win Nobel prize for physics
political choice
better male choices
damaged goods*
Now I understand why the arabs have had to have such a short leash on women.. proximity to jews